Shall not be Infringed is a fraud!

Did the military of the Revolutionary War have missiles, tanks......They did have guns. So, I'm going out on a limb and say "Arms" refers to any type of gun or rifle. Whether or not a citizen should be able to own military weapons, I doubt it. In fact, in my state, it's illegal to own martial arts weapons anywhere but in a martial arts studio, quoon, dojo......
Civilians owned cannons and other artillery; they owned warships.

But they didn't own iPhones or computers or TVs or TV stations so I guess the government can restrict any speech they wish on any of those, right? Tell the press what they MUST say and what they CANNOT say on TV or on the Internet?
Oh, if not careful they sell you, even insist you pay for one, but won't let you keep it. A warrant officer tried to sell me a twin rise pack tank engine, M60A1 final drive system, transmission, ANVRC46 radio, tank maingun recoil mechanism, Tank hull undercarriage, and tank track with a 4 page statement of charges, he intended me to sign. Turns out they can get you for one component a month out of your pay, if they want to press it, and you can be paying for years. First and only time I ever locked up a warrant officer at attention to get a word in edgewise during an ass chewing. I had 3 fellow 2Lt witnesses to his gross disrespect and attempt to railroad my ass. He thought he knew who he was fking with, but he didn't. The other 2LTs were right out of college, never on a tank before Armor School, but I was a Sergeant before I was commissioned, experienced in track vehicle maintenance and I also had the 2404 in my possession, where I had dead lined the tank, listing multiple deadline items before the final exercise battle of our 10 day war, with a signature overriding my deadline. The bastard was even sticking me for the track, final drive, and transmission destroyed by the inexperience recovery crew. The tank was destroyed, no doubt, but they weren't get $250,000 plus from me.

Huh? How is that, by any stretch, an on-topic post? This is a thread about the 2nd Amendment. I assume you'll be deleting the post.
A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed.

One last time: ARMS can be every weapon trained for combat troops in the 21st Century. Are you able to walk onto a military base and purchase a few anti-personnel grenades, Claymore Mines, Anti tank weapons, Surface to Air Missiles or fully automatic long guns and hand guns?

Good gosh but you are a whiney twat.
LOL, schools have rules and regulations. If you brought a sling shot to a school most likely you would be suspended, or, if you used it and put out an eye of another student you would be arrested and sued. Both criminal and civil torts.
Most of us here don't go to school. If you are still in school, I'm curious about the minimum age for the site. And bed times.
A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed.

One last time: ARMS can be every weapon trained for combat troops in the 21st Century. Are you able to walk onto a military base and purchase a few anti-personnel grenades, Claymore Mines, Anti tank weapons, Surface to Air Missiles or fully automatic long guns and hand guns?
Of course not.

The Second Amendment right is neither ‘unlimited’ nor ‘absolute’ – it is not a right to keep and carry any weapon whatsoever in any manner whatsoever and for whatever purpose; the right is subject to limits and restriction by government consistent with Second Amendment case law.

The provisions of the National Firearms Act of 1934 codifies the regulations and restrictions concerning fully automatic long guns and hand guns, for example.
Huh? How is that, by any stretch, an on-topic post? This is a thread about the 2nd Amendment. I assume you'll be deleting the post.
OK. Did not see your post until this morning when logging on. Consider it gone.
Yep, and M80's are either illegal or regulated. Both are infringements.

Regulated? You can buy a gross of them all along the I-95 corridor.

And the firework ban in NY is laughable, my precinct crowed over confiscating one table's worth of fireworks while the whole area was a boomin for hours on July 4th (and July 3rd)
Regulated? You can buy a gross of them all along the I-95 corridor.

And the firework ban in NY is laughable, my precinct crowed over confiscating one table's worth of fireworks while the whole area was a boomin for hours on July 4th (and July 3rd)
In counties fireworks are illegal.
Most of us here don't go to school. If you are still in school, I'm curious about the minimum age for the site. And bed times.
Still waiting for you to man up, Scotsman.
What are you afraid of?

I read Dune. I found the line about the “family atomics” a bit scary.

Off hand, I come down on the side that says this thread (particularly the OP) is just plain silly.
Civilians owned cannons and other artillery; they owned warships.

But they didn't own iPhones or computers or TVs or TV stations so I guess the government can restrict any speech they wish on any of those, right? Tell the press what they MUST say and what they CANNOT say on TV or on the Internet?
Libs have everything upside down these days. See where you can get up to a year in jail in Japan for saying something negative to others. The Japanese have a history of tyranny and it's coming back.
A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed.

One last time: ARMS can be every weapon trained for combat troops in the 21st Century. Are you able to walk onto a military base and purchase a few anti-personnel grenades, Claymore Mines, Anti tank weapons, Surface to Air Missiles or fully automatic long guns and hand guns?
What a stupid comment. Grow up, maybe you didn't go to school, ever.
A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed.

One last time: ARMS can be every weapon trained for combat troops in the 21st Century. Are you able to walk onto a military base and purchase a few anti-personnel grenades, Claymore Mines, Anti tank weapons, Surface to Air Missiles or fully automatic long guns and hand guns?
Lose another 2A argument didja? :abgg2q.jpg:
A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed.

One last time: ARMS can be every weapon trained for combat troops in the 21st Century. Are you able to walk onto a military base and purchase a few anti-personnel grenades, Claymore Mines, Anti tank weapons, Surface to Air Missiles or fully automatic long guns and hand guns?
Ok. Ban the possession of bombs, mines and missiles. Fair

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