seven stats on climate change

I don't want your money. How would fighting cliumate change take your money?

It could prove that human beings are incapable of existing at those historically higher CO2 levels, right?
Great...let’s see the actual evidence that supports that claim..

we know that most life on earth had evolved pretty close to its present form by the time the ice age started...let’s see some evidence suggesting that we are some how excluded.
Great...let’s see the actual evidence that supports that claim..

we know that most life on earth had evolved pretty close to its present form by the time the ice age started...let’s see some evidence suggesting that we are some how excluded.
Do you have any reason to doubt the accuracy of the following?

"Atmospheric carbon dioxide concentrations in parts per million (ppm) for the past 800,000 years, based on EPICA (ice core) data.

"The peaks and valleys in carbon dioxide levels track the coming and going of ice ages (low carbon dioxide) and warmer interglacials (higher levels).

"Throughout these cycles, atmospheric carbon dioxide was never higher than 300 ppm; in 2018, it reached 407.4 ppm (black dot). NOAA, based on EPICA Dome C data (Lüthi, D., et al., 2008) provided by NOAA NCEI Paleoclimatology Program.

Climate Change: Atmospheric Carbon Dioxide | NOAA

"In fact, the last time the atmospheric CO2 amounts were this high was more than 3 million years ago, when temperature was 2°–3°C (3.6°–5.4°F) higher than during the pre-industrial era, and sea level was 15–25 meters (50–80 feet) higher than today."
I don't want your money. How would fighting cliumate change take your money?
I didn't say my money, but without the rewording your claim would be an obvious lie instead of lie you can deny

The 70's ice age crap was one scientist whose work was debunked.
It was taught in school, seen on television, read in newspapers and propagandized by folks just like you...
if one guy could fool everyone like that imagine how easy it wold be to fool folks like you if the snake oil salemen claimed that more than one scientist is making that claim....some day this scam will be debunked as well

But hey, keep using it as an excuse for your ignorance & ealfishness.
if your not after my money what is so selfish about it?

The Ozone was a problem. Scientists & government got together & came up with a remedy.
yeah, OK, just like the ice age...who paid the scientists?...this falls under the heading of "fool me once shame on you, fool me twice shame on me"

Acid rain was a problem that was solved by a cap & trade program that is still in effect.
another scam, cap and trade was an economic plan that the left could not refute as an answer which is why "a hole in the ozone" became necessary
Now we have an emissions problem & stupids fucks like you are too stupid to act.
an emissions problem was the reason given for the ice age in the 70's which everyone knows was debunked...

What did I do? I drive a prius & get 45t MPG instead of my pickup that got 18.
I tossed by oil burning furnace & put in geothermal HVAC.
There are still neighborhoods who have homes with solar panels from the 70's/80's on their roofs...they were just doing they're part...the "greenies" have cried wolf too many times, they are not to be trusted, you want to buy green go for it, those who don't should also go for it...but no money[/quote]
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It could prove that human beings are incapable of existing at those historically higher CO2 levels, right?
Great...let’s see the actual evidence that supports that claim..

we know that most life on earth had evolved pretty close to its present form by the time the ice age started...let’s see some evidence suggesting that we are some how excluded.
Great...let’s see the actual evidence that supports that claim..

we know that most life on earth had evolved pretty close to its present form by the time the ice age started...let’s see some evidence suggesting that we are some how excluded.
Do you have any reason to doubt the accuracy of the following?

"Atmospheric carbon dioxide concentrations in parts per million (ppm) for the past 800,000 years, based on EPICA (ice core) data.

"The peaks and valleys in carbon dioxide levels track the coming and going of ice ages (low carbon dioxide) and warmer interglacials (higher levels).

"Throughout these cycles, atmospheric carbon dioxide was never higher than 300 ppm; in 2018, it reached 407.4 ppm (black dot). NOAA, based on EPICA Dome C data (Lüthi, D., et al., 2008) provided by NOAA NCEI Paleoclimatology Program.

Climate Change: Atmospheric Carbon Dioxide | NOAA

"In fact, the last time the atmospheric CO2 amounts were this high was more than 3 million years ago, when temperature was 2°–3°C (3.6°–5.4°F) higher than during the pre-industrial era, and sea level was 15–25 meters (50–80 feet) higher than today."
May be CO_2 is an important greenhouse gas. May be not.
But H_2O (water vapour) is, at least, twice more important. Can you show us any scientific research about changing in its emission as a result of human activity?
What did I do? I drive a prius & get 45t MPG instead of my pickup that got 18.
I tossed by oil burning furnace & put in geothermal HVAC.

I cut my carbon footprint in half. And I save money everyday from it.


So what? Your choice, not mine!

I'm old and decrepit but I still enjoy starting up my '66 Goat that I bought in 1969. I totally refurbished it about 15 years ago. A company that rebuilds engines for NASCAR rebuilt the engine and boosted it up to 521 hp, beefed-up 4-speed transmission, and rear end. I do love the way it rumbles and the looks I especially kids, when I roll-up. Nope, it does not get 18 mpg.

Do I NEED it? Heck no! What 75-year-old codger NEEDS a 500+ hp hotrod? I probably don't NEED my Cadillac or Harley either, but I WANT them and I still enjoy them.

Enjoy squeezing into your Prius and I'll continue to try avoiding sucking them into one of the three carburetors while it idles at the stoplight!
What did I do? I drive a prius & get 45t MPG instead of my pickup that got 18.
I tossed by oil burning furnace & put in geothermal HVAC.

I cut my carbon footprint in half. And I save money everyday from it.


So what? Your choice, not mine!

I'm old and decrepit but I still enjoy starting up my '66 Goat that I bought in 1969. I totally refurbished it about 15 years ago. A company that rebuilds engines for NASCAR rebuilt the engine and boosted it up to 521 hp, beefed-up 4-speed transmission, and rear end. I do love the way it rumbles and the looks I especially kids, when I roll-up. Nope, it does not get 18 mpg.

Do I NEED it? Heck no! What 75-year-old codger NEEDS a 500+ hp hotrod? I probably don't NEED my Cadillac or Harley either, but I WANT them and I still enjoy them.

Enjoy squeezing into your Prius and I'll continue to try avoiding sucking them into one of the three carburetors while it idles at the stoplight!
Your ignorance about the Prius is amusing.

Fucking over your Grandkids.
It could prove that human beings are incapable of existing at those historically higher CO2 levels, right?
Great...let’s see the actual evidence that supports that claim..

we know that most life on earth had evolved pretty close to its present form by the time the ice age started...let’s see some evidence suggesting that we are some how excluded.
Great...let’s see the actual evidence that supports that claim..

we know that most life on earth had evolved pretty close to its present form by the time the ice age started...let’s see some evidence suggesting that we are some how excluded.
Do you have any reason to doubt the accuracy of the following?

"Atmospheric carbon dioxide concentrations in parts per million (ppm) for the past 800,000 years, based on EPICA (ice core) data.

"The peaks and valleys in carbon dioxide levels track the coming and going of ice ages (low carbon dioxide) and warmer interglacials (higher levels).

"Throughout these cycles, atmospheric carbon dioxide was never higher than 300 ppm; in 2018, it reached 407.4 ppm (black dot). NOAA, based on EPICA Dome C data (Lüthi, D., et al., 2008) provided by NOAA NCEI Paleoclimatology Program.

Climate Change: Atmospheric Carbon Dioxide | NOAA

"In fact, the last time the atmospheric CO2 amounts were this high was more than 3 million years ago, when temperature was 2°–3°C (3.6°–5.4°F) higher than during the pre-industrial era, and sea level was 15–25 meters (50–80 feet) higher than today."
May be CO_2 is an important greenhouse gas. May be not.
But H_2O (water vapour) is, at least, twice more important. Can you show us any scientific research about changing in its emission as a result of human activity?

Why does a worthless uneducated fool like you think you know more than NASA?
What did I do? I drive a prius & get 45t MPG instead of my pickup that got 18.
I tossed by oil burning furnace & put in geothermal HVAC.

I cut my carbon footprint in half. And I save money everyday from it.


So what? Your choice, not mine!

I'm old and decrepit but I still enjoy starting up my '66 Goat that I bought in 1969. I totally refurbished it about 15 years ago. A company that rebuilds engines for NASCAR rebuilt the engine and boosted it up to 521 hp, beefed-up 4-speed transmission, and rear end. I do love the way it rumbles and the looks I especially kids, when I roll-up. Nope, it does not get 18 mpg.

Do I NEED it? Heck no! What 75-year-old codger NEEDS a 500+ hp hotrod? I probably don't NEED my Cadillac or Harley either, but I WANT them and I still enjoy them.

Enjoy squeezing into your Prius and I'll continue to try avoiding sucking them into one of the three carburetors while it idles at the stoplight!
Your ignorance about the Prius is amusing.

Fucking over your Grandkids.
Stop alright, nobody is buying your pathetic sob're exactly the definition of a white liberal, no one wants anything to do with you or your latest "sky is falling" cries of doom so you lash out and demand they do as you say.
Now we have an emissions problem & stupids fucks like you are too stupid to act.

2017 numbers. Your fat assed Piece of shit Trump has ended our reductions in emissions. They are now increasing.

Look at emissions per capita. You fools run in circles screaming about China yet their emissions per person are less than half of ours.

Developing countries should be allowed to develop & this activity hides any effort to reduce.
What did I do? I drive a prius & get 45t MPG instead of my pickup that got 18.
I tossed by oil burning furnace & put in geothermal HVAC.

I cut my carbon footprint in half. And I save money everyday from it.


So what? Your choice, not mine!

I'm old and decrepit but I still enjoy starting up my '66 Goat that I bought in 1969. I totally refurbished it about 15 years ago. A company that rebuilds engines for NASCAR rebuilt the engine and boosted it up to 521 hp, beefed-up 4-speed transmission, and rear end. I do love the way it rumbles and the looks I especially kids, when I roll-up. Nope, it does not get 18 mpg.

Do I NEED it? Heck no! What 75-year-old codger NEEDS a 500+ hp hotrod? I probably don't NEED my Cadillac or Harley either, but I WANT them and I still enjoy them.

Enjoy squeezing into your Prius and I'll continue to try avoiding sucking them into one of the three carburetors while it idles at the stoplight!
Your ignorance about the Prius is amusing.

Fucking over your Grandkids.
Stop alright, nobody is buying your pathetic sob're exactly the definition of a white liberal, no one wants anything to do with you or your latest "sky is falling" cries of doom so you lash out and demand they do as you say.
Don't let your ignorance condemn your grandchildren to a more difficult future. Pull your head out of your ass & become better informed.
It could prove that human beings are incapable of existing at those historically higher CO2 levels, right?
Great...let’s see the actual evidence that supports that claim..

we know that most life on earth had evolved pretty close to its present form by the time the ice age started...let’s see some evidence suggesting that we are some how excluded.
Great...let’s see the actual evidence that supports that claim..

we know that most life on earth had evolved pretty close to its present form by the time the ice age started...let’s see some evidence suggesting that we are some how excluded.
Do you have any reason to doubt the accuracy of the following?

"Atmospheric carbon dioxide concentrations in parts per million (ppm) for the past 800,000 years, based on EPICA (ice core) data.

"The peaks and valleys in carbon dioxide levels track the coming and going of ice ages (low carbon dioxide) and warmer interglacials (higher levels).

"Throughout these cycles, atmospheric carbon dioxide was never higher than 300 ppm; in 2018, it reached 407.4 ppm (black dot). NOAA, based on EPICA Dome C data (Lüthi, D., et al., 2008) provided by NOAA NCEI Paleoclimatology Program.

Climate Change: Atmospheric Carbon Dioxide | NOAA

"In fact, the last time the atmospheric CO2 amounts were this high was more than 3 million years ago, when temperature was 2°–3°C (3.6°–5.4°F) higher than during the pre-industrial era, and sea level was 15–25 meters (50–80 feet) higher than today."
May be CO_2 is an important greenhouse gas. May be not.
But H_2O (water vapour) is, at least, twice more important. Can you show us any scientific research about changing in its emission as a result of human activity?

Why does a worthless uneducated fool like you think you know more than NASA?
Did I said, that I know more than NASA?
No. I said I know more, than environmentalistic propagandists tell to you. At least I've read wikipedia:
Greenhouse gas - Wikipedia

Greenhouse gases are those that absorb and emit infrared radiation in the wavelength range emitted by Earth. In order, the most abundant greenhouse gases in Earth's atmosphere are:

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Do we have any real evidence that proves the past changes were due to small variations in earth’s orbit? Of course not.
Where did you get that idea?

Ice Ages - Dive & Discover

"There are several natural forces that together lead to an ice age on Earth.

"The answer lies in how the orbit of the Earth around the sun changes.

"The average temperature on Earth depends on the Earth’s distance from the sun.

"If the Earth were closer to the sun, it would be hotter; if the Earth were further away from the sun, it would be colder

"A Yugoslav astronomer, Milutin Milankovitch, learned how changes in Earth’s orbit can changes in climate to cause ice ages.

"He studied three types of changes in Earth’s orbit: its shape, the tilt of the its axis, and the wobble of the its axis.
Your sources are just denier shit. I post from NASA & you claim they are part of a conspiracy. I'll take NASA. You stick with your right wing, fossil fuel backed clan.

I trust that you have no children.

Sorry guy, but you are the one who is being duped. The GISP ice core data is produced by the US National Science Foundation, The Swiss National Science Foundation and the Danish Commission for Scientific Research in Greenland.

Which of those agencies are you claiming to be right wing, fossil fuel backed clan?

The Vostock data was also produced by a collective of international climate scientists including members of the Laboratoire de Glaciogie et Géophysique de l'Environnement,Arctic and Antarctic Research InstituteCNRS, and the Institute of Geography, Staromonetny..which of those are you claiming are right wing fossil fuel backed clansmen?

Between us, it is clearly you who is the denier....anything that challenges your preconceived belief, you claim it is from right wing, fossil fuel backed clans even when you have no idea who produced the data...

So denier...which of those are backed by fossil fuel clansmen and lets see your evidence...
What did I do? I drive a prius & get 45t MPG instead of my pickup that got 18.
I tossed by oil burning furnace & put in geothermal HVAC.

I cut my carbon footprint in half. And I save money everyday from it.


So what? Your choice, not mine!

I'm old and decrepit but I still enjoy starting up my '66 Goat that I bought in 1969. I totally refurbished it about 15 years ago. A company that rebuilds engines for NASCAR rebuilt the engine and boosted it up to 521 hp, beefed-up 4-speed transmission, and rear end. I do love the way it rumbles and the looks I especially kids, when I roll-up. Nope, it does not get 18 mpg.

Do I NEED it? Heck no! What 75-year-old codger NEEDS a 500+ hp hotrod? I probably don't NEED my Cadillac or Harley either, but I WANT them and I still enjoy them.

Enjoy squeezing into your Prius and I'll continue to try avoiding sucking them into one of the three carburetors while it idles at the stoplight!
Your ignorance about the Prius is amusing.

Fucking over your Grandkids.
Stop alright, nobody is buying your pathetic sob're exactly the definition of a white liberal, no one wants anything to do with you or your latest "sky is falling" cries of doom so you lash out and demand they do as you say.
Don't let your ignorance condemn your grandchildren to a more difficult future. Pull your head out of your ass & become better informed.
Sure. If you ignore role of the water vapour (and clouds, and many other factors), and believe in any sort of psedo-scientific nonsense, those environmentalistic crooks will steal your money and condemn your grandchildren to the much more difficult future.
I don't want your money. How would fighting cliumate change take your money?

You really are uninformed aren't you? Everything you purchase costs more than it otherwise would if not for the fake climate crisis.

The Ozone was a problem. Scientists & government got together & came up with a remedy.

As I already pointed out to you...there never was an ozone crisis...I gave you the facts and asked you a question which you ran away from...lets try again...will you run away again?

There is not, and never has been an ozone crisis... It was just pseudoscience aimed at people who are prone to panic. You claim to be apply some logic to this and answer the question...

CFC molecules are found in the ozone layer at a concentration of about 3 parts per BILLION...that is billion with a B...NO is a naturally occurring catalyst for ozone and just as reactive to ozone as any CFC molecule and it is found in the ozone layer at a concentration of about 5 to 7 parts per million...Nitrogen, is a natural reactant to ozone and it is present in the ozone layer at a concentration of 750,000 parts per million.

Now combine those facts with the fact that at an altitude of 20Km, the life span of an ozone molecule is about 1000 seconds...and at 32Km, the life span of an ozone molecule is about 4200 seconds. have a CFC molecule present at a concentration of 3 parts per billion, which can react with ozone in the same way as naturally occurring NO...and any given ozone molecule is going to have a life span of between 16 and 70 minutes....what are the chances of a CFC molecule which is present at a concentration of 3 parts per BILLION, encountering a single ozone molecule (much less wantonly destroying them in their millions as the pseudoscience would lead you to believe) which is present at a concentration of about 10 parts per million in the 16 to 70 minute span that any given ozone molecule exists before it naturally breaks apart?

Apply your logic to those facts and tell me how you believe CFC's ever represented a threat to the ozone layer...

Acid rain was a problem that was solved by a cap & trade program that is still in effect.

Is there any pseudoscientific claptrap that you won't believe? Lets see the empirical evidence to support your claim.
Climate is not weather. Do we know what the climate was 100 years ago, probably. Do we know what is was a thousand years ago? We have a good idea through geological & historical studies.

I have knowledge, you have shit.

What happens when Nebraska can no longer grow wheat & corn like they can now? Canada?

this 2 C rise will change where our food is grown. It will change our coastlines. It will change precipitation.

You sit there & declare this is irrelevant.

What do you think it will cost in dollars to make all these changes? Where will some areas get their water & food. Will powerful nations look at weaker nations because they now can grow food? Will there be wars over this? All buildings where the HVAC is designed for this climate will need changed. Coastlines will need extensive work.

All will happen because ignorant people like you don't want to reduce emissions today. I laugh at you because in most cases reducing emissions saves you money. You would rather fund the fossil fuel industry than ensure a better future for your own children. How fucked up is that?

Outrageous ... climate is average weather ... or as NOAA puts it "climate is what we expect, weather is what we get" ...

Corn and wheat grow in Texas ... corn and wheat grow in Minnesota ... Nebraska will be able to grow corn and wheat up until Yellowstone erupts again ... there's nothing about 2ºC that changes any of that ... have you ever grown corn, have you ever grown wheat? ... does a 100 miles north or south change any of that? ...

It will change precipitation.

You claim to have knowledge, so here's my question: what causes precipitation? ... there's a very specific answer to this, and is singularly the most basic question in all of atmospheric science ... nothing you've posted leads me to believe you know the answer, as simple as the answer is ...

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