
So how many Arabs are in the 800 new 'housing settlement' units across Jerusalem?

Given that it is illegal in Israel to discriminate based on ethnicity, the question is nonsensical. Israel is building housing units in Jerusalem in all neighborhoods as need demands. Same as any other city. 560 in Ma'ale Admim, 140 in Ramot and 100 in Har Homa as well as 600 in majority Arab areas.
Given that it is illegal in Israel to discriminate based on ethnicity, the question is nonsensical.
This entire thread is nonsensical as the racial colonies that are called settlements in the PC world are FLAGRANT VIOLATIONS OF INTERNATIONAL LAW that Israel does not respect and is the reason for her existence and the entire 'conflict.'
Only if you believe that Arab Palestine cannot possibly incorporate any Jewish people into their State.
Do you believe it?

It is my opinion that the Arab Palestinians are currently incapable of peacefully and equally incorporating Jews into their State. I believe that it places those Jews at risk. But, this is still the right thing to do and should be the goal.
I believe that it places those Jews at risk.
If Jews are not safe, they can leave. Stop pretending they must live on stolen land and treat the indigenous people like dirt.
As discussion points - so discuss.

2. The presence of Jews is problematic in certain areas (while the presence of Arabs is assumed).

Well that's straight bullshit/hasbara, a disingenuous generalisation rather than a discussion point, isn't it? Or is an Arab presence assumed here?

Israeli authorities have approved plans for the construction of 800 new housing units for Jews in illegal housing settlements across occupied East Jerusalem.
Israel approves 800 settler homes in East Jerusalem

Why is the presence of Jews problematic in "Palestine" while the presence of Arabs is not considered problematic in Israel? Seems to me that if we are calling the presence of Jews an obstacle to peace then it would be only fair to call the presence of Arabs an obstacle to peace.
I believe that it places those Jews at risk.
If Jews are not safe, they can leave. Stop pretending they must live on stolen land and treat the indigenous people like dirt.

You seem to delight in throwing out inflammatory barbs. How sad that Jews can live in Paris, New York or Johannesberg, but NOT in Bethlehem, Jericho or Hebron, where Judaism was born. Or is ironic the word?
Why is the presence of Jews problematic in "Palestine" while the presence of Arabs is not considered problematic in Israel?
Their behavior and that is a lie.

Seems to me that if we are calling the presence of Jews an obstacle to peace then it would be only fair to call the presence of Arabs an obstacle to peace.
The Jews are not that. The zionist regime is a horrid stain on humanity and the zionist occupation must end.
You seem to delight in throwing out inflammatory barbs. How sad that Jews can live in Paris, New York or Johannesberg, but NOT in Bethlehem, Jericho or Hebron, where Judaism was born. Or is ironic the word?
It is sad. Take it up with the zionists occupying Palestine.
If Jews are not safe, they can leave.

Wow. So if an Arab Palestinian state can not guarantee the safety of its minority citizens and protect them -- the minority has to leave?!

And that minority is not permitted to have an independent nation in order to see to the safety and protection of its own peoples?

I would define its common usage this way:

Housing with Jewish residents on land on the "wrong side" of the Green Line.
That is your problem. You can't steal land in war even if you draw a line on a map.

You can't?

How did we wind up with Cuba, Puerto Rico, the Philippines, Guam land after the Spanish-American War? Don't we still have Guam and Puerto Rico?
You seem to delight in throwing out inflammatory barbs. How sad that Jews can live in Paris, New York or Johannesberg, but NOT in Bethlehem, Jericho or Hebron, where Judaism was born. Or is ironic the word?
It is sad. Take it up with the zionists occupying Palestine.

Bethlehem and Jericho are in PA-controlled areas, where Jews are not allowed. Some Jews live in Hebron, in considerable danger and difficulty.
Wow. So if an Arab Palestinian state can not guarantee the safety of its minority citizens and protect them -- the minority has to leave?!
What is the big deal. They came from another continent. They are there from war and death. They have never belonged there or fit in with the indigenous people. Their government rules by force. They could probably do better.

And that minority is not permitted to have an independent nation in order to see to the safety and protection of its own peoples?

Let's just let all people capable of stealing other's land to do so. Every neighborhood on earth can then be ruled by tanks and bombing planes of the rulers. No, on second thought, that sounds stupid and dangerous.
Bethlehem and Jericho are in PA-controlled areas, where Jews are not allowed. Some Jews live in Hebron, in considerable danger and difficulty.
They have a choice to be there or leave. Stop blaming the victims. End the occupation. Simple.
Bethlehem and Jericho are in PA-controlled areas, where Jews are not allowed. Some Jews live in Hebron, in considerable danger and difficulty.
They have a choice to be there or leave. Stop blaming the victims. End the occupation. Simple.

Well, they aren't allowed in Bethlehem or Jericho or Shechem, all rich in Jewish history. That should make you happy. Are you reading or comprehending my posts at all?
Well, they aren't allowed in Bethlehem or Jericho or Shechem, all rich in Jewish history. That should make you happy. Are you reading or comprehending my posts at all?
It doesn't make me happy and that sucks, but the multigenerational occupation must end. If they must leave for safety, blame the zionists, not me and not the Palestinian people who want only their lives back.
Wow. So if an Arab Palestinian state can not guarantee the safety of its minority citizens and protect them -- the minority has to leave?!
What is the big deal. They came from another continent. They are there from war and death. They have never belonged there or fit in with the indigenous people. Their government rules by force. They could probably do better.

And that minority is not permitted to have an independent nation in order to see to the safety and protection of its own peoples?

Let's just let all people capable of stealing other's land to do so. Every neighborhood on earth can then be ruled by tanks and bombing planes of the rulers. No, on second thought, that sounds stupid and dangerous.

What is the big deal. They came from another continent.

Arabs came from Arabia.

They are there from war and death.

Arabs and Muslims are there from war and death.
RE: Settlements
※→ Admiral Rockwell Tory, et al,

You hit the nail on the head. But I will tell you, there are powerful forces behind the opposing idea. This seem to be a conflict between the Codified International Law (Written Law) versus the Customary Law (how it actually is in reality).

I would define its common usage this way:

Housing with Jewish residents on land on the "wrong side" of the Green Line.
That is your problem. You can't steal land in war even if you draw a line on a map.

You can't?

How did we wind up with Cuba, Puerto Rico, the Philippines, Guam land after the Spanish-American War? Don't we still have Guam and Puerto Rico?

The opposition was really summarized last year in S/RES/2334 (2016); but it is equally applicable to both sides (Israel and Hostile Palestinians).

"Guided by the purposes and principles of the Charter of the United Nations, and reaffirming, inter alia, the inadmissibility of the acquisition of territory by force."​

This was grounded on the S/RES/242 (1967);

"Emphasizing the inadmissibility of the acquisition of territory by war and the need to work for a just and lasting peace in which every State in the area can live in security."​

Many in opposition of Israel hint at Article 2 of the UN Charter as the original source being used. However, Article 2 of the Charter can be very readily turn in favor of Israel. And this is something the drafters of S/RES/242 understood and interpreted something different from the contemporary interpretation.
  • Lord Caradon (Hugh M. Foot) was the permanent representative of the United Kingdom to the United Nations, 1964-1970, and chief drafter of Resolution 242.
  • Eugene Rostow, a legal scholar and former dean of Yale Law School, was US Undersecretary of State for Political Affairs, 1966-1969. He helped draft Resolution 242.
  • Arthur J. Goldberg was the United States representative to the United Nations, 1965-1968, and before that a U.S. Supreme Court justice. He helped draft Resolution 242.
  • Baron George-Brown (George A. Brown) was the British Foreign Secretary from 1966 to 1968. He helped draft Resolution 242.
The intent of S/RES/242 is as important as the events it summarizes.

Most Respectfully,

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