Shale Giants Swear They Won't Drill More, Even At $200 Barrel

President Crapsalot has talked with the Saudis, but has he held talks with American gas and oil CEOs? Has he made any offers to slash red tape and ease off environmental regulations?

Oh, I forgot. That's not really an option for the Crapmeister in Chief. He ran on the most aggressive climate agenda in US presidential history. His voters, the climate scientists, and even the International Energy Agency all demanded that US oil companies need to stop drilling now to reduce greenhouse gas emissions they claimed were warming the planet. And Sir Shitsalot was more than happy to oblige them, wasn't he?

How 'bout that keystone XL pipeline? Way to go Brandon. :banana:
A pipeline doesn't increase petroleum production.
The Texas wildcatters that ushered in America’s shale revolution are resisting the temptation to pump more oil as the market rallies, signaling higher gasoline prices for consumers already battered by the worst inflation in a generation.

Crude prices hurtling toward $100 a barrel typically would spark a frenzy of new drilling by independent explorers in shale fields from the desert Southwest to the Upper Great Plains -- but not this year. Influential players like Pioneer Natural Resources Co., Devon Energy Corp. and Harold Hamm’s Continental Resources Inc. just pledged to limit 2022 production increases to no more than 5%, a fraction of the 20% or higher annual growth rates meted out in the pre-pandemic era.

So much for the inflation excuse.
They hate Biden
Oil production doubled because of Obamas energy policies. The world economy recovered from another Republican disaster because of Obama's energy policies. The recovery would have been double but for failed Republican policy, and purposeful Republican obstruction.

Anything a Republican touches fails. Energy policy, or anyother policy.

This thread is about the clear threat from the oil industry to keep oil and gas prices where they are, which has nothing to do with Bidens energy policy, and zero to do with inflation.

The price of gas rests solely with the oil companies, and only with the oil companies, and you can bet your ass, that we will be making damn sure that the American people know who is responsible for the gas prices.
Libtard logic 101 the anti drilling, anti pipeline president Obama doubled oil production because of his energy policies ??

How does that work? You think a football team that punts on first down scores 7 points also?
No it merely sets the rules. Why is the US the number one producer of oil in the world?

If your rules are very strict, does that reduce production?

Why is the US the number one producer of oil in the world?

Do you think Obama's policies caused US production to increase?

Which ones?

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