SF Chronicle: Devastated California awaits your leadership, Mr. President. Tweet up, if you care.

every pos republican voted against help for
SF Chronicle: Devastated California awaits your leadership, Mr. President. Tweet up, if you care.
As raging wildfires devour the lives, homes and dreams of Californians in an unprecedented scale, one voice has been conspicuously mute through day after day of crisis: President Trump.

This is not a man who is reticent to let Americans know what is foremost on his mind.


Yet Trump has offered no more than a few perfunctory words about the Wine Country fires that have left at least 40 dead, consumed thousands of structures and stretched the physical and mental mettle of the dedicated firefighters and medical professionals to the edge of exhaustion.

That’s it? No talk of visiting California? No expressions of appreciation for the first responders? No condolences for those who lost their lives, or the many more who lost their homes? No recognition or pledges of federal support for the monumental task of rebuilding the neighborhoods and business that were devoured in the fire?


So how can it be that the loss of 40 human beings on American soil did not merit a single tweet? The most forgiving interpretation would be that Trump, along with the cable networks that seem to attract his laser focus and have not made this a huge story, have a case of disaster fatigue. Perhaps the problem is that he hasn’t been blasted for his underwhelming response:There is no surer way to provoke him to his phone. The most cynical speculation would be that he could not care less about a state that despises him like no other.

Devastated California awaits your leadership, Mr. President. Tweet up, if you care

Editorial: California burns: Where’s the president?

Yep, he is the president of all of us...Not just the extremist on the right! Time to do your job.

Some liberals believed Texas got what it deserved with recent hurricanes. Obama was President for the extreme left according to some. So what do you want?
every pos republican voted against aid to NY and NJ when hurricans hit us Should we just turn the other cheek?? FK texas and Cruz

Sandy wasn't a hurricane and the first bill was loaded with super pork.
SF Chronicle: Devastated California awaits your leadership, Mr. President. Tweet up, if you care.
As raging wildfires devour the lives, homes and dreams of Californians in an unprecedented scale, one voice has been conspicuously mute through day after day of crisis: President Trump.

This is not a man who is reticent to let Americans know what is foremost on his mind.


Yet Trump has offered no more than a few perfunctory words about the Wine Country fires that have left at least 40 dead, consumed thousands of structures and stretched the physical and mental mettle of the dedicated firefighters and medical professionals to the edge of exhaustion.

That’s it? No talk of visiting California? No expressions of appreciation for the first responders? No condolences for those who lost their lives, or the many more who lost their homes? No recognition or pledges of federal support for the monumental task of rebuilding the neighborhoods and business that were devoured in the fire?


So how can it be that the loss of 40 human beings on American soil did not merit a single tweet? The most forgiving interpretation would be that Trump, along with the cable networks that seem to attract his laser focus and have not made this a huge story, have a case of disaster fatigue. Perhaps the problem is that he hasn’t been blasted for his underwhelming response:There is no surer way to provoke him to his phone. The most cynical speculation would be that he could not care less about a state that despises him like no other.

Devastated California awaits your leadership, Mr. President. Tweet up, if you care

Editorial: California burns: Where’s the president?

Yep, he is the president of all of us...Not just the extremist on the right! Time to do your job.

California is doing just fine....I live there. Shit happens everywhere. Most of CA is intact and doing fine. Even the vineyards themselves did not burn. If you really want to stop CA devastation, get rid of Jerry Brown. Time to vote him and the Dimmes out. Time for Pelosi and Feinstein et al to go too.
Last edited:
SF Chronicle: Devastated California awaits your leadership, Mr. President. Tweet up, if you care.
As raging wildfires devour the lives, homes and dreams of Californians in an unprecedented scale, one voice has been conspicuously mute through day after day of crisis: President Trump.

This is not a man who is reticent to let Americans know what is foremost on his mind.


Yet Trump has offered no more than a few perfunctory words about the Wine Country fires that have left at least 40 dead, consumed thousands of structures and stretched the physical and mental mettle of the dedicated firefighters and medical professionals to the edge of exhaustion.

That’s it? No talk of visiting California? No expressions of appreciation for the first responders? No condolences for those who lost their lives, or the many more who lost their homes? No recognition or pledges of federal support for the monumental task of rebuilding the neighborhoods and business that were devoured in the fire?


So how can it be that the loss of 40 human beings on American soil did not merit a single tweet? The most forgiving interpretation would be that Trump, along with the cable networks that seem to attract his laser focus and have not made this a huge story, have a case of disaster fatigue. Perhaps the problem is that he hasn’t been blasted for his underwhelming response:There is no surer way to provoke him to his phone. The most cynical speculation would be that he could not care less about a state that despises him like no other.

Devastated California awaits your leadership, Mr. President. Tweet up, if you care

Editorial: California burns: Where’s the president?

Yep, he is the president of all of us...Not just the extremist on the right! Time to do your job.

Some liberals believed Texas got what it deserved with recent hurricanes. Obama was President for the extreme left according to some. So what do you want?

I don't believe that for a second that Obama was only the president for the left. He defended human rights of the lessers within our society but he was center right economically.

I want our president to do his job.
Yeah, Obama isolated over half of America, when he made the Gods and gun speech. Keep reaching. The president is doing his job finally. Is that the reason your mad?
SF Chronicle: Devastated California awaits your leadership, Mr. President. Tweet up, if you care.
As raging wildfires devour the lives, homes and dreams of Californians in an unprecedented scale, one voice has been conspicuously mute through day after day of crisis: President Trump.

This is not a man who is reticent to let Americans know what is foremost on his mind.


Yet Trump has offered no more than a few perfunctory words about the Wine Country fires that have left at least 40 dead, consumed thousands of structures and stretched the physical and mental mettle of the dedicated firefighters and medical professionals to the edge of exhaustion.

That’s it? No talk of visiting California? No expressions of appreciation for the first responders? No condolences for those who lost their lives, or the many more who lost their homes? No recognition or pledges of federal support for the monumental task of rebuilding the neighborhoods and business that were devoured in the fire?


So how can it be that the loss of 40 human beings on American soil did not merit a single tweet? The most forgiving interpretation would be that Trump, along with the cable networks that seem to attract his laser focus and have not made this a huge story, have a case of disaster fatigue. Perhaps the problem is that he hasn’t been blasted for his underwhelming response:There is no surer way to provoke him to his phone. The most cynical speculation would be that he could not care less about a state that despises him like no other.

Devastated California awaits your leadership, Mr. President. Tweet up, if you care

Editorial: California burns: Where’s the president?

Yep, he is the president of all of us...Not just the extremist on the right! Time to do your job.

California is doing just fine....I live there. Shit happens everywhere. Most of CA is intact and doing fine. Even the vineyards themselves did not burn. If you really want to stop CA devastation, get rid of Jerry Brown.

There were no fires in the vineyards because the land was cleared and there was no fire to burn.

When you have so called eco warriors calling for a complete non removable of dead wood you are going to get devastation of this nature. Think Australia.
every pos republican voted against help for
SF Chronicle: Devastated California awaits your leadership, Mr. President. Tweet up, if you care.
As raging wildfires devour the lives, homes and dreams of Californians in an unprecedented scale, one voice has been conspicuously mute through day after day of crisis: President Trump.

This is not a man who is reticent to let Americans know what is foremost on his mind.


Yet Trump has offered no more than a few perfunctory words about the Wine Country fires that have left at least 40 dead, consumed thousands of structures and stretched the physical and mental mettle of the dedicated firefighters and medical professionals to the edge of exhaustion.

That’s it? No talk of visiting California? No expressions of appreciation for the first responders? No condolences for those who lost their lives, or the many more who lost their homes? No recognition or pledges of federal support for the monumental task of rebuilding the neighborhoods and business that were devoured in the fire?


So how can it be that the loss of 40 human beings on American soil did not merit a single tweet? The most forgiving interpretation would be that Trump, along with the cable networks that seem to attract his laser focus and have not made this a huge story, have a case of disaster fatigue. Perhaps the problem is that he hasn’t been blasted for his underwhelming response:There is no surer way to provoke him to his phone. The most cynical speculation would be that he could not care less about a state that despises him like no other.

Devastated California awaits your leadership, Mr. President. Tweet up, if you care

Editorial: California burns: Where’s the president?

Yep, he is the president of all of us...Not just the extremist on the right! Time to do your job.

Some liberals believed Texas got what it deserved with recent hurricanes. Obama was President for the extreme left according to some. So what do you want?
every pos republican voted against aid to NY and NJ when hurricans hit us Should we just turn the other cheek?? FK texas and Cruz
You mean TROPICAL STORM SANDY? LOL talk to deal hurricane survivors .
Correct me if I'm wrong but I didn't see much leadership from pot head Jerry. As a matter of fact in the single press conference by the governor he looked disorientated and incoherent.
Then blame your leadership fo
every pos republican voted against help for
Some liberals believed Texas got what it deserved with recent hurricanes. Obama was President for the extreme left according to some. So what do you want?
every pos republican voted against aid to NY and NJ when hurricans hit us Should we just turn the other cheek?? FK texas and Cruz
Then blame your leadership for making the bill unpassable. Loaded down with gifts to their friends; and thought it would sail through un contested; because who would dare say "no". Good leadership. That's who. Blame your opportunistic leadership.
it wasn't loaded down it was just republican bs not wanting a dem state to get shit..... again I say Fk texas and it's politicians

You lie.
can you remember repub breath trump bashing Obama for using exec orders ?? Of course you can't

Can you possibly stay on topic? What do EOs have to do with the Sandy relief bill? Answer: Not a damn thing!

Deflection noted.

SF Chronicle: Devastated California awaits your leadership, Mr. President. Tweet up, if you care.
As raging wildfires devour the lives, homes and dreams of Californians in an unprecedented scale, one voice has been conspicuously mute through day after day of crisis: President Trump.

This is not a man who is reticent to let Americans know what is foremost on his mind.


Yet Trump has offered no more than a few perfunctory words about the Wine Country fires that have left at least 40 dead, consumed thousands of structures and stretched the physical and mental mettle of the dedicated firefighters and medical professionals to the edge of exhaustion.

That’s it? No talk of visiting California? No expressions of appreciation for the first responders? No condolences for those who lost their lives, or the many more who lost their homes? No recognition or pledges of federal support for the monumental task of rebuilding the neighborhoods and business that were devoured in the fire?


So how can it be that the loss of 40 human beings on American soil did not merit a single tweet? The most forgiving interpretation would be that Trump, along with the cable networks that seem to attract his laser focus and have not made this a huge story, have a case of disaster fatigue. Perhaps the problem is that he hasn’t been blasted for his underwhelming response:There is no surer way to provoke him to his phone. The most cynical speculation would be that he could not care less about a state that despises him like no other.

Devastated California awaits your leadership, Mr. President. Tweet up, if you care

Editorial: California burns: Where’s the president?

Yep, he is the president of all of us...Not just the extremist on the right! Time to do your job.

California doesn't want Federal help anymore remember? They have illegal sanctuary cities, and will fight building the wall, and refuse to help immigration authorities help find illegals. Now suddenly they want Federal help.
every pos republican voted against help for
SF Chronicle: Devastated California awaits your leadership, Mr. President. Tweet up, if you care.
As raging wildfires devour the lives, homes and dreams of Californians in an unprecedented scale, one voice has been conspicuously mute through day after day of crisis: President Trump.

This is not a man who is reticent to let Americans know what is foremost on his mind.


Yet Trump has offered no more than a few perfunctory words about the Wine Country fires that have left at least 40 dead, consumed thousands of structures and stretched the physical and mental mettle of the dedicated firefighters and medical professionals to the edge of exhaustion.

That’s it? No talk of visiting California? No expressions of appreciation for the first responders? No condolences for those who lost their lives, or the many more who lost their homes? No recognition or pledges of federal support for the monumental task of rebuilding the neighborhoods and business that were devoured in the fire?


So how can it be that the loss of 40 human beings on American soil did not merit a single tweet? The most forgiving interpretation would be that Trump, along with the cable networks that seem to attract his laser focus and have not made this a huge story, have a case of disaster fatigue. Perhaps the problem is that he hasn’t been blasted for his underwhelming response:There is no surer way to provoke him to his phone. The most cynical speculation would be that he could not care less about a state that despises him like no other.

Devastated California awaits your leadership, Mr. President. Tweet up, if you care

Editorial: California burns: Where’s the president?

Yep, he is the president of all of us...Not just the extremist on the right! Time to do your job.

Some liberals believed Texas got what it deserved with recent hurricanes. Obama was President for the extreme left according to some. So what do you want?
every pos republican voted against aid to NY and NJ when hurricans hit us Should we just turn the other cheek?? FK texas and Cruz

They didn't vote against aid to NY and NJ. They voted against loads of pork for other states, buy outs for the vote. Fuck that. Stop ALL aid until these representatives stop the shit. Better yet, stop the drug deliveries.

Apart from what you are saying is lies which have been exposed before... Only a small part of the Sandy relief was used for another disaster. You have to stop reading shite on fake sites.

Lets also point out the President is for everyone not just his chosen areas. Obama never divided people like this, look at his response for the BP spillage alone...
SF Chronicle: Devastated California awaits your leadership, Mr. President. Tweet up, if you care.
As raging wildfires devour the lives, homes and dreams of Californians in an unprecedented scale, one voice has been conspicuously mute through day after day of crisis: President Trump.

This is not a man who is reticent to let Americans know what is foremost on his mind.


Yet Trump has offered no more than a few perfunctory words about the Wine Country fires that have left at least 40 dead, consumed thousands of structures and stretched the physical and mental mettle of the dedicated firefighters and medical professionals to the edge of exhaustion.

That’s it? No talk of visiting California? No expressions of appreciation for the first responders? No condolences for those who lost their lives, or the many more who lost their homes? No recognition or pledges of federal support for the monumental task of rebuilding the neighborhoods and business that were devoured in the fire?


So how can it be that the loss of 40 human beings on American soil did not merit a single tweet? The most forgiving interpretation would be that Trump, along with the cable networks that seem to attract his laser focus and have not made this a huge story, have a case of disaster fatigue. Perhaps the problem is that he hasn’t been blasted for his underwhelming response:There is no surer way to provoke him to his phone. The most cynical speculation would be that he could not care less about a state that despises him like no other.

Devastated California awaits your leadership, Mr. President. Tweet up, if you care

Editorial: California burns: Where’s the president?

Yep, he is the president of all of us...Not just the extremist on the right! Time to do your job.

Some liberals believed Texas got what it deserved with recent hurricanes. Obama was President for the extreme left according to some. So what do you want?

I don't believe that for a second that Obama was only the president for the left. He defended human rights of the lessers within our society but he was center right economically.

I want our president to do his job.

Obama was "center right" on economics? You're one of those "blinders wearing", liberals...aren't you? Obama wasn't within shouting distance of the center...let alone the right!
SF Chronicle: Devastated California awaits your leadership, Mr. President. Tweet up, if you care.
As raging wildfires devour the lives, homes and dreams of Californians in an unprecedented scale, one voice has been conspicuously mute through day after day of crisis: President Trump.

This is not a man who is reticent to let Americans know what is foremost on his mind.


Yet Trump has offered no more than a few perfunctory words about the Wine Country fires that have left at least 40 dead, consumed thousands of structures and stretched the physical and mental mettle of the dedicated firefighters and medical professionals to the edge of exhaustion.

That’s it? No talk of visiting California? No expressions of appreciation for the first responders? No condolences for those who lost their lives, or the many more who lost their homes? No recognition or pledges of federal support for the monumental task of rebuilding the neighborhoods and business that were devoured in the fire?


So how can it be that the loss of 40 human beings on American soil did not merit a single tweet? The most forgiving interpretation would be that Trump, along with the cable networks that seem to attract his laser focus and have not made this a huge story, have a case of disaster fatigue. Perhaps the problem is that he hasn’t been blasted for his underwhelming response:There is no surer way to provoke him to his phone. The most cynical speculation would be that he could not care less about a state that despises him like no other.

Devastated California awaits your leadership, Mr. President. Tweet up, if you care

Editorial: California burns: Where’s the president?

Yep, he is the president of all of us...Not just the extremist on the right! Time to do your job.

He's too busy passing out paper towels to Puerto Ricans.
What he SHOULD do is have a formal declaration to the State
"Think of this as a "try it out for your independence". How about "Have you tried calling Mexico?"
We just want our money that we always handover to the federal government that benefits mostly red states....too much to ask?
What he SHOULD do is have a formal declaration to the State
"Think of this as a "try it out for your independence". How about "Have you tried calling Mexico?"
We just want our money that we always handover to the federal government that benefits mostly red states....too much to ask?
speaking of the red states wait till they get a good whiff of dumps hc plan It hurts mostly red states
SF Chronicle: Devastated California awaits your leadership, Mr. President. Tweet up, if you care.
As raging wildfires devour the lives, homes and dreams of Californians in an unprecedented scale, one voice has been conspicuously mute through day after day of crisis: President Trump.

This is not a man who is reticent to let Americans know what is foremost on his mind.


Yet Trump has offered no more than a few perfunctory words about the Wine Country fires that have left at least 40 dead, consumed thousands of structures and stretched the physical and mental mettle of the dedicated firefighters and medical professionals to the edge of exhaustion.

That’s it? No talk of visiting California? No expressions of appreciation for the first responders? No condolences for those who lost their lives, or the many more who lost their homes? No recognition or pledges of federal support for the monumental task of rebuilding the neighborhoods and business that were devoured in the fire?


So how can it be that the loss of 40 human beings on American soil did not merit a single tweet? The most forgiving interpretation would be that Trump, along with the cable networks that seem to attract his laser focus and have not made this a huge story, have a case of disaster fatigue. Perhaps the problem is that he hasn’t been blasted for his underwhelming response:There is no surer way to provoke him to his phone. The most cynical speculation would be that he could not care less about a state that despises him like no other.

Devastated California awaits your leadership, Mr. President. Tweet up, if you care

Editorial: California burns: Where’s the president?

Yep, he is the president of all of us...Not just the extremist on the right! Time to do your job.

It's amazingly consistent how Trump reacts to disaster in proportion to how red the states are where the disasters occurred.
What he SHOULD do is have a formal declaration to the State
"Think of this as a "try it out for your independence". How about "Have you tried calling Mexico?"
We just want our money that we always handover to the federal government that benefits mostly red states....too much to ask?

Aren't you barely American? Have you been here long enough to make demands? Didn't mama teach you not to bite the hand that feeds you?
Today's your lucky day...I aim to enlighten the ignorant, uninformed and self manipulated. You're welcome in advance.
21.3% of US Participates in Government Assistance Programs Each Month
Who Participated in Welfare?
The black population:
At 41.6 percent, blacks were more likely to participate in government assistance programs in an average month.
The black participation rate was followed by Hispanics at 36.4 percent, Asians or Pacific Islanders at 17.8 percent, and non-Hispanic whites at 13.2 percent.
Help me here....Are Blacks and Hispanics Republicans in "Red States"?

California - 12% of the nations population, 33% of the nations welfare recipients.
Note that Hawaii and New York are fighting CA for that number one spot....also note all three are blue states. Here you go:
It Looks Like Red States Take Most in Federal 'Welfare' from this Map. But Looks Can Be Deceiving.
California’s Welfare Benefits: Boom or Bust?
"There has been much discussion about immigrants in the United States from everywhere around the world. Yet, why is it that California seems to attract the most immigrants of any state? Indeed, while the state is only 12% of the nation’s population, it is home to 33% of welfare residents. According to a report published by the National Bureau of Economic Research (NBER) on January 26, 2015, there is a correlation between generous welfare benefits and an increase in immigration.

In total, California outspends every other state in public welfare spending – in 2014, it spent $22.4 billion. In contrast, the next closest state, New York, spent $11.9 billion. That being said, does this make California a magnet for immigrants? Not necessarily. It is more of an anchor – a reason why residents stay for long periods of time in the state. However, to deny that there is no magnet would be incorrect. According to George J. Borjas, the Robert W. Scrivner Professor of Economics and Social Policy at the Harvard Kennedy School and the author of the aforementioned report, the reason as to why people decide to relocate is due to “income-maximizing behavior.” Immigrants have already accepted that there are certain fixed costs that are inevitable because of migration, so it is natural that they will flock towards the places with the highest benefits. Empirical evidence suggests that it is because of these differences that there are an increasingly disproportionate number of immigrants among states. While there is the possibility of alternative explanations for this phenomenon, the conclusion that Borjas draws using the wealth-maximization hypothesis is one such testable method.
However, upon closer examination, on a per-capita basis, California’s seemingly generous benefits pale in data comparison to other states. For example, it spends approximately $179 for every resident, behind $233 in Hawaii and $256 in New York. Furthermore, approximately 8.9% of California residents live in poverty, the highest of any state.

What else can I teach you?
SF Chronicle: Devastated California awaits your leadership, Mr. President. Tweet up, if you care.
As raging wildfires devour the lives, homes and dreams of Californians in an unprecedented scale, one voice has been conspicuously mute through day after day of crisis: President Trump.

This is not a man who is reticent to let Americans know what is foremost on his mind.


Yet Trump has offered no more than a few perfunctory words about the Wine Country fires that have left at least 40 dead, consumed thousands of structures and stretched the physical and mental mettle of the dedicated firefighters and medical professionals to the edge of exhaustion.

That’s it? No talk of visiting California? No expressions of appreciation for the first responders? No condolences for those who lost their lives, or the many more who lost their homes? No recognition or pledges of federal support for the monumental task of rebuilding the neighborhoods and business that were devoured in the fire?


So how can it be that the loss of 40 human beings on American soil did not merit a single tweet? The most forgiving interpretation would be that Trump, along with the cable networks that seem to attract his laser focus and have not made this a huge story, have a case of disaster fatigue. Perhaps the problem is that he hasn’t been blasted for his underwhelming response:There is no surer way to provoke him to his phone. The most cynical speculation would be that he could not care less about a state that despises him like no other.

Devastated California awaits your leadership, Mr. President. Tweet up, if you care

Editorial: California burns: Where’s the president?

Yep, he is the president of all of us...Not just the extremist on the right! Time to do your job.

The state of the forests in California have been a disgrace for decades. These fires are the fault on envirowacko politicians pushing feel good legislation. Fuck them, and fuck all the little rich fucks in California who ignore the regulations of the CDF and USDA . Fire is a perfectly natural thing that NEEDs to happen so our forests stay healthy. Let it burn.

California Department of Forestry and Fire Protection - Wikipedia

The California Department of Forestry and Fire Protection (CAL FIRE) is the State of California's agency responsible for fire protection in State Responsibility Areas of California totaling 31 million acres, as well as the administration of the state's private and public forests. In addition, the Department provides varied emergency services in 36 of the State's 58 counties via contracts with local governments. It is often called the California Department of Forestry, which was the name of the department before the 1990s.[2]

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