"Settled Science" Crowd signs petition to lower temp of the Sun

Conservatives just shouldn't attempt satire, given how much they suck at it.

For satire to work, it has to be mostly based on reality. Since conservatives reside in an anti-reality bubble, their attempted satire ends up not connected at all with reality, so it just makes people go "Huh? What is he babbling about?".
[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5w4VdgE9aEk]Global Warming Idiots Sign Petition to Lower the Temp of the Sun - YouTube[/ame]

It's not satire. It's the intellectual depth of the "Science = Consensus" moonbats
HOLY MOTHER OF GOD.......like those cult groups on the TV show "The Following". All social invalids......but thank God for the rest of us people like this have found something to focus on. This kind of social oddball could be involved in some pretty fucking nefarious stuff........

Their numbers are uber-fringe so nothing to worry about........
w0w.....just watched the video.


They want to ban oil..........shit.....these are the mofus that end up jumping off bridges and buildings in 5 years and wasting taxpayer money on the cleanups!!!

We've all seen waste of time stuff in our lives but this is epic.:D:D:D:fu:

Good luck!!!:up::up::coffee:
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