Sex Crimes prosecutor Rachel Mitchell completely exonerates Judge Kavanaugh in new report

Yes. The republican prosecutor that republicans chose to question Ms Ford sided with the republicans that hired her, and presented a report that said exactly what the people who hired her wanted it to say. I'm not sure that comes as much of a surprise to anybody.

Seems only fair though, since the Democrat Senators that chose to question Ms Ford sided with the democrats that hired and coached her to testify and presented their opinion that said exactly what they planned to say before they hired her to try and Anita Hill Kavanaugh.
All the Trump haters can't stand to see their bitch getting nailed for all the LIES she's been caught in sucks to be a moron doesnt' it. What else can we expect from a Trump hating bitch who wants to sink Kavanuagh based off false claims and every body acts like this bitch has proof no she doesn't.

You pos losers are willing to sink a man based off WORDS...... Wait until they come for your SONS, HUSBANDS, UNCLES, FATHERS.... we realize your all a little to stupid to think that far ahead.
Actually, she failed to follow up on the fear of flying bs.After forcing a delay due to her alleged fear of flying, Ford told Mitchell that her polygraph schedule was dictated by her flight schedule to Maine. Mitchell failed to follow up on that. She had Fords credibiliy dead to rights.It was as big of a gaffe as Romney’s failure to ask Obama why he continued for two weeks to push the video story as the cause of Benghazi when he insisted in the debate that he blamed terrorism the day after.Sometimes repubs inexplicably abet Democrat sleaze.
Yes. Fear of flying is such an important and pertinent piece of evidence, no one is talking about it.
It speaks to her credibility which is fair.

Really she is a republican prosecutor who didn't even ask Kav questions.

You do realize that Mitchell was asking questions that otherwise would be asked by Republican Senators.
Yes. The republican prosecutor that republicans chose to question Ms Ford sided with the republicans that hired her, and presented a report that said exactly what the people who hired her wanted it to say. I'm not sure that comes as much of a surprise to anybody.

Seems only fair though, since the Democrat Senators that chose to question Ms Ford sided with the democrats that hired and coached her to testify and presented their opinion that said exactly what they planned to say before they hired her to try and Anita Hill Kavanaugh.

Proof that Ford was hired to do that?

.@SenBooker & @KamalaHarris caught laughing during Kavanaugh's gut wrenching testimony...its all about them..!!!
The president called out Booker and a few other hypocrites on the left today. Glad to see him fighting back.
Outside of the hyper partisan right who saw (registered republican) Rachel Mitchell's comedic attempt to poke holes in Dr Fords credibility, from what I have read, it was at best, a sham. Mitchell did bring out Dr Fords fear of flying which of course is what the GOP was after all along. How can anyone with a fear of flying dare question the veracity of their beloved Brett Kavanaughs impeccable character, his godlike truthfulness and his divine chastity.
Ford didn’t need help having holes punched in her testimony. She made the gaping holes all on her own.
Actually, she failed to follow up on the fear of flying bs.After forcing a delay due to her alleged fear of flying, Ford told Mitchell that her polygraph schedule was dictated by her flight schedule to Maine. Mitchell failed to follow up on that. She had Fords credibiliy dead to rights.It was as big of a gaffe as Romney’s failure to ask Obama why he continued for two weeks to push the video story as the cause of Benghazi when he insisted in the debate that he blamed terrorism the day after.Sometimes repubs inexplicably abet Democrat sleaze.
Yes. Fear of flying is such an important and pertinent piece of evidence, no one is talking about it.
It speaks to her credibility which is fair.

Really she is a republican prosecutor who didn't even ask Kav questions.
Yet Michelle, hired and pro republicans, really didn't question Kav after Graham opened his mouth did she. That is why we now have a half arse investigation. Her opinion means squat.
Means much more than yours
Yes. The republican prosecutor that republicans chose to question Ms Ford sided with the republicans that hired her, and presented a report that said exactly what the people who hired her wanted it to say. I'm not sure that comes as much of a surprise to anybody.
Her conclusion is correct as far as I’m concerned. Ford is full of shit.
Yes. The republican prosecutor that republicans chose to question Ms Ford sided with the republicans that hired her, and presented a report that said exactly what the people who hired her wanted it to say. I'm not sure that comes as much of a surprise to anybody.

Rachel Mitchell
Yes. The republican prosecutor that republicans chose to question Ms Ford sided with the republicans that hired her, and presented a report that said exactly what the people who hired her wanted it to say. I'm not sure that comes as much of a surprise to anybody.

The fact remains, Ford cannot remember where or when and not even her friends remember the incident. We all heard Ms. Mitchell's questions and Ford's answers and there is just no 'there' there. Blaming her conclusions on Republicans is patently insane.
Yes. The republican prosecutor that republicans chose to question Ms Ford sided with the republicans that hired her, and presented a report that said exactly what the people who hired her wanted it to say. I'm not sure that comes as much of a surprise to anybody.
Her conclusion is correct as far as I’m concerned. Ford is full of shit.

I suspect you would support her conclusion even before she ever released it. There was no doubt about which side she would choose. It was part of her job description.
Yes. The republican prosecutor that republicans chose to question Ms Ford sided with the republicans that hired her, and presented a report that said exactly what the people who hired her wanted it to say. I'm not sure that comes as much of a surprise to anybody.
Her conclusion is correct as far as I’m concerned. Ford is full of shit.

I suspect you would support her conclusion even before she ever released it. There was no doubt about which side she would choose. It was part of her job description.
Have you read her job discriotuin?

.@SenBooker & @KamalaHarris caught laughing during Kavanaugh's gut wrenching testimony...its all about them..!!!
The president called out Booker and a few other hypocrites on the left today. Glad to see him fighting back.

The only one on that hearing that admitted sexual assault was The Spartacus, a.k.a Jersey Gropper , and yet he was asking questions about sexual assault.
I suspect you would support her conclusion even before she ever released it. There was no doubt about which side she would choose. It was part of her job description.
Do you know ANYTHING about her history? Ask Obama

5. Mitchell, a Republican, Was Honored by Democrat Janet Napolitano

Mitchell has won various awards. In 2003, she was honored as Outstanding Arizona Sexual Assault Prosecutor of the Year by Terry Goddard (Arizona’s state attorney general at the time) and Arizona Gov. Janet Napolitano—a centrist Democrat who was reelected governor of Arizona in 2006 and went on to become secretary of the U.S. Department of Homeland Security under President Barack Obama.
Here are 5 facts about Rachel Mitchell -- the prosecutor who will question Kavanaugh accuser Christine Blasey Ford
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