Shame on Disney Corp...I would not give these jerks a dime of my money...

Shame on Disney Corp...I would not give these jerks a dime of my money...

Capitalists love cheap labor, and they aren't patriotic. Now you know...
Ahh. Hey genius, this is in no way even close to resembling capitalism. This is skirting US Laws and the rules of human decency.
Look, if you don't like capitalism, move to another country.
BTW, do not post to my threads. I am not interested in the rantings of a far left loon angry douche....
You are a boil on the ass of common sense and logic. Fuck off.
Capitalism, and capitalists, don't like laws, and will disobey them if they can get away it. I like capitalism, I'm a capitalist, learn it and understand its dark sides.

Capitalism and human decency BTW, they never heard of each other. Now you know.

This is capitalism, we just made it illegal here:

Gotta love cheap labor, and all capitalists do...
No..You don't get to have it both ways.
If you talk the talk, you walk the walk..
Don't try to shield yourself as though you are above the fray.
At every turn, you start your responses with some version of your hatred of capitalism and yourt support of socialism.
You are a phony. You enjoy capitalism as long as it suits your wants.
On the other hand if you can gain political mileage out of it, you trash capitalism
Capitalism is a Double-Edged sword. Learn why?

Good Capitalism Bad Capitalism, and the economics of growth and prosperity

And if you morons had a balanced, meaning REALISTIC view and understanding of capitalism, I wouldn't sound so down on it. To you it can do no wrong and that is nothing like the truth...
We haven't had true capitalism since America became a corporate entity and at the mercy of the banking oligarchs since 1871......if you want to spew your bullshit, at least know the history. Fabian socialists always prove that they don't know shit. We have had crony capitalism and now the "State" is the major shareholder in every Fortune 500 company and in order to improve their "bottom line", they have allowed jobs to be shipped overseas and allowed unfettered illegal immigration that drives down wages for Americans....that is a fact. Stupid fucks like you believe that "socialism" is the answer......being the dumb fucks that you are, you have gotten it and you can't even see it......sheesh.
And neither should anyone else.
Disney has jumped on the bandwagon of using these shady work visas to import foreigners to take jobs away from Americans for the sole purpose of saving a couple bucks.
I know a couple people who used ot work for other firms that do this shit.
One of them was of course told he had to train his replacement in order to keep his severance pay which was significant. About 40 weeks.
One of the managers over his dept, a younger recent college grad walked to him and called him "old man"( the guy I know is in his mid 40's) and told him those three Pakistanis he was training would cost the company LESS than what they were paying him....My friend said he thought about filing a complaint with the EEOC and hiring an attorney to sue the company, but he decided to let it go....
He did catch on with two other firms doing consulting work for them. He now makes TWICE the money he made before.....And the irony of this is his former employer, the one that fired him in the first place....they wanted him to come back as a contract employee. He basically told them to lose his phone number.
He got lucky though.
Disney sucks. ESPN ( $8 per month) sucks....

There are cases where it is not a matter of immigrants but firing people who are full time and use more part time. It can be a base wage, low or not health insurance requirements, other benefits.
American's are having trouble keeping full time jobs for more than than a year or two, usually less.

Employment is revolving door.
Shame on Disney Corp...I would not give these jerks a dime of my money...

Capitalists love cheap labor, and they aren't patriotic. Now you know...
Ahh. Hey genius, this is in no way even close to resembling capitalism. This is skirting US Laws and the rules of human decency.
Look, if you don't like capitalism, move to another country.
BTW, do not post to my threads. I am not interested in the rantings of a far left loon angry douche....
You are a boil on the ass of common sense and logic. Fuck off.
Capitalism, and capitalists, don't like laws, and will disobey them if they can get away it. I like capitalism, I'm a capitalist, learn it and understand its dark sides.

Capitalism and human decency BTW, they never heard of each other. Now you know.

This is capitalism, we just made it illegal here:

Gotta love cheap labor, and all capitalists do...
No..You don't get to have it both ways.
If you talk the talk, you walk the walk..
Don't try to shield yourself as though you are above the fray.
At every turn, you start your responses with some version of your hatred of capitalism and yourt support of socialism.
You are a phony. You enjoy capitalism as long as it suits your wants.
On the other hand if you can gain political mileage out of it, you trash capitalism
Capitalism is a Double-Edged sword. Learn why?

Good Capitalism Bad Capitalism, and the economics of growth and prosperity

And if you morons had a balanced, meaning REALISTIC view and understanding of capitalism, I wouldn't sound so down on it. To you it can do no wrong and that is nothing like the truth...
We haven't had true capitalism since America became a corporate entity and at the mercy of the banking oligarchs since 1871......if you want to spew your bullshit, at least know the history. Fabian socialists always prove that they don't know shit. We have had crony capitalism and now the "State" is the major shareholder in every Fortune 500 company and in order to improve their "bottom line", they have allowed jobs to be shipped overseas and allowed unfettered illegal immigration that drives down wages for Americans....that is a fact. Stupid fucks like you believe that "socialism" is the answer......being the dumb fucks that you are, you have gotten it and you can't even see it......sheesh.
Nope. I believe in what all people who know that capitalism, God love it, is not the answer to all the problem our society faces, a Mixed Economy.

Think Sweden, not Venezuela.

And tell the good folks here, you who know more than others, why was Adam Smith opposed to corporations? As a bonus question, why was he opposed to taxes on wages?
Sweden? almost 50 percent of your wages lifted from you? That's a good deal? BTW, they are also under the control of the same banking oligarchs that hijacked our monetary system.....seems that your education on how things REALLY work has a long ways to go....
And the Republican Congress protects companies that do this, and companies who move their headquarters overseas to pay low/no taxes here.'s not a 'GOP' thing, it's a 'politician-special interest group' thing. Partisans are so busy trying to point fingers and find the 'opposition boogie-man' they completely miss the real problem.
No, it's a partisan thing:

Democrats to Introduce Bill Aiming to Limit Tax Benefits of Inversions

Obama hits at companies moving overseas to avoid taxes
Bill Gates / Microsoft did the same thing. Bill Gates went before Congress to plead for more H1B Visas because there were not enough American skilled tech workers to fill the jobs, which was a lie, then turned around and fired tons of Americans, replacing them with the cheaper H1B workers.

Way to F* the American people, you greedy asshole!

U.S. Senator blasts Microsoft's H-1B push as it lays off 18,000 workers
And the Republican Congress protects companies that do this, and companies who move their headquarters overseas to pay low/no taxes here.
Ok... Lets return from la la land. You just said so yourself. this has been going on for 4 or 5 decades. Jesus Christ...
He can't help you.

I was talking about Disney being tone-deaf in their litigious nature. THAT has been going on for 4 or 5 decades.

You are talking about something else.

Sweden? almost 50 percent of your wages lifted from you? That's a good deal? BTW, they are also under the control of the same banking oligarchs that hijacked our monetary system.....seems that your education on how things REALLY work has a long ways to go....
A decent society isn't cheap, and we try to get by on the cheap which is why, we aren't a decent society. Clear?

Now, answer the questions for the nice folks eh? (if you can...)
And the Republican Congress protects companies that do this, and companies who move their headquarters overseas to pay low/no taxes here.'s not a 'GOP' thing, it's a 'politician-special interest group' thing. Partisans are so busy trying to point fingers and find the 'opposition boogie-man' they completely miss the real problem.
No, it's a partisan thing:

Democrats to Introduce Bill Aiming to Limit Tax Benefits of Inversions

Obama hits at companies moving overseas to avoid taxes

That is hilarious....both parties take turns introducing legislation that has no chance of passing so they can play "good cop, bad cop" and then go to their serfs and say "Hey, it wasn't was the other side" all the while snickering with each other on how they have fooled the masses. Back in the 90's, and the republicons ran the House and Senate, the demcrats wanted to audit the Federal Reserve bank....and I mean a REAL audit going back to 1913 and the cons blocked it, in 2014, the senate demcrats on the banking committee blocked a House bill that would have given a front to back audit of the foreign owned Federal Reserve bankers...and on and on it goes. USA.INC owns controlling interest in every Fortune 500 company and USA.INC is owned by the Fed bankers...these politicians are nothing but employees of the banking oligarchs so they play their little roles and give off some bad theater that is suppose to convince schmucks like you that "IF ONLY our side ran it all, we would make things better". You seem to be one of those morons that believe that we are just one election cycle from "righting the ship" must still believe in Santa and the Easter bunny if you believe that shit.
Sweden? almost 50 percent of your wages lifted from you? That's a good deal? BTW, they are also under the control of the same banking oligarchs that hijacked our monetary system.....seems that your education on how things REALLY work has a long ways to go....
A decent society isn't cheap, and we try to get by on the cheap which is why, we aren't a decent society. Clear?

Now, answer the questions for the nice folks eh? (if you can...)

I am sure that as long as it isn't your labor that is being confiscated that you have no problem having someone else's labor confiscated. Without a central banking system that creates credit and a fiat currency from thin air, we could have a prosperous which question is that you wish me to answer?????
Sweden? almost 50 percent of your wages lifted from you? That's a good deal? BTW, they are also under the control of the same banking oligarchs that hijacked our monetary system.....seems that your education on how things REALLY work has a long ways to go....
A decent society isn't cheap, and we try to get by on the cheap which is why, we aren't a decent society. Clear?

Now, answer the questions for the nice folks eh? (if you can...)

I am sure that as long as it isn't your labor that is being confiscated that you have no problem having someone else's labor confiscated. Without a central banking system that creates credit and a fiat currency from thin air, we could have a prosperous which question is that you wish me to answer?????
And tell the good folks here, you who know more than others, why was Adam Smith opposed to corporations? As a bonus question, why was he opposed to taxes on wages?
Ahh. Hey genius, this is in no way even close to resembling capitalism. This is skirting US Laws and the rules of human decency.
Look, if you don't like capitalism, move to another country.
BTW, do not post to my threads. I am not interested in the rantings of a far left loon angry douche....
You are a boil on the ass of common sense and logic. Fuck off.
Capitalism, and capitalists, don't like laws, and will disobey them if they can get away it. I like capitalism, I'm a capitalist, learn it and understand its dark sides.

Capitalism and human decency BTW, they never heard of each other. Now you know.

This is capitalism, we just made it illegal here:

Gotta love cheap labor, and all capitalists do...
No..You don't get to have it both ways.
If you talk the talk, you walk the walk..
Don't try to shield yourself as though you are above the fray.
At every turn, you start your responses with some version of your hatred of capitalism and yourt support of socialism.
You are a phony. You enjoy capitalism as long as it suits your wants.
On the other hand if you can gain political mileage out of it, you trash capitalism
Capitalism is a Double-Edged sword. Learn why?

Good Capitalism Bad Capitalism, and the economics of growth and prosperity

And if you morons had a balanced, meaning REALISTIC view and understanding of capitalism, I wouldn't sound so down on it. To you it can do no wrong and that is nothing like the truth...
We haven't had true capitalism since America became a corporate entity and at the mercy of the banking oligarchs since 1871......if you want to spew your bullshit, at least know the history. Fabian socialists always prove that they don't know shit. We have had crony capitalism and now the "State" is the major shareholder in every Fortune 500 company and in order to improve their "bottom line", they have allowed jobs to be shipped overseas and allowed unfettered illegal immigration that drives down wages for Americans....that is a fact. Stupid fucks like you believe that "socialism" is the answer......being the dumb fucks that you are, you have gotten it and you can't even see it......sheesh.
Nope. I believe in what all people who know that capitalism, God love it, is not the answer to all the problem our society faces, a Mixed Economy.

Think Sweden, not Venezuela.

And tell the good folks here, you who know more than others, why was Adam Smith opposed to corporations? As a bonus question, why was he opposed to taxes on wages?
hmmmmm, again with not being correct. Dude you seem to always misquote.

Here go to the link and read up on Mr. Smith and his beliefs:

Adam Smith on Taxes | Heartlander Magazine

'What Should Be Taxed

Smith applied these maxims to four types of taxes: taxes on the rents from land; the wages of labor; the profits of capital; and taxes that would fall “indifferently” or equiproportionately on all three factors of production.

Smith believed taxes on rents from unimproved land were the most efficient because unimproved land was not augmentable and therefore could be taxed without affecting its supply. However, he was not sure how to isolate the rents from unimproved land from those from improvements resulting from “the attention and good management of land.”"
Sweden? almost 50 percent of your wages lifted from you? That's a good deal? BTW, they are also under the control of the same banking oligarchs that hijacked our monetary system.....seems that your education on how things REALLY work has a long ways to go....
A decent society isn't cheap, and we try to get by on the cheap which is why, we aren't a decent society. Clear?

Now, answer the questions for the nice folks eh? (if you can...)

I am sure that as long as it isn't your labor that is being confiscated that you have no problem having someone else's labor confiscated. Without a central banking system that creates credit and a fiat currency from thin air, we could have a prosperous which question is that you wish me to answer?????
And tell the good folks here, you who know more than others, why was Adam Smith opposed to corporations? As a bonus question, why was he opposed to taxes on wages?

link: Adam Smith on Taxes | Heartlander Magazine

What Should Be Taxed

Smith applied these maxims to four types of taxes: taxes on the rents from land; the wages of labor; the profits of capital; and taxes that would fall “indifferently” or equiproportionately on all three factors of production.

Smith believed taxes on rents from unimproved land were the most efficient because unimproved land was not augmentable and therefore could be taxed without affecting its supply. However, he was not sure how to isolate the rents from unimproved land from those from improvements resulting from “the attention and good management of land.”

Sweden? almost 50 percent of your wages lifted from you? That's a good deal? BTW, they are also under the control of the same banking oligarchs that hijacked our monetary system.....seems that your education on how things REALLY work has a long ways to go....
A decent society isn't cheap, and we try to get by on the cheap which is why, we aren't a decent society. Clear?

Now, answer the questions for the nice folks eh? (if you can...)

I am sure that as long as it isn't your labor that is being confiscated that you have no problem having someone else's labor confiscated. Without a central banking system that creates credit and a fiat currency from thin air, we could have a prosperous which question is that you wish me to answer?????
And tell the good folks here, you who know more than others, why was Adam Smith opposed to corporations? As a bonus question, why was he opposed to taxes on wages?

Why is Adam Smith germane to this conversation and why is he an alleged "authority" as to what has happened since the Federal Reserve Act of 1913 when the giving over of our monetary sytem was put into the hands of globalist bankers???/ Am I missing something here????
What people do not realize because our history books never mentioned this was that when America was going through it's growth as an industrial power, agents of the Rothschilds were given seed money to create monopolys and they squashed their competition (and that is not capitalism) by cutting each other sweet deals to help them buy out the other's competition. Like the Harrimans gave Rockefeller oil a sweet deal on transporting it's oil on it's railroads...same with the Carnigies and steel. Before the banking oligarchs took over, anti-trust laws were created to bust up these unfair monolpolies but the powers that be had the money and influence to get around them.
Sweden? almost 50 percent of your wages lifted from you? That's a good deal? BTW, they are also under the control of the same banking oligarchs that hijacked our monetary system.....seems that your education on how things REALLY work has a long ways to go....
A decent society isn't cheap, and we try to get by on the cheap which is why, we aren't a decent society. Clear?

Now, answer the questions for the nice folks eh? (if you can...)

I am sure that as long as it isn't your labor that is being confiscated that you have no problem having someone else's labor confiscated. Without a central banking system that creates credit and a fiat currency from thin air, we could have a prosperous which question is that you wish me to answer?????
And tell the good folks here, you who know more than others, why was Adam Smith opposed to corporations? As a bonus question, why was he opposed to taxes on wages?

Why is Adam Smith germane to this conversation and why is he an alleged "authority" as to what has happened since the Federal Reserve Act of 1913 when the giving over of our monetary sytem was put into the hands of globalist bankers???/ Am I missing something here????
Yes, you're missing Econ101 so the debate is over...
Sweden? almost 50 percent of your wages lifted from you? That's a good deal? BTW, they are also under the control of the same banking oligarchs that hijacked our monetary system.....seems that your education on how things REALLY work has a long ways to go....
A decent society isn't cheap, and we try to get by on the cheap which is why, we aren't a decent society. Clear?

Now, answer the questions for the nice folks eh? (if you can...)

I am sure that as long as it isn't your labor that is being confiscated that you have no problem having someone else's labor confiscated. Without a central banking system that creates credit and a fiat currency from thin air, we could have a prosperous which question is that you wish me to answer?????
And tell the good folks here, you who know more than others, why was Adam Smith opposed to corporations? As a bonus question, why was he opposed to taxes on wages?

Why is Adam Smith germane to this conversation and why is he an alleged "authority" as to what has happened since the Federal Reserve Act of 1913 when the giving over of our monetary sytem was put into the hands of globalist bankers???/ Am I missing something here????
Yes, you're missing Econ101 so the debate is over...

No, I have a very good grasp on what has been done to, on the otherhand, cling to failed ideology that has been a proven could never "debate" me about the facts of what USA.INC actually is and has been. You can try and kid yourself that you have a clue...... but I know differently.
both parties take turns introducing legislation that has no chance of passing
Why would a bill that stops corporate inversion have no chance of passing?

Because Republicans won't allow it to pass.

Like I said, it's partisan.
both parties take turns introducing legislation that has no chance of passing
Why would a bill that stops corporate inversion have no chance of passing?

Because Republicans won't allow it to pass.

Like I said, it's partisan.[/QUOTE

It's all theater....senate democrats on the banking committee blocked a full blown audit of the Fed. The Federal "gubermint" owns controlling interest in every Fortune 500 company and all the members of the House and Senate get their little piece of the pie as long as they play ball and those that don't? Well, let's just say that they have a very short shelf life.......starry-eyed candidates from both sides that have attempted to expose the fraudulent practices have been kicked to the curb...that is life when you become a part of USA.INC......and it has nothing to do with partisanship because at the top? Both parties are just different sides of the same coin........not a klunt hair's worth of difference between them.
A decent society isn't cheap, and we try to get by on the cheap which is why, we aren't a decent society. Clear?

Now, answer the questions for the nice folks eh? (if you can...)

I am sure that as long as it isn't your labor that is being confiscated that you have no problem having someone else's labor confiscated. Without a central banking system that creates credit and a fiat currency from thin air, we could have a prosperous which question is that you wish me to answer?????
And tell the good folks here, you who know more than others, why was Adam Smith opposed to corporations? As a bonus question, why was he opposed to taxes on wages?

Why is Adam Smith germane to this conversation and why is he an alleged "authority" as to what has happened since the Federal Reserve Act of 1913 when the giving over of our monetary sytem was put into the hands of globalist bankers???/ Am I missing something here????
Yes, you're missing Econ101 so the debate is over...

No, I have a very good grasp on what has been done to, on the otherhand, cling to failed ideology that has been a proven could never "debate" me about the facts of what USA.INC actually is and has been. You can try and kid yourself that you have a clue...... but I know differently.
I never debate economics with anyone who can't debate Adam Smith. It's utterly pointless.

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