Shana Tova !!!!


Gold Member
Aug 17, 2012
Shana Tova to all My Jewish Friends on this board !!

May you have a new year full of Happiness and Health, and to my Israeli friends (well, I guess it's only Lipush lol) may you have a New Year full of security as well !

A happy new year to all Jews all over the world.
May peace be on your lips, in your actions and in your lives.
Shana Tova to all My Jewish Friends on this board !!

May you have a new year full of Happiness and Health, and to my Israeli friends (well, I guess it's only Lipush lol) may you have a New Year full of security as well !

Thank you!

Shana Tova everyone:D
And they shall beat their swords into plowshares, and their spears into pruning hooks; nation shall not lift up sword against nation, neither shall they learn war any more


That makes a worthwhile prayer for all, regardless of race, religion or anything else.

Peace be upon everyone.
Shana Tova to all My Jewish Friends on this board !!

May you have a new year full of Happiness and Health, and to my Israeli friends (well, I guess it's only Lipush lol) may you have a New Year full of security as well !

What lovely photographs of the apples, honey and the Shofar! Beautiful, Lipush! Just beautiful!!

On Rosh Hashanah, 5773 years ago, G-d created Adam and Eve. So a Happy, healthy and peaceful New Year to the Jewish People and the whole human race!! :eusa_angel:
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On Rosh Hashanah, 5773 years ago, G-d created Adam and Eve. So a Happy, healthy and peaceful New Year to the Jewish People and the whole human race!! :eusa_angel:

Not so.

5773 years ago G-d created the times of the light and chose the Jews to bring the light to man and have 6000 years to complete the journey before the new times are heralded by an end to the light and a 1000 year dark judgement of those who have gone (mtrip). Those still alive when the times end will be judged at that time. This is why we pray to be alive at that time of reckoning.

G-dless man has been around for hundreds of thousands of years, but they were in the dark of the ten commandments and the times are the times of H-s ten commandments.

For all to hear, know and choose.

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