Several States Make It Legal To Ram Protesters Blocking The Street

What would you do if you were assaulted by protesters while driving?

  • Floor it

  • Wait till they're done peacefully protesting

  • Give up driving

  • Other

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One of the many, MANY reasons I don't live in such places. Phoenix is a pretty red, or at least purple, city.
That won't last long if the Democrats have their way.
You'll be up to your neck in Haitians and Central Americans in no time.
What do you think about this new law that is being proposed all over the United States?
It should have been expected. America is awarding citizens the right to carry out lethal vigilante justice against protesters who they see as their enemy.

The fascist takeover of America's democracy draws ever closer.

If Kyle can't lower the bar on the right to murder with your gun, then this will present another opportunity to use a truck or a car.
It should have been expected. America is awarding citizens the right to carry out lethal vigilante justice against protesters who they see as their enemy.

The fascist takeover of America's democracy draws ever closer.

If Kyle can't lower the bar on the right to murder with your gun, then this will present another opportunity to use a truck or a car.
Well....if you want to stop violence....fucking with gun rights isn't going to do it.
After folks claimed that Jan 6th was the worst event in US history and not one of those maggots that showed up at the Capital had a gun.
Well....if you want to stop violence....fucking with gun rights isn't going to do it.
After folks claimed that Jan 6th was the worst event in US history and not one of those maggots that showed up at the Capital had a gun.
Why would you think I would think I could stop violence in America. That's the talking point for people of decency, but quite unrealistic and impossible now. Will either side have a change of heart when the see the dead American bodies on the ground?

America hasn't even gotten over celebrating/mourning it's last civil war yet.
Why would you think I would think I could stop violence in America. That's the talking point for people of decency, but quite unrealistic and impossible now. Will either side have a change of heart when the see the dead American bodies on the ground?

America hasn't even gotten over celebrating/mourning it's last civil war yet.
The Civil War wasn't the last war we have been involved in.....and it was over 150 years ago.
We've had the Spanish American War, WWI, WWII, Korea, Vietnam, Desert Storm, Bosnia, Iraq, and Afghanistan since the Civil War.
And it appears that only dead black American bodies matter....but only when white cops kill them.
Dead white people don't matter if blacks kill them. But then if anyone shoots a bunch of kids in school it's the gun that they blame. The shooter is forgotten.
The Civil War wasn't the last war we have been involved in.....and it was over 150 years ago.
Nobody said it 'was' your last war.
We've had the Spanish American War, WWI, WWII, Korea, Vietnam, Desert Storm, Bosnia, Iraq, and Afghanistan since the Civil War.
And besides those, many more. 40 in total since WW2.
And it appears that only dead black American bodies matter....but only when white cops kill them.
No, only to bigotted and racism Americans do white lives not matter.
Dead white people don't matter if blacks kill them.
They matter as much as black people.
But then if anyone shoots a bunch of kids in school it's the gun that they blame. The shooter is forgotten.
We who cast blame are blaming Americans with guns. Inevitably AR type weapons if they kill a 'bunch' of children.

"Several States Make It Legal To Ram Protesters Blocking The Street"​

The title of this topic proves that a good portion of Americans have already gone over the slippery slope to fascism.

This is the invitation they've been waiting for to commit murder and then claim manslaughter, self defense, or less.

Be careful what you wish for Americans. You and your little children will have to walk on the streets too.
How long before a big black/white man runs down a 4 year old white/black child who was blocking the street?

"Several States Make It Legal To Ram Protesters Blocking The Street"​

The title of this topic proves that a good portion of Americans have already gone over the slippery slope to fascism.

This is the invitation they've been waiting for to commit murder and then claim manslaughter, self defense, or less.

Be careful what you wish for Americans. You and your little children will have to walk on the streets too.
How long before a big black/white man runs down a 4 year old white/black child who was blocking the street?

Running violent felons over who are trying to attack you while peacefully in your car is actually ANTI fascism, because it is fascists, like you, who are blocking the traffic.

Dumb shit.
Running violent felons over who are trying to attack you while peacefully in your car is actually ANTI fascism, because it is fascists, like you, who are blocking the traffic.

Dumb shit.
I didn't see this video last May ---- this is EXACTLY what I am most afraid of about these new riots or whatever you would call this --- bandit attacks, I guess. What was their whole point, I wonder? The bad guys outlined the whole block so no one could get through, and then waited? What did they want to accomplish? The white car tried to turn around, but they were running right at him, right up at the car probably hammering on it, and he did the right thing, sped off! With one on his hood and the rest running after him! Migod, that's terrifying.

In the movies the driver stops suddenly and that precipitates hood guy right off the front.
Then they usually run over the guy, in the movies, but I suppose if one were squeamish (I'm not squeamish) you could swerve around the guy on the ground.

The interesting thing to me is that blacks can't get our attention, so they invade our spaces to force us to pay attention to us. Like Bin Laden, who bombed two embassies and a U.S. Navy ship, never could get our attention --- so he plane-bombed the World Trade Centers. That worked, maybe not quite as he had hoped.
I didn't see this video last May ---- this is EXACTLY what I am most afraid of about these new riots or whatever you would call this --- bandit attacks, I guess. What was their whole point, I wonder? The bad guys outlined the whole block so no one could get through, and then waited? What did they want to accomplish? The white car tried to turn around, but they were running right at him, right up at the car probably hammering on it, and he did the right thing, sped off! With one on his hood and the rest running after him! Migod, that's terrifying.

In the movies the driver stops suddenly and that precipitates hood guy right off the front.
Then they usually run over the guy, in the movies, but I suppose if one were squeamish (I'm not squeamish) you could swerve around the guy on the ground.

The interesting thing to me is that blacks can't get our attention, so they invade our spaces to force us to pay attention to us. Like Bin Laden, who bombed two embassies and a U.S. Navy ship, never could get our attention --- so he plane-bombed the World Trade Centers. That worked, maybe not quite as he had hoped.

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