Shame of a Nation


Senior Member
May 22, 2012

Benghazi Blues

May 5th, 2013


Shame of a Nation

No matter what happens with Darrell Issa’s congressional committee meetings this week, we are witnessing the beginning of the end of the Obama administration, and the cause is Benghazi. It’s impossible to underestimate the blowback that has been gathering steam for the past seven months, now about to erupt with full force. Few reputations will emerge unscathed, Obama’s presidency will be crippled, Hillary Clinton‘s 2016 candidacy will be destroyed — and perhaps some new heroes will be born.

Unexamined Premises » Benghazi Blues

Watergate was a break-in gone wrong since then both Democrat and Republican Party offices have sustained many burglaries. Pres. Nixon paid dearly for his lies and cover-up by resigning from the office of the presidency.
So to shall this be Mr. Obama's downfall. Undoubtedly as predicted this too is the time for him to consider his nearly 8 months of lies, deception, stalling and stonewalling investigation of why the Benghazi attack took place. Remember no one died in the Watergate scandal. Four Americans died and more than several were wounded in a group of nearly three dozen. This can only be a dereliction of duty or the height of total incompetence on Obama.
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Wow. I never thought about it that way... Liberals can indeed deflect all they want. "Oh well Nixon did it!" Well nobody died as a result of his dereliction of duty. He was punished by being forced out of office. You can only hide your malfeasance for so long, it will ultimately be revealed in the court of law, no matter how much running and hiding you do.
I can't wait for the anti Hillary ads... "What difference does it make?". Well Shillary... It makes a big difference when you lied about it to the American people.
I can't wait for the anti Hillary ads... "What difference does it make?". Well Shillary... It makes a big difference when you lied about it to the American people.

If Fox News had enough sense to stop targeting Obama for Clinton's failure, they would...
A. ...immediately get more support.
B. ...effectively end any nonsense about 2016
c. ...possibly get an official review of her actions and a censure
As long as these halfwits keep after Obama Bengali is a dead end street. A rock solid 60% of America are more concerned about the economy, and they are NOT going to undermine the president in favor of a gaggle of assholes stupid enough to nominate a vicious economic butcher like Romney.


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