Seventy Five Democrat Impeachment Lies

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Calypso Jones

Diamond Member
Jul 11, 2020
The Democrats 75 Impeachment Lies | The Jeffrey Lord

Lie #5: The crowd in front of the President was “tense.”

Fact: As said, a provable lie. I have the video.

Lie # 6: The charge: “Then he aimed them straight at the Capitol, declaring: “You’ll never take back our country with weakness. You have to show strength, and you have to be strong.”

Fact: Left out – again and deliberately – the President’s call to “to peacefully and patriotically make your voices heard” In short, no matter how many times this lie is repeated it is still a lie.

Lie # 7: The President is accused of a “failure to take charge of a decisive security response.”

Fact: The President of the United States has no authority over security at the U.S. Capitol. Those who do: The House and Senate Sergeants at Arms, House and Senate committees and The Architect of the Capitol.
Another lie.

Lie # 8: “It is impossible to imagine the events of January 6 occurring without President Trump creating a powder keg, striking a match and then seeking personal advantage from the ensuing havoc.”

Fact: Speaking out using First Amendment rights of free speech to demand an honest election investigation is not “creating a powder keg.” Silencing dissent is what creates a powder keg. This is another lie.

Lie # 9: “In the words of Representative Liz Cheney, the House Republican Conference Chair: ‘The President of the United States summoned this mob, assembled the mob, and lit the flame of this attack. Everything that followed was his doing. None of this would have happened without the President. The President could have immediately and forcefully intervened to stop the violence. He did not. There has never been a greater betrayal by a President of the United States of his office and and his oath to the Constitution.’ Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell recently affirmed that ‘the mob was fed lies’ and ‘provoked by the president.’”

Fact: Just because Cheney and McConnell are Republicans does not make what they said true. The President summoned no “mob.” That is a lie. He invited his supporters – Americans one and all – to “peacefully and patriotically” exercise their First Amendment “right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances.” He was 100% within his right to do so, and the thousands who peacefully attended were 100% within their right to do so. And no, the President fed the peaceful attendees no lies. To radically change what actually happened to these kind of descriptions is turning the truth into a lie.

In fact, as the New York Post has reported of former Fox anchor Megyn Kelly: “Megyn Kelly argued CNN and other media outlets partially share responsibility for the Jan. 6 deadly riot at the US Capitol — claiming the public ‘lost trust’ in what she characterized as a lack of objective reporting of former President Trump.”

Lie #10: The impeachment charge says: “This is not a partisan matter.”

Fact: That is a particularly bold lie. Utterly laughable. This impeachment, like the one that preceded it, is nothing but partisan.

Lie # 11: “…the Senate should convict President Trump and disqualify him from holding or enjoying any ‘Office or honor, Trust, or Profit under the United States.”

Fact: This is nothing but a bald attempt to use the collection of lies in this impeachment article to hide the fact that Democrats are attempting to rig the 2024 election ahead of time. Rig it so the American people will be automatically denied the opportunity to freely vote to re-elect President Trump in 2024 should they choose to do so if he runs.
IN B4 the lock :th_avatar107484_8:

Oh and you might wanna splain how some jerkoff's blog page constitutes a "current event". But it's nice to see the SAME blog page posted over and over and over by an echochamber of users who in no way follow marching orders.
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