Shall not be Infringed is a fraud!

You've proved "shall not be infringed" is the product of all Arms. Thus you've proved all Arms can be controlled.
wrong,, as per the 2nd A all arms are safe from being controlled from the government,,

you had to selectively edit the 2nd A to come up with your claim,,
you have to read the whole thing,,
The wording of the 2nd Amendment has been addressed by a dozen Supreme Courts. Restrictions on firearms possession would fill a freaking court room. Why don't ignorant lefties try enforcing the law instead of quibbling about 300 year old words in the Bill of Rights?
The wording of the 2nd Amendment has been addressed by a dozen Supreme Courts. Restrictions on firearms possession would fill a freaking court room. Why don't ignorant lefties try enforcing the law instead of quibbling about 300 year old words in the Bill of Rights?
Because they know the state cannot have a monopoly on force so long as the citizenry remains armed.
I've pointed out in another thread the historical context and framing of the 2A

The founding fathers and early state constitutions specifically called out the need for the public to be armed and to form militias for the security of liberty and freedoms.

I think we forget that the primary purpose of the 2A is about protecting foundational core liberties and freedoms spelled out by our founding fathers. At the time, the best way to do so was through making sure the people were armed and that right was not to be infringed. The 2A is a reminder to our politicians and the gov't that they serve the constitution, the states and the people. In some ways, the 2A is a threat to the federal and state governments to remain a constitutional, federal republic.

However, our society has become politically ignorant. The politically ignorant suckle at the teets of their political demigods, the MSM, and feast on likes from their social media accounts while being unable to rationally think and reason on their own. They would rather give the rights owed to us in the constitution back to the politicians. The Politically Ignorant want to coddled by the federal gov't and told what we should want, think, and need.

I cannot reason why any society would want to place so much trust in their gov't?
True, and that proves the negative of shall not be infringed allowing in Texas and the 199 mass murders in the 128 days in this year.

Only a few of those were actual mass shootings, most were just shootings that get added to the "mass" category because it has been increased to scare people.
A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed.

One last time: ARMS can be every weapon trained for combat troops in the 21st Century. Are you able to walk onto a military base and purchase a few anti-personnel grenades, Claymore Mines, Anti tank weapons, Surface to Air Missiles or fully automatic long guns and hand guns?

Ossifer are you trying to look stupid?
A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed.

One last time: ARMS can be every weapon trained for combat troops in the 21st Century. Are you able to walk onto a military base and purchase a few anti-personnel grenades, Claymore Mines, Anti tank weapons, Surface to Air Missiles or fully automatic long guns and hand guns?
One of the many reasons we ridicule you stupid uneducated Moon Bats is you idiots not knowing what a simple phrase like "shall not be infringed" means. A third grader could tell you what it means but you morons have trouble understanding it.

The latest Supreme Court Ruling (Bruen) specified that there must be a damn good reason for any infringement. It must now meet Constitutional strict scrutiny. Much more stringent than what the asshole Liberals have been using in the past.

Stop posting idiot garbage. It just makes you look more of a fool than we already think you are.
One of the many reasons we ridicule you stupid uneducated Moon Bats is you idiots not knowing what a simple phrase like "shall not be infringed" means. A third grader could tell you what it means but you morons have trouble understanding it.

The latest Supreme Court Ruling (Bruen) specified that there must be a damn good reason for any infringement. It must now meet Constitutional strict scrutiny. Much more stringent than what the asshole Liberals have been using in the past.

Stop posting idiot garbage. It just makes you look more of a fool than we already think you are.
A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed.

One last time: ARMS can be every weapon trained for combat troops in the 21st Century. Are you able to walk onto a military base and purchase a few anti-personnel grenades, Claymore Mines, Anti tank weapons, Surface to Air Missiles or fully automatic long guns and hand guns?

Who do you think makes those grenades, mine, anti-tank weapons, missiles, etc.?
They are not made BY the military.
They are originally owned by private companies, who then sell them to the military.
So then clearly there are means by which civilians can and do own them.
Did the military of the Revolutionary War have missiles, tanks......They did have guns. So, I'm going out on a limb and say "Arms" refers to any type of gun or rifle. Whether or not a citizen should be able to own military weapons, I doubt it. In fact, in my state, it's illegal to own martial arts weapons anywhere but in a martial arts studio, quoon, dojo......

Civilians do and must own all types of weapons since the source of where the military buys them from is private civilian companies.

And in fact, in the revolutionary war, most of the cannon and armed ships were privately owned.
Mea culpa, how about the manufacturers of those ARMS made for the Military.

That is your whole mistake. The manufacturer of those ARMS for the miliary ARE civilians.
So clearly civilians can and do own all the weapons ever created or owned by the military.
I can think of something I'd like to buy ... but, it's not on the market any longer ...

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I was reading why they stopped making the Davey Crocket nuke.
It had a firing range of something like a quarter mile only, because the casing was to heavy.
But then the radiation blast had a kill zone of something like a half mile.
So it was a suicide device.

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