Sgt. Bowe Bergdahl >>> NOT GUILTY.


I read your post, and I found it interesting. The fact that Karzai initially opposed the release, and agreed only after it was arranged for them to go to Quartar is a clear indication he didn't want them back in Afghanistan. The fact that he obviously still considered them high risk is a red flag. At least 3 have already tried to rejoin the terrorists, and all of them will be free to do so in less than 2 months. And guess what? At that point they are free to go wherever they want.

Now would you care to explain why you think releasing them was a good idea, especially in exchange for one soldier that is being charged with desertion?

And before you use the POW line, realize that POWS are practically always held until the end of the conflict. That means both their POWS and ours.
Obiwan tries to cut off the logical answer in order to get the answer he wants.

BHO would have been crucified by the far right and the most of the rest of the nation if he had not retrieved Bergdahl.

The right move was made, and Bergdahl will face his accusers and the panel.
He follows any advice of mine as well as he does yours: not at all.

They are not generals. They had been out of commission for a long time.

You would have crucified the CiC if he had not retrieved Bergdahl.

Justice is being served; you be satisfied.
You would not flail BHO if he had not brought Bergdahl home, Jarlaxle?

You are either delirious or outright lying, little buddy.
Now would you care to explain why you think releasing them was a good idea, especially in exchange for one soldier that is being charged with desertion?

Implant tracking chips in their spinal cords so when they go back to their terrorist buddies we could drop smart bombs on them all and kill them like we should have done the first time ... And we get a deserter to bring home and court-martial as well.

Win-Win if that had been the case.

You would not flail BHO if he had not brought Bergdahl home, Jarlaxle?

You are either delirious or outright lying, little buddy.

I would have preferred Bergdahl had been tried in absentia for desertion, convicted (it's open and shut), and had a Daisy Cutter dropped on his head. Exchanging terrorists for Americans is a HORRIBLE precedent to set.

You're projecting again, putz.
Desertions are a way of life in the military, and the number goes up and down according to the danger and other factors, but desertions are always there. Many a soldier lived because he walked away and then returned. Bergdahl is now involved in politics and that's dangerous.
He was a traitor plane and simple
That will be for the court-martial and convening authority to decide.
Yes we know treason give you a chubby
And they should have been told to take a flying leap.

Actually, no...the 5 SHOULD have been released, but their last meal in custody should have been liberally dosed with amanita phalloides mushrooms.

Yes, I'm wondering how many truck stop hookers you've poisoned with comments like that.

On a serious note, we/ve been fighting the War in Afghanistan for 14 years now. By contrast, World War II only last 6 (only four for the US) and the Civil War only lasted 4. Most americans are not keen on spending any more treasure or blood there, and rightfully so.

So given that, and given the Afghan government wants to negotiate a settlement with the Taliban, wouldn't releasing taliban prisoners, you know, make sense?
I read your post, and I found it interesting. The fact that Karzai initially opposed the release, and agreed only after it was arranged for them to go to Quartar is a clear indication he didn't want them back in Afghanistan. The fact that he obviously still considered them high risk is a red flag. At least 3 have already tried to rejoin the terrorists, and all of them will be free to do so in less than 2 months. And guess what? At that point they are free to go wherever they want.

Now would you care to explain why you think releasing them was a good idea, especially in exchange for one soldier that is being charged with desertion?

And before you use the POW line, realize that POWS are practically always held until the end of the conflict. That means both their POWS and ours.

I think you are cherry picking, but that's okay.

Why is it a good idea? Same reason it was a good idea to negotiate with the Vietnamese, which included getting most of our POW's back in exchange for theirs.

Because at a certain point, you realize that civil wars can't be won by military arms alone.
I'm on the side that says America shouldn't get involved in other people's fights.

The one that knows these guys are not Comic Book Supervillians, they are just mid-level functionaries that we scooped up in 2001 and really don't have much of a capability to much today.
Terrorist Exchanged For Bowe Bergdahl Now Top ISIS Commander National Report

The "National Report"? Seriously? I'm just wondering how these Arabic Speaking ISIL fighters are going to take commands in Pushtan... which most of them don't speak.

I know, they will use their evil Islamic Super Powers!
You would not flail BHO if he had not brought Bergdahl home, Jarlaxle?

You are either delirious or outright lying, little buddy.

I would have preferred Bergdahl had been tried in absentia for desertion, convicted (it's open and shut), and had a Daisy Cutter dropped on his head. Exchanging terrorists for Americans is a HORRIBLE precedent to set. You're projecting again, putz.
Nah, you are flailing again. We could not try him in absentia because we did not have the evidence necessary. You would have flailed the president if he did not bring Bergdahl home. You want both worlds, but the fact is you don't have a home in either.
Nah, you are flailing again. We could not try him in absentia because we did not have the evidence necessary. You would have flailed the president if he did not bring Bergdahl home. You want both worlds, but the fact is you don't have a home in either.

The conservatives clamoring for the release of Bergdahl prior to the President trading 5 high level enemy combatants for a deserter was damn near deafening.
I was surprised it didn't happen sooner with all the pressure the veterans and conservatives were applying to get Bergdahl released.


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