SHAMEFUL: South Korean President Travels to Hawaii to Repatriate US Servicemembers’ Remains — Biden Admin Skips Event, Sends No One


Diamond Member
Feb 16, 2016


South Korean President Travels to Hawaii to Repatriate US Servicemembers’ Remains​


Biden Admin Skips Event, Sends No One​

23 Sep 2021 ~~ By Jim Hoft
Biden leaves Americans stranded in Afghanistan.
And on Wednesday he didn’t bother to send a SINGLE REPRESENTATIVE to honor our Korean war heroes or greet the South Korean leader in Hawaii.

South Korean President Moon Jae-in traveled to Hawaii on Wednesday to repatriate the remains of American service members. Not a single representative from the Biden Administration showed up.
They hate this country, its heroes, its values and traditions and want it destroyed.

The Biden gang shuns traditions and allies. This collage of photos portrays the solemnity of the event.

This despicable administration time and again have shown their distain for our military and those who have given their lives in the service of their country.
They've insulted the Japanese, the South Koreans, all the allies, etc. in just seven or eight months in office, kowtowing to their CCP masters!
Think about how horrified South Koreans feel about Joe Biden and Democrats in general. They live right next to a rogue nuclear state and right across a bay from Communist China, and Joe Biden, who wants to move to a One World Order and has to have Secret Service acting as nursemaids to change his Depends, is their main line of defense. On behalf of the American people, I apologize to the South Korean people and president for our embarrassing Biden Crime family.
Remember this. If Biden doesn’t care about his own country’s military members then he don’t give a damn about us..
Let's not blame Mr. Biden.

The dear old man does not have a clue about anything.

His "advisers" apparently neglected to tell him about the South Korean president's visit.

Some people in the federal government decided that there was no political gain to greeting the South Korean president or honoring the remains of the dead soldiers.

Reputedly, 80,000,000 voters said they wanted this Dem administration. So I presume that they have no problem with ignoring South Korea and groveling at China's feet.

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