Shannyn Moore: My Guns Are Less Regulated Than My Uterus

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Btw if you want to regulate guns pass a constitutional amendment. If you can persuade the us public to give up their right to self defense, you can regulate it all you want.

But you don't bother even trying which means you don't really care about doing it the right way
It's sad that your civics and biology teachers have failed you so badly that you view any laws that protect children in the womb as an attempt to regulate vaginas. Furthermore, in the way you try to equate gun control laws which infringe upon the 2nd amendment CONSTITUTIONAL right to keep and bear arms with an abortion which completely denies children THEIR constitutional rights.

Your ignorance and false comparisons speak for themselves. Thank gawd your ignorance is here though. It makes for a great foil to help educate others.
So guns don't kill children? What a Crock![emoji219][emoji254]


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I mean if republicans are so concerned with loss of life, surely they wouid want laws that help to prevent gun violence. Do they really think the 2nd amendment trumps what a woman chooses to do with her own body?

Now I’m not saying that gun laws would have prevented the Vegas tragedy necessarily, but obviously that still means we can’t be defeatist pussies and not do SOMETHING about hoping to prevent future mass shootings. Gun control does work well in other countries. It doesn’t work here because any gun control law that is miraculously passed is watered down and useless.

My overall point is simple. Republicans are such douche bags for being nazis about abortion without having any sense of responsibility in trying to limit senseless gun violence. How do they not see this stupidity?

Because an unregulated vagina is a deadly vagina.
I mean if republicans are so concerned with loss of life, surely they wouid want laws that help to prevent gun violence. Do they really think the 2nd amendment trumps what a woman chooses to do with her own body?

Now I’m not saying that gun laws would have prevented the Vegas tragedy necessarily, but obviously that still means we can’t be defeatist pussies and not do SOMETHING about hoping to prevent future mass shootings. Gun control does work well in other countries. It doesn’t work here because any gun control law that is miraculously passed is watered down and useless.

My overall point is simple. Republicans are such douche bags for being nazis about abortion without having any sense of responsibility in trying to limit senseless gun violence. How do they not see this stupidity?

False issues. You don't think prostitution is regulated? You don't think senseless gun violence is regulated? Educate yourself.
I mean if republicans are so concerned with loss of life, surely they wouid want laws that help to prevent gun violence. Do they really think the 2nd amendment trumps what a woman chooses to do with her own body?

Now I’m not saying that gun laws would have prevented the Vegas tragedy necessarily, but obviously that still means we can’t be defeatist pussies and not do SOMETHING about hoping to prevent future mass shootings. Gun control does work well in other countries. It doesn’t work here because any gun control law that is miraculously passed is watered down and useless.

My overall point is simple. Republicans are such douche bags for being nazis about abortion without having any sense of responsibility in trying to limit senseless gun violence. How do they not see this stupidity?
I mean if republicans are so concerned with loss of life, surely they wouid want laws that help to prevent gun violence. Do they really think the 2nd amendment trumps what a woman chooses to do with her own body?

Now I’m not saying that gun laws would have prevented the Vegas tragedy necessarily, but obviously that still means we can’t be defeatist pussies and not do SOMETHING about hoping to prevent future mass shootings. Gun control does work well in other countries. It doesn’t work here because any gun control law that is miraculously passed is watered down and useless.

My overall point is simple. Republicans are such douche bags for being nazis about abortion without having any sense of responsibility in trying to limit senseless gun violence. How do they not see this stupidity?
First we has to get rid of ISIS. Then we can talk. But right now we has to protect ourselves from ISIS breaking into our homes and torturing us. Hillary just want us all to put our defense down so she can bring them in to tortured us and rape our women and children. .
It is stated in the Constitution that the people has the right to create their own militia if they sees that the government is being unfair and forcing the public to do what they want them to do. But the militia that the people had created in the past, became under the control of the government Like Hillary has committed more crimes than Al Capone has done in his whole entire life. But justice is blind eventhough the evidences is right in front of their faces.

On this two hundredth anniversary of its adoption, the Second Amendment to the United States Constitution, like certain other provisions of the Bill of Rights, has been subjected to politically-valued, result-oriented interpretation.[1] The Second Amendment provides: "A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed."

The ostensibly-harmless philosophical declaration about the militia which precedes the substantive guarantee belonging to "the people" has given rise to the argument that the Amendment somehow protects only the power of a state to maintain a militia. While harboring no agenda for state militia powers, advocates of this hypothesis strongly oppose firearms ownership by the general public.[2] THE RIGHT OF THE PEOPLE OR THE POWER OF THE STATE: BEARING ARMS, ARMING MILITIAS, AND THE SECOND AMENDMENT




I mean if republicans are so concerned with loss of life, surely they wouid want laws that help to prevent gun violence. Do they really think the 2nd amendment trumps what a woman chooses to do with her own body?

Now I’m not saying that gun laws would have prevented the Vegas tragedy necessarily, but obviously that still means we can’t be defeatist pussies and not do SOMETHING about hoping to prevent future mass shootings. Gun control does work well in other countries. It doesn’t work here because any gun control law that is miraculously passed is watered down and useless.

My overall point is simple. Republicans are such douche bags for being nazis about abortion without having any sense of responsibility in trying to limit senseless gun violence. How do they not see this stupidity?

What regulations are you talking about? No one's vagina is regulated. There are simply sound medical practices that the left fights against and it's clear that libs are more focused on keeping population numbers down than they are about women's health. Abortions should be just as regulated as any other surgery but the left finds that unreasonable.

And just because people don't want to pay for the consequences of other people's behavior does not mean they are denying them anything. Pay for it yourself. Your choice to have sex. Your responsibility to deal with consequences.

As for late term abortions, the left has no idea what it's like for medical personnel to have to kill a baby. And, yes, they look just like babies in late term abortions. Some have survived the abortion and most are left to die.

The argument for late term abortions is that it's done because the mother's life is in jeopardy. Guess what. It's not necessary to kill the baby. It actually poses a greater risk to stop a delivery to jam a sharp instrument into the baby's head than to let it be born. If a mother's life is truly at risk, a C-section is usually done and that means the baby can live.

It's not about regulating vaginas. It's about allowing doctors to do ultrasounds or whatever tests are necessary to ensure that the health of the woman is the number one priority. Libs have tried to claim that ultrasounds are invasive but they aren't. Libs just don't want women to see a baby on the screen and realize that it's not a clump of cells. Wouldn't want anyone becoming enlightened or changing their mind. Gotta keep killing a million black babies each year to keep that population down.

Other regulations include holding abortion clinics to the same standards as other medical clinics. Libs fight this because they want women to believe that an abortion is on the same level as a manicure. So what if something goes wrong and the women are in peril or die. More important to keep those abortions happening.

The left's fight against regulations is putting women at risk. It's not about choice. It's all designed to keep the population numbers down and they will lie to do that.

Abortions are surgeries. And that means some strict guidelines need to be in place for the best interest of the patients. I am sick of the left wanting to lower standards, even to the point of training non-physicians to do the procedures. Imagine doing that with any other procedure, like having tonsils removed or even having dental work done. Same thing. Doctors should call the shots on what is prudent, not politicians who pretend it's about choice.

And guns are regulated despite it being a right. The left says no regulations on voting because that is a right but when it comes to guns, they want to regulate them out of existence.

I'm old enough to remember when the NRA was invited into our schools to educate students on gun safety. Yes, I'm old, and I grew up in rural Alaska, but the NRA as an institution has changed as much as everything else has since then. It now operates as a lobby for gun manufacturers rather than for responsible gun owners who grew up with the traditions of hunting and shooting.

It has blamed everything from video games, to Hollywood to "gun-free zones" for escalating gun violence in the country. In 2010, the NRA held its convention in North Carolina in a location where guns were banned. Its cheery note to attendees told them to leave their guns at home. It seemed fine enough with a "gun-free zone" then. Charlotte Allen blames (the brutal mass murder in Newtown, Conn., last week on) a lack of men and the "over-feminization" of our school system. Autism and mental health have been blamed. A godless tolerance for homosexuals has been faulted. Several people have said God wouldn't show up in public schools where he's not wanted. Apparently, he's still smarting from the lack of audible prayer, so he allowed the shooting to happen.

One week after the massacre, the NRA, in a paranoid fit, proposed changes. Let's have more guns in schools! Armed guards have been present at many massacres and haven't been able to stop them. And who is supposed to pay for the wages and benefits for armed guards at every school in the nation? "The only way to stop a bad guy with a gun is a good guy with a gun," says the NRA. It's a nice advertisement for gun sales but it's ludicrous. The bad guy in Tucson, Ariz., who shot Congresswoman Gabrielle Giffords was stopped because he was reloading. Should we have armed guards everywhere there has been a mass shooting? Schools, malls, theaters, grocery stores and churches? Are they proposing a jobs bill?

"If only those teachers had a gun," laments the NRA. At a time when teachers are blamed for far more than what is in their control, and for being "union thugs," you want them to carry a weapon? Seriously? Think about that for a minute. A company in Utah had profits jump 500 percent this week by selling BULLET-PROOF BACKPACKS FOR CHILDREN. Children should not be shouldering the panic. The best thing about little children is they haven't figured out yet that some people want to hurt them. Times have changed. If you're not a cynic by third grade, you're not paying attention.

I'm worried that again nothing will happen in the face of a great problem. The violence that destroyed so many lives in Newtown, Conn., has changed the discussion in this country on gun control, but will that be enough this time?

In Alaska, many of us need guns to fill our freezers, but if you need a 30-round clip you're a pretty poor hunter. If you are hoarding automatic (yes, they are legal) or semi-automatic weapons, you need Viagra.

Oh, that's right, it's about the "well-regulated militia." The Second Amendment was written by men who had fought alongside men who didn't survive their revolt against tyranny. They had the assistance of the French government. They used muskets. If you think it is your right or duty to overthrow the government at this point in time, you're going to need more than a few guns and monster clips. You'll need weapons-grade uranium, a few tanks, a submarine and an army of your own to go up against our 3 million strong military. You very well may need the aid of another country. Good luck with that, and I think your three-cornered hat may be on a little too tight. The same founders who thought a militia was a good idea would never have expanded gun ownership to blacks. The whole slavery situation could have gotten awkward quickly.

So the tree of liberty must be refreshed from time to time with the blood of kindergarteners, mall shoppers and moviegoers? Is that freedom?

More: Shannyn Moore: My Guns Are Less Regulated Than My Uterus

You're a vagina, are you regulated?
I mean if republicans are so concerned with loss of life, surely they wouid want laws that help to prevent gun violence. Do they really think the 2nd amendment trumps what a woman chooses to do with her own body?

Now I’m not saying that gun laws would have prevented the Vegas tragedy necessarily, but obviously that still means we can’t be defeatist pussies and not do SOMETHING about hoping to prevent future mass shootings. Gun control does work well in other countries. It doesn’t work here because any gun control law that is miraculously passed is watered down and useless.

My overall point is simple. Republicans are such douche bags for being nazis about abortion without having any sense of responsibility in trying to limit senseless gun violence. How do they not see this stupidity?
It has nothing to do with vaginas. Our constitution protects everyone’s life, liberty, and pursuit of happiness. So protecting the unborn child who has no voice, becomes the responsibility of those with a voice.

Its none of your business. None of your business.[/

The oath I swore makes it my business. So yeah... it is. I don’t give 2 shits about you or your vagina. I care about preventing a murder.

The oath I swore makes it my business. So yeah... it is. I don’t give 2 shits about you or your vagina. I care about preventing a murder.
You’re so full of shit lol
I mean if republicans are so concerned with loss of life, surely they wouid want laws that help to prevent gun violence. Do they really think the 2nd amendment trumps what a woman chooses to do with her own body?

Now I’m not saying that gun laws would have prevented the Vegas tragedy necessarily, but obviously that still means we can’t be defeatist pussies and not do SOMETHING about hoping to prevent future mass shootings. Gun control does work well in other countries. It doesn’t work here because any gun control law that is miraculously passed is watered down and useless.

My overall point is simple. Republicans are such douche bags for being nazis about abortion without having any sense of responsibility in trying to limit senseless gun violence. How do they not see this stupidity?
It has nothing to do with vaginas. Our constitution protects everyone’s life, liberty, and pursuit of happiness. So protecting the unborn child who has no voice, becomes the responsibility of those with a voice.

Its none of your business. None of your business.[/

The oath I swore makes it my business. So yeah... it is. I don’t give 2 shits about you or your vagina. I care about preventing a murder.

The oath I swore makes it my business. So yeah... it is. I don’t give 2 shits about you or your vagina. I care about preventing a murder.
You’re so full of shit lol
I mean if republicans are so concerned with loss of life, surely they wouid want laws that help to prevent gun violence. Do they really think the 2nd amendment trumps what a woman chooses to do with her own body?

Now I’m not saying that gun laws would have prevented the Vegas tragedy necessarily, but obviously that still means we can’t be defeatist pussies and not do SOMETHING about hoping to prevent future mass shootings. Gun control does work well in other countries. It doesn’t work here because any gun control law that is miraculously passed is watered down and useless.

My overall point is simple. Republicans are such douche bags for being nazis about abortion without having any sense of responsibility in trying to limit senseless gun violence. How do they not see this stupidity?
It has nothing to do with vaginas. Our constitution protects everyone’s life, liberty, and pursuit of happiness. So protecting the unborn child who has no voice, becomes the responsibility of those with a voice.

Its none of your business. None of your business.[/

The oath I swore makes it my business. So yeah... it is. I don’t give 2 shits about you or your vagina. I care about preventing a murder.

The oath I swore makes it my business. So yeah... it is. I don’t give 2 shits about you or your vagina. I care about preventing a murder.
You’re so full of shit lol
So once again what do you think your study proves and what part of the text were you referencing?

I'm old enough to remember when the NRA was invited into our schools to educate students on gun safety. Yes, I'm old, and I grew up in rural Alaska, but the NRA as an institution has changed as much as everything else has since then. It now operates as a lobby for gun manufacturers rather than for responsible gun owners who grew up with the traditions of hunting and shooting.

It has blamed everything from video games, to Hollywood to "gun-free zones" for escalating gun violence in the country. In 2010, the NRA held its convention in North Carolina in a location where guns were banned. Its cheery note to attendees told them to leave their guns at home. It seemed fine enough with a "gun-free zone" then. Charlotte Allen blames (the brutal mass murder in Newtown, Conn., last week on) a lack of men and the "over-feminization" of our school system. Autism and mental health have been blamed. A godless tolerance for homosexuals has been faulted. Several people have said God wouldn't show up in public schools where he's not wanted. Apparently, he's still smarting from the lack of audible prayer, so he allowed the shooting to happen.

One week after the massacre, the NRA, in a paranoid fit, proposed changes. Let's have more guns in schools! Armed guards have been present at many massacres and haven't been able to stop them. And who is supposed to pay for the wages and benefits for armed guards at every school in the nation? "The only way to stop a bad guy with a gun is a good guy with a gun," says the NRA. It's a nice advertisement for gun sales but it's ludicrous. The bad guy in Tucson, Ariz., who shot Congresswoman Gabrielle Giffords was stopped because he was reloading. Should we have armed guards everywhere there has been a mass shooting? Schools, malls, theaters, grocery stores and churches? Are they proposing a jobs bill?

"If only those teachers had a gun," laments the NRA. At a time when teachers are blamed for far more than what is in their control, and for being "union thugs," you want them to carry a weapon? Seriously? Think about that for a minute. A company in Utah had profits jump 500 percent this week by selling BULLET-PROOF BACKPACKS FOR CHILDREN. Children should not be shouldering the panic. The best thing about little children is they haven't figured out yet that some people want to hurt them. Times have changed. If you're not a cynic by third grade, you're not paying attention.

I'm worried that again nothing will happen in the face of a great problem. The violence that destroyed so many lives in Newtown, Conn., has changed the discussion in this country on gun control, but will that be enough this time?

In Alaska, many of us need guns to fill our freezers, but if you need a 30-round clip you're a pretty poor hunter. If you are hoarding automatic (yes, they are legal) or semi-automatic weapons, you need Viagra.

Oh, that's right, it's about the "well-regulated militia." The Second Amendment was written by men who had fought alongside men who didn't survive their revolt against tyranny. They had the assistance of the French government. They used muskets. If you think it is your right or duty to overthrow the government at this point in time, you're going to need more than a few guns and monster clips. You'll need weapons-grade uranium, a few tanks, a submarine and an army of your own to go up against our 3 million strong military. You very well may need the aid of another country. Good luck with that, and I think your three-cornered hat may be on a little too tight. The same founders who thought a militia was a good idea would never have expanded gun ownership to blacks. The whole slavery situation could have gotten awkward quickly.

So the tree of liberty must be refreshed from time to time with the blood of kindergarteners, mall shoppers and moviegoers? Is that freedom?

More: Shannyn Moore: My Guns Are Less Regulated Than My Uterus
How about she regulates her mouth?
I mean if republicans are so concerned with loss of life, surely they wouid want laws that help to prevent gun violence. Do they really think the 2nd amendment trumps what a woman chooses to do with her own body?

Now I’m not saying that gun laws would have prevented the Vegas tragedy necessarily, but obviously that still means we can’t be defeatist pussies and not do SOMETHING about hoping to prevent future mass shootings. Gun control does work well in other countries. It doesn’t work here because any gun control law that is miraculously passed is watered down and useless.

My overall point is simple. Republicans are such douche bags for being nazis about abortion without having any sense of responsibility in trying to limit senseless gun violence. How do they not see this stupidity?
It has nothing to do with vaginas. Our constitution protects everyone’s life, liberty, and pursuit of happiness. So protecting the unborn child who has no voice, becomes the responsibility of those with a voice.

Its none of your business. None of your business.[/

The oath I swore makes it my business. So yeah... it is. I don’t give 2 shits about you or your vagina. I care about preventing a murder.

The oath I swore makes it my business. So yeah... it is. I don’t give 2 shits about you or your vagina. I care about preventing a murder.
You’re so full of shit lol
So once again what do you think your study proves and what part of the text were you referencing?
Lol perhaps you don’t know how to navigate your way around an article. Read the abstract. All the pertinent information is in there. Go ahead and read it. That’s where the point is being made.
Just a quick much lead do you REALLY need to be able to throw downrange? Are you that bad of a shot?
Just a quick much lead do you REALLY need to be able to throw downrange? Are you that bad of a shot?
As much as one decides they can afford. Just HOW religious does a person have to be? Are they really that weak of faith, or scared of death?
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