*shameful* The Fed outs Filmmaker

YES! Out the little punk ass bitch that want to hide behind the American constitution with his rag video and let Islamic terrorist here or in Egypt have at his ass.

Yea kill those who say things we dont like !!!!!

If you think this is not more then just about things they do not like, has a small brain like a Village Idiot. They don't riot because they don't like hotdogs. Americans don't like it because the U.S. flags are burned and they want the military out to protect the flag which is a rag.:eusa_hand:
And the Koran is just a book, and Mohammed is just a guy.
YES! Out the little punk ass bitch that want to hide behind the American constitution with his rag video and let Islamic terrorist here or in Egypt have at his ass.

Yea kill those who say things we dont like !!!!!
Like the rightwingloons that think burning the flag should be a capital offense.

What's the difference between Muslim rightwingloons and American rightwingloons?

Not much.
Except no one on the right thinks burning the flag should be a capital offense, except for maybe a couple of lunatics.
YES! Out the little punk ass bitch that want to hide behind the American constitution with his rag video and let Islamic terrorist here or in Egypt have at his ass.

Yea kill those who say things we dont like !!!!!
Like the rightwingloons that think burning the flag should be a capital offense.

What's the difference between Muslim rightwingloons and American rightwingloons?

Not much.

who said it should be a capital offense?

me thinks you're making shit up again
Are you saying that saving GM is part of the reason that the Medievals have gone crazy?
Was it because of the affront to their deep-seated religious conviction to laissez-faire economic theory?

Obama and Biden have been bragging about Killing OBL and saving GM for weeks.

Navy seals have jumped in there faces for it. Media folks are referring to the bragging as spiking the football.

So, just so I get this straight...
It's OK for someone to make a film insulting someone else's religion - and to go in the media bragging about it.
If it upsets the Muslims well, fuck 'em because the USA has Free Speech.

But it isn't OK for Obama and Biden to point out what they did because that upsets the Muslims.

Does that sum it up?

That pretty much defines "double standard"
Christians are offended and trashed in this country CONTINUALLY.. Films have been made mocking Christ and yet not one of you Leftists gave a shit.. QUITE THE OPPOSITE. Everything a liberal does has one thing in mind: To destroy the fabric of liberty.. Liberty and socialism are polar opposites. It's why liberals LOVEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE ISLAM.. Islam forces it's follower to do, believe, behave in how they're told.. Leftists love to tell us if we can drink sugary drinks.. If Happy Meals shold be banned. If we're allowed to own guns.. on and on. Islam and Liberalism make great bed partners. The funny thing is, Islam doesn't give a shit what liberalism believes and will trash their beliefs as quickly as any other.. Leftists are just too stupid to get it.
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Christians are offended and trashed in this country CONTINUALLY.. Films have been made mocking Christ and yet not one of you Leftists gave a shit.. QUITE THE OPPOSITE. Everything a liberal does has one thing in mind: To destroy the fabric of liberty.. Liberty and socialism are polar opposites. It's why liberals LOVEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE ISLAM.. Islam forces it's follower to do, believe, behave in how they're told.. Leftists love to tell us if we can drink sugary drinks.. If Happy Meals shold be banned. If we're allowed to own guns.. on and on. Islam and Liberalism make great bed partners. The funny thing is, Islam doesn't give a shit what liberalism believes and will trash thei beliefs as quickly as any other.. Leftists are just too stupid to get it.

You're beyond stupid holy shit
Christians are offended and trashed in this country CONTINUALLY.. Films have been made mocking Christ and yet not one of you Leftists gave a shit.. QUITE THE OPPOSITE. Everything a liberal does has one thing in mind: To destroy the fabric of liberty.. Liberty and socialism are polar opposites. It's why liberals LOVEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE ISLAM.. Islam forces it's follower to do, believe, behave in how they're told.. Leftists love to tell us if we can drink sugary drinks.. If Happy Meals shold be banned. If we're allowed to own guns.. on and on. Islam and Liberalism make great bed partners. The funny thing is, Islam doesn't give a shit what liberalism believes and will trash thei beliefs as quickly as any other.. Leftists are just too stupid to get it.

You're beyond stupid holy shit

Christians are offended and trashed in this country CONTINUALLY.. Films have been made mocking Christ and yet not one of you Leftists gave a shit.. QUITE THE OPPOSITE. Everything a liberal does has one thing in mind: To destroy the fabric of liberty.. Liberty and socialism are polar opposites. It's why liberals LOVEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE ISLAM.. Islam forces it's follower to do, believe, behave in how they're told.. Leftists love to tell us if we can drink sugary drinks.. If Happy Meals shold be banned. If we're allowed to own guns.. on and on. Islam and Liberalism make great bed partners. The funny thing is, Islam doesn't give a shit what liberalism believes and will trash thei beliefs as quickly as any other.. Leftists are just too stupid to get it.

You're beyond stupid holy shit


She makes a hateful message and I'm somehow the guy who's against peace? You fuckign morons
I'll be counting the liberals the next time ANY film or comments offend Christians who demand retribution on behalf of Christians.
So some radical Islam person doesn't kill him. If he does get killed or harmed the blood is on the Feds hands..

The blood will be on the film makers hands. He got the response he wanted and he now has to face the music.

yep, he pulled the trigger

These Leftists and their Muslim idiots are sooo obvious.. Let them flame all over the place.. They've shown their a bunch of violent punks with rocks.. Nothing more. If the US ever truly let loose her power, we'd wipe the floor with these morons.
The punks with rocks have been and are chanting, "Obama, Obama.. we are all Osama." LMAO This isn't about some stupid 20 minute film made over 2 years ago..

"Obama, Obama.. we are all Osama." "Obama, Obama.. we are all Osama." "Obama, Obama.. we are all Osama." "Obama, Obama.. we are all Osama." "Obama, Obama.. we are all Osama." "Obama, Obama.. we are all Osama." "Obama, Obama.. we are all Osama." "Obama, Obama.. we are all Osama." "Obama, Obama.. we are all Osama." "Obama, Obama.. we are all Osama." "Obama, Obama.. we are all Osama." "Obama, Obama.. we are all Osama." "Obama, Obama.. we are all Osama." "Obama, Obama.. we are all Osama." "Obama, Obama.. we are all Osama." "Obama, Obama.. we are all Osama." "Obama, Obama.. we are all Osama." "Obama, Obama.. we are all Osama."
Christians are offended and trashed in this country CONTINUALLY.. Films have been made mocking Christ and yet not one of you Leftists gave a shit.. QUITE THE OPPOSITE. Everything a liberal does has one thing in mind: To destroy the fabric of liberty.. Liberty and socialism are polar opposites. It's why liberals LOVEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE ISLAM.. Islam forces it's follower to do, believe, behave in how they're told.. Leftists love to tell us if we can drink sugary drinks.. If Happy Meals shold be banned. If we're allowed to own guns.. on and on. Islam and Liberalism make great bed partners. The funny thing is, Islam doesn't give a shit what liberalism believes and will trash their beliefs as quickly as any other.. Leftists are just too stupid to get it.

Islam sucks...you suck too...for pretty much close to the same reasons. You're both crazy and get hysterical at the slightest things.
The blood will be on the film makers hands. He got the response he wanted and he now has to face the music.

yep, he pulled the trigger

These Leftists and their Muslim idiots are sooo obvious.. Let them flame all over the place.. They've shown their a bunch of violent punks with rocks.. Nothing more. If the US ever truly let loose her power, we'd wipe the floor with these morons.

So you hate muslims? Their opinions don't matter.......says the fucking moron

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