Sessions Won't Make 'Blanket Commitment' On Not Jailing Journalists


Democrat all the way!
Mar 16, 2010
Sessions Won't Make 'Blanket Commitment' On Not Jailing Journalists
Source: Talking Points Memo

By TIERNEY SNEED Published OCTOBER 18, 2017 2:43 PM
Attorney General Jeff Sessions would not give a straight answer to Sen. Amy Klobuchar’s (D-MN) request to confirm that he will not put reporters in jail “for doing their jobs.”

“I don’t know if I can make a blanket commitment to that effect,” Sessions said during his hearing in front of the Senate Judiciary Committee.

“But I would say this, we have not taken any aggressive action against the media at this point,” he continued. “We have matters that involve the most serious national security issues that put our country at risk, and we will utilize the authorities that we have legally and constitutionally if we have to.”

“We always try to find an alternative way, as you probably know, Senator Klobuchar, to directly confronting media persons,” he added. “But that is not a total blanket protection.”


Read more: Sessions Won't Make 'Blanket Commitment' On Not Jailing Journalists

This is what happens in North Korea or Russia. This guy doesn't work for freedom but tyranny.
I don't think i blame Sessions , why make a blanket statement . Probably depends on LEGALITY what a reporter reports eh SRocks .
People can’t hide behind the guise of journalism when they break the law.

The First Amendment isn’t a free pass to invade people’s privacy, trespass, commit treason, or commit vandalism.
I don't think i blame Sessions , why make a blanket statement . Probably depends on LEGALITY what a reporter reports eh SRocks .
Sounds like someone is after an I wanna put my words in your mouth and you make them your words and if'n ya don't I am going to throw a fit and make life miserable for you.

*note: not that I think Sessions is anything special this whole take my worded commitment and make it your own is typical extremist crap*
Sessions Won't Make 'Blanket Commitment' On Not Jailing Journalists
Source: Talking Points Memo

By TIERNEY SNEED Published OCTOBER 18, 2017 2:43 PM
Attorney General Jeff Sessions would not give a straight answer to Sen. Amy Klobuchar’s (D-MN) request to confirm that he will not put reporters in jail “for doing their jobs.”

“I don’t know if I can make a blanket commitment to that effect,” Sessions said during his hearing in front of the Senate Judiciary Committee.

“But I would say this, we have not taken any aggressive action against the media at this point,” he continued. “We have matters that involve the most serious national security issues that put our country at risk, and we will utilize the authorities that we have legally and constitutionally if we have to.”

“We always try to find an alternative way, as you probably know, Senator Klobuchar, to directly confronting media persons,” he added. “But that is not a total blanket protection.”


Read more: Sessions Won't Make 'Blanket Commitment' On Not Jailing Journalists

This is what happens in North Korea or Russia. This guy doesn't work for freedom but tyranny.
Its all about applying pressure isnt it ? Write stuff we like and you will be ok.
Congress needs to pass a law so that Fake News outlets such as CNN and MSNBC have a text overlay on the bottom of the screen indicating they are Fake News so dummies who don't know that fact, do not confuse them with actual news.
Sessions Won't Make 'Blanket Commitment' On Not Jailing Journalists
Source: Talking Points Memo

By TIERNEY SNEED Published OCTOBER 18, 2017 2:43 PM
Attorney General Jeff Sessions would not give a straight answer to Sen. Amy Klobuchar’s (D-MN) request to confirm that he will not put reporters in jail “for doing their jobs.”

“I don’t know if I can make a blanket commitment to that effect,” Sessions said during his hearing in front of the Senate Judiciary Committee.

“But I would say this, we have not taken any aggressive action against the media at this point,” he continued. “We have matters that involve the most serious national security issues that put our country at risk, and we will utilize the authorities that we have legally and constitutionally if we have to.”

“We always try to find an alternative way, as you probably know, Senator Klobuchar, to directly confronting media persons,” he added. “But that is not a total blanket protection.”


Read more: Sessions Won't Make 'Blanket Commitment' On Not Jailing Journalists

This is what happens in North Korea or Russia. This guy doesn't work for freedom but tyranny.
Its all about applying pressure isnt it ? Write stuff we like and you will be ok.
------------------------------------------ and Tommy here is only an 'english' subject , pay no attention to him eh
Sessions Won't Make 'Blanket Commitment' On Not Jailing Journalists
Source: Talking Points Memo

By TIERNEY SNEED Published OCTOBER 18, 2017 2:43 PM
Attorney General Jeff Sessions would not give a straight answer to Sen. Amy Klobuchar’s (D-MN) request to confirm that he will not put reporters in jail “for doing their jobs.”

“I don’t know if I can make a blanket commitment to that effect,” Sessions said during his hearing in front of the Senate Judiciary Committee.

“But I would say this, we have not taken any aggressive action against the media at this point,” he continued. “We have matters that involve the most serious national security issues that put our country at risk, and we will utilize the authorities that we have legally and constitutionally if we have to.”

“We always try to find an alternative way, as you probably know, Senator Klobuchar, to directly confronting media persons,” he added. “But that is not a total blanket protection.”


Read more: Sessions Won't Make 'Blanket Commitment' On Not Jailing Journalists

This is what happens in North Korea or Russia. This guy doesn't work for freedom but tyranny.
Its all about applying pressure isnt it ? Write stuff we like and you will be ok.
------------------------------------------ and Tommy here is only an 'english' subject , pay no attention to him eh
Im not English.
The First Amendment isn’t a free pass to invade people’s privacy, trespass, commit treason, or commit vandalism.

But heaven FORBID if the 2nd amendment is in any way curbed, correct, nitwit?
Congress needs to pass a law so that Fake News outlets such as CNN and MSNBC have a text overlay on the bottom of the screen indicating they are Fake News so dummies who don't know that fact, do not confuse them with actual news.

What is real news to you, hmm? FOX News? Infowars? Maybe the Stormfront forum boards, I'm guessing?
Congress needs to pass a law so that Fake News outlets such as CNN and MSNBC have a text overlay on the bottom of the screen indicating they are Fake News so dummies who don't know that fact, do not confuse them with actual news.
Trump would be serving a life sentence
Right wing morons are STILL pissed that Nixon got nailed by journalists....LOL
Rachel "Blinky" Maddow's Fake News and (Crazy Bernie's continuous lies) inspired a sick democrat to shoot up republican Congressmen! Congress passes "hate speech" laws but does nothing to stop Fake News from CNN and MSNBC!
Sessions Won't Make 'Blanket Commitment' On Not Jailing Journalists
Source: Talking Points Memo

By TIERNEY SNEED Published OCTOBER 18, 2017 2:43 PM
Attorney General Jeff Sessions would not give a straight answer to Sen. Amy Klobuchar’s (D-MN) request to confirm that he will not put reporters in jail “for doing their jobs.”

“I don’t know if I can make a blanket commitment to that effect,” Sessions said during his hearing in front of the Senate Judiciary Committee.

“But I would say this, we have not taken any aggressive action against the media at this point,” he continued. “We have matters that involve the most serious national security issues that put our country at risk, and we will utilize the authorities that we have legally and constitutionally if we have to.”

“We always try to find an alternative way, as you probably know, Senator Klobuchar, to directly confronting media persons,” he added. “But that is not a total blanket protection.”


Read more: Sessions Won't Make 'Blanket Commitment' On Not Jailing Journalists

This is what happens in North Korea or Russia. This guy doesn't work for freedom but tyranny.

Yup. Here to. Bammer did it to. He loved threatening journalist.
^ #16 Ad hominem! I am not familiar with PizzaGate, but WeinsteinGate has exposed the fact that high level Hollywood is filled with pedophiles, qu33rs and sexual assaulters. No conservative is taking the law into their own hands in regards to that, although it would be understandable.
Yup. Here to. Bammer did it to.

To or Too......???

Choose one and thank me later for the lesson, you ignorant right winger....LOL

Mm, still don't change the fact. Your dark messiah would threaten to toss any reporter who challenged him. Even had some snooped on. So you got any evidence of any other president doing this?
Rachel "Blinky" Maddow's Fake News and (Crazy Bernie's continuous lies) inspired a sick democrat to shoot up republican Congressmen! Congress passes "hate speech" laws but does nothing to stop Fake News from CNN and MSNBC!
I read about this fake news a lot. Fake news seems to be stuff that you dont agree with. Perhaps we could have some examples.

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