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Sh*t is about to hit the fan: Ex secret service agent warns devastating FISA memo set to expose Obam

No skin off my nose one way or other but reading the article linked in OP, it reads somewhat like hype for latest movie coming out. Nothing really to hang your hat on, so to speak. On the surface it has all the markings of this secret service agent either acting like a wannabe or comically pulling the GOP's leg. Come now, a lot of claims but not one act of panic by Democrats cited.
No skin off my nose one way or other but reading the article linked in OP, it reads somewhat like hype for latest movie coming out. Nothing really to hang your hat on, so to speak. On the surface it has all the markings of this secret service agent either acting like a wannabe or comically pulling the GOP's leg. Come now, a lot of claims but not one act of panic by Democrats cited.

What, you think 'There is no higher priority than the release of this information to preserve our democracy" might be pushing hyperbole a bit?

Oh, and the other shoe dropped. The 'source' on the memo: Trump sycophant Nunes.
No skin off my nose one way or other but reading the article linked in OP, it reads somewhat like hype for latest movie coming out. Nothing really to hang your hat on, so to speak. On the surface it has all the markings of this secret service agent either acting like a wannabe or comically pulling the GOP's leg. Come now, a lot of claims but not one act of panic by Democrats cited.
Not one act, period. They've gone dark on the whole thing. Where is Obama, laughing off such claims? Hillary? Not a peep out of them.
No skin off my nose one way or other but reading the article linked in OP, it reads somewhat like hype for latest movie coming out. Nothing really to hang your hat on, so to speak. On the surface it has all the markings of this secret service agent either acting like a wannabe or comically pulling the GOP's leg. Come now, a lot of claims but not one act of panic by Democrats cited.

Already winning. Even without the secret doc dump.. Got Hillary/DNC funding Russians to "influence an election". Three top FBI guys cleaning toilets in HQ building. The Insp. General office acting like a special counsel to root out the vermin at DOJ.. Got the proof that the Big Brother domestic spy system was WEAPONIZED and used against a political opponent on the premise of a phony ass POS oppo research doc.

Maybe when these docs get released --- we'll have a list of prison numbers. The little 18 month "resistance" hissy fit is unraveling just as I called it.
McCabe, Lynch, Comey, Rosenstein Clinton & Obama Commited
Crimes Against The United States of America.

Not only did they knowingly use a fake Dossier they knew was fake and knew was paid for by Clinton, Obama and The DNC, but they actively tried to torpedo and undermine The Trump Campaign while simultaneously were obstructing Justice and engaging in a massive coverup up of criminal actions committed by The Clinton Campaign and associates and were plotting a Coup if they failed at rigging the election for Hillary Criminal Clinton.

And they PAID...PAID Russia to help them do it!

Release the Document: It’s Time to Release the “Shocking” Memo on FISA Abuses and Expose the Deep State | American Center for Law and Justice

Gingrich: Very Top Of FBI Became Deeply Corrupt Under Obama
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No skin off my nose one way or other but reading the article linked in OP, it reads somewhat like hype for latest movie coming out. Nothing really to hang your hat on, so to speak. On the surface it has all the markings of this secret service agent either acting like a wannabe or comically pulling the GOP's leg. Come now, a lot of claims but not one act of panic by Democrats cited.

Already winning. Even without the secret doc dump.. Got Hillary/DNC funding Russians to "influence an election". Three top FBI guys cleaning toilets in HQ building. The Insp. General office acting like a special counsel to root out the vermin at DOJ.. Got the proof that the Big Brother domestic spy system was WEAPONIZED and used against a political opponent on the premise of a phony ass POS oppo research doc.

Maybe when these docs get released --- we'll have a list of prison numbers. The little 18 month "resistance" hissy fit is unraveling just as I called it.

Laughing....so after being utterly unable to back up your *last* round of meaningless bullshit, you're off to a new round of the same?

Back in reality, we have 4 indictments and 2 guilty pleas that demonstrated beyond any debate that there are crimes in the Trump Team. And yet the more indictments and pleas that Mueller gets, the more shrill and desperate the accusations against Mueller become from conservatives. Where if actually rooting out truth was their goal, the opposite would be true.

And the other shoe dropped. The 'source' on this 'secret memo'? Trump sycophant Nunes. His intel committee manufactured the memo themselves without any input from any democrat citing intel docs that no one is allowed to read. This is the same Nunes that reports to Trump *personally* and was caught visting Trump secretly in the middle of the investigation into Trump's campaign. The same guy that had to recuse himself from the investigation for this very reason.

And you expect us to believe that its just a *coincidence* that only 48 hours after Bannon agrees to cooperate with Mueller's investigation that Nunes just *happens* to manufacture a 'memo' that shows that Mueller should be removed from the investigation and the investigation disbanded?

A memo we can't see. Citing evidence we're not allowed to look at. Manufactured by Trump's ally.

While at the *same time* Trump surrogates are calling for members of Mueller's investigation to be PUT IN PRISON, while others are insisting that Trump should be able to shut down any media outlet he feels is presenting 'fake news'?

C'mon. Trump and his team are in full panic mode. The closer Mueller gets, the more shrill the accusations against Mueller become.
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Just got off the phone with my Senator office....people are melting the phones to release the memo they said...
Nearly two years and not one Shred of Evidence of Russian Collusion except for the massive corruption being uncovered in The Obama Administration
I also want that son of a bitches emails to Clinton’s secret server and his associates who denied that they knew about Clinton’s illegal server released.

'Worse Than Watergate': 'Shocking' House Intel Memo Reveals FISA Abuse by Senior DOJ and FBI Officials

Obama the little bitch is being mentioned by multiple sources bhaha and they can't stand it

Their loser defense mechanisms are on steroids ehheeheh

lol.... gateway pundit & breitbart are hardly credible sources. get back to the class when real journalists are reporting it. oh wait- never mind, your thread is about bananas.

Give me a freaking break that's why you are all clueless gullable Obama sheep.. Move along there's no hope for your types.



Sorry, dude..........this story came out months ago but the wheels of justice turn slowly in the district of deep state crooks.

lol, you don't say...

Obama really did wiretap Trump tower after all....
Not only that, they hacked Russia Alpha Bank and Trump Tower servers and planted false beacon pings on both of them.

Wtf does Clinton & The DNC need Pakistani Hackers for if not for shady shit like that?

In other words they went so far as to manufacture and plant evidence.

That’s the kind of shit people need to face a firing squad for.
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McCabe, Lynch, Comey, Rosenstein Clinton & Obama Commited
Crimes Against The Untied States of America.

Not only did they knowingly use a fake Dossier they knew was fake and knew was paid for by Clinton, Obama and The DNC, but they actively tried to torpedo and undermine The Trump Campaign while simultaneously were obstructing Justice and engaging in a massive coverup up of criminal actions committed by The Clinton Campaign and associates and were plotting a Coup if they failed at rigging the election for Hillary Criminal Clinton.

And they PAID...PAID Russia to help them do it!

Release the Document: It’s Time to Release the “Shocking” Memo on FISA Abuses and Expose the Deep State | American Center for Law and Justice

Gingrich: Very Top Of FBI Became Deeply Corrupt Under Obama

Corruption has been legitimized by the two main parties. If you support one of those two parties, you support the corruption.

You nutbags have been shocked for 24 hours now.

You had better get some sleep.

Boy, Hannity is a real lying piece of scum...he is going to BURN some day, and rightfully so.... that one article and what I watched last night of him is just filled with lies and propaganda that has been proven not to be true....but he keeps repeating it...

Several parts of the Dossier have been proven to be true and verified...

And now with Trump and lawyer paying off this Porn Star with $130,000 in the october before the election, when the scummy Trump dragged Clinton gals to the debate....

Kind proves that the Prostitute part in the Dossier is probably true as well...even though I had been disregarding that part......now, you have to wonder if he just doesn't have a penchant for prostitutes, and Putin/the Russians knew it, and this is why the Russians offered the prostitutes to him when he was in Moscow.....plus the Russians are experts in getting Kompromat on people like Trump.....

Holy Moly.....

I can not wait until all of this chaos and madness ends

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