Sharia in Africa: Woman being stoned to death *GRAPHIC*

This is fanatical for several reasons, you don't know what the person is being convicted of and other methods could be used. Such as jail. Although I want to point out hypocrisy of Christians criticizing stoning because its part of their religion too.

anyone who blasphemes the name of the LORD must be put to death. The entire assembly must stone him. Whether an alien or native-born, when he blasphemes the Name, he must be put to death. (Leviticus 24:16)

If a man happens to meet in a town a virgin pledged to be married and he sleeps with her, you shall take both of them to the gate of that town and stone them to death?the girl because she was in a town and did not scream for help, and the man because he violated another man's wife. You must purge the evil from among you. (Deuteronomy 22:23-24)

If a man or woman living among you in one of the towns the LORD gives you is found doing evil in the eyes of the LORD your God in violation of his covenant, and contrary to my command has worshiped other gods, bowing down to them or to the sun or the moon or the stars of the sky, and this has been brought to your attention, then you must investigate it thoroughly. If it is true and it has been proved that this detestable thing has been done in Israel, take the man or woman who has done this evil deed to your city gate and stone that person to death. (Deuteronomy 17:2-5)

If your very own brother, or your son or daughter, or the wife you love, or your closest friend secretly entices you, saying, "Let us go and worship other gods" (gods that neither you nor your fathers have known, gods of the peoples around you, whether near or far, from one end of the land to the other), do not yield to him or listen to him. Show him no pity. Do not spare him or shield him. You must certainly put him to death. Your hand must be the first in putting him to death, and then the hands of all the people. Stone him to death, because he tried to turn you away from the LORD your God, who brought you out of Egypt, out of the land of slavery. (Deuteronomy 13:6-10)

If a man has a stubborn and rebellious son who does not obey his father and mother and will not listen to them when they discipline him, his father and mother shall take hold of him and bring him to the elders at the gate of his town. They shall say to the elders, "This son of ours is stubborn and rebellious. He will not obey us. He is a profligate and a drunkard." Then all the men of his town shall stone him to death. You must purge the evil from among you. All Israel will hear of it and be afraid. (Deuteronomy 21:18-21)

'A man or woman who is a medium or spiritist among you must be put to death. You are to stone them; their blood will be on their own heads.' (Leviticus 20:27)

Here's a good course for you to study to understand Christ and the Old Covenants.

So you truly grasp the meaning of the passages you throw out there.

For example, why do we no longer sacrifice animals to Jehovah? The answer is quite simple. Christ is the Lamb who was sacrificed to atone for all our sins.

The law of Moses required many animal sacrifices, but because of the sacrificial death of Jesus, the sacrifices are no longer required.

Here's the link if you truly want a better understanding instead of just throwing out passages from the OT.

Jesus and the Old Covenant Laws | Grace Communion International

Who is the final authority for Christians? Matt. 7:21-29; 10:32-33, 39; 19:29; 28:18-20; John 3:25-26; 6:29; 14:21-23; 17:2-3.

Comment: Jesus, as the Son of God, has more authority than Moses had (Heb. 3:1-6). Jesus is the standard by which Moses is judged. Jesus could quote the law of Moses when it supported his point, and he could also criticize the law of Moses as not being strict enough. In some cases the law of Moses requires too much, and in other cases it does not require enough.

Jesus said: Moses said one thing, but I say another (Matt. 5:21-45). Jesus presented himself as the greater authority, the perfect authority, the basis on which people will be judged. Our lives should conform to the standard Jesus set, not the imperfect standard Moses wrote.

In Christianity, some of the laws of Moses are still valid, and others are not (for an example of each, the law about murder and the law about tassels). How do we know which is valid and which is obsolete?

The New Testament is the authority by which the old covenant is to be understood.

Although the Old Testament is inspired Scripture and part of the Word of God, its purpose was to point to the coming and work of Jesus Christ.

Therefore, when it comes to understanding what is required for Christian behavior, the Old Testament must be interpreted in light of what the New Testament says — and the New Testament says that the old covenant is obsolete (Heb. 8:13).

So you're just following a man's teachings and not the scriptures?

Jesus is Lord. In other words, Jesus IS God. The bible says every knee shall bow and every tongue shall confess Jesus is Lord. That is every knee - even the knees in hell right now are going to bow down on that day. Kings are going to bow down, King of Saudi Arabia will be bowing down, All Kings, All people, religious & otherwise, your own prophet is going to bow his knee to Jesus Christ and confess He is Lord. ( God ) JESUS IS LORD. There is no other name by which a man can be saved. He the One. - Jeremiah
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Yes there are. Look more into tribal areas. They aren't common with anyone, while rare do occur. Actually the Old Testament may seem worse to some people. That's your opinion and the rest of your drivel is hilarious. Christianity is slowly disappearing in America because of the clueless people like you.

Actually I am very effective in soul winning - I've won thousands to Christ and I'm still a young woman. Thanks for your concern though, Bik. By the way, how many have you led to Islam? Did you know that Christianity is the fast growing religion in the middle east and on the continent of Africa at this writing? It is. In fact, it has become so well known the Muslims are in fear that Islam will not survive all the conversions.

Do you know what the headlines are for the most recent news magazine for evangelicals? It is a statement from Ayatollah Khorasani. He says in Huge Bold Print on Cover of Magazine "The Promotion of Christianity in this country must be stopped!

Do you know that these days cab drivers are playing Christian music in Iran while they worship God throughout the day? The women who are christians in Iran as so joyful they cannot stop smiling for the joy in their heart from knowing Jesus as their Lord and Savior. Truly these islamic leaders would have to be able to stop the wind in order to stop this move of the Holy Spirit upon the earth, Bik. Jesus loves the Muslim people, he died on the cross & rose again for their sins as well as the rest of the world. He is coming back again and before he does it is my sincere wish that all 1.2 billion of you are converted to him. Have you ever wondered before why it is your religion tells you it is alright to murder Christians and Jews when Jesus says we are His people? Do you believe it is alright to murder the people of Jesus? If you do, then you must despise Jesus and the office of prophet your book claims he held here on the earth. Think about that. Start questioning what you have been told, Bik, because I assure you it has ALL been a pack of lies and you deserve far, far better. That is why God sent his Own Son to die on a cross for your sins. The perfect Lamb of God that takes away the sins of the world. This is your time. Take it!

- Jeremiah
Yes there are. Look more into tribal areas. They aren't common with anyone, while rare do occur. Actually the Old Testament may seem worse to some people. That's your opinion and the rest of your drivel is hilarious. Christianity is slowly disappearing in America because of the clueless people like you.

Actually I am very effective in soul winning - I've won thousands to Christ and I'm still a young woman. Thanks for your concern though, Bik. By the way, how many have you led to Islam? Did you know that Christianity is the fast growing religion in the middle east and on the continent of Africa at this writing? It is. In fact, it has become so well known the Muslims are in fear that Islam will not survive all the conversions.

Do you know what the headlines are for the most recent news magazine for evangelicals? It is a statement from Ayatollah Khorasani. He says in Huge Bold Print on Cover of Magazine "The Promotion of Christianity in this country must be stopped!

Do you know that these days cab drivers are playing Christian music in Iran while they worship God throughout the day? The women who are christians in Iran as so joyful they cannot stop smiling for the joy in their heart from knowing Jesus as their Lord and Savior. Truly these islamic leaders would have to be able to stop the wind in order to stop this move of the Holy Spirit upon the earth, Bik. Jesus loves the Muslim people, he died on the cross & rose again for their sins as well as the rest of the world. He is coming back again and before he does it is my sincere wish that all 1.2 billion of you are converted to him. Have you ever wondered before why it is your religion tells you it is alright to murder Christians and Jews when Jesus says we are His people? Do you believe it is alright to murder the people of Jesus? If you do, then you must despise Jesus and the office of prophet your book claims he held here on the earth. Think about that. Start questioning what you have been told, Bik, because I assure you it has ALL been a pack of lies and you deserve far, far better. That is why God sent his Own Son to die on a cross for your sins. The perfect Lamb of God that takes away the sins of the world. This is your time. Take it!

- Jeremiah

Wow, the stupidity is astounding! It's a race to see who can sign up the most people for their preferred invisible person. No wonder the world's so screwed up.
NOTE* I have personally met the wife of an evangelist ( not a tv evangelist ) who has led over 100 million souls to Christ so far. Over 100 million souls this one man has won to Jesus Christ. I support another lady who had a ministry in Mozambique for years adopting street children - throw aways - who were living in garbage dumps to survive. She has adopted over 5,000 street children off the streets of Mozambique. Her and her husband are still finding children and leading them to Christ, helping them with a brand new life.. Do you know how she feeds them? She prays for food and God miraculously provides it until all the children and people there are fed. This is what it means when the bible says the just shall live by faith. God can provide food in the middle of a desert. He is God. Can your god allah do that? No he cannot. That is why this woman in Mozambique ministers to the Muslims and prays for their healings. More Muslims have been healed of blindness, limbs growing out, every kind of miracle than you can imagine. Look up Iris Ministries - Heidi and Roland Baker and you can see their work. The Rolands have prayed and seen over 100 people raised from the dead in Mozambique. The Muslims in authority there fear her and say she has special powers with God. Actually that is the ordinary work of a Christian according to Mark 16. Imagine how many people you could help, Bik, if you became a Christian and began praying for your own people. The possibilities are limitless.

- Jeremiah
NOTE* I have personally met the wife of an evangelist ( not a tv evangelist ) who has led over 100 million souls to Christ so far. Over 100 million souls this one man has won to Jesus Christ. I support another lady who had a ministry in Mozambique for years adopting street children - throw aways - who were living in garbage dumps to survive. She has adopted over 5,000 street children off the streets of Mozambique. Her and her husband are still finding children and leading them to Christ, helping them with a brand new life.. Do you know how she feeds them? She prays for food and God miraculously provides it until all the children and people there are fed. This is what it means when the bible says the just shall live by faith. God can provide food in the middle of a desert. He is God. Can your god allah do that? No he cannot. That is why this woman in Mozambique ministers to the Muslims and prays for their healings. More Muslims have been healed of blindness, limbs growing out, every kind of miracle than you can imagine. Look up Iris Ministries - Heidi and Roland Baker and you can see their work. The Rolands have prayed and seen over 100 people raised from the dead in Mozambique. The Muslims in authority there fear her and say she has special powers with God. Actually that is the ordinary work of a Christian according to Mark 16. Imagine how many people you could help, Bik, if you became a Christian and began praying for your own people. The possibilities are limitless.

- Jeremiah

Give us a good reason why he should pray to your invisible being, instead of the one he currently worships?
Yes there are. Look more into tribal areas. They aren't common with anyone, while rare do occur. Actually the Old Testament may seem worse to some people. That's your opinion and the rest of your drivel is hilarious. Christianity is slowly disappearing in America because of the clueless people like you.

Actually I am very effective in soul winning - I've won thousands to Christ and I'm still a young woman. Thanks for your concern though, Bik. By the way, how many have you led to Islam? Did you know that Christianity is the fast growing religion in the middle east and on the continent of Africa at this writing? It is. In fact, it has become so well known the Muslims are in fear that Islam will not survive all the conversions.

Do you know what the headlines are for the most recent news magazine for evangelicals? It is a statement from Ayatollah Khorasani. He says in Huge Bold Print on Cover of Magazine "The Promotion of Christianity in this country must be stopped!

Do you know that these days cab drivers are playing Christian music in Iran while they worship God throughout the day? The women who are christians in Iran as so joyful they cannot stop smiling for the joy in their heart from knowing Jesus as their Lord and Savior. Truly these islamic leaders would have to be able to stop the wind in order to stop this move of the Holy Spirit upon the earth, Bik. Jesus loves the Muslim people, he died on the cross & rose again for their sins as well as the rest of the world. He is coming back again and before he does it is my sincere wish that all 1.2 billion of you are converted to him. Have you ever wondered before why it is your religion tells you it is alright to murder Christians and Jews when Jesus says we are His people? Do you believe it is alright to murder the people of Jesus? If you do, then you must despise Jesus and the office of prophet your book claims he held here on the earth. Think about that. Start questioning what you have been told, Bik, because I assure you it has ALL been a pack of lies and you deserve far, far better. That is why God sent his Own Son to die on a cross for your sins. The perfect Lamb of God that takes away the sins of the world. This is your time. Take it!

- Jeremiah

Wow, the stupidity is astounding! It's a race to see who can sign up the most people for their preferred invisible person. No wonder the world's so screwed up.

No. It is a race to rescue as many souls from hell as possible and prepare those who are clueless to what is coming by getting them into the realm of faith right now. Why wait? What are we supposed to be waiting for? The RFID chip that is written into obamacare bill and will be mandatory for every man, woman and child by 2017 according to Henry Kissinger? It will be too late then, Ima. You see, anyone who takes that RFID chip in their hand / forehead - so that they are able to buy, sell or trade ( the bible in Revelation clearly states anyone who allows that chip ( the mark of the beast ) to be implanted in them will lose their opportunity for salvation forever - those who are saved and take that chip will lose their salvation - no one who wishes to go to heaven can take that mark. ( RFID CHIP)

Let me ask you a question, IMA. If you cannot stand for Christ in the open now while it is easy, how will you stand for Christ then when they are demanding your head on a block? How will you stand when they tell you to deny Jesus is Lord or watch your children die when you cannot stand for him on a message board?

You see, you need to put on the mind of Christ right now, not later on. You don't prepare for the day of calamity when it is on top of you, IMA. You prepare ahead of time. Now is the time to come to Christ, today is the salvation. *** About RFID, the technology for RFID is now capable of controlling your mind, the capability for having you bow down and worship the anti christ / beast is already there now and all they are waiting for is a way to force it on you. Right now the RFID chip is mandatory on cards in Texas Public Schools. Eventually they will claim kids are switching tags and the only solution is to put the chip inside your kid. The school system will then ban all homeschooling to make sure the govt is in control of all of your children. You have not seen anything yet, they are rolling it out right now.
WE are so quick to point the finger at others when we do the very same thing and call it something different. There are many instances of stoning and beheading in the Christian bible.

What the Bible says about stoning

I'd like a valid link for a recent story of a christian beheading a non christian because they wouldn't convert to Christianity.

I'd also like a valid link for a recent story ( how about the past 100 years? ) in which a Jew or a Christian stoned their wife to death for adultery.

I'll be waiting for this links. thank. - Jeremiah
by Pamela Geller
There has been a concerted attempt lately to try to downplay the negative aspects of sharia law in order to mainstream its acceptance into Western legal systems. I think it's important to show the reality of what sharia law entails in order for a wider audience to fully grasp its ramifications. Reading words on paper about how incompatible it is with Western law is wholly different from seeing innocent women being murdered for the slightest triviality. Video link here. (hat tip Golem)

See video @ Sharia in Africa: Woman being stoned to death *GRAPHIC* - Atlas Shrugs

Uh, where's the left's and God-haters on this? :confused:

According to the bible that is what you are supposed to do to unfaithful women.

According to the Old Testament - there was a certain time and period for such a judgment but that time has past. If you do not believe so please provide a link to a recent story where a Christian had his wife stoned to death for adultery. I'd like a linke for a recent story of a Jew who had his wife stoned to death for adultery also. See if you can find something from the past 100 years. How is that for recent?
by Pamela Geller
There has been a concerted attempt lately to try to downplay the negative aspects of sharia law in order to mainstream its acceptance into Western legal systems. I think it's important to show the reality of what sharia law entails in order for a wider audience to fully grasp its ramifications. Reading words on paper about how incompatible it is with Western law is wholly different from seeing innocent women being murdered for the slightest triviality. Video link here. (hat tip Golem)

See video @ Sharia in Africa: Woman being stoned to death *GRAPHIC* - Atlas Shrugs

Uh, where's the left's and God-haters on this? :confused:

Sweet Jesus, this is disgusting. Now wer going to hear the apologists mention the crusades and Abu Ghuraib smgdh.
Heidi and Roland Baker and you can see their work. The Rolands have prayed and seen over 100 people raised from the dead in Mozambique.

- Jeremiah

May I suggest something? I've been watching the Walking Dead marathon and with a glut of new walkers with limited employment prospects, I smell job opportunity for those risen dead folks in Mozambique.
Actually I am very effective in soul winning - I've won thousands to Christ and I'm still a young woman. Thanks for your concern though, Bik. By the way, how many have you led to Islam? Did you know that Christianity is the fast growing religion in the middle east and on the continent of Africa at this writing? It is. In fact, it has become so well known the Muslims are in fear that Islam will not survive all the conversions.

Do you know what the headlines are for the most recent news magazine for evangelicals? It is a statement from Ayatollah Khorasani. He says in Huge Bold Print on Cover of Magazine "The Promotion of Christianity in this country must be stopped!

Do you know that these days cab drivers are playing Christian music in Iran while they worship God throughout the day? The women who are christians in Iran as so joyful they cannot stop smiling for the joy in their heart from knowing Jesus as their Lord and Savior. Truly these islamic leaders would have to be able to stop the wind in order to stop this move of the Holy Spirit upon the earth, Bik. Jesus loves the Muslim people, he died on the cross & rose again for their sins as well as the rest of the world. He is coming back again and before he does it is my sincere wish that all 1.2 billion of you are converted to him. Have you ever wondered before why it is your religion tells you it is alright to murder Christians and Jews when Jesus says we are His people? Do you believe it is alright to murder the people of Jesus? If you do, then you must despise Jesus and the office of prophet your book claims he held here on the earth. Think about that. Start questioning what you have been told, Bik, because I assure you it has ALL been a pack of lies and you deserve far, far better. That is why God sent his Own Son to die on a cross for your sins. The perfect Lamb of God that takes away the sins of the world. This is your time. Take it!

- Jeremiah

Wow, the stupidity is astounding! It's a race to see who can sign up the most people for their preferred invisible person. No wonder the world's so screwed up.

No. It is a race to rescue as many souls from hell as possible and prepare those who are clueless to what is coming by getting them into the realm of faith right now. Why wait? What are we supposed to be waiting for? The RFID chip that is written into obamacare bill and will be mandatory for every man, woman and child by 2017 according to Henry Kissinger? It will be too late then, Ima. You see, anyone who takes that RFID chip in their hand / forehead - so that they are able to buy, sell or trade ( the bible in Revelation clearly states anyone who allows that chip ( the mark of the beast ) to be implanted in them will lose their opportunity for salvation forever - those who are saved and take that chip will lose their salvation - no one who wishes to go to heaven can take that mark. ( RFID CHIP)

Let me ask you a question, IMA. If you cannot stand for Christ in the open now while it is easy, how will you stand for Christ then when they are demanding your head on a block? How will you stand when they tell you to deny Jesus is Lord or watch your children die when you cannot stand for him on a message board?

You see, you need to put on the mind of Christ right now, not later on. You don't prepare for the day of calamity when it is on top of you, IMA. You prepare ahead of time. Now is the time to come to Christ, today is the salvation. *** About RFID, the technology for RFID is now capable of controlling your mind, the capability for having you bow down and worship the anti christ / beast is already there now and all they are waiting for is a way to force it on you. Right now the RFID chip is mandatory on cards in Texas Public Schools. Eventually they will claim kids are switching tags and the only solution is to put the chip inside your kid. The school system will then ban all homeschooling to make sure the govt is in control of all of your children. You have not seen anything yet, they are rolling it out right now.

You need some help with your delusions and your paranoïa. Soon.

Give me a good reason why your invisible guy is better than Allah.
It is. I remember the first time I saw a video of a beheading. Must have been well over a decade ago now. Back then, Gravity, you had to enter a code that someone gave you to open it and see it because these things were not available to the american public online. You couldn't just click a link and see such a thing as you can today.

Anyhow what stood out to me was how they held the mans head up as if it were a trophy shouting Allah Akbar repeatedly. I thought to myself, do they realise they just murdered a man for satan and that their reward is in hell not heaven? The man they beheaded was a liberal professor who was teaching in a foreign country. He wasn't a christian, he made it clear to them he wasn't a christian but it didn't matter. They still beheaded him. ( So many liberals today believe if they just cave in and give CAIR & Muslim Congressman Keith Ellison who is a mouthpiece for CAIR & a traitor to the USA -------> what they want they will be left alone when the day of jihad is waged on Americans in their own homeland - an act required according to Achminijad in order to usher in the 12th Imam to the earth.

I've seen many vid clips since then including Muslims throwing 5 homosexual men into a 6 or 7 foot pit, saturating them with gasoline and then throwing a match in on top of them. The problem with Muslims murdering others for their perceived sins is a huge one because the bible clearly forbids any man or woman acting as God / Judge over another humans life. Those who do such things will be in hell. So while 1.2 billion people have been brainwashed into believing a lie ( that they must murder their way to heaven ) the question becomes how quickly can we get the truth to them and rescue them from hell before it is too late?

- Jeremiah
Heidi and Roland Baker and you can see their work. The Rolands have prayed and seen over 100 people raised from the dead in Mozambique.

- Jeremiah

May I suggest something? I've been watching the Walking Dead marathon and with a glut of new walkers with limited employment prospects, I smell job opportunity for those risen dead folks in Mozambique.

Well, you just google Iris Ministries - Heidi and Roland Baker and you will learn all about it, Hollie, because I assure you Lazarus wasn't the last one raised up. It is still happening today much to the dismay of unbelievers such as yourself. - Jeremiah
......because the bible clearly forbids any man or woman acting as God / Judge over another humans life. Those who do such things will be in hell.
So people who are on a jury and sentence a convicted criminal to the death penalty in U.S. court are going to hell?? ..... :cool:
No because the bible says to obey the law of the land, pray for our judges, political leaders, etc. We have a judicial court system. What you guys have is the Wild West where anything goes.. That is the difference. It is called law and order. A policeman with a uniform has a right to arrest you if you break the law. A terrorist with an AK and a sock hat covering his face has no right to arrest or detain anyone. He is a lawbreaker and an outlaw acting OUTSIDE of the LAW. Get it?

The citizen in America who is arrested gets a fair trial before a jury of their peers. A kidnap victim of Al Qaeda gets a video tape sent home of their beheading where the Muslim kidnappers act as judge, jury, GOD. It is forbidden in the Holy Bible ( which predates Koran by centuries ) for any man or woman to do such a thing. Hell is the punishment. Only pardon any muslim who has done such a thing can hope for is the pardon of Jesus Christ at the cross. Accepting Christ is their pardon and forgiveness and then they can leave that life behind forever as if it never happened. That is why we call it the Good News. -Jeremiah
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Religious fanaticism at its finest.
Well this is why our founders kept religion out of government. They knew too well what the stakes were.

There has been a concerted attempt lately to try to downplay the negative aspects of sharia law in order to mainstream its acceptance into Western legal systems.
- Has there? Where is it?

Longknife, why do you think this story is "cool"? I don't get that part.

No, it's not religious fanatacism. It's Islam.

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