SHAME! Juanita Broaddrick and Paula Jones SLAM Joy Behar for calling them tramps

Juanita Broaddrick allegations have no proof, she is a proven liar who has supported birther, she said Hillary is mentally ill and a good few more conspiracy claims... And she has the strongest case, which is no case at all...

Has the Trumpsters any actual proof...

Bill Clinton is innocent of any sexual harassment or rape claims... that is a fact...

3 women say bill clinton raped them, about a dozen say he sexually assaulted them including one who was an Air Force enlisted person who reported the Assault up the chain of Command.....they told friends and family at the time of the attacks....alll of these people are lying...and only bill clinton is telling the truth....right?


Broaddrick said for 20 years that he didn't and did under testimony. She has not given a sworn statement that he did rape her... There is no actual proof... Broaddrick is mentally unstable and is a conspiracy theory nut, from her own twitter account...

Kathleen Willey story was full of holes, she admitted to lying to the FBI(and we know how strict you are about that)... This is what KEnneth Starr said and he was far from objective:
The Final Report of the U.S. Office of the Independent Counsel report noted that "Willey and President Clinton are the only direct witnesses to their meeting, and their accounts differ substantially on the crucial facts of what occurred." It also stated "Willey gave false information to the FBI about her sexual relationship with a former boyfriend, and acknowledged having lied about it when the agents confronted her with contradictory evidence. There were also some differences in her Paula Jones and Grand Jury testimony. Although, in both her Grand Jury and Paula Jones testimony she stated she had been harassed.[5][6] Following Willey's acknowledgment of these lies about her boyfriend, "the Independent Counsel agreed not to prosecute Willey for any offense arising out of the investigation, including false statements in her Jones deposition, so long as she cooperated fully and truthfully with the investigation."[7] According to Independent Counsel Robert Ray's report, "Willey's Paula Jones deposition testimony differed from her grand jury testimony on material aspects of the alleged incident."[8] In short, there was insufficient evidence to prove to a jury beyond a reasonable doubt that President Clinton's testimony regarding Kathleen Willey was false. Accordingly, the Independent Counsel declined prosecution

Monica Lewinsky even said he wouldn't have gone near her.

Paula Jones -
There was no admission of guilt in this case and Bill's lawyer said they payed her off to move on. Paula Jones never said she was raped.
That is an utter lie, he exposed himself to her, that is the start and end of it... My wife says for $850k she did very well... She is a nurse and see them all the time.

So you have a mentally unstable, a proven liar and gold digger... Well done... This not shaming these are facts on this case... Bill Clinton deserves a little respect, he was the President of United States...
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Yes, the fucking liberals are pathetic pieces of shit ^

Remember when Hillary Clinton said something about how all women who are sexually assaulted should be heard? Or something along those lines, it’s hard to keep it all straight considering how much nonsense she spews but it was something like that. Apparently the Left only agrees with her when women who are Democrats want to talk about being sexually assaulted, otherwise they’re just tramps

Well, yeah. They made a big deal about Clarence Thomas, and trying to destroy him over a woman, guess there is some double standard
Those women on stage with old pussy grabber? They sold their souls to the devil and now deserve thier hell.

Women who were raped by Clinton deserve more hell? Or how about Kathy that Hillary lied about and got her rapist a reduced sentence?

She deserves more hell?

Fuck you.
They lost the evidence and her mother didn't want her to go to trial. Get you facts straight.

And she sat on stage with old pussy grabber? Fuck her.

I've got my facts straight. Clinton blamed the victim asshole. Clinton in an affidavit had the balls to claim that the 12 year old girl fantasized about making it with an older man.

The piece of evidence which had the virgin's blood stain on it went missing but there was no reason that the officers who collected the evidence could not have been called.

And yes her mother just wanted all this over with so her daughter didn't have to testify BUT that does not take away from the fact that Hillary blamed the victim.

Like she always does. It's never Bill's fault either.

And I'm thrilled to death that this poor woman's story is now finally news.
Are you talking about when Hillary was ordered to defend a man in a case she didn't want to defend?
Rape is 'Cool' when a Democrat does it. Nothing's changed. Most Democrats are dumbed-down hypocrites. Behar represents everything truly awful about America. Period, end of story.
Those women on stage with old pussy grabber? They sold their souls to the devil and now deserve thier hell.

Women who were raped by Clinton deserve more hell? Or how about Kathy that Hillary lied about and got her rapist a reduced sentence?

She deserves more hell?

Fuck you.
They lost the evidence and her mother didn't want her to go to trial. Get you facts straight.

And she sat on stage with old pussy grabber? Fuck her.
I sympathize what she went through as a child, but the woman is lying about details of the court case now.

The facts about Hillary Clinton and the Kathy Shelton rape case
Glenn Kessler October 11 at 3:00 AM | Fact Checker

"For a variety of reasons, a plea agreement to a reduced charge was reached. Investigators mishandled evidence of Taylor’s bloody underwear, cutting out the stain for testing and then losing it. Newsday also quoted a retired detective on the case as saying that Shelton’s “ ‘infatuation’ with the teenage boy, which she refused to admit,” led to “serious inconsistencies in her statements about the incident.” The detective also said Shelton’s mother “was so eager to end the ordeal she coached her daughter’s statements and interrupted interviews with police.”

Shelton did not respond to requests for comment left on her phone and the gofundme site. We also sought comment from Candice E. Jackson, an attorney who represents her.

The Bottom Line
Memories are malleable over time. The record shows that Shelton’s memories of the case have changed, specifically concerning being forced to take a psychiatric exam that, it turns out, was not approved by the court. Shelton did not know about Clinton’s affidavit asking for the exam in the 41-year-old case until it was shown to her by a reporter nine years ago.

There is little indication that the outcome of the case would have been much different, no matter the defense attorney, given the mishandling of the evidence and Shelton’s difficulties as a witness. Yet now the exam has become a key part of her story in order to raise funds."

She also lied about being in a coma for five days.

There is no defense possible for Hillary blaming the victim for her own rape. As to the mishandling of the evidence those that collected the evidence could have been called to have witnessed the blood from the virgin.

And as far as her being a difficult witness? She was a rape victim with the Defense lawyer claiming she wanted to get raped.
Those women on stage with old pussy grabber? They sold their souls to the devil and now deserve thier hell.

Women who were raped by Clinton deserve more hell? Or how about Kathy that Hillary lied about and got her rapist a reduced sentence?

She deserves more hell?

Fuck you.
They lost the evidence and her mother didn't want her to go to trial. Get you facts straight.

And she sat on stage with old pussy grabber? Fuck her.

I've got my facts straight. Clinton blamed the victim asshole. Clinton in an affidavit had the balls to claim that the 12 year old girl fantasized about making it with an older man.

The piece of evidence which had the virgin's blood stain on it went missing but there was no reason that the officers who collected the evidence could not have been called.

And yes her mother just wanted all this over with so her daughter didn't have to testify BUT that does not take away from the fact that Hillary blamed the victim.

Like she always does. It's never Bill's fault either.

And I'm thrilled to death that this poor woman's story is now finally news.
Are you talking about when Hillary was ordered to defend a man in a case she didn't want to defend?

She became so invested i the case that she maligned the little girl's reputation.
Yes, the fucking liberals are pathetic pieces of shit ^

Remember when Hillary Clinton said something about how all women who are sexually assaulted should be heard? Or something along those lines, it’s hard to keep it all straight considering how much nonsense she spews but it was something like that. Apparently the Left only agrees with her when women who are Democrats want to talk about being sexually assaulted, otherwise they’re just tramps

Well, yeah. They made a big deal about Clarence Thomas, and trying to destroy him over a woman, guess there is some double standard
Anita Hill wasn't a bimbo. I bet she wouldn't show up at a presidential debate no matter how much money Trump gave her.
Those women on stage with old pussy grabber? They sold their souls to the devil and now deserve thier hell.

Women who were raped by Clinton deserve more hell? Or how about Kathy that Hillary lied about and got her rapist a reduced sentence?

She deserves more hell?

Fuck you.
They lost the evidence and her mother didn't want her to go to trial. Get you facts straight.

And she sat on stage with old pussy grabber? Fuck her.

I've got my facts straight. Clinton blamed the victim asshole. Clinton in an affidavit had the balls to claim that the 12 year old girl fantasized about making it with an older man.

The piece of evidence which had the virgin's blood stain on it went missing but there was no reason that the officers who collected the evidence could not have been called.

And yes her mother just wanted all this over with so her daughter didn't have to testify BUT that does not take away from the fact that Hillary blamed the victim.

Like she always does. It's never Bill's fault either.

And I'm thrilled to death that this poor woman's story is now finally news.
Are you talking about when Hillary was ordered to defend a man in a case she didn't want to defend?

She became so invested i the case that she maligned the little girl's reputation.
In other words, as a public defender, she did an outstanding job. Exactly what was required of her under the law.
Those women on stage with old pussy grabber? They sold their souls to the devil and now deserve thier hell.

Women who were raped by Clinton deserve more hell? Or how about Kathy that Hillary lied about and got her rapist a reduced sentence?

She deserves more hell?

Fuck you.
They lost the evidence and her mother didn't want her to go to trial. Get you facts straight.

And she sat on stage with old pussy grabber? Fuck her.

I've got my facts straight. Clinton blamed the victim asshole. Clinton in an affidavit had the balls to claim that the 12 year old girl fantasized about making it with an older man.

The piece of evidence which had the virgin's blood stain on it went missing but there was no reason that the officers who collected the evidence could not have been called.

And yes her mother just wanted all this over with so her daughter didn't have to testify BUT that does not take away from the fact that Hillary blamed the victim.

Like she always does. It's never Bill's fault either.

And I'm thrilled to death that this poor woman's story is now finally news.
Are you talking about when Hillary was ordered to defend a man in a case she didn't want to defend?

The one where she was laughing about getting the rapist off. THAT one.
Yes, the fucking liberals are pathetic pieces of shit ^

Remember when Hillary Clinton said something about how all women who are sexually assaulted should be heard? Or something along those lines, it’s hard to keep it all straight considering how much nonsense she spews but it was something like that. Apparently the Left only agrees with her when women who are Democrats want to talk about being sexually assaulted, otherwise they’re just tramps

Well, yeah. They made a big deal about Clarence Thomas, and trying to destroy him over a woman, guess there is some double standard
Anita Hill wasn't a bimbo. I bet she wouldn't show up at a presidential debate no matter how much money Trump gave her.

And how do people know these other women are all bimbos? this seems unfair to me.
Women who were raped by Clinton deserve more hell? Or how about Kathy that Hillary lied about and got her rapist a reduced sentence?

She deserves more hell?

Fuck you.
They lost the evidence and her mother didn't want her to go to trial. Get you facts straight.

And she sat on stage with old pussy grabber? Fuck her.

I've got my facts straight. Clinton blamed the victim asshole. Clinton in an affidavit had the balls to claim that the 12 year old girl fantasized about making it with an older man.

The piece of evidence which had the virgin's blood stain on it went missing but there was no reason that the officers who collected the evidence could not have been called.

And yes her mother just wanted all this over with so her daughter didn't have to testify BUT that does not take away from the fact that Hillary blamed the victim.

Like she always does. It's never Bill's fault either.

And I'm thrilled to death that this poor woman's story is now finally news.
Are you talking about when Hillary was ordered to defend a man in a case she didn't want to defend?

She became so invested i the case that she maligned the little girl's reputation.
In other words, as a public defender, she did an outstanding job. Exactly what was required of her under the law.

To lie in her affidavit? To blame the victim for her own rape?
Women who were raped by Clinton deserve more hell? Or how about Kathy that Hillary lied about and got her rapist a reduced sentence?

She deserves more hell?

Fuck you.
They lost the evidence and her mother didn't want her to go to trial. Get you facts straight.

And she sat on stage with old pussy grabber? Fuck her.

I've got my facts straight. Clinton blamed the victim asshole. Clinton in an affidavit had the balls to claim that the 12 year old girl fantasized about making it with an older man.

The piece of evidence which had the virgin's blood stain on it went missing but there was no reason that the officers who collected the evidence could not have been called.

And yes her mother just wanted all this over with so her daughter didn't have to testify BUT that does not take away from the fact that Hillary blamed the victim.

Like she always does. It's never Bill's fault either.

And I'm thrilled to death that this poor woman's story is now finally news.
Are you talking about when Hillary was ordered to defend a man in a case she didn't want to defend?

She became so invested i the case that she maligned the little girl's reputation.
In other words, as a public defender, she did an outstanding job. Exactly what was required of her under the law.

Maligning an innocent child's reputation in order to set free a child rapist is morally reprehensible, not an outstanding job.
Those women on stage with old pussy grabber? They sold their souls to the devil and now deserve thier hell.

Women who were raped by Clinton deserve more hell? Or how about Kathy that Hillary lied about and got her rapist a reduced sentence?

She deserves more hell?

Fuck you.
They lost the evidence and her mother didn't want her to go to trial. Get you facts straight.

And she sat on stage with old pussy grabber? Fuck her.

I've got my facts straight. Clinton blamed the victim asshole. Clinton in an affidavit had the balls to claim that the 12 year old girl fantasized about making it with an older man.

The piece of evidence which had the virgin's blood stain on it went missing but there was no reason that the officers who collected the evidence could not have been called.

And yes her mother just wanted all this over with so her daughter didn't have to testify BUT that does not take away from the fact that Hillary blamed the victim.

Like she always does. It's never Bill's fault either.

And I'm thrilled to death that this poor woman's story is now finally news.
Are you talking about when Hillary was ordered to defend a man in a case she didn't want to defend?

The one where she was laughing about getting the rapist off. THAT one.
She was probably laughing at right wingers for wanting her to ignore the law.
I'll just uh, leave this here....

Check out his weight here too. He's twice his own size now.
Yes, the fucking liberals are pathetic pieces of shit ^

Remember when Hillary Clinton said something about how all women who are sexually assaulted should be heard? Or something along those lines, it’s hard to keep it all straight considering how much nonsense she spews but it was something like that. Apparently the Left only agrees with her when women who are Democrats want to talk about being sexually assaulted, otherwise they’re just tramps

Joy B is just mad because she is a dried up barron old where and can't get no play.
They lost the evidence and her mother didn't want her to go to trial. Get you facts straight.

And she sat on stage with old pussy grabber? Fuck her.

I've got my facts straight. Clinton blamed the victim asshole. Clinton in an affidavit had the balls to claim that the 12 year old girl fantasized about making it with an older man.

The piece of evidence which had the virgin's blood stain on it went missing but there was no reason that the officers who collected the evidence could not have been called.

And yes her mother just wanted all this over with so her daughter didn't have to testify BUT that does not take away from the fact that Hillary blamed the victim.

Like she always does. It's never Bill's fault either.

And I'm thrilled to death that this poor woman's story is now finally news.
Are you talking about when Hillary was ordered to defend a man in a case she didn't want to defend?

She became so invested i the case that she maligned the little girl's reputation.
In other words, as a public defender, she did an outstanding job. Exactly what was required of her under the law.

Maligning an innocent child's reputation in order to set free a child rapist is morally reprehensible, not an outstanding job.
It is in the US legal system. Innocent until proven guilty.

Imagine if Trump got his way and the government killed those five innocent children after Trump put out a full page ad calling for their murder. And then the US discovered the real perpetrator? Most of the US would feel terrible about the murder of five innocent children. But not Trump and certainly not Republcians. If Republicans were thrilled Trayvon Martin was murdered, they would be estatic 5 were taken out. Innocent or not. Besides, Republicans understand, you can't be black or Hispanic and be innocent.
I've got my facts straight. Clinton blamed the victim asshole. Clinton in an affidavit had the balls to claim that the 12 year old girl fantasized about making it with an older man.

The piece of evidence which had the virgin's blood stain on it went missing but there was no reason that the officers who collected the evidence could not have been called.

And yes her mother just wanted all this over with so her daughter didn't have to testify BUT that does not take away from the fact that Hillary blamed the victim.

Like she always does. It's never Bill's fault either.

And I'm thrilled to death that this poor woman's story is now finally news.
Are you talking about when Hillary was ordered to defend a man in a case she didn't want to defend?

She became so invested i the case that she maligned the little girl's reputation.
In other words, as a public defender, she did an outstanding job. Exactly what was required of her under the law.

Maligning an innocent child's reputation in order to set free a child rapist is morally reprehensible, not an outstanding job.
It is in the US legal system. Innocent until proven guilty.

Imagine if Trump got his way and the government killed those five innocent children after Trump put out a full page ad calling for their murder. And then the US discovered the real perpetrator? Most of the US would feel terrible about the murder of five innocent children. But not Trump and certainly not Republcians. If Republicans were thrilled Trayvon Martin was murdered, they would be estatic 5 were taken out. Innocent or not. Besides, Republicans understand, you can't be black or Hispanic and be innocent.

Bill Clinton has been proven to be a serial sex abuser. He should be in prison. And so should his wife.
I've got my facts straight. Clinton blamed the victim asshole. Clinton in an affidavit had the balls to claim that the 12 year old girl fantasized about making it with an older man.

The piece of evidence which had the virgin's blood stain on it went missing but there was no reason that the officers who collected the evidence could not have been called.

And yes her mother just wanted all this over with so her daughter didn't have to testify BUT that does not take away from the fact that Hillary blamed the victim.

Like she always does. It's never Bill's fault either.

And I'm thrilled to death that this poor woman's story is now finally news.
Are you talking about when Hillary was ordered to defend a man in a case she didn't want to defend?

She became so invested i the case that she maligned the little girl's reputation.
In other words, as a public defender, she did an outstanding job. Exactly what was required of her under the law.

Maligning an innocent child's reputation in order to set free a child rapist is morally reprehensible, not an outstanding job.
It is in the US legal system. Innocent until proven guilty.

Imagine if Trump got his way and the government killed those five innocent children after Trump put out a full page ad calling for their murder. And then the US discovered the real perpetrator? Most of the US would feel terrible about the murder of five innocent children. But not Trump and certainly not Republcians. If Republicans were thrilled Trayvon Martin was murdered, they would be estatic 5 were taken out. Innocent or not. Besides, Republicans understand, you can't be black or Hispanic and be innocent.

You do know 2 of those zthugs have been locked up for felonies, since then...go look it up.

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