Share good finds on PragerU and Triggernometry

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I've heard REALLY GOOD things about PragerU
Like how they pay people to attend Trump rallies?

Yeah, they have money to do that because they don't have to use their money to bail out Antifa and BLM activists the other party spends money on that.
What a shame that they prefer to allow he police state to exist and love it.
Candace owns group paid for it. But what is a shame is Soros funding and bailing out antifa and balm. People who burned looted rioted and shot two sheriff in the face for no reason. Yeah money to bail shit like that out from dems. That is a real shame.
I've heard REALLY GOOD things about PragerU
Like how they pay people to attend Trump rallies?

Yeah, they have money to do that because they don't have to use their money to bail out Antifa and BLM activists the other party spends money on that.
What a shame that they prefer to allow he police state to exist and love it.
Candace owns group paid for it. But what is a shame is Soros funding and bailing out antifa and balm. People who burned looted rioted and shot two sheriff in the face for no reason. Yeah money to bail shit like that out from dems. That is a real shame.
I don't care who is funding whoo it is their funds to use as they please and the riots and protest are about people being tired of being subjugated and abused...Yes, there are those that are professional agitators but so are the cops.
I've heard REALLY GOOD things about PragerU
Like how they pay people to attend Trump rallies?

PragerU has condensed important conservative points into 5 minute videos.

So even somebody with an extremely limited attention span, such as yourself, can learn how democrats have lied to you and manipulated you.
The ones I have seen are way longer than five minutes, more like forty-five to and hour.. I mean they have a few points of interest but nothing new or radical...

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