*shameful* The Fed outs Filmmaker

The left is so freakin predictable. In defense of the indefensible murder of our diplomats they go out of their way to pin it on anyone other then the rabid dogs that are perpetrating the crimes against humanity. The left's religious bigotry kicks in and they have to find a Christian group to blame for acts of violence allegedly perpetrated by Muslims. Never mind that no mainstream Christian denomination or Christian doctrine teaches anything like what the movie maker did or what he Muslims are doing. It is really, really sicking that we can't even unite when one of our own is murdered by rabid dogs while representing us. Worse yet there are some on this board that are saying we should serve this man up to the Egyptians apparently as a blood sacrifice to the Muslims. Do you people listen to yourself? As vile as the movie my in fact turn out to be, have not seen it, that does not excuse people acting like rabid dogs and killing our people. Does the left realize that the same thing they purport to hate, theocracy, is what they are now defending? Do they realize their duplicity? Those in the middle east are acting as children and should be treated as such. They deserve no respect for what they did. To appease them is to expose yourself as cowards and we know from our experience with Carter and Clinton where that road leads.

1) No one is blaming "mainstream" Christians for anything here.

2) The people who made this film (Bacile or whatever his name is) and promoted it (Jones) did so with the intent of getting EXACTLY this kind of response. They knew people would die, most of the people dying are actually muslims, either in the mobs or actually protecting our embassies, and they simply did not give a fuck.

3) When you talk about "appeasement", did you forget the whole episode where Reagan sold weapons to Iran in order to get hostages out of Lebanon? Or when the Iraqi government attacked the USS Stark and Reagan accepted their explanation that it was an accident. (Which, incidenlty, it probalby was.) Or when Reagan pulled our troops out of Lebanon after a few attacks.

Hey, how about when Bush came down like a ton of bricks on those dumb-ass reservists who posed for stupid pictures at Abu Grahib? Wasn't that "appeasement", too?

If you really want to whine that accommedating ANY complaint the Islamic world has with us is "appeasement", I think you run into a kettle/pot situation.
Osama bin Laden is Dead and GM is Alive

This coupled with 9-11 is why the killer Koran Muslims are going crazy again.

Our Narcissist and Chief along with this drunken pal Joe have done it again
It strikes me if this guy is a Coptic Christians, he's probably not even an American citizen.

We should perhaps return him to Egypt, his country of birth, and let them deal with him.

Sounds reasonable to me.

What an idiotic thing to say. If he is a coptic chritian he is not American? Really?

So does that also mean if one is a muslim they also cannot be an American? :eusa_whistle:

If he was born over there, I have no problem handing him over to the Egyptians...

I have no problem handing you over to the Taliban
What an idiotic thing to say. If he is a coptic chritian he is not American? Really?

So does that also mean if one is a muslim they also cannot be an American? :eusa_whistle:

If he was born over there, I have no problem handing him over to the Egyptians...

I have no problem handing you over to the Taliban

Right... because why, exactly?

I made you look stupid a bunch of times... Oh, that's it. Not that this was all that difficult. You do half the work for me.
The left is so freakin predictable. In defense of the indefensible murder of our diplomats they go out of their way to pin it on anyone other then the rabid dogs that are perpetrating the crimes against humanity. The left's religious bigotry kicks in and they have to find a Christian group to blame for acts of violence allegedly perpetrated by Muslims. Never mind that no mainstream Christian denomination or Christian doctrine teaches anything like what the movie maker did or what he Muslims are doing. It is really, really sicking that we can't even unite when one of our own is murdered by rabid dogs while representing us. Worse yet there are some on this board that are saying we should serve this man up to the Egyptians apparently as a blood sacrifice to the Muslims. Do you people listen to yourself? As vile as the movie my in fact turn out to be, have not seen it, that does not excuse people acting like rabid dogs and killing our people. Does the left realize that the same thing they purport to hate, theocracy, is what they are now defending? Do they realize their duplicity? Those in the middle east are acting as children and should be treated as such. They deserve no respect for what they did. To appease them is to expose yourself as cowards and we know from our experience with Carter and Clinton where that road leads.

Whoa there buddy...and hit the 'return' key every now and then.
Sure, those proposing that this clown should be handed over to be ripped apart by the Medievals are going too far.
And you and your mates are right...there is the small matter of free speech to consider and the response from the Medievals is indefensible.
I will just say though, that the other side of the coin is that with free speech comes responsibility.
The creators of the video should not be completely free of examination as well.
Osama bin Laden is Dead and GM is Alive

This coupled with 9-11 is why the killer Koran Muslims are going crazy again.

Our Narcissist and Chief along with this drunken pal Joe have done it again

You think we shouldn't have killed bin laden. Funny.

I didn't say that.. I said, Bragging about it isn't such a good idea. Results are consequences we are faced with now. That apology tour didn't do much good either.

Do you you understand now dick breathe.
Osama bin Laden is Dead and GM is Alive

This coupled with 9-11 is why the killer Koran Muslims are going crazy again.

Our Narcissist and Chief along with this drunken pal Joe have done it again

You think we shouldn't have killed bin laden. Funny.

I didn't say that.. I said, Bragging about it isn't such a good idea. Results are consequences we are faced with now. That apology tour didn't do much good either.

Do you you understand now dick breathe.

Apology tour?

Osama bin Laden is Dead and GM is Alive

This coupled with 9-11 is why the killer Koran Muslims are going crazy again.

Our Narcissist and Chief along with this drunken pal Joe have done it again
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I didn't say that.. I said, Bragging about it isn't such a good idea. Results are consequences we are faced with now. That apology tour didn't do much good either.

Do you you understand now dick breathe.

Apology tour?

You're three and a half years late to the party.

Three and a half years ago there was an apology tour?
Why haven't I heard about this?
Please tell me more.
What happened?
Osama bin Laden is Dead and GM is Alive

This coupled with 9-11 is why the killer Koran Muslims are going crazy again.

Our Narcissist and Chief along with this drunken pal Joe have done it again

You think we shouldn't have killed bin laden. Funny.

If you think that a movie released one year ago set them off what do you think the killing of OBL did? I would really like to know if the CIA warned the administration that this might happen if they executed OBL. I would think logic would teach it would lead to this. That said, was the killing of OBL worth the price?

Osama bin Laden is Dead and GM is Alive

This coupled with 9-11 is why the killer Koran Muslims are going crazy again.

Our Narcissist and Chief along with this drunken pal Joe have done it again

Are you saying that saving GM is part of the reason that the Medievals have gone crazy?
Was it because of the affront to their deep-seated religious conviction to laissez-faire economic theory?
If you think that a movie released one year ago set them off what do you think the killing of OBL did? I would really like to know if the CIA warned the administration that this might happen if they executed OBL. I would think logic would teach it would lead to this. That said, was the killing of OBL worth the price?

There's no evidence this movie was ever released. Or that it even exists as an actual movie.

But yeah, Muslims are really upset about it...

Osama bin Laden is Dead and GM is Alive

This coupled with 9-11 is why the killer Koran Muslims are going crazy again.

Our Narcissist and Chief along with this drunken pal Joe have done it again

Are you saying that saving GM is part of the reason that the Medievals have gone crazy?
Was it because of the affront to their deep-seated religious conviction to laissez-faire economic theory?

Obama and Biden have been bragging about Killing OBL and saving GM for weeks.

Navy seals have jumped in there faces for it. Media folks are referring to the bragging as spiking the football.
The left is so freakin predictable. In defense of the indefensible murder of our diplomats they go out of their way to pin it on anyone other then the rabid dogs that are perpetrating the crimes against humanity. The left's religious bigotry kicks in and they have to find a Christian group to blame for acts of violence allegedly perpetrated by Muslims. Never mind that no mainstream Christian denomination or Christian doctrine teaches anything like what the movie maker did or what he Muslims are doing. It is really, really sicking that we can't even unite when one of our own is murdered by rabid dogs while representing us. Worse yet there are some on this board that are saying we should serve this man up to the Egyptians apparently as a blood sacrifice to the Muslims. Do you people listen to yourself? As vile as the movie my in fact turn out to be, have not seen it, that does not excuse people acting like rabid dogs and killing our people. Does the left realize that the same thing they purport to hate, theocracy, is what they are now defending? Do they realize their duplicity? Those in the middle east are acting as children and should be treated as such. They deserve no respect for what they did. To appease them is to expose yourself as cowards and we know from our experience with Carter and Clinton where that road leads.

Whoa there buddy...and hit the 'return' key every now and then.
Sure, those proposing that this clown should be handed over to be ripped apart by the Medievals are going too far.
And you and your mates are right...there is the small matter of free speech to consider and the response from the Medievals is indefensible.
I will just say though, that the other side of the coin is that with free speech comes responsibility.
The creators of the video should not be completely free of examination as well.

Sorry for the long paragraph, I hate when I do that, I corrected it somewhat.

Anyway, I would agree that if this guy would have yelled fire in a movie theator and people were hurt in the stampede then yes that is a freedom of speech problem. But let extend what you say to abortion.

Is it freedom of speech to support abortion? In the case of the movie all that was really done was some disparaging words said about Muhammad (PBUH). No real damage to anyone other then their ego.

In the case of abortion there is real death, every abortion results in the death of a person. So if we are to examine this film maker then let us examine all of those who support abortion for their use of free speech and if there ever was a resultant attack on the abortion clinic.

Quite the slippery slope to get upon over the rabid action of those in the ME. Of course we are actually arguing over the wrong subject. The rioting, in my opinion, had nothing to do with the movie. Whether a lot of those who participated believe it was or not doesn't change the fact it was over OBL. 9/11 is too coincidental.
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Osama bin Laden is Dead and GM is Alive

This coupled with 9-11 is why the killer Koran Muslims are going crazy again.

Our Narcissist and Chief along with this drunken pal Joe have done it again

Are you saying that saving GM is part of the reason that the Medievals have gone crazy?
Was it because of the affront to their deep-seated religious conviction to laissez-faire economic theory?

Obama and Biden have been bragging about Killing OBL and saving GM for weeks.

Navy seals have jumped in there faces for it. Media folks are referring to the bragging as spiking the football.

So, just so I get this straight...
It's OK for someone to make a film insulting someone else's religion - and to go in the media bragging about it.
If it upsets the Muslims well, fuck 'em because the USA has Free Speech.

But it isn't OK for Obama and Biden to point out what they did because that upsets the Muslims.

Does that sum it up?

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