Shannyn Moore: My Guns Are Less Regulated Than My Uterus

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I personally would like conservatives to shut the fuck up about sex and contraception and mind their own narrow minded ignorant business.

How about a trade?

You leftists can keep killing unborn babies unabated, and the rest of us get to keep our guns se we can protect ourselves from tyranny and baby killers...........

One has nothing to do with the other.

sure it does, Conservatives want their guns to protect themselves from liberals. Why do you think we put it in the Constitution???
So the tree of liberty must be refreshed from time to time with the blood of kindergarteners, mall shoppers and moviegoers? Is that freedom?

so what do you want to do about it? Put all the mentally ill in hospitals and hire a Nazi to collect all the guns in America???

I personally would like conservatives to shut the fuck up about sex and contraception and mind their own narrow minded ignorant business.

quite the odd statement coming from folks who believe its their business to involve others in their sex and contaceptive needs
So the tree of liberty must be refreshed from time to time with the blood of kindergarteners, mall shoppers and moviegoers? Is that freedom?

so what do you want to do about it? Put all the mentally ill in hospitals and hire a Nazi to collect all the guns in America???

I personally would like conservatives to shut the fuck up about sex and contraception and mind their own narrow minded ignorant business.

Why is it that whenever you leftist morons run out of gas you start babbling about rubbers and sex?

Free birthcontrol, free abortions, what regulations are on a uterus? Heck sounds like it's free till it catches something, then the health department will need to shut her down! Lol
Her statement about her uterus being regulated is a lie. Birth control is readily available over the counter in any drugstore or supermarket.

Why do you lie to try and make a point? It immediately invalidates your thread.

And her argument is moot.
so what do you want to do about it? Put all the mentally ill in hospitals and hire a Nazi to collect all the guns in America???

I personally would like conservatives to shut the fuck up about sex and contraception and mind their own narrow minded ignorant business.

Why is it that whenever you leftist morons run out of gas you start babbling about rubbers and sex?


The liberals want gun control to prevent conservatives from controlling them. Let's not forget the Bill of Rights is designed to control the liberal state!!
The liberals want gun control to prevent conservatives from controlling them. Let's not forget the Bill of Rights is designed to control the liberal state!!

The liberals want gun control to prevent conservatives from controlling them. Let's not forget the Bill of Rights is designed to control the liberal state!!

Why can't liberals see themselves as the malevolent force that our founders saw them as??
So the tree of liberty must be refreshed from time to time with the blood of kindergarteners, mall shoppers and moviegoers? Is that freedom?

so what do you want to do about it? Put all the mentally ill in hospitals and hire a Nazi to collect all the guns in America???

Do you support the NRA solution of MORE GUNS and less regulation...?

Of course Lahkota wants to start with the mentally ill, then the disabled, old, religious cults, Jewish, then throw in the homosexual. But we can't do that unless we take the guns away from the PEOPLE....
So the tree of liberty must be refreshed from time to time with the blood of kindergarteners, mall shoppers and moviegoers? Is that freedom?

so what do you want to do about it? Put all the mentally ill in hospitals and hire a Nazi to collect all the guns in America???

I personally would like conservatives to shut the fuck up about sex and contraception and mind their own narrow minded ignorant business.

We don't usually bring the topic up.

And she's lying. She doesn't need a permit or a license to buy birth control. Some might need a prescription, others might buy over the counter, and then there is the free method of not having sex.

The only way her guns are less regulated than birth control is if she doesnt have guns to regulate.
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