SF "Cured" There Black, Hispanic and Pesky Families with Kids Problem!!!!


Apr 22, 2007
It seems SF has figured out how to solve it's Black, Hispanic and pesky children problem. Make the cost of living SSSSOOOO high that the blacks, hispanics and families with kids flee for less expensive pastures. That way all you have left is childless whites and Asians. Hipp-Hipp-Hoorrray for liberal diversity!!! Hey White North Dakota, you ain't got nothing San Fransico!

See below blacks make up only 5% and rapidly shrinking of the SF population! Name one large US city that is below 20% (heck below 40%)!

Good job SF, you solved a problem! I mean you love equality "as long as THOSE people don't live in our neighborhoods!"

Newsflash: San Francisco Expensive, Minorities and Families Leaving - San Francisco - News - The Snitch
But what we have here is an extremely thorough and data-rich documentation of something anyone who was paying even the least bit of attention to city demographics knew: Families are leaving. Many minorities are leaving. Children are sparse. Property is prohibitively expensive. Hell, even we had these statistics in two prior cover stories -- in 2009 and 2011.

According to the controller's office, San Franciscans' per-capita income jumped from an already-generous $58,244 in 2004 to $74,515 [in 2008].

Of course, for many San Franciscans, those numbers represent another failure. They point to an exodus. The city's middle class is melting away faster than polar ice. With them, economists and demographers say, goes any realistic hope that voters will demand serious change in search of long-term reform.

Black people now make up barely 5 percent of the city;

Peace brothers, don't let the door hit ya on the way out!
Why Are Black Folks Leaving San Fran?
Today, city officials and concerned citizens are grappling with a continuing depletion of black residents in San Francisco, as many of them leave, in part, because of a wave of gentrification that’s pricing them out of the market; and partly because of a sense of cultural and social marginalization at odds with the city’s reputation for tolerance and diversity.
Suddenly the right doesn't understand market forces?!?! How are the liberals driving them out? This sounds like American capitalism, not the "socialism" progressives are constantly accused of.
Why doesn't San Francisco follow Detroit's example, goddammit?
It seems SF has figured out how to solve it's Black, Hispanic and pesky children problem. Make the cost of living SSSSOOOO high that the blacks, hispanics and families with kids flee for less expensive pastures. That way all you have left is childless whites and Asians. Hipp-Hipp-Hoorrray for liberal diversity!!! Hey White North Dakota, you ain't got nothing San Fransico!

See below blacks make up only 5% and rapidly shrinking of the SF population! Name one large US city that is below 20% (heck below 40%)!

Good job SF, you solved a problem! I mean you love equality "as long as THOSE people don't live in our neighborhoods!"

Newsflash: San Francisco Expensive, Minorities and Families Leaving - San Francisco - News - The Snitch
But what we have here is an extremely thorough and data-rich documentation of something anyone who was paying even the least bit of attention to city demographics knew: Families are leaving. Many minorities are leaving. Children are sparse. Property is prohibitively expensive. Hell, even we had these statistics in two prior cover stories -- in 2009 and 2011.

According to the controller's office, San Franciscans' per-capita income jumped from an already-generous $58,244 in 2004 to $74,515 [in 2008].

Of course, for many San Franciscans, those numbers represent another failure. They point to an exodus. The city's middle class is melting away faster than polar ice. With them, economists and demographers say, goes any realistic hope that voters will demand serious change in search of long-term reform.

Black people now make up barely 5 percent of the city;

Peace brothers, don't let the door hit ya on the way out!
Why Are Black Folks Leaving San Fran?
Today, city officials and concerned citizens are grappling with a continuing depletion of black residents in San Francisco, as many of them leave, in part, because of a wave of gentrification that’s pricing them out of the market; and partly because of a sense of cultural and social marginalization at odds with the city’s reputation for tolerance and diversity.

The city in which I live, the 7th largest city in America, has a black population of 6.9% according to the 2010 census.

Guess that's an OP fail.
A prosperous city is a bad thing, eh?

Can't have that!

Don't mistaken cost of living out of control as prosperous! Their tax and spending policies are driving up the costs!
Suddenly the right doesn't understand market forces?!?! How are the liberals driving them out? This sounds like American capitalism, not the "socialism" progressives are constantly accused of.

Market forces are in play, but SF's policies jack up costs on every level making the cost of living insane. It's not just property costs that are the issue. It's food and living expenses that puts them over the top. There are districts in the city were housing isn't too expense, where section 8 is plentiful, yet the cost of food, public transportations, utilities etc, brought on by liberal taxing and spending, put the cost of living over the top!
It seems SF has figured out how to solve it's Black, Hispanic and pesky children problem. Make the cost of living SSSSOOOO high that the blacks, hispanics and families with kids flee for less expensive pastures. That way all you have left is childless whites and Asians. Hipp-Hipp-Hoorrray for liberal diversity!!! Hey White North Dakota, you ain't got nothing San Fransico!

See below blacks make up only 5% and rapidly shrinking of the SF population! Name one large US city that is below 20% (heck below 40%)!

Good job SF, you solved a problem! I mean you love equality "as long as THOSE people don't live in our neighborhoods!"

Newsflash: San Francisco Expensive, Minorities and Families Leaving - San Francisco - News - The Snitch
But what we have here is an extremely thorough and data-rich documentation of something anyone who was paying even the least bit of attention to city demographics knew: Families are leaving. Many minorities are leaving. Children are sparse. Property is prohibitively expensive. Hell, even we had these statistics in two prior cover stories -- in 2009 and 2011.

According to the controller's office, San Franciscans' per-capita income jumped from an already-generous $58,244 in 2004 to $74,515 [in 2008].

Of course, for many San Franciscans, those numbers represent another failure. They point to an exodus. The city's middle class is melting away faster than polar ice. With them, economists and demographers say, goes any realistic hope that voters will demand serious change in search of long-term reform.

Black people now make up barely 5 percent of the city;

Peace brothers, don't let the door hit ya on the way out!
Why Are Black Folks Leaving San Fran?
Today, city officials and concerned citizens are grappling with a continuing depletion of black residents in San Francisco, as many of them leave, in part, because of a wave of gentrification that’s pricing them out of the market; and partly because of a sense of cultural and social marginalization at odds with the city’s reputation for tolerance and diversity.

enclaves like the trendy sides of Manhattan coastline ;) used to be a place where a person making todays equivalent of 55K a year could live....now?

Prog./libs love minorities....as long as they know there place...... and that place aint in their neighborhood ...
It seems SF has figured out how to solve it's Black, Hispanic and pesky children problem. Make the cost of living SSSSOOOO high that the blacks, hispanics and families with kids flee for less expensive pastures. That way all you have left is childless whites and Asians. Hipp-Hipp-Hoorrray for liberal diversity!!! Hey White North Dakota, you ain't got nothing San Fransico!

See below blacks make up only 5% and rapidly shrinking of the SF population! Name one large US city that is below 20% (heck below 40%)!

Good job SF, you solved a problem! I mean you love equality "as long as THOSE people don't live in our neighborhoods!"

Newsflash: San Francisco Expensive, Minorities and Families Leaving - San Francisco - News - The Snitch
But what we have here is an extremely thorough and data-rich documentation of something anyone who was paying even the least bit of attention to city demographics knew: Families are leaving. Many minorities are leaving. Children are sparse. Property is prohibitively expensive. Hell, even we had these statistics in two prior cover stories -- in 2009 and 2011.

According to the controller's office, San Franciscans' per-capita income jumped from an already-generous $58,244 in 2004 to $74,515 [in 2008].

Of course, for many San Franciscans, those numbers represent another failure. They point to an exodus. The city's middle class is melting away faster than polar ice. With them, economists and demographers say, goes any realistic hope that voters will demand serious change in search of long-term reform.

Black people now make up barely 5 percent of the city;

Peace brothers, don't let the door hit ya on the way out!
Why Are Black Folks Leaving San Fran?
Today, city officials and concerned citizens are grappling with a continuing depletion of black residents in San Francisco, as many of them leave, in part, because of a wave of gentrification that’s pricing them out of the market; and partly because of a sense of cultural and social marginalization at odds with the city’s reputation for tolerance and diversity.

The city in which I live, the 7th largest city in America, has a black population of 6.9% according to the 2010 census.

Guess that's an OP fail.

It is 62% hispanic, which is the "other" minority on the lower end of the social scale, but nice try! Whites make up only 26%!

San Antonio - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
It seems SF has figured out how to solve it's Black, Hispanic and pesky children problem. Make the cost of living SSSSOOOO high that the blacks, hispanics and families with kids flee for less expensive pastures. That way all you have left is childless whites and Asians. Hipp-Hipp-Hoorrray for liberal diversity!!! Hey White North Dakota, you ain't got nothing San Fransico!

See below blacks make up only 5% and rapidly shrinking of the SF population! Name one large US city that is below 20% (heck below 40%)!

Good job SF, you solved a problem! I mean you love equality "as long as THOSE people don't live in our neighborhoods!"

Peace brothers, don't let the door hit ya on the way out!

The city in which I live, the 7th largest city in America, has a black population of 6.9% according to the 2010 census.

Guess that's an OP fail.

It is 62% hispanic, which is the "other" minority on the lower end of the social scale, but nice try! Whites make up only 26%!

San Antonio - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Ah, my bad, and here I was thinking you honestly wanted your silly question answered.

Forgot that you people lunp all "non-whites" into one big unwanted bag.

Well, racist on Cletis.
The city in which I live, the 7th largest city in America, has a black population of 6.9% according to the 2010 census.

Guess that's an OP fail.

It is 62% hispanic, which is the "other" minority on the lower end of the social scale, but nice try! Whites make up only 26%!

San Antonio - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Ah, my bad, and here I was thinking you honestly wanted your silly question answered.

Forgot that you people lunp all "non-whites" into one big unwanted bag.

Well, racist on Cletis.

The simpletons response to to call a person racist! Funny how you say I am racist when I think it deporable that liberal policies have made the cost of living so high in SF, that Blacks and YES HISPANICS (get your eyes checkec, I put hispanics in the title, but it was convenient to leave that out for your red herring attack) and families with kids are leaving SF!
It seems SF has figured out how to solve it's Black, Hispanic and pesky children problem. Make the cost of living SSSSOOOO high that the blacks, hispanics and families with kids flee for less expensive pastures. That way all you have left is childless whites and Asians. Hipp-Hipp-Hoorrray for liberal diversity!!! Hey White North Dakota, you ain't got nothing San Fransico!

See below blacks make up only 5% and rapidly shrinking of the SF population! Name one large US city that is below 20% (heck below 40%)!

Good job SF, you solved a problem! I mean you love equality "as long as THOSE people don't live in our neighborhoods!"

Newsflash: San Francisco Expensive, Minorities and Families Leaving - San Francisco - News - The Snitch
But what we have here is an extremely thorough and data-rich documentation of something anyone who was paying even the least bit of attention to city demographics knew: Families are leaving. Many minorities are leaving. Children are sparse. Property is prohibitively expensive. Hell, even we had these statistics in two prior cover stories -- in 2009 and 2011.

According to the controller's office, San Franciscans' per-capita income jumped from an already-generous $58,244 in 2004 to $74,515 [in 2008].

Of course, for many San Franciscans, those numbers represent another failure. They point to an exodus. The city's middle class is melting away faster than polar ice. With them, economists and demographers say, goes any realistic hope that voters will demand serious change in search of long-term reform.

Black people now make up barely 5 percent of the city;

Peace brothers, don't let the door hit ya on the way out!
Why Are Black Folks Leaving San Fran?
Today, city officials and concerned citizens are grappling with a continuing depletion of black residents in San Francisco, as many of them leave, in part, because of a wave of gentrification that’s pricing them out of the market; and partly because of a sense of cultural and social marginalization at odds with the city’s reputation for tolerance and diversity.

The city in which I live, the 7th largest city in America, has a black population of 6.9% according to the 2010 census.

Guess that's an OP fail.

This OP is indeed a grand fail.

He quotes a blog as his source....

He also seems completely oblivious to something called BART.
It is 62% hispanic, which is the "other" minority on the lower end of the social scale, but nice try! Whites make up only 26%!

San Antonio - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Ah, my bad, and here I was thinking you honestly wanted your silly question answered.

Forgot that you people lunp all "non-whites" into one big unwanted bag.

Well, racist on Cletis.

The simpletons response to to call a person racist! Funny how you say I am racist when I think it deporable that liberal policies have made the cost of living so high in SF, that Blacks and YES HISPANICS (get your eyes checkec, I put hispanics in the title, but it was convenient to leave that out for your red herring attack) and families with kids are leaving SF!

You don't give two shits about blacks or Hispanics.

They're just a tool you're using to justify your stupid rant against San Francisco libruls.
It seems SF has figured out how to solve it's Black, Hispanic and pesky children problem. Make the cost of living SSSSOOOO high that the blacks, hispanics and families with kids flee for less expensive pastures. That way all you have left is childless whites and Asians. Hipp-Hipp-Hoorrray for liberal diversity!!! Hey White North Dakota, you ain't got nothing San Fransico!

See below blacks make up only 5% and rapidly shrinking of the SF population! Name one large US city that is below 20% (heck below 40%)!

Good job SF, you solved a problem! I mean you love equality "as long as THOSE people don't live in our neighborhoods!"

Peace brothers, don't let the door hit ya on the way out!

The city in which I live, the 7th largest city in America, has a black population of 6.9% according to the 2010 census.

Guess that's an OP fail.

This OP is indeed a grand fail.

He quotes a blog as his source....

He also seems completely oblivious to something called BART.

A blog that quotes from facts on the ground and quotes ABC new!

Fail back at ya, but nice strawman!
The city in which I live, the 7th largest city in America, has a black population of 6.9% according to the 2010 census.

Guess that's an OP fail.

It is 62% hispanic, which is the "other" minority on the lower end of the social scale, but nice try! Whites make up only 26%!

San Antonio - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Ah, my bad, and here I was thinking you honestly wanted your silly question answered.

Forgot that you people lunp all "non-whites" into one big unwanted bag.

Well, racist on Cletis.

Forgot that YOU people lump all non-"progressive" whites into one big RACIST bag.

It's always "convenient" for you "progressives" to use blacks and hispanics as tools to forward your race war agenda, and make your divisive and unfounded accusations of "racisim" against all "non-progressives".

The FACT is that the "progressives" are the RACISTS. This OP is right on target, and is a PERFECT example of how a large city can minimize their minority population through economic means.

The "progressives" work really hard to keep those minorities on the plantations, like Los Angeles and Chicago and Detroit and St. Louis and Phladelphia and other cities that have large black and hispanic populations.
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Ah, my bad, and here I was thinking you honestly wanted your silly question answered.

Forgot that you people lunp all "non-whites" into one big unwanted bag.

Well, racist on Cletis.

The simpletons response to to call a person racist! Funny how you say I am racist when I think it deporable that liberal policies have made the cost of living so high in SF, that Blacks and YES HISPANICS (get your eyes checkec, I put hispanics in the title, but it was convenient to leave that out for your red herring attack) and families with kids are leaving SF!

You don't give two shits about blacks or Hispanics.

They're just a tool you're using to justify your stupid rant against San Francisco libruls.

Read some of my thread, I praise Mexico, Colombia, Peru etc on many threads! Esp Mexico, they are emerging well and developing a middle class.

With Blacks, you know little about me, but your a pro on my views. Some of my favorite figures from history are African Americans, starting with Douglass. See who I supported during the GOP primaries, to which I donated $250, Herman Cain. I also loved Mia Love and Alan West.

Like Jews (which I am one) Blacks are politically screwed up.

I dislike liberalism. I think they mask a failed ideology with fake feel good moves! Throughout American history the Black family went through many trials and tribulations, but it always survived. Black children had fathers. They survived everything except liberalism!
The simpletons response to to call a person racist! Funny how you say I am racist when I think it deporable that liberal policies have made the cost of living so high in SF, that Blacks and YES HISPANICS (get your eyes checkec, I put hispanics in the title, but it was convenient to leave that out for your red herring attack) and families with kids are leaving SF!

You don't give two shits about blacks or Hispanics.

They're just a tool you're using to justify your stupid rant against San Francisco libruls.

Read some of my thread, I praise Mexico, Colombia, Peru etc on many threads! Esp Mexico, they are emerging well and developing a middle class.

With Blacks, you know little about me, but your a pro on my views. Some of my favorite figures from history are African Americans, starting with Douglass. See who I supported during the GOP primaries, to which I donated $250, Herman Cain. I also loved Mia Love and Alan West.

Like Jews (which I am one) Blacks are politically screwed up.

I dislike liberalism. I think they mask a failed ideology with fake feel good moves! Throughout American history the Black family went through many trials and tribulations, but it always survived. Black children had fathers. They survived everything except liberalism!

"Some of my best friends are black...."


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