Settled ScienceRocked Hard

When was that? Evolution is quite safe and is a fact, by the way.

Prove it.
Prove what, exactly? Prove you? Ha, no thanks, i'll pass.

Yea because you don't wanna have to think about it and explain the simplest over looked things like why would females mate with weak males?

It never happens in the animal kingdom or unless your going to try to tell me humans are not animals.

Bear, you brought up a very good point. Evolution forward relied on the survival of the fittest. The strongest male, the brightest male. The weak died out. That process no longer applies to man. Weak and strong survive. And weak mates with weak. We are no longer getting the cream of the crop. Some are devolving into liberals. :ack-1:

Of course I did , fun time in Indiana is so fucking indoctrinated he can't think for himself.

No you didn't, your pont was wrong and dumb. Even she contradicted it, in case you didn't notice.
Even the simplest single celled organism popping up out of your primordial soup had complex DNA from the git go.
You have no idea if that is true and you literally just made it up. Sorry, the things you make up don't carry any weight.

More likely, components of the structures we see in cells were forming independently (membranes, proteins that complete some of the functions of organelles,etc) . The self replicating chemicals which affected their own environment in such a way as to give them an advantage to persist....persisted. And, in this environment of a finite amount of available organic mass, DNA came out on top.
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What code? Where did that Code come from?
The "code" is just a chemical system. As chemicals self replicated, they caused reactions with the chemicals around them. Those reactions, in turn, created the chemicals that then replictaed. You are imagining a one way street where there is a two way street.
What difference does it make to anyone if there's an organizing force to the Universe? Why would that hurt anyone's feelings?
It doesn't bother me at all,should you look at something and say, "god did that!". The truth of that has zero bearing on how anything happens,and it explains nothing. It is useless, information when it comes time to do science.
When organized molecules are subject to, say a gamma ray, do they get MORE complex and work better?
This is not a good comparison. For one, most mutations are not helpful and result in a creature that does not even survive to birth. Second, some mutations may be helpful...such as , one that produces more body fat in an animal in a cold environment. That animal may have an advantage and have many offspring, spreading the mutation.

Third, "complexity" is not what you think. For instance, the brain of a whale is far more complex than that of a human. The eye of an octopus is far more complex than that of a human. Evolution does not occur with any purpose, especially not a purpose of "higher complexity". A primitive, simple eye became more complex very gradually, due to selective pressures. Watch:


Bill Nye the FAKE Science Guy On Climate Change - Can't Answer Basic "Settled" Science Question

Who came up with "settled science?" Bill Nye? He keeps saying it and he's not even a real scientist.

No son, because selection is not random.
Correct, there's an Organizational Force creating it.

Welcome to the light!
There's no need for that layer of magical hooha to explain anything.
So if it's not random, what is it?
Selection is not random. Water molecules don't come in random shapes. Physical forces following the natural laws select for that shape. What's "random" are the chemical interactions in the primordial soup, or mutations. Selection is the very non random mechanism that decides which ones stick around.

Well, that's the problem with "evolution" Once you get to complex systems, like even a single protein, the randomness works against "Evolution".

When organized molecules are subject to, say a gamma ray, do they get MORE complex and work better?

Genetic variation might be random, but the natural selection that acts on that variation is not. Adaptation is non-random, as it is the result of objective criteria for fitness.

Your comment about “Once you get to complex systems, like even a single protein, the randomness works against "Evolution".” is incorrect for various reasons.

1. Individuals do not evolve. Populations do.

2. Populations have a huge amount of genetic variation for every physical trait they possess.

3. Natural selection decides what genetic variation helps fitness, and what genetic variation hinders fitness. The entire population experiences a change in gene frequency as the fit genes become more common over time, and the unfit genes become rarer.

4. This results in the corresponding physical trait evolving in the direction of greater fitness.

5. Since these traits already have genes coding for them, they are not acquired. They are therefore completely inheritable.

6. Genetic variation is constantly being added to by random point mutations on the DNA molecule. Some of this new variation makes the animals slightly less fit, some makes it slightly more fit, and most makes no difference whatsoever.

7. As natural selection continues to act on the genes (both old and new) populations can eventually reach a point where all of the old genes for a certain trait have been replaced by the newly evolved genes.

8. Physical traits therefore have no theoretical limit to the direction or extent of evolution they can experience.
Where did the modern humans that lived and camped at the same time the Neanderthal showed up?
Uh...didn't you just answer your own question?

No, the phony evolution chain had Modern man evolving from Neanderthal. Sucked for them to find out that Modern man already existed.
Care to cite that source? Because I have never seen any credible source that stated that. While the neanderthals predated the cro-magnon, I have never seen a credible claim that we evolved from them. Modern man did interbreed with them, and most of us that have European ancestory have some of the genetic material. So the neanderthals are not truly extinct.

The proof has been around since the fraud began. Cromag man is a composite of a human head with an ape jaw. Took a plaster cast of it and voila, Grampa.


Deliberate Fake


Piltdown man. Deliberate Fake.


^This drawing of nebraska man was formed in the minds of evolutionists from a pig tooth. (the pig was still alive when they pulled it!)


^Oh Look! Java man!


^Forger forced to resign in disgrace from Frankfurt U. for faking carbon dating. Oxford found out he used a diseased human skull cap and made up the rest.

And then there is Lucy:


Lucy Lucy Lucy. Is an ape.

The whole migrated from Africa no longer applies as they continue to find skeletons earlier than ( extinct ape, not even human) Lucy in Europe.

Read all about it monkey...
Evolution frauds
What the fuck are you talking about? Cromagnon man is us, you silly ass. Cromagnon was Homo Sapiens. Asses like you are so full of misinformation and complete ignorance of science it amazes me that you function in our present society.

Bill Nye the FAKE Science Guy On Climate Change - Can't Answer Basic "Settled" Science Question

Who came up with "settled science?" Bill Nye? He keeps saying it and he's not even a real scientist.

Carlson is an idiot. Bill Nye is a degreed engineer with a strong scientific background. I doubt that Carlson has taken even one science or math class at college level.
It's amazing kids were taught that up till what 30 years ago?
What is amazing is how good science is, that we tested the idea and replaced it.

Science is so good huh?

They don't know shit...

Huge underwater volcano chain discovered off the coast of Tasmania

Huge underwater volcano chain discovered off the coast of Tasmania
The find offers a glimpse into a previously unknown marine ecosystem — and spotlights just how little we know about the seafloor.
LOL So says the ignoramus posting on an internet message board with a computer. You think some holy roller preacher invented the device you are posting with? LOL You fucking dummies are beyond laughable.
No, the phony evolution chain had Modern man evolving from Neanderthal.
When was that? Evolution is quite safe and is a fact, by the way.

Prove it.
Prove what, exactly? Prove you? Ha, no thanks, i'll pass.

Yea because you don't wanna have to think about it and explain the simplest over looked things like why would females mate with weak males?

It never happens in the animal kingdom or unless your going to try to tell me humans are not animals.

Bear, you brought up a very good point. Evolution forward relied on the survival of the fittest. The strongest male, the brightest male. The weak died out. That process no longer applies to man. Weak and strong survive. And weak mates with weak. We are no longer getting the cream of the crop. Some are devolving into liberals. :ack-1:
You are another idiot. Quite on the contrary, evolution was the development of the best suited to the evironment that existed at that time. And your emphasis on males is totally humorous. You see, you get far more genetic inheritance from the female than you do the male.

Bill Nye the FAKE Science Guy On Climate Change - Can't Answer Basic "Settled" Science Question

Who came up with "settled science?" Bill Nye? He keeps saying it and he's not even a real scientist.

Carlson is an idiot. Bill Nye is a degreed engineer with a strong scientific background. I doubt that Carlson has taken even one science or math class at college level.

LMAO! Yeah, Bill Nye is soooooo credible!!!

What code? Where did that Code come from?
The "code" is just a chemical system. As chemicals self replicated, they caused reactions with the chemicals around them. Those reactions, in turn, created the chemicals that then replictaed. You are imagining a one way street where there is a two way street.
You think you're just a bunch of chemicals? Really?

Bill Nye the FAKE Science Guy On Climate Change - Can't Answer Basic "Settled" Science Question

Who came up with "settled science?" Bill Nye? He keeps saying it and he's not even a real scientist.

Carlson is an idiot. Bill Nye is a degreed engineer with a strong scientific background. I doubt that Carlson has taken even one science or math class at college level.

LMAO! Yeah, Bill Nye is soooooo credible!!!


Where did the modern humans that lived and camped at the same time the Neanderthal showed up?
Uh...didn't you just answer your own question?

No, the phony evolution chain had Modern man evolving from Neanderthal. Sucked for them to find out that Modern man already existed.
Care to cite that source? Because I have never seen any credible source that stated that. While the neanderthals predated the cro-magnon, I have never seen a credible claim that we evolved from them. Modern man did interbreed with them, and most of us that have European ancestory have some of the genetic material. So the neanderthals are not truly extinct.

The proof has been around since the fraud began. Cromag man is a composite of a human head with an ape jaw. Took a plaster cast of it and voila, Grampa.


Deliberate Fake


Piltdown man. Deliberate Fake.


^This drawing of nebraska man was formed in the minds of evolutionists from a pig tooth. (the pig was still alive when they pulled it!)


^Oh Look! Java man!


^Forger forced to resign in disgrace from Frankfurt U. for faking carbon dating. Oxford found out he used a diseased human skull cap and made up the rest.

And then there is Lucy:


Lucy Lucy Lucy. Is an ape.

The whole migrated from Africa no longer applies as they continue to find skeletons earlier than ( extinct ape, not even human) Lucy in Europe.

Read all about it monkey...
Evolution frauds
What the fuck are you talking about? Cromagnon man is us, you silly ass. Cromagnon was Homo Sapiens. Asses like you are so full of misinformation and complete ignorance of science it amazes me that you function in our present society.

Here is the misinformation YOU fell for:

Maybe you need to evolve a little more Cro-man to understand that modern man didn't originate from Lucy.
What code? Where did that Code come from?
The "code" is just a chemical system. As chemicals self replicated, they caused reactions with the chemicals around them. Those reactions, in turn, created the chemicals that then replictaed. You are imagining a one way street where there is a two way street.

What chemicals need to come together to create a computer code?

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