*shameful* The Fed outs Filmmaker

The people who resurrected it were the people who were coordinating and calling for 911 embassy attacks already.

Originally they wanted the attacks to both celebrate 911 and call for the release of convicted terrorists. But then they decided "hey our people are too stupid to know what we're talking about..let's just start telling them that the prophet has been insulted!" "Hey yeah that'll get them riled up!" "Plus it will give Hillary a way to blame an American! We might be able to get extra dead people that way!" "Cool!" "Let's do an internet search of Terry Jones, that always pisses EVERYONE off!" "Bingo, got it!"
The free speech was exercised over two years ago. So why was this old bone resurrected now? And, who did the resurrecting?

It is not a coincidence that the discovery of this old You Tube arose at the same time terrorists made plans to attack our embassies.
It was only put on YouTube in July, dope.

Who put it on You Tube?
Whomever uploaded it to YouTube!

That's how it has been seen, and why YouTube has yanked it from certain ME countries.

That's the sound of the point flying over your head. Jesus, you really don't get it.

Are you so stupid as to believe that if someone is critical of the asshole's Muslim film they are perfectly okay with The Last Temptation of Christ?

Apparently so.

Are you also so stupid as to believe that if someone is critical of the cowardly asshole behind the film they are okay with, or excusing, the Ambassador's death?

Apparently so.

He's a coward. He hid. Then he tried to point the blame for the film on innocent people, hoping they would be targeted.

I seriously believe anyone who defends this guy is flat out retarded.

This is not about free speech. This is about cowardice and evil of the highest order.


i see...so one is brave to insult christianity, but a coward to insult islam....

makes sense

Please show me where I said any of that, idiot.

God, you people are dense.


so people who insult christianity are also cowards?
I'm pretty confident of my memory about seal team 6. Which publication was it that ran that story first?

as for "NAMED OR OTHERWISE," you have proof, or you don't. Clearly you don't. It is what it is.

And it isn't
Quote: Originally Posted by Barb View Post
Quote: Originally Posted by Barb View Post
Mitt Romney Donates Entire Inheritance to BYU College Scholarship Funds | Specfriggintacular's Blog

When Mitt Romney’s father passed away in 1995, he left an inheritance to Mitt totaling $1 million. Romney turned around and donated that inheritance money to Brigham Young University for the George W. Romney School of Public Management. This is an institute of public management that helps young people learn about government and about serving in public service.

Brigham Young University - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Brigham Young University (often referred to as BYU, or sometimes just the Y) is a private university located in Provo, Utah. It is owned and operated by The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints (LDS Church), and is the United States' largest religious university and third-largest private university.[7][8]
What was someone recently lecturing me about "public service" as a cash cow to an agenda?

Meanwhile...One Million is a piss in the bucket to the wealth Captain underpants received from and because of his fathers legacy. The rest he got the old fashioned way - he stole it.
What, nobody's interested in what Captain Underpants' "entire inheritance" consisted of, and where he "donated" it?
I guess not.


You need to go back and read the OP that started this thread!


Romney has AVERAGED donating 15% of his income to charity his entire adult life. It was 4 MILLION LAST YEAR ALONE! That's nearly 20 percent of what he made. He donated more money to charity LAST YEAR ALONE than Joe Biden AND Barak Obama COMBINED in the last 10 years!

Now you may hate rich guys, but why don't you tell me the last broke son of a bitch you ever saw donate 4 million to charity was?

And by the way, until 2006 the Obama's...they averaged donating 1% of their income to charity and donated a grand total of 245 grand in 2010. NOT all that bad considering they made 2 MILLION. And Joe Biden...he's averaged 369 dollars NOT 369 thousand...$369.00 dollars in charitable giving over his career in Congress and now VP.

Yep, charitable men...with OTHER PEOPLE MONEY!
This entire conversation is total bullshit. The selective outrage of liberals is absolute hypocrisy. I've never heard one word of condemnation from leftists when Christianity has been attacked, vilified, trashed.. NOT EVER.. Quite the opposite.. Liberals always champion free speech whenever Christians are mocked and trashed.. so save your faux outrage for the enemy who slaughtered Americans.

It wasn't a whine shitweed, if's a FACT. We get it that you feel the need to stand up for America's enemies.. to side with the Thug-N-Chief no matter what he does. Let's all give a hand to the enemy within- LIBERALS who stand by those who killed Americans once more on 9-11-2012, even raping the man before killing him.. It's the filmmakers fault!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!( Liberal screech) KILL THE FILMMAKER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

This is ugly face of liberalism and why our nation has been plunged in to chaos and is once again in danger and no longer secure under this Appeasement President's apology policies.. His willing Zombies foam on queue -- followed by ass licking of the very people who seek to destroy our way of life. This election is about an Apology President who has failed on domestic policy, foreign policy, and our national security. This President knew 48 HOURS prior to the attack --http://www.independent.co.uk/news/world/politics/revealed-inside-story-of-us-envoys-assassination-8135797.html

but did NOTHING.. NOTHING.. This Administration received briefings in both 2009 and 2010 that our embassies were in danger.. WHAT DID THEY DO???? SLASH FUNDING!!
Years of warning about embassy security preceded Libya attack | WashingtonGuardian

Yet the LEFTIST Zombie herd would have us believe it's about some stupid unknown filmmaker who made a 20 minute long short film.. ROFLMAO!!!!!!!!!!! Oh yes, I would want to change the debate and use PROPAGANDA if I had supported a loser Administration who has not only destroyed our economy , but who are RESPONSIBLE for providing security to their own appointments abroad and FAILED, FAILED, FAILED to do so..

Where is Barack Obama as our embassies burn and Americans have died?? Why he's in VEGAS with Jayyyyyyyyyyyyyyzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz!!! His collective answer to Israel in regard meeting with their PM???? THE middle finger!

It's time to vote our this ABSENT LEADERSHIP.

It's official... Lady Shitslinger is a crazy person...

It wasn't a whine shitweed, if's a FACT. We get it that you feel the need to stand up for America's enemies.. to side with the Thug-N-Chief no matter what he does. Let's all give a hand to the enemy within- LIBERALS who stand by those who killed Americans once more on 9-11-2012, even raping the man before killing him.. It's the filmmakers fault!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!( Liberal screech) KILL THE FILMMAKER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

This is ugly face of liberalism and why our nation has been plunged in to chaos and is once again in danger and no longer secure under this Appeasement President's apology policies.. His willing Zombies foam on queue -- followed by ass licking of the very people who seek to destroy our way of life. This election is about an Apology President who has failed on domestic policy, foreign policy, and our national security. This President knew 48 HOURS prior to the attack --http://www.independent.co.uk/news/world/politics/revealed-inside-story-of-us-envoys-assassination-8135797.html

but did NOTHING.. NOTHING.. This Administration received briefings in both 2009 and 2010 that our embassies were in danger.. WHAT DID THEY DO???? SLASH FUNDING!!
Years of warning about embassy security preceded Libya attack | WashingtonGuardian

Yet the LEFTIST Zombie herd would have us believe it's about some stupid unknown filmmaker who made a 20 minute long short film.. ROFLMAO!!!!!!!!!!! Oh yes, I would want to change the debate and use PROPAGANDA if I had supported a loser Administration who has not only destroyed our economy , but who are RESPONSIBLE for providing security to their own appointments abroad and FAILED, FAILED, FAILED to do so..

Where is Barack Obama as our embassies burn and Americans have died?? Why he's in VEGAS with Jayyyyyyyyyyyyyyzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz!!! His collective answer to Israel in regard meeting with their PM???? THE middle finger!

It's time to vote our this ABSENT LEADERSHIP.

It's official... Lady Shitslinger is a crazy person...

No she isn't.... she is dead on!

You go girl..!!
Then he shouldn't have made a film that he KNEW would cause anger. If someone kills his, its his own fault.

How does that justify the Obama Administration revealing his identity? How do they even know his identity?

It strikes me if this guy is a Coptic Christians, he's probably not even an American citizen.

We should perhaps return him to Egypt, his country of birth, and let them deal with him.

Sounds reasonable to me.

What an idiotic thing to say. If he is a coptic chritian he is not American? Really?

So does that also mean if one is a muslim they also cannot be an American? :eusa_whistle:
How does that justify the Obama Administration revealing his identity? How do they even know his identity?

It strikes me if this guy is a Coptic Christians, he's probably not even an American citizen.

We should perhaps return him to Egypt, his country of birth, and let them deal with him.

Sounds reasonable to me.

What an idiotic thing to say. If he is a coptic chritian he is not American? Really?

So does that also mean if one is a muslim they also cannot be an American? :eusa_whistle:

According to many right wing radicals yes if you're Muslim your opinion doesn't matter...

If you're a Muslim politician you're a liar..

If you're a Muslim women you are oppressed

How does that justify the Obama Administration revealing his identity? How do they even know his identity?

It strikes me if this guy is a Coptic Christians, he's probably not even an American citizen.

We should perhaps return him to Egypt, his country of birth, and let them deal with him.

Sounds reasonable to me.

What an idiotic thing to say. If he is a coptic chritian he is not American? Really?

So does that also mean if one is a muslim they also cannot be an American? :eusa_whistle:

Common sense doesn't compute with liberals..
It strikes me if this guy is a Coptic Christians, he's probably not even an American citizen.

We should perhaps return him to Egypt, his country of birth, and let them deal with him.

Sounds reasonable to me.

What an idiotic thing to say. If he is a coptic chritian he is not American? Really?

So does that also mean if one is a muslim they also cannot be an American? :eusa_whistle:

Common sense doesn't compute with liberals..

silly comment.:confused:
US Identifies Anti-Muslim Filmmaker Blamed for Attacks « CBS DC

WTF?!! Just who the hell does this government think they are?! This person had the right to make any film he wanted.. this is America..


Attorney General Eric Holder confirmed Thursday that Justice Department officials were investigating the deaths, which occurred during an attack on the American mission in Benghazi.

The official, who spoke on condition of anonymity because he was not authorized to discuss an ongoing investigation, said Nakoula was connected to the persona of Sam Bacile, a man who initially told the AP he was the film’s writer and director.

Good now the families of the 4 dead can hopefully get their revenge....if the prick ever shows his face
in public again. With free speech come responsibility and consequence....

I do hope they catch the terrorists that attacked the US consulate in Libya and killed four US citizens. I must conclude from your rather silly assertion that there will be a law suit indicates that you think the attack was caused by the video in question.
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How does that justify the Obama Administration revealing his identity? How do they even know his identity?

It strikes me if this guy is a Coptic Christians, he's probably not even an American citizen.

We should perhaps return him to Egypt, his country of birth, and let them deal with him.

Sounds reasonable to me.

What an idiotic thing to say. If he is a coptic chritian he is not American? Really?

So does that also mean if one is a muslim they also cannot be an American? :eusa_whistle:

If he was born over there, I have no problem handing him over to the Egyptians...
It strikes me if this guy is a Coptic Christians, he's probably not even an American citizen.

We should perhaps return him to Egypt, his country of birth, and let them deal with him.

Sounds reasonable to me.

What an idiotic thing to say. If he is a coptic chritian he is not American? Really?

So does that also mean if one is a muslim they also cannot be an American? :eusa_whistle:

Common sense doesn't compute with liberals..

Oh, you're a packer's fan. That explains everything...

Common sense says if this guy caused dozens of deaths, I have no problem making him pay for them.
The left is so freakin predictable. In defense of the indefensible murder of our diplomats they go out of their way to pin it on anyone other then the rabid dogs that are perpetrating the crimes against humanity. The left's religious bigotry kicks in and they have to find a Christian group to blame for acts of violence allegedly perpetrated by Muslims.

Never mind that no mainstream Christian denomination or Christian doctrine teaches anything like what the movie maker did or what he Muslims are doing.

It is really, really sicking that we can't even unite when one of our own is murdered by rabid dogs while representing us. Worse yet there are some on this board that are saying we should serve this man up to the Egyptians apparently as a blood sacrifice to the Muslims. Do you people listen to yourself? As vile as the movie my in fact turn out to be, have not seen it, that does not excuse people acting like rabid dogs and killing our people.

Does the left realize that the same thing they purport to hate, theocracy, is what they are now defending? Do they realize their duplicity? Those in the middle east are acting as children and should be treated as such. They deserve no respect for what they did. To appease them is to expose yourself as cowards and we know from our experience with Carter and Clinton where that road leads.
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