Sexual behavior should have at least an R rating

I don't think that you can call this discrimination.
Which is why I never said it was. I said your mentality has a very dangerous slippery slope to legalization of discrimination.
From post 1 on I've simply said that sexual behavior should have an R rating. I think you've tried to turn this into an anti-gay thread, when it is actually a pro-child thread. Children should be protected from sexual context, normal heterosexual and gay.
And I'm fine with your idea of putting an R rating on sexual behavior. Where we differ is you saying a man and a woman holding hands is not sexual behavior while two women or two men is. And you've yet to explain how it is sexual. Abnormal? Sure. Sexual? No.
Husband and wife can announce their wedding to a young child as a simple, natural expression of their love toward one another. If wife and wife do it, a question is likely to be raised, and in my opinion should be raised. Otherwise the child could develop an abnormal sense of what is normal.
Not at all. It is the job of the parent to explain what the norms of society are. That it's normal to dress appropriately. That it's normal to behave politely. Is it EASIER for the parent to do so if they set a good example? Of course! Is it a requirement? No. Plenty of children are raised by rude parents, parents that dress inapporpriately, parents who use inappropriate language, etc. etc. If you begin to limit who can raise children based on some golden standard of perfect normality, you won't have anyone raising children. I know it's probably your utopia where every parent is a cookie cutter mold of normality, but it's simply unrealistic.
So gay marriage automatically creates a dilemma for a nurturing parent: teach the kid about sex and abnormal sex prematurely, or risk creating a false concept of reality.
Not in the slightest! When you tell a child two people are married, do you instantly launch into the particulars of how they consumate that marriage? Of course not. Why would you have to explain a gay marriage any differently? Why does sex have anything to do with telling a child two people, be they hetero or homo, are married?
With regards to adoption specifically, that means that gay couples should not be allowed to adopt children, unless there is a shortage of qualified, married, heterosexual couples. I don't think that there is any argument against that a married, stable mom and dad is the best option for raising a child.
I have no argument there. Raising a child in the most normal cookie cutter fashion is obviously the best way because it's also the EASIEST way. And if there really isn't a shortage of straight, normal, adopting parents then I would agree there's no reason to let gays adopt. Or smokers. Or fat people. Or anyone else with a detrimental lifestyle that the child might have to actually learn is detrimental. Heaven forbid the day a child must realize their parents aren't perfect.

I have no idea if that's the case though, because I don't follow adoption statistics that closely.
Or smokers. Or fat people. Or anyone else with a detrimental lifestyle that the child might have to actually learn is detrimental. Heaven forbid the day a child must realize their parents aren't perfect.

Or white people trying hard to be someone they aren't by dressing like blacks, listening to that garbage that they play too loud on over done sound systems, pimping out their cars to look silly to normal people, talking in a ghetto style of pathetic english..... these idiots should never ever be able to adopt or reproduce for that matter.:gang1: Note the hat and grilz on this dumbass.

I have no idea if that's the case though, because I don't follow adoption statistics that closely.

I don't follow adoption cases either but I do know, in my tiny circle of acquaintances, 3 couples who have adopted from Russia and China.
I said unbiased evidence, and no, you couldn't.
Yeah, like you could provide a refutation from an unbiased source. The only unbiased source I'd use is the APA, but then again, THEY WAS FORCED TO TAKE THAT DAMN HOMOSEXUALITY OFF THE MENTAL ILLNESS LIST! OMG!
So you who doesn't want to be judged has no problem condemning 50% of the country. It sounds like you need to find a place to live that doesn't have any Republicans and see how utopian it will be.
Hi, that was sarcasm. Do you two know each other?
Or white people trying hard to be someone they aren't by dressing like blacks, listening to that garbage that they play too loud on over done sound systems, pimping out their cars to look silly to normal people, talking in a ghetto style of pathetic english..... these idiots should never ever be able to adopt or reproduce for that matter.:gang1: Note the hat and grilz on this dumbass.
This passive-agressive taunting is boring. If you want to address something about me, be a man and just say it. Otherwise quit trolling.
I don't follow adoption cases either but I do know, in my tiny circle of acquaintances, 3 couples who have adopted from Russia and China.
Ok? What does that prove?
This passive-agressive taunting is boring. If you want to address something about me, be a man and just say it. Otherwise quit trolling.Ok?

Gee Clay, I don't know what you're talking about....I did think of you the other day when I watched "Malibu's Most Wanted". Did you think I was refering to you? You were the one listing disqualifications for being a good parent so I put in my 2 cents, was it too real for you...... player?

What is funny about this relatively new phenomena is not as much how stupid white people look trying to be black or how they are ridiculed by blacks for looking and sounding so ignorant. What is funny is that blacks don't even realize how stupid they look doing exactly the same thing.

What does that prove?[/QUOTE]

It proves that out of the very small circle of people I know three couples went across the world to adopt because they found it easier.
As far as I’m concerned any sexual behavior should have at least an R rating. Keep it private and away from kids, and no one should be allowed to bother you about it. Insist on going public, and we've got a problem.

For normal heterosexuals, this means keeping your damn clothes on. Guys: keep your pants from falling down over your underwear, and ladies: a little cleavage and leg is nice, but more is not always better. And if you must kiss each other in public- keep it short and respectful. No grabbing boobs and ass.

This "rule" would preclude gay marriage, gay parents, gay adoptions, gay teachers, gays on TV, transsexual passports, and discussions about gay cowboy movies in the mass media.

Wouldn't you agree that violence is worse? Probably not since your screen name and avatar promote violence. I totally disagree with this thread's premise. Kids should know that sex is a healthy, natural, positive thing. Instead, our culture has labeled mere nudity as a punishable offense and gives gratuitous violence a PG-13 rating. And you're calling to have it banned completely from children's lives. Should married couples not even kiss in front of their kids for fear of having their kids ask the dreaded question "where to do babies come from?" What gives? Why is everyone so afraid of sex? :huh: Are you Amish?
What does that prove? It proves that out of the very small circle of people I know three couples went across the world to adopt because they found it easier.

Although I have no personal adoption experience, I know several couples who have adopted Chinese babies for the same reason. In addition, have you seen the stories where American kids are pulled screaming from their adoptive parents after an adoption? Often, it is because the father suddenly appears on the scene years after the adoption has taken place, and wants his child.
Although I have no personal adoption experience, I know several couples who have adopted Chinese babies for the same reason. In addition, have you seen the stories where American kids are pulled screaming from their adoptive parents after an adoption? Often, it is because the father suddenly appears on the scene years after the adoption has taken place, and wants his child.

Yea, that was an episode of "Desperate Housewives"....
Although I have no personal adoption experience, I know several couples who have adopted Chinese babies for the same reason. In addition, have you seen the stories where American kids are pulled screaming from their adoptive parents after an adoption? Often, it is because the father suddenly appears on the scene years after the adoption has taken place, and wants his child.

I remember two cases like that a few years ago. I don't recall details. It was very hard to watch.

I also know someone that adopted a Chinese baby.
Gee Clay, I don't know what you're talking about....I did think of you the other day when I watched "Malibu's Most Wanted". Did you think I was refering to you? You were the one listing disqualifications for being a good parent so I put in my 2 cents, was it too real for you...... player?
If you want to keep feigning innocence, go ahead. I thought I'd offer you the opportunity to man up, if you want to decline that's fine. Regardless, aside from my taste in music, your implications are unfounded.
What is funny about this relatively new phenomena is not as much how stupid white people look trying to be black or how they are ridiculed by blacks for looking and sounding so ignorant. What is funny is that blacks don't even realize how stupid they look doing exactly the same thing.
It proves that out of the very small circle of people I know three couples went across the world to adopt because they found it easier.
So is there an excess of non-american children that could benefit from gay adoption? Or is there still a glut of parents waiting for them as well?
Wouldn't you agree that violence is worse? Probably not since your screen name and avatar promote violence. I totally disagree with this thread's premise. Kids should know that sex is a healthy, natural, positive thing. Instead, our culture has labeled mere nudity as a punishable offense and gives gratuitous violence a PG-13 rating. And you're calling to have it banned completely from children's lives. Should married couples not even kiss in front of their kids for fear of having their kids ask the dreaded question "where to do babies come from?" What gives? Why is everyone so afraid of sex? :huh: Are you Amish?

1. My screen name and avatar are about personal protection. With increased firearm ownership by law abiding citizens, violent crime goes down. That is a fact, so your emotional argument has zero logic.

2. Kids should learn, from society, that sex is something that is off limits until they are adults because its purpose is to make babies- period. What parents teach their kids is their business.

3. Perhaps you could explain your logic jump from a married coupled kissing to "where do babies come from".

4. I agree that violence should be R as well. One of my favorite movies, The Patriot, has no sex but is an R due to violence.
The singer's breast on television was very large and disgusting, as well as obscene. The government should fine her as well as the TV stations for this degenerate display.
The singer's breast on television was very large and disgusting, as well as obscene. The government should fine her as well as the TV stations for this degenerate display.

and you are less relevant than brad pitt's right to the right of his right nut.
The singer's breast on television was very large and disgusting, as well as obscene. The government should fine her as well as the TV stations for this degenerate display.

You don't like large breasts? :guitar1:

In the modern world that's called "out of the loop".
With increased firearm ownership by law abiding citizens, violent crime goes down. That is a fact, so your emotional argument has zero logic.

It is far from a fact. In fact, the number of times I've had this debate over the years with various pro and anti-gunnies has shown that there is no provable evidence. Every study I have seen proving either way has turned out to have holes you could drive a truck through...
It is far from a fact. In fact, the number of times I've had this debate over the years with various pro and anti-gunnies has shown that there is no provable evidence. Every study I have seen proving either way has turned out to have holes you could drive a truck through...


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