Seven dead after being run over in front of Texas migrant shelter, say police

The irony just hit me... Thus gangbanger single handedly did more to defend our country from invasion from the south, in mere seconds; than the federal government has done in two years...

The anchor babies from previous criminal illegal invasion waves resent the newbies; they don't like sharing the spoils.
Looks like between the shooting and "crash" Tango Blast had themselves quite the weekend.

Just spit-balling here but if the FIB wants to look for domestic terrorists I'd say TX is a good place to start.

They would focus on those uppity proles disrupting PTA meetings with their 'transphobia' and making the kiddie groomers cry. It would be racist to investigate organized crime demographics that vote Democrat.
More vehicle violence....How much more can we endure!?. Let's ban these things!!!
We would have to dismiss Biden and his viscious bullies first. It's complicated if we are to remain being the United States of America. Our military veterans aren't going to like it if the guy or gal who saved his life in Vietnam, the Dominican Republic, South America, Central America, DC, Germany, Iraq, Iran, Afghanistan, the Ukraine, Pakistan, the Atlantic, the Pacific, either Pole, the Indian Ocean, the Gulf, Europe, Asia Minor, or anywhere else there was trouble on the planet, they won't like being permanently separated by multiple states seceding from the sorry Union the residents of Martha's"Vinyard show us to be by hating on border states but refusing to shelter half a dozen Cartel scumbags we've had thousands of bringing fentanyl to border state youth victims. It would be like incarcerating General Michael Flynn with vicious lies all over again. The military pledged their souls to this union, and you better be sure they're good with it. And when you do, somebody is going to tattle to the Democrats about it and with no conscience whatsoever, they will nuke anybody sorry who is disobedient to their sick world. That's why we need to know what the Democrats are doing with the money they voted for themselves to play with from Republican taxpayers and even some of their own billionaires who'd give anything to destroy the right, judging from their last betrayal of people who made them rich bitches by buying their silicon valley overcharged cyber goods that made them live like kings on the planet who favor the false narrative believer deep state crowds.. And no, gullible ones, the Republicans still go by the rule of Constitutional law, not Pelosi's omerta Demmie shit. Your politicians take full criminal advantage of honest people including yourselves if you're not in the Deep State or are in the process of landing yourself their sickening little takeover world illicitly. You also think God is watching over us from a distance. No he isn't, so if you land on the right too harshly you will pay the price to God you criticize for it. Schumer is not the mediator of who pays the price when you get too corrupt like he is. :cranky:
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Such a LAME argument.

1). Cars are designed for transportation, they occasionally cause accidents.
2). Hammers are designed to pull and hammer nails, occasionally someone uses it wrong, and strikes a person.
3). Swimming pools are meant for swimming, occasionally someone drowns.

All unfortunate events.

4). Guns are meant to KILL, occasionally they get used for target practice.
Don't lie, most every gun owner has mentioned personal/family protection way before ever mentioning target practice.

We DO in FACT have a gun problem in the USA, it's just way too late to do anything about it, and nothing will ever be done.
I carry everyday all the time, pretty much whenever I have pants on since 1990 or so. I do go to the range occasionally but I carry to protect myself and others. Who said they carry in case they accidentally drive by a range? I don't get what you are saying here.
Such a LAME argument.

1). Cars are designed for transportation, they occasionally cause accidents.
2). Hammers are designed to pull and hammer nails, occasionally someone uses it wrong, and strikes a person.
3). Swimming pools are meant for swimming, occasionally someone drowns.

All unfortunate events.

4). Guns are meant to KILL, occasionally they get used for target practice.
Don't lie, most every gun owner has mentioned personal/family protection way before ever mentioning target practice.

We DO in FACT have a gun problem in the USA, it's just way too late to do anything about it, and nothing will ever be done.
The problem is lying traitor filth like you. And criminals.
You can find the video of the actual crash. It looks like the guy was speeding, and swerved to the outside lane in order to avoid hitting a car in the middle lane, causing him to crash...
You can find the video of the actual crash. It looks like the guy was speeding, and swerved to the outside lane in order to avoid hitting a car in the middle lane, causing him to crash...
It looked accidental.
These ILLEGALS have just recently went thru the border system. They were given clothes, food, money, transportation, showers, beds, A/C, medical etc. They don't know how to live on American streets? Just thrown into the fire. I NEVER walk with my back to oncoming traffic. I want to be able to jump out of the way for, Vaccine heart attacks, drunks, gangbangers in police chase, malfunctions etc. Now we AGAIN pay costly Emergency medical bills and decades of surgeries etc. "IF THEY WERE NOT HERE"....go ahead Libstain.

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