Sharia in Africa: Woman being stoned to death *GRAPHIC*

And pretends that it's comparable, and current.

Hmm... "comparable", well you may have a point. Is it worse to stone someone to death, or to put a victim through a flesh press until their skin pops open? Is it worse to hack off a victim's head yelling "allah akhbar", or to set them on fire, still alive, bound to a stake in the town square with their children forced to watch?

Arguably you have a point that one exceeds the other.

"Current" of course is just a question of time. The ignorant barbaric fanaticism of the Inquisition needed to go, and did. This ignorant barbaric Muslim fanaticism needs to go, and will. We can only stand where we are in time. But in reality both of them needed to not happen in the first place.

As for what's current, is 1998 close enough?

This is the one who lived...​

Too old? How 'bout 2009?

Stoning is for primitives. Burning is old hat. Nah, we've moved on technologically to guns and bombs.

Here's the difference between you and me: we both share a Christian background and culture, but I'm willing to acknowledge the skeletons in that closet, and you're not. I'm willing to acknowledge the perils of fanaticism, regardless what's behind it, and call it what it is.

So much for "apologism".

These are isolated incidents, I can show you dozens of pics like that from Syria and North Africa today alone.:eusa_hand:

Of course you can. And I could dig up Holocaust mass graves, et cetera. They all have one thing in common: religious-based vigilantism. That was my original point. And somewhere in the Maghreb there's a Muslim version of Pam Geller putting up these photos to make the same point in reverse.

Every incident is "isolated". What's not isolated about them is a religious zealotry driving them to do this.

IOW the problem is not this religion or that religion or any religion. It's fanaticism. So to pretend it's an aberration when we do it and "the nature of the religion" when they do it is pure hypocrisy.
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Hmm... "comparable", well you may have a point. Is it worse to stone someone to death, or to put a victim through a flesh press until their skin pops open? Is it worse to hack off a victim's head yelling "allah akhbar", or to set them on fire, still alive, bound to a stake in the town square with their children forced to watch?

Arguably you have a point that one exceeds the other.

"Current" of course is just a question of time. The ignorant barbaric fanaticism of the Inquisition needed to go, and did. This ignorant barbaric Muslim fanaticism needs to go, and will. We can only stand where we are in time. But in reality both of them needed to not happen in the first place.

As for what's current, is 1998 close enough?

This is the one who lived...​

Too old? How 'bout 2009?

Stoning is for primitives. Burning is old hat. Nah, we've moved on technologically to guns and bombs.

Here's the difference between you and me: we both share a Christian background and culture, but I'm willing to acknowledge the skeletons in that closet, and you're not. I'm willing to acknowledge the perils of fanaticism, regardless what's behind it, and call it what it is.

So much for "apologism".

These are isolated incidents, I can show you dozens of pics like that from Syria and North Africa today alone.:eusa_hand:

Of course you can. And I could dig up Holocaust mass graves, et cetera. They all have one thing in common: religious-based vigilantism. That was my original point.

Every incident is "isolated". What's not isolated about them is a religious zealotry driving them to do this.

IOW the problem is not this religion or that religion or any religion. It's fanaticism. So to pretend it's an aberration when we do it and "the nature of the religion" when they do it is pure hypocrisy.

Fanatics are indeed the problem but little has been done to really stop the Militant Islamists from sawing off heads and such.
Christians in the USA and western Europe and in South America do not burn or stone people for religious religions.

Muslims are not allowed to do so in these regions, but where they are in charge, these things do happen.

There is no "isolation" whatsoever. That is a flat lie much less mistaken assertion.
These are isolated incidents, I can show you dozens of pics like that from Syria and North Africa today alone.:eusa_hand:

Of course you can. And I could dig up Holocaust mass graves, et cetera. They all have one thing in common: religious-based vigilantism. That was my original point.

Every incident is "isolated". What's not isolated about them is a religious zealotry driving them to do this.

IOW the problem is not this religion or that religion or any religion. It's fanaticism. So to pretend it's an aberration when we do it and "the nature of the religion" when they do it is pure hypocrisy.

Fanatics are indeed the problem but little has been done to really stop the Militant Islamists from sawing off heads and such.

If it's still going on, yes obviously not enough has been done. It's barbarism.

So what do we do?
Get these poison ideas out of fanatics' heads. Show them the error of their ways. That's why I call out fanaticism for the insanity it is. Even here we have denialists insisting that that's not the problem, sticking their heads in the sand. All that does is perpetuate the scourge.

People have to understand their own nature. Otherwise we play the same history over and over like a broken record.
Someone show me a link of militant Christians stoning someone to death or sawing off some heads, otherwise you can't compare Christians to this.

Serbian Christians did it. It wasn't an isolated incident at that time. But stoning are isolated incidents which are very rare in tribal areas that don't have regulation. As for insurgents in a state of war they do so for the same reason cluster bombs are being dropped on them.
Someone show me a link of militant Christians stoning someone to death or sawing off some heads, otherwise you can't compare Christians to this.

Serbian Christians did it. It wasn't an isolated incident at that time. But stoning are isolated incidents which are very rare in tribal areas that don't have regulation. As for insurgents in a state of war they do so for the same reason cluster bombs are being dropped on them.

I wasn't aware Serbians did that, ok.
Someone show me a link of militant Christians stoning someone to death or sawing off some heads, otherwise you can't compare Christians to this.

Serbian Christians did it. It wasn't an isolated incident at that time. But stoning are isolated incidents which are very rare in tribal areas that don't have regulation. As for insurgents in a state of war they do so for the same reason cluster bombs are being dropped on them.

I'm not surprised by your total ignorance of Christianity. Yes, there was a time when Jews were told to stone sinners. But Jesus changed everything, he stood in front of such people about to be stoned:

John 8
3 The scribes and the Pharisees brought a woman who had been caught in adultery, and placing her in the midst 4 they said to him, “Teacher, this woman has been caught in the act of adultery. 5 Now in the law Moses commanded us to stone such. What do you say about her?” 6 This they said to test him, that they might have some charge to bring against him. Jesus bent down and wrote with his finger on the ground. 7 And as they continued to ask him, he stood up and said to them, “Let him who is without sin among you be the first to throw a stone at her.” 8 And once more he bent down and wrote with his finger on the ground. 9 But when they heard it, they went away, one by one, beginning with the eldest, and Jesus was left alone with the woman standing before him. 10 Jesus looked up and said to her, “Woman, where are they? Has no one condemned you?” 11 She said, “No one, Lord.” And Jesus said, “Neither do I condemn you; go, and do not sin again.”

So, nice try. Don't even compare Christianity to the barbaric practices of Islam. Your "religion" was created by a pedophile false prophet, your god is a false god named after an Arab pagan god.
Of course you can. And I could dig up Holocaust mass graves, et cetera. They all have one thing in common: religious-based vigilantism. That was my original point.

Every incident is "isolated". What's not isolated about them is a religious zealotry driving them to do this.

IOW the problem is not this religion or that religion or any religion. It's fanaticism. So to pretend it's an aberration when we do it and "the nature of the religion" when they do it is pure hypocrisy.

Fanatics are indeed the problem but little has been done to really stop the Militant Islamists from sawing off heads and such.

If it's still going on, yes obviously not enough has been done. It's barbarism.

So what do we do?
Get these poison ideas out of fanatics' heads. Show them the error of their ways. That's why I call out fanaticism for the insanity it is. Even here we have denialists insisting that that's not the problem, sticking their heads in the sand. All that does is perpetuate the scourge.

People have to understand their own nature. Otherwise we play the same history over and over like a broken record.

Ah. "What do we do"?

It's a simple question that needed to be asked. The easy answer is that Islam needs to claw its way out of the 7th century mindset from which it was formed and undergo a reformation. That's been addressed about a million times. And yes, christianty was as ruthless and nasty. However, in the West, secular institutions have kept the religious institutions under the bootheel of rule of law vs. rule of mob.

The greater good comes from greater cooperation

Now the bad news, and you're not going to like it. History shows that there is an internal dynamic limiting islam's learning to live with other religions.

If you study islam’s history of war, conquest, rapine and colonialism, you will find that islam only coexisted with other religions when those religions were subordinate to Islam.

Islamic doctrine entails the striving in the way of muhammud and allah's religion, -incorporating an armed and violent conflict against the infidel so as to establish muhammud and Allah's religion everywhere, as well as a spiritual conflict, within ones self —is a holy, central and an obligatory duty in Islamic doctrine. The core precept of Islamic dogma is to make muhammud and Allah's religion reign supreme over all men, and the fact is, that just won't happen peacefully. The manifestation of this doctrine is exhibited in the Muslim revulsion of the infidel and the apostate. It's why we see the blatant double standards that so define Islam; the demands for exclusive rights and privileges with the attendant refusal to extend the same rights and privileges to the hated infidel. It's why we see playwrights killed in the streets of their homeland, Churches burned, Dhimmi's subjected to limited rights and the other atrocities that are endured by the non-Muslim in Muslim Lands™.

Islam has never taught equality as it relates to Muslims and non-Muslims. Islam clearly demarcates between those two entities. At no time in islamist history have Muslims equated non-Muslims as equals. In fact, you should understand the dhimmi status.

Islamic governments are inherently biased toward Islamism, obviously. That's precisely why islam's history is replete with examples of intolerance and violence directed at the kuffar.. Muslims, when in the majority, have always established their claims for a privileged position of superiority over all other ways of life. There are several rules of subjugation in sharia law which reduce the dhimmi to the status of a second-class citizen. Transgression of these unfair and dehumanizing rules nullifies the contract of "protection" of the Muslim ruler. And for the dhimmi, look out below when you have offended a Muslim in 'Muslim lands".

Notions of the greater good comes from greater cooperation simply don't exist in Muslim lands.
LOL. Christians never fail to amuse me.

M. Gandhi: I like your Christ, I do not like your Christians. Your Christians are so unlike your Christ.

He might have something there....
These are isolated incidents, I can show you dozens of pics like that from Syria and North Africa today alone.:eusa_hand:

Of course you can. And I could dig up Holocaust mass graves, et cetera. They all have one thing in common: religious-based vigilantism. That was my original point.

Every incident is "isolated". What's not isolated about them is a religious zealotry driving them to do this.

IOW the problem is not this religion or that religion or any religion. It's fanaticism. So to pretend it's an aberration when we do it and "the nature of the religion" when they do it is pure hypocrisy.

Fanatics are indeed the problem but little has been done to really stop the Militant Islamists from sawing off heads and such.

Likely because it's a very rare event and occurs in areas undergoing war or with weak governmental control.
Of course you can. And I could dig up Holocaust mass graves, et cetera. They all have one thing in common: religious-based vigilantism. That was my original point.

Every incident is "isolated". What's not isolated about them is a religious zealotry driving them to do this.

IOW the problem is not this religion or that religion or any religion. It's fanaticism. So to pretend it's an aberration when we do it and "the nature of the religion" when they do it is pure hypocrisy.

Fanatics are indeed the problem but little has been done to really stop the Militant Islamists from sawing off heads and such.

Likely because it's a very rare event and occurs in areas undergoing war or with weak governmental control.

Sigh its horrid its against every thing we know as we live.

Sadly a day to day event. Look, I've done this for over two decades. I know my shit.
Christians in the USA and western Europe and in South America do not burn or stone people for religious religions.

Neither do Muslims.

Muslims are not allowed to do so in these regions,

Neither are Christians.

but where they are in charge, these things do happen.

The answer is obvious: everyone is itching to burn and stone people in the name of Jesus and Mohammed but can only get away with it in a few countries.
These underdeveloped and under-evolved people in the ME and Africa need to be colonialized again?

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