Share ideas how to quicker destroy America, the welfare state of internationl bankers


VIP Member
Nov 17, 2013
I think I have come to conclusion also that nothing can be changed in America until the people lose everything. For about 12 years of my life from about 1998 until about 2010 I was a fierce advocate for direct democracy. I had my first web site - I believed from the bottom of my heart, that with today's technological advancements, society can easily vote for the laws themselves, I know I would be thrilled to be a participant in such a direct democracy. However, the opposition to this idea of democracy was always fierce, and my movement went nowhere. Then in around 2010 I decided maybe I should be a firm LEADER of such a movement, that maybe I should take CHARGE, and AGAIN - the opposition is FIERCE. And the OPPOSITION, is often from the fiercest critics of our system - the distractors.

Anyway, I could never get many people to join me, while somehow there are movements out there that have some traction, and I think it's because all these movements are just like entertainment rather than necessity for society of well fed pigs at the moment, and I have to admit, I myself am a well fed, well to do pig, who's only frustrated by the crimes and the injustices committed by the system. But I am a pig who wants to be a human being, who understands that the system is turning me into a pig, who wants to live in a society where justice rules and not hidden dictatorship that hides behind the democratic puppet circus. So I ask, how do I help destroy this system so that we can move forward in restoring Humanity?
Do not need internatio9nal bankers to destroy America that is what we have the far left for.
Vote for Progressives/Liberals/Statists.
That can not be a solution since it is they along with their republican balancing act that degraded this country in the first place.

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