Shannyn Moore: My Guns Are Less Regulated Than My Uterus

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Diamond Member
Jul 14, 2011

I'm old enough to remember when the NRA was invited into our schools to educate students on gun safety. Yes, I'm old, and I grew up in rural Alaska, but the NRA as an institution has changed as much as everything else has since then. It now operates as a lobby for gun manufacturers rather than for responsible gun owners who grew up with the traditions of hunting and shooting.

It has blamed everything from video games, to Hollywood to "gun-free zones" for escalating gun violence in the country. In 2010, the NRA held its convention in North Carolina in a location where guns were banned. Its cheery note to attendees told them to leave their guns at home. It seemed fine enough with a "gun-free zone" then. Charlotte Allen blames (the brutal mass murder in Newtown, Conn., last week on) a lack of men and the "over-feminization" of our school system. Autism and mental health have been blamed. A godless tolerance for homosexuals has been faulted. Several people have said God wouldn't show up in public schools where he's not wanted. Apparently, he's still smarting from the lack of audible prayer, so he allowed the shooting to happen.

One week after the massacre, the NRA, in a paranoid fit, proposed changes. Let's have more guns in schools! Armed guards have been present at many massacres and haven't been able to stop them. And who is supposed to pay for the wages and benefits for armed guards at every school in the nation? "The only way to stop a bad guy with a gun is a good guy with a gun," says the NRA. It's a nice advertisement for gun sales but it's ludicrous. The bad guy in Tucson, Ariz., who shot Congresswoman Gabrielle Giffords was stopped because he was reloading. Should we have armed guards everywhere there has been a mass shooting? Schools, malls, theaters, grocery stores and churches? Are they proposing a jobs bill?

"If only those teachers had a gun," laments the NRA. At a time when teachers are blamed for far more than what is in their control, and for being "union thugs," you want them to carry a weapon? Seriously? Think about that for a minute. A company in Utah had profits jump 500 percent this week by selling BULLET-PROOF BACKPACKS FOR CHILDREN. Children should not be shouldering the panic. The best thing about little children is they haven't figured out yet that some people want to hurt them. Times have changed. If you're not a cynic by third grade, you're not paying attention.

I'm worried that again nothing will happen in the face of a great problem. The violence that destroyed so many lives in Newtown, Conn., has changed the discussion in this country on gun control, but will that be enough this time?

In Alaska, many of us need guns to fill our freezers, but if you need a 30-round clip you're a pretty poor hunter. If you are hoarding automatic (yes, they are legal) or semi-automatic weapons, you need Viagra.

Oh, that's right, it's about the "well-regulated militia." The Second Amendment was written by men who had fought alongside men who didn't survive their revolt against tyranny. They had the assistance of the French government. They used muskets. If you think it is your right or duty to overthrow the government at this point in time, you're going to need more than a few guns and monster clips. You'll need weapons-grade uranium, a few tanks, a submarine and an army of your own to go up against our 3 million strong military. You very well may need the aid of another country. Good luck with that, and I think your three-cornered hat may be on a little too tight. The same founders who thought a militia was a good idea would never have expanded gun ownership to blacks. The whole slavery situation could have gotten awkward quickly.

So the tree of liberty must be refreshed from time to time with the blood of kindergarteners, mall shoppers and moviegoers? Is that freedom?

More: Shannyn Moore: My Guns Are Less Regulated Than My Uterus
Thank you, Shannyn! You're obviously a great, and sane, American patriot.
Shannyn Moore (born June 12, 1970) is an American political blogger based in Alaska. Moore is a writer for The Huffington Post and has been a prominent critic of former Alaska governor Sarah Palin. She has appeared on such television shows as The Rachel Maddow Show and Countdown with Keith Olbermann.[1][2] Moore also launched her own political talk show, Moore Up North, in November 2009.[3]

After Sarah Palin announced her resignation as Governor of Alaska, Palin and her attorneys released a statement threatening legal action to those who "propagate defamatory material" about her. The statement added "To the extent several websites, most notably liberal Alaska blogger Shannyn Moore, are now claiming as 'fact' that Governor Palin resigned because she is 'under federal investigation' for embezzlement or other criminal wrongdoing, we will be exploring legal options this week to address such defamation", her attorney said. "This is to provide notice to Ms. Moore, and those who re-publish the defamation, such as Huffington Post, MSNBC, the New York Times and The Washington Post, that the Palins will not allow them to propagate defamatory material without answering to this in a court of law."[4]

Moore responded in a press conference that Palin is "a coward and a bully" and that she never claimed the rumors were fact but only pointed out they existed.[4]

More: Shannyn Moore - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
So the tree of liberty must be refreshed from time to time with the blood of kindergarteners, mall shoppers and moviegoers? Is that freedom?

so what do you want to do about it? Put all the mentally ill in hospitals and hire a Nazi to collect all the guns in America???
So the tree of liberty must be refreshed from time to time with the blood of kindergarteners, mall shoppers and moviegoers? Is that freedom?

so what do you want to do about it? Put all the mentally ill in hospitals and hire a Nazi to collect all the guns in America???

Do you support the NRA solution of MORE GUNS and less regulation...?
So the tree of liberty must be refreshed from time to time with the blood of kindergarteners, mall shoppers and moviegoers? Is that freedom?

so what do you want to do about it? Put all the mentally ill in hospitals and hire a Nazi to collect all the guns in America???

I personally would like conservatives to shut the fuck up about sex and contraception and mind their own narrow minded ignorant business.

I'm old enough to remember when the NRA was invited into our schools to educate students on gun safety. Yes, I'm old, and I grew up in rural Alaska, but the NRA as an institution has changed as much as everything else has since then. It now operates as a lobby for gun manufacturers rather than for responsible gun owners who grew up with the traditions of hunting and shooting.

It has blamed everything from video games, to Hollywood to "gun-free zones" for escalating gun violence in the country. In 2010, the NRA held its convention in North Carolina in a location where guns were banned. Its cheery note to attendees told them to leave their guns at home. It seemed fine enough with a "gun-free zone" then. Charlotte Allen blames (the brutal mass murder in Newtown, Conn., last week on) a lack of men and the "over-feminization" of our school system. Autism and mental health have been blamed. A godless tolerance for homosexuals has been faulted. Several people have said God wouldn't show up in public schools where he's not wanted. Apparently, he's still smarting from the lack of audible prayer, so he allowed the shooting to happen.

One week after the massacre, the NRA, in a paranoid fit, proposed changes. Let's have more guns in schools! Armed guards have been present at many massacres and haven't been able to stop them. And who is supposed to pay for the wages and benefits for armed guards at every school in the nation? "The only way to stop a bad guy with a gun is a good guy with a gun," says the NRA. It's a nice advertisement for gun sales but it's ludicrous. The bad guy in Tucson, Ariz., who shot Congresswoman Gabrielle Giffords was stopped because he was reloading. Should we have armed guards everywhere there has been a mass shooting? Schools, malls, theaters, grocery stores and churches? Are they proposing a jobs bill?

"If only those teachers had a gun," laments the NRA. At a time when teachers are blamed for far more than what is in their control, and for being "union thugs," you want them to carry a weapon? Seriously? Think about that for a minute. A company in Utah had profits jump 500 percent this week by selling BULLET-PROOF BACKPACKS FOR CHILDREN. Children should not be shouldering the panic. The best thing about little children is they haven't figured out yet that some people want to hurt them. Times have changed. If you're not a cynic by third grade, you're not paying attention.

I'm worried that again nothing will happen in the face of a great problem. The violence that destroyed so many lives in Newtown, Conn., has changed the discussion in this country on gun control, but will that be enough this time?

In Alaska, many of us need guns to fill our freezers, but if you need a 30-round clip you're a pretty poor hunter. If you are hoarding automatic (yes, they are legal) or semi-automatic weapons, you need Viagra.

Oh, that's right, it's about the "well-regulated militia." The Second Amendment was written by men who had fought alongside men who didn't survive their revolt against tyranny. They had the assistance of the French government. They used muskets. If you think it is your right or duty to overthrow the government at this point in time, you're going to need more than a few guns and monster clips. You'll need weapons-grade uranium, a few tanks, a submarine and an army of your own to go up against our 3 million strong military. You very well may need the aid of another country. Good luck with that, and I think your three-cornered hat may be on a little too tight. The same founders who thought a militia was a good idea would never have expanded gun ownership to blacks. The whole slavery situation could have gotten awkward quickly.

So the tree of liberty must be refreshed from time to time with the blood of kindergarteners, mall shoppers and moviegoers? Is that freedom?

More: Shannyn Moore: My Guns Are Less Regulated Than My Uterus
Self regulate your sexual parts as you regulate your gun. Put them in a safe place. Don't play with them. Don't share them. Use only in an emergency.
So the tree of liberty must be refreshed from time to time with the blood of kindergarteners, mall shoppers and moviegoers? Is that freedom?

so what do you want to do about it? Put all the mentally ill in hospitals and hire a Nazi to collect all the guns in America???

I personally would like conservatives to shut the fuck up about sex and contraception and mind their own narrow minded ignorant business.

How about a trade?

You leftists can keep killing unborn babies unabated, and the rest of us get to keep our guns se we can protect ourselves from tyranny and baby killers...........
So the tree of liberty must be refreshed from time to time with the blood of kindergarteners, mall shoppers and moviegoers? Is that freedom?

so what do you want to do about it? Put all the mentally ill in hospitals and hire a Nazi to collect all the guns in America???

I personally would like conservatives to shut the fuck up about sex and contraception and mind their own narrow minded ignorant business.

so what do you want to do about it? Put all the mentally ill in hospitals and hire a Nazi to collect all the guns in America??? Why be so afraid to tell us????
If the gov is going to stay out of gun control then stay out of my wife's uterus. Thats between her and I and nobody, I mean nobody else. Correct? Please state another stance,
so what do you want to do about it? Put all the mentally ill in hospitals and hire a Nazi to collect all the guns in America???

I personally would like conservatives to shut the fuck up about sex and contraception and mind their own narrow minded ignorant business.

so what do you want to do about it? Put all the mentally ill in hospitals and hire a Nazi to collect all the guns in America??? Why be so afraid to tell us????

What? How does anything you just said make sense? You are one confused unstable fucking idiot.
If the gov is going to stay out of gun control then stay out of my wife's uterus. Thats between her and I and nobody, I mean nobody else. Correct? Please state another stance,

What are the uterus laws? Do they outnumber the gun laws?
The author of the OP article is simple minded. No one is stopping people from having sex. Abortions are legal, though no one wants to force doctors to kill babies by partial birth abortions at late stages. Contraceptives are available everywhere. Have sex if you want. Use contraceptives if you want. Get an abortion if you want. No one is stopping you.

Just because some don't feel it's their responsibility to pay for things doesn't mean they are denying you anything or getting into your business. Most don't want to even know anything about your business and would appreciate it if you'd stay out of ours and not demand that we pay even more in taxes to fund your lifestyle and choices.

Some people drag others into their lives by claiming we owe them this or that.

Gun ownership is a right. Expecting others to cater to you in any way is not a right. Doctors and nurses shouldn't be forced to perform optional procedures when it's not medically necessary. No one other than the patient should pay for it when they do get abortions or contraceptives.

The restrictions put on abortions are banning late term abortions. No one should have to watch as a baby's head comes out of the birth canal and then stop it from being born so they can insert a sharp object into it's brain to kill it. Allowing the baby to be born would be easier on a mother whose life may be in danger from the pregnancy or other reason. Aborting at that stage is only done because some dipshit woman waited that long to decide she didn't want to go through with it.

There are regulations on guns and more are being written into law as we speak.

I don't give a damn what anyone does with their body, but feel they should be prepared to take full responsibility for any decisions and actions they take. Leave the tax payers out of it.

Hell, the liberals don't want people to get a tan using a tanning booth, so they taxed the shit of them. Hundreds went out of business. Isn't that telling people what to do with their bodies?
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The OP article is simple minded. No one is stopping people from having sex. Abortions are legal, though no one wants to force doctors to kill babies by partial birth abortions at late stages. Contraceptives are available everywhere.

Just because some don't feel it's their responsibility to pay for things doesn't mean they are denying you anything or getting into your business. Most don't want to even know anything about your business and would appreciate it if you'd stay out of ours and not demand that we pay even more in taxes to fund your lifestyle and choices.

Some people drag others into their lives by claiming we owe them this or that.

Gun ownership is a right. Expecting others to cater to you in any way is not a right. Doctors and nurses shouldn't be forced to perform optional procedures when it's not medically necessary. No one other than the patient should pay for it when they do get abortions or contraceptives.

The restrictions put on abortions are banning late term abortions. No one should have to watch as a baby's head comes out of the birth canal and then stop it from being born so they can insert a sharp object into it's brain to kill it. Allowing the baby to be born would be easier on a mother whose life may be in danger from the pregnancy or other reason. Aborting at that stage is only done because some dipshit woman waited that long to decide she didn't want to go through with it.

There are regulations on guns and more are being written into law as we speak.

I don't give a damn what anyone does with their body, but feel they should be prepared to take full responsibility for any decisions and actions they take. Leave the tax payers out of it.

Yet people take his troll bait.
so what do you want to do about it? Put all the mentally ill in hospitals and hire a Nazi to collect all the guns in America???

I personally would like conservatives to shut the fuck up about sex and contraception and mind their own narrow minded ignorant business.

How about a trade?

You leftists can keep killing unborn babies unabated, and the rest of us get to keep our guns se we can protect ourselves from tyranny and baby killers...........

Protect yourself from baby killers?

Are you the next Scott Roeder?

Who you going to murder?

You just love yourself some plain old murderers. That's all Scott Roeder was... just a murderer.
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