Seven dead after being run over in front of Texas migrant shelter, say police

Ask the mods, they deleted your stupid comment.
I just said, "sick people". So this mod thinks that someone running and murdering a bunch of innocent human beings is ok? I believe it is sick. I stand by that. If that is stupid within their minds to say then I am proud to stand behind it.
Im not looking to get shot by a right wing nut at an outlet or run over near a homeless shelter so no problem there. What a armpit stain of a state they have there.
You're a joke. The Feds let 3rd worlders invade the state of Texas, then 3rd worlders do 3rd world shit, to other 3rd worlders let in by the Feds; and you blame Texas. Only a Lefty can be this fucking stupid...
Perp is a banger, looks like a member of Valluco, Rio Grande Valley Tango Blast. There signs and symbols are:

Tango Blast
Valluco Valle (Valley)
Puro Valluco
956 Area Code
100% Valluco
Roman Numeral XXII
Palms trees shaped in "V"
"16" "20" "2"

Looks like between the shooting and "crash" Tango Blast had themselves quite the weekend.

Just spit-balling here but if the FIB wants to look for domestic terrorists I'd say TX is a good place to start.
Perp is a banger, looks like a member of Valluco, Rio Grande Valley Tango Blast. There signs and symbols are:

Tango Blast
Valluco Valle (Valley)
Puro Valluco
956 Area Code
100% Valluco
Roman Numeral XXII
Palms trees shaped in "V"
"16" "20" "2"

They aren't sending us their best... The only way this outcome could have been better is if he'd chosen a crowd of Leftist morons who openly clamor for this invasion. But even karma isn't that sweet. Ya gotta take what you can get...
They are both native born Texans from what I understand.
The irony just hit me... Thus gangbanger single handedly did more to defend our country from invasion from the south, in mere seconds; than the federal government has done in two years...
Whatever helps you sleep at night.

Yep, and we do not torture our poisoners or chop off their heads even though our enemy did.

When you act just like the enemy, which you are doing, then you have become the very thing you fought against.

Please GG, in the Allen shooting thread a liberal's first response was 'I LOVE IT!!!!!', while nobody on the Right is happy when events like this occur. I generally agree there's a lot of similarities between the two parties and their supporters, but this is a false equivalency.

Seven people were killed when they were deliberately run over in front of a Texas migrant shelter by a motorist, say police.

The shocking incident took place on Sunday morning near Brownsville’s Ozanam Center, which is a shelter for migrants and homeless in the Texas city.

Police spokesperson Lt Martin Sandoval told KVEO-TV that seven victims died at the scene and another four to six victims were taken to hospitals in the area.

The driver, who has not yet been named, was arrested and charged with reckless driving, but Lt Sandoval told the news station that more charges will likely be filed.

The incident took place at around 8.30am CT, say officials.

The article said deliberately but the cops say it's undetermined a few minutes ago during a interview with FOX.

The Land Rover rolled after the collision, bystanders detained the driver who is also in the hospital and facing charges. He's being detained on a reckless driving charge till others can be brought against him.

More vehicle violence....How much more can we endure!?. Let's ban these things!!!

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