Shall we watch the hypocrites about the clot shots. Ok, lets watch them.


Diamond Member
Dec 8, 2013

Me, a supposed Trumpbot didn't and wouldn't take that clot shot when Trump pushed it and certainly won't take it under shit lipsbiden.

That's not what the left did though. Crushed Trump for the vaccine and then when shitlips pushed it they sang a different tune like the pathetic monkeys on democrat globalist strings they are.
The pay -off for the foolish Deniers and Cognitively Dissonant has started .

The Big Die Off will claim millions in the next three years .

Excess deaths show millions have already died and this is based on official figures already manipulated as far as they dare
"they were totally different people when TRump was president"

Yes! Liars all of them. and the idiot left here on this board, constantly bloviate how they believe in "SCIENCE" ..LOL. when you bring this up with them though they will still blame Trump and simply ignore every bit of how Democrats tried to stall the vaccine that they NOW all believe in. A vaccine for which if you question, they call you a denier.
Something factual has been moved to "conspiracy" theories. Wonder how pointing the blatant hypocrisy of the pathetic leftists is a "conspiracy" when it is true.

Your blood donations will soon be worth more than gold.

Our blood supply is tainted with the spike protein.

I'm not vaccinated, had plenty of antibodies from a covid infection in Nov, 2020 and the Red Cross would call me, email me and snail mail me like crazy after I donated to set up another donation until I told them to stop it after they changed their policy and refused to let the donors know if they carried covid antibodies in late 2021 or early 2022. That same caller told me they had to change their policy after intense pressure from the Biden administration as too many donors were doing what I was, using a blood donation to keep track of my antibodies and then to refuse the vaccine.

I would never have gotten the vaccine, no matter what level my covid antibodies were.
Explain the conspiracy "theory."
That is outside Horsey Horse's pay grade .
His Cognitive Dissonance is his key problem but people like him also become a danger to others .
Spreading his brand of ignorance is at the expense of others who may need good advice and help .
That's not how it works. You made the accusation. Now you have the opportunity to back it up...
😆 The classic example of a person that is thoroughly contaminated. Here, take the time to watch this part of this ex kgb agent who defected and revealed the demoralization process.

It's worth a watch. I know it's a bit long but it's very interesting. Over and hour video but he focuses here on the demoralization stage of a nation being taken over.

If you can focus on the part where he states that once a person is thoroughly contaminated (15 to 20 years minimum) by propaganda that the condition is irreversible.

Will not matter one bit if you provide and show authentic information that shows black is black and white is white. Won't matter.

Look at this monkey. I provided specific examples of what shitlips said and what monkeys were doing when Trump pushed the clot shot. Then shows what they have done once shitlips took office.

Yuri B proven correct. Again, won't matter to that idiot as we can see. A thoroughly contaminated monkey.
😆 The classic example of a person that is thoroughly contaminated. Here, take the time to watch this part of this ex kgb agent who defected and revealed the demoralization process.

It's worth a watch. I know it's a bit long but it's very interesting. Over and hour video but he focuses here on the demoralization stage of a nation being taken over.

If you can focus on the part where he states that once a person is thoroughly contaminated (15 to 20 years minimum) by propaganda that the condition is irreversible.

Will not matter one bit if you provide and show authentic information that shows black is black and white is white. Won't matter.

Look at this monkey. I provided specific examples of what shitlips said and what monkeys were doing when Trump pushed the clot shot. Then shows what they have done once shitlips took office.

Yuri B proven correct. Again, won't matter to that idiot as we can see. A thoroughly contaminated monkey.

Seen it many times over the years. It should be required viewing in school. But that would kind of sabotage their efforts...
This thread landing in the "Conspiracy Theory" room after the mountains of evidence that the "vax" was not only largely ineffective but actually harmful in the long term, speaks volumes about the political leanings of the admin of this forum... or at the least, the moderator(s) that decided to move it here.

At best the mRNA shot was a therapeutic and NOT a vaccine, since it didn't prevent the spread or contraction of the virus.

That's it.

The only consistent benefit to it is the fact that it dampens the symptoms of COVID after you've been infected. It doesn't prevent or contain anything, and never did.

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