*shameful* The Fed outs Filmmaker

The left is so freakin predictable. In defense of the indefensible murder of our diplomats they go out of their way to pin it on anyone other then the rabid dogs that are perpetrating the crimes against humanity. The left's religious bigotry kicks in and they have to find a Christian group to blame for acts of violence allegedly perpetrated by Muslims. Never mind that no mainstream Christian denomination or Christian doctrine teaches anything like what the movie maker did or what he Muslims are doing. It is really, really sicking that we can't even unite when one of our own is murdered by rabid dogs while representing us. Worse yet there are some on this board that are saying we should serve this man up to the Egyptians apparently as a blood sacrifice to the Muslims. Do you people listen to yourself? As vile as the movie my in fact turn out to be, have not seen it, that does not excuse people acting like rabid dogs and killing our people. Does the left realize that the same thing they purport to hate, theocracy, is what they are now defending? Do they realize their duplicity? Those in the middle east are acting as children and should be treated as such. They deserve no respect for what they did. To appease them is to expose yourself as cowards and we know from our experience with Carter and Clinton where that road leads.

Whoa there buddy...and hit the 'return' key every now and then.
Sure, those proposing that this clown should be handed over to be ripped apart by the Medievals are going too far.
And you and your mates are right...there is the small matter of free speech to consider and the response from the Medievals is indefensible.
I will just say though, that the other side of the coin is that with free speech comes responsibility.
The creators of the video should not be completely free of examination as well.

Sorry for the long paragraph, I hate when I do that, I corrected it somewhat.

Anyway, I would agree that if this guy would have yelled fire in a movie theator and people were hurt in the stampede then yes that is a freedom of speech problem. But let extend what you say to abortion.

Is it freedom of speech to support abortion? In the case of the movie all that was really done was some disparaging words said about Muhammad (PBUH). No real damage to anyone other then their ego.

In the case of abortion there is real death, every abortion results in the death of a person. So if we are to examine this film maker then let us examine all of those who support abortion for their use of free speech and if there ever was a resultant attack on the abortion clinic.

Quite the slipper slope to get upon over the rabid action of those in the ME. Of course we are actually arguing over the wrong subject. The rioting, in my opinion, had nothing to do with the movie. Whether a lot of those who participated believe it was or not doesn't change the fact it was over OBL. 9/11 is too coincidental.

That video had very few hits.. It wasn't the video that caused it at all and we know it.

Telling Muslims we are New and Different now.. Telling them we don't torture anymore when in fact we never did.. Stirring the pot ended in Egypt electing a new government. We end up looking in the face of the Muslim Brotherhood and still giving them Billions of dollars. What do you think they'll do with the money?
Then he said they aren't our ally.. They not our enemy? What the fuck.. you give money to a country who is not our ally while insulting them.
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Are you saying that saving GM is part of the reason that the Medievals have gone crazy?
Was it because of the affront to their deep-seated religious conviction to laissez-faire economic theory?

Obama and Biden have been bragging about Killing OBL and saving GM for weeks.

Navy seals have jumped in there faces for it. Media folks are referring to the bragging as spiking the football.

So, just so I get this straight...
It's OK for someone to make a film insulting someone else's religion - and to go in the media bragging about it.
If it upsets the Muslims well, fuck 'em because the USA has Free Speech.

But it isn't OK for Obama and Biden to point out what they did because that upsets the Muslims.

Does that sum it up?

Our military went to great lengths to properly bury Bin Laden.. all to help keep the peace.

Then those two asshole start bragging about killing him.. That video is a joke.. It had nothing to do with this uprising.

This fucking community organizer is not only fucking up America he's going to cause a world war if we let him keep the ball. He's fucking clueless.. all he cares about is his image and the Liberal agenda.

Have you heard they saying: OBL Made in America?

Clinton has much to do with the Muslims seeing us as infidels.. He won the election because Perot helped beat Bush Sr.. Then he walked away from promises made by America to Afghanistan.
We trained and funded them. They fought and beat the Russians.. It broke the Russians and Communism ended there. All part of the Reagan Bush plan.
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The left is so freakin predictable. In defense of the indefensible murder of our diplomats they go out of their way to pin it on anyone other then the rabid dogs that are perpetrating the crimes against humanity. The left's religious bigotry kicks in and they have to find a Christian group to blame for acts of violence allegedly perpetrated by Muslims. Never mind that no mainstream Christian denomination or Christian doctrine teaches anything like what the movie maker did or what he Muslims are doing. It is really, really sicking that we can't even unite when one of our own is murdered by rabid dogs while representing us. Worse yet there are some on this board that are saying we should serve this man up to the Egyptians apparently as a blood sacrifice to the Muslims. Do you people listen to yourself? As vile as the movie my in fact turn out to be, have not seen it, that does not excuse people acting like rabid dogs and killing our people. Does the left realize that the same thing they purport to hate, theocracy, is what they are now defending? Do they realize their duplicity? Those in the middle east are acting as children and should be treated as such. They deserve no respect for what they did. To appease them is to expose yourself as cowards and we know from our experience with Carter and Clinton where that road leads.

Whoa there buddy...and hit the 'return' key every now and then.
Sure, those proposing that this clown should be handed over to be ripped apart by the Medievals are going too far.
And you and your mates are right...there is the small matter of free speech to consider and the response from the Medievals is indefensible.
I will just say though, that the other side of the coin is that with free speech comes responsibility.
The creators of the video should not be completely free of examination as well.

Sorry for the long paragraph, I hate when I do that, I corrected it somewhat.

Anyway, I would agree that if this guy would have yelled fire in a movie theator and people were hurt in the stampede then yes that is a freedom of speech problem. But let extend what you say to abortion.

Is it freedom of speech to support abortion? In the case of the movie all that was really done was some disparaging words said about Muhammad (PBUH). No real damage to anyone other then their ego.

In the case of abortion there is real death, every abortion results in the death of a person. So if we are to examine this film maker then let us examine all of those who support abortion for their use of free speech and if there ever was a resultant attack on the abortion clinic.

Quite the slippery slope to get upon over the rabid action of those in the ME. Of course we are actually arguing over the wrong subject. The rioting, in my opinion, had nothing to do with the movie. Whether a lot of those who participated believe it was or not doesn't change the fact it was over OBL. 9/11 is too coincidental.

You said it yourself at the start...there are times when, despite having the right to free speech, you know there are going to be negative consequences so you also exercise the responsibility of restraint.
I haven't heard anyone defending the actions of the bastards that killed the ambassador, or who broke into the other embassies, but likewise, your right to free speech shouldn't completely trump other peoples' rights to freedom from the consequences of you exercising that right.
Whoa there buddy...and hit the 'return' key every now and then.
Sure, those proposing that this clown should be handed over to be ripped apart by the Medievals are going too far.
And you and your mates are right...there is the small matter of free speech to consider and the response from the Medievals is indefensible.
I will just say though, that the other side of the coin is that with free speech comes responsibility.
The creators of the video should not be completely free of examination as well.

Sorry for the long paragraph, I hate when I do that, I corrected it somewhat.

Anyway, I would agree that if this guy would have yelled fire in a movie theator and people were hurt in the stampede then yes that is a freedom of speech problem. But let extend what you say to abortion.

Is it freedom of speech to support abortion? In the case of the movie all that was really done was some disparaging words said about Muhammad (PBUH). No real damage to anyone other then their ego.

In the case of abortion there is real death, every abortion results in the death of a person. So if we are to examine this film maker then let us examine all of those who support abortion for their use of free speech and if there ever was a resultant attack on the abortion clinic.

Quite the slippery slope to get upon over the rabid action of those in the ME. Of course we are actually arguing over the wrong subject. The rioting, in my opinion, had nothing to do with the movie. Whether a lot of those who participated believe it was or not doesn't change the fact it was over OBL. 9/11 is too coincidental.

You said it yourself at the start...there are times when, despite having the right to free speech, you know there are going to be negative consequences so you also exercise the responsibility of restraint.
I haven't heard anyone defending the actions of the bastards that killed the ambassador, or who broke into the other embassies, but likewise, your right to free speech shouldn't completely trump other peoples' rights to freedom from the consequences of you exercising that right.

Suggestion, Mind your business.. You have no say about squat. You live in a Tiny place with no affect to the world. You're insignificant.
Obama and Biden have been bragging about Killing OBL and saving GM for weeks.

Navy seals have jumped in there faces for it. Media folks are referring to the bragging as spiking the football.

So, just so I get this straight...
It's OK for someone to make a film insulting someone else's religion - and to go in the media bragging about it.
If it upsets the Muslims well, fuck 'em because the USA has Free Speech.

But it isn't OK for Obama and Biden to point out what they did because that upsets the Muslims.

Does that sum it up?

Our military went to great lengths to properly bury Bin Laden.. all to help keep the peace.

Then those two asshole start bragging about killing him.. That video is a joke.. It had nothing to do with this uprising.

This fucking community organizer is not only fucking up America he's going to cause a world war if we let him keep the ball. He's fucking clueless.. all he cares about is his image and the Liberal agenda.

My understanding is that a lot of the participants in the protestors believe that it is because of the film.
They might be being led on by on others but that's what they believe - they don't necessarily have the political motives of the instigators.

Then, joke or not, the creator and publicist of the movie come on the media and brag about it.

So, why aren't Obama and Biden and allowed to talk about killing OBL again?
Because it might upset a few people overseas?
Big deal, they have the right to free speech...do you want your country's politicians to pander to those ragheads?
Sorry for the long paragraph, I hate when I do that, I corrected it somewhat.

Anyway, I would agree that if this guy would have yelled fire in a movie theator and people were hurt in the stampede then yes that is a freedom of speech problem. But let extend what you say to abortion.

Is it freedom of speech to support abortion? In the case of the movie all that was really done was some disparaging words said about Muhammad (PBUH). No real damage to anyone other then their ego.

In the case of abortion there is real death, every abortion results in the death of a person. So if we are to examine this film maker then let us examine all of those who support abortion for their use of free speech and if there ever was a resultant attack on the abortion clinic.

Quite the slippery slope to get upon over the rabid action of those in the ME. Of course we are actually arguing over the wrong subject. The rioting, in my opinion, had nothing to do with the movie. Whether a lot of those who participated believe it was or not doesn't change the fact it was over OBL. 9/11 is too coincidental.

You said it yourself at the start...there are times when, despite having the right to free speech, you know there are going to be negative consequences so you also exercise the responsibility of restraint.
I haven't heard anyone defending the actions of the bastards that killed the ambassador, or who broke into the other embassies, but likewise, your right to free speech shouldn't completely trump other peoples' rights to freedom from the consequences of you exercising that right.

Suggestion, Mind your business.. You have no say about squat. You live in a Tiny place with no affect to the world. You're insignificant.

Haha, yep.
And you're clueless, but you still post your worthless opinions...funny old world eh?
You said it yourself at the start...there are times when, despite having the right to free speech, you know there are going to be negative consequences so you also exercise the responsibility of restraint.
I haven't heard anyone defending the actions of the bastards that killed the ambassador, or who broke into the other embassies, but likewise, your right to free speech shouldn't completely trump other peoples' rights to freedom from the consequences of you exercising that right.

Suggestion, Mind your business.. You have no say about squat. You live in a Tiny place with no affect to the world. You're insignificant.

Haha, yep.
And you're clueless, but you still post your worthless opinions...funny old world eh?

Mind your business peanuts.
Sorry for the long paragraph, I hate when I do that, I corrected it somewhat.

Anyway, I would agree that if this guy would have yelled fire in a movie theator and people were hurt in the stampede then yes that is a freedom of speech problem. But let extend what you say to abortion.

Is it freedom of speech to support abortion? In the case of the movie all that was really done was some disparaging words said about Muhammad (PBUH). No real damage to anyone other then their ego.

In the case of abortion there is real death, every abortion results in the death of a person. So if we are to examine this film maker then let us examine all of those who support abortion for their use of free speech and if there ever was a resultant attack on the abortion clinic.

Quite the slippery slope to get upon over the rabid action of those in the ME. Of course we are actually arguing over the wrong subject. The rioting, in my opinion, had nothing to do with the movie. Whether a lot of those who participated believe it was or not doesn't change the fact it was over OBL. 9/11 is too coincidental.

You said it yourself at the start...there are times when, despite having the right to free speech, you know there are going to be negative consequences so you also exercise the responsibility of restraint.
I haven't heard anyone defending the actions of the bastards that killed the ambassador, or who broke into the other embassies, but likewise, your right to free speech shouldn't completely trump other peoples' rights to freedom from the consequences of you exercising that right.

Suggestion, Mind your business.. You have no say about squat. You live in a Tiny place with no affect to the world. You're insignificant.

Well, he's no more insignificant than you are, but he sure ain't arrogant like you. I guess that makes him a rung higher up the ladder than you. :D
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You said it yourself at the start...there are times when, despite having the right to free speech, you know there are going to be negative consequences so you also exercise the responsibility of restraint.
I haven't heard anyone defending the actions of the bastards that killed the ambassador, or who broke into the other embassies, but likewise, your right to free speech shouldn't completely trump other peoples' rights to freedom from the consequences of you exercising that right.

Suggestion, Mind your business.. You have no say about squat. You live in a Tiny place with no affect to the world. You're insignificant.

Well, he's no more insignificant than you are, but he sure ain't arrogant like you. I guess that makes him a rung higher up the ladder than you. :D

I'm betting he'll go for the first option.
You said it yourself at the start...there are times when, despite having the right to free speech, you know there are going to be negative consequences so you also exercise the responsibility of restraint.
I haven't heard anyone defending the actions of the bastards that killed the ambassador, or who broke into the other embassies, but likewise, your right to free speech shouldn't completely trump other peoples' rights to freedom from the consequences of you exercising that right.

Suggestion, Mind your business.. You have no say about squat. You live in a Tiny place with no affect to the world. You're insignificant.

Well, he's no more insignificant than you are, but he sure ain't arrogant like you. I guess that makes him a rung higher up the ladder than you. :D

I get your point but you haven't seen his messages. He's trying to start trouble.. He's not an American and he's arrogantly sticking his nose where it doesn't belong.
I think people that promote media that will knowingly incite riots are terrorists themselves.

Pastor Terry Jones of Tampa is an example. While there were riots and killings happening, he continued to rant that he was going to burn the Quran. Fire and brimstone.

I saw the trailer of the movie "Innocence of Muslims". It reminded me of the Mel Brooks movies "History of the World" a satire of the Bible

Trying to put myself in their shoes however, when I see the American Flag being burned, I get very angry, yet it is defended as a 1st Amendment right and not against the law.

Now consider that Muslims pray a mesmerizing 5 times a day.

The maker of the movie was a Coptic Christian. They have been persecuted and marginalized by the Muslims in the mideast. In my opinion, he has the right to express himself and he did so back in July. So he wasn't really an instigator but was used as a tool.

Clearly this was translated and republicized by some Egyptian newscaster just before 9/11 as an instigating tool. That newcaster was probably a member of the Muslim Brotherhood. Mubarek wouldn't have allowed this but we now have the Arab Spring.

In conclusion: instigators are terrorists too.
Suggestion, Mind your business.. You have no say about squat. You live in a Tiny place with no affect to the world. You're insignificant.

Well, he's no more insignificant than you are, but he sure ain't arrogant like you. I guess that makes him a rung higher up the ladder than you. :D

I get your point but you haven't seen his messages. He's trying to start trouble.. He's not an American and he's arrogantly sticking his nose where it doesn't belong.

Who says he's not entitled to have an opinion on the situation? Are you attempting to stifle freedom of speech! :eusa_shifty:
Suggestion, Mind your business.. You have no say about squat. You live in a Tiny place with no affect to the world. You're insignificant.

Well, he's no more insignificant than you are, but he sure ain't arrogant like you. I guess that makes him a rung higher up the ladder than you. :D

I get your point but you haven't seen his messages. He's trying to start trouble.. He's not an American and he's arrogantly sticking his nose where it doesn't belong.

Stop whining.
If my memory serves me right. Muslims had killed many US soldiers.. Took the bibles they had in there possession, piled them up and set flames to them. Isn't that why this all started in the first place?

That video had nothing to do with the latest uprising. It was Obama and Biden Bragging about killing Bin Laden.

The video is nothing but cover for a couple of assholes in DC.
The movie was not made in July, it was made two years ago. As curious as it is, the movie was dubbed in arabic recently. Until then, the illiterate fools had no idea that big mo was being insulted. Is anyone looking for whoever it is that added an arabic sound track? Nope, they found their Christian.
Well, he's no more insignificant than you are, but he sure ain't arrogant like you. I guess that makes him a rung higher up the ladder than you. :D

I get your point but you haven't seen his messages. He's trying to start trouble.. He's not an American and he's arrogantly sticking his nose where it doesn't belong.

Who says he's not entitled to have an opinion on the situation? Are you attempting to stifle freedom of speech! :eusa_shifty:

He offered no opinions.
If my memory serves me right. Muslims had killed many US soldiers.. Took the bibles they had in there possession, piled them up and set flames to them. Isn't that why this all started in the first place?

That video had nothing to do with the latest uprising. It was Obama and Biden Bragging about killing Bin Laden.

The video is nothing but cover for a couple of assholes in DC.

A lot of informed people think you're right that it wasn't started over the video, although that was used as a pretext.
I haven't heard about the Administration bragging about anything causing it though...any links you might have would be welcome.
If my memory serves me right. Muslims had killed many US soldiers.. Took the bibles they had in there possession, piled them up and set flames to them. Isn't that why this all started in the first place?

That video had nothing to do with the latest uprising. It was Obama and Biden Bragging about killing Bin Laden.

The video is nothing but cover for a couple of assholes in DC.

A lot of informed people think you're right that it wasn't started over the video, although that was used as a pretext.
I haven't heard about the Administration bragging about anything causing it though...any links you might have would be welcome.

If you were here you would have seen and heard it..... Did you not watch some of Obama and Biden in the news you get. It was constantly being shown by all the networks.
Believe me, the two of them caused this. Not a stupid video on You Tube that had a few hits.

Take your pick...... http://www.youtube.com/results?sear...17.3626.7j18j1.26.0...0.0...1ac.1.5Ku8zlSIWzc
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Osama is dead and GM is alive.

Cept' now our embassies are under Islamic flags, our ambassador is dead and we cant afford the GM car or the gas to put in it.
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