Several US statues destroyed ! ! Very bad

Black people are responsible for committing over 50% of all murders in the US. True or false?

If you have a credible source for how many Americans are the victims of and perpetrators of murders in the U.S. by race or any other demographic metric, you are welcome to provide it.

Some folks appear to convince themselves of their racial superiority in ways like that, but I'm just not into that sort of thing.
You arent already familiar with those statistics? They are posted here about a hundred times per week. :cuckoo:

"And yes, according to the Bureau of Justice Statistics, black offenders committed 52 per cent of homicides recorded in the data between 1980 and 2008."

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So it’s Trumps fault ??
For what, specifically, are you blaming Trump? Neo-nazis and other white supremacists endorsed and support him enthusiastically. That's documented reality, but you cannot say that his tender spot for such folks motivates them. They would still be violence-prone bigots even if Trump had had the temerity to take them on.

FBI assessment: "A huge chunk of those domestic terrorism investigations involve racially-motivated, violent extremist-motivated terrorist attacks. And the majority of those, of the racially-motivated, violent extremist attacks, are fueled by some kind of white supremacy. And I would say that the most lethal activity over the last few years has been committed by those type of attackers."

The only fascist are your pathetic ilk !!
Your side are the true fascist!!
You truly are both a deranged loon and a complete moron
Welfare has destroyed the Black community.
They need safe neighborhoods (Police), no bars and good schools.
Where was "the Black community" that was destroyed?

Yes, integration is good.
Every black community. Literally every single one is riddled with crime that far exceeeds the crime statistics of every other neighborhood in the nation.

Name one black community that DOESNT have high crime.
Surely, you do not pretend that public defenders have the time and expertise to represent the indigent as well as highly-paid attorneys do the wealthy.

Your self-serving stereotypes and denigration of folks you deem to be inferior and your need to resort to right-wing propaganda to sustain your ideological dogma are noted. There but for fortune...

If you insist upon sitting in judgment, you should at least recognize that Whites are the biggest beneficiaries in the U.S. when it comes to government safety-net programs like the Temporary Assistance for Needy Families, commonly referred to as welfare. Some families do, indeed, need help to work their way up.

That's because we are a huge majority compared to those minorities. Now if you want to talk per-capita, I'm ready to have that debate with you.

I didn't say public defenders are just as good as higher paid private lawyers, but why should the taxpayer fund the best legal team for criminals? That's as ridiculous as saying our inmates in prison should be served T-bone steaks at least three times a week, and spare ribs the other days. Most people can't afford those kinds of attorneys. I never needed a lawyer to defend me public or private. That's because I make sure I stay out of trouble with the law.

Criminals are inferior to me and every law abiding citizen.
Yes, integration is good.

How is it good? For one side perhaps, but at the disadvantage of white people.

My suburb used to be one of the safest in the county. Our schools were rated number one. Increasing property values, plenty of stores around, people were safe walking down the street at midnight. Then the blacks moved in.

Violent crime dramatically increased, especially during the housing bubble. Stores closed down from theft and robbery. Property values stopped increasing, and then went the other way. We went from one murder every 12 or 15 years to five or six a year now. Our new schools are now a zoo riddled with illegal narcotics and violence. Teachers getting assaulted all the time. My hardware store turned into a Salvation Army outlet. My movie theater into a Baptist church. My doughnut shop into a check cashing place. My convenient store into one of the many daycare centers we now have. Our smaller stores turned into cell phone/ pager places or nail salons. Target left, K-Mart left, Walmart couldn't even make it here. Our floor and tile store turned into a Manpower until it finally got torn down.

Integration is not good. If it's one thing our government hasn't learned, it's if you take 3/4 cup of fresh wholesome milk, and mix that with 1/4 cup of sour curdled milk, all you end up with is a bad cup of milk.
My suburb used to be one of the safest in the county. Our schools were rated number one. Increasing property values, plenty of stores around, people were safe walking down the street at midnight. Then the blacks moved in
What was the reason of their moving in? Some social programs?
We have racism because there are benefits based on race... it's just that the benefits all go to white people
So, what should the affirmative action look like on practice? Say, if I have some private business, then will I have to obey the race quotas?
"And yes, according to the Bureau of Justice Statistics, black offenders committed 52 per cent of homicides recorded in the data between 1980 and 2008."

Males seen far, far more likely to murder than do females.

I'm not sure what you hope to imply by your citation, but do you have anything more up to date?
Exactly in Germany you are not allowed to have statues of Hitler or any Nazism.

So George Washington is Hitler, bigot boi?
All prior presidents except the darkie is Hitler. In fact every white person is Hitler.

put down the bottle Slushycatlover.

That's the black excuse for shooting 5 year old white children in the head.

Show me one black person who has made that excuse.

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