
In Matthew 24, Jesus speaks of End Times.

There may be other Scriptures about End Times, as well, but I am not your mind reader or Scripture finder, you seem to think you remember something in Scripture, is what I read in your posts, you need to look for it yourself.

It thinks the temple being destroyed is the beginning of the end times. What more can you say lol.

Noone said that..

Jesus simply speaks of both in.Matthew 24.

Not surprised a Zionist like you is blind and deaf and dumb to the words of Jesus.

I'm not surprised a convert like you cant understand simple English. The words you posted were to do with the destruction of the Temple in 70ad, nothing to do with the end times.

Now find the words were Jesus describes the end times and how the sky will be set on fire, and the web will fail .
The world wishes Sharon knew something about Humanity, then 20000 human beings in Lebanon would be alive today, whose deaths he is responsible for from that civilian killing campaign he started In Lebanon in 1982.

You speak the words Arial Sharon and humanity in the same breath?

Learn humanity. This is humanity discussion board. And you're not my grammar teacher.
The "Butcher of Beirut" has died. ..... :thup:

Ariel Sharon lived to the age of 85-----he surpassed the biblical 70 by virtue of his
own MERIT-------the filthy and disgusting pig rapist of mecca died at age --approximately---
60-----with BLOOD ON HIS HANDS-----and the filth of his greed and lust thruout his
stinking carcass. His death galvanized more FILTH as his very own heirs proceeded to
slit its others throats in HIS FILTHY NAME -------it's kinda funny
The "Butcher of Beirut" has died. ..... :thup:

Nasrallah is dead??....

No shit.
The Phalange had been sent into the camps to clear out PLO fighters while Israeli forces surrounded the camps, blocking camp exits and providing logistical support. The killings led some to label Sharon "the Butcher of Beirut".

Ariel Sharon - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

He knew how to speak Arabic.

The Butchers of Beirut are the Hezbollah.

Worse enemy of the Arabs are the Arabs themselves.
It's Sharon known worldwide as the Butcher of Beirut.

Nasrallah is dead??....

No shit.
The Phalange had been sent into the camps to clear out PLO fighters while Israeli forces surrounded the camps, blocking camp exits and providing logistical support. The killings led some to label Sharon "the Butcher of Beirut".

Ariel Sharon - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

He knew how to speak Arabic.

The Butchers of Beirut are the Hezbollah.

Worse enemy of the Arabs are the Arabs themselves.
The readers will notice that a so called "Christian" thinks it funny when someone dies. Did Jesus think it's funny, or did he have compassion? Not very Jesus like, Satanic Sherri.
Learn humanity. This is humanity discussion board. And you're not my grammar teacher.

Lipush---in the USA----the criteria for admission to law school includes a test----
the L-Sat----it is little more than a vocabulary test------how the nazi sow got
into law school is a mystery to me. Do not be offended by her gutter
character-------she is not alone-----there are tens of millions of her disgusting
ilk ----who share her perverse creed (no---make that hundreds of millions)
Ariel Sharon's Legacy: King of Israel or Butcher of Beirut?Former PM and general was polarising figure who backed Jewish settlements but pulled out of Gaza
An Israeli tribunal investigating the invasion concluded that Sharon had "personal responsibility" for the bloodshed. The IDF was not held directly responsible but its troops had surrounded the camps, blocking the exits and providing logistical support.

Sharon was nicknamed "the Butcher of Beirut" for his role and the former Jewish hero almost fell in disgrace.

Ariel Sharon's Legacy: King of Israel or Butcher of Beirut?
Only someone who is severely mentally ill would celebrate the death of another human being.

Just sayin' :eusa_whistle:
33*“You snakes! You brood of vipers!*How will you escape being condemned to hell?*34*Therefore I am sending you prophets and sages and teachers. Some of them you will kill and crucify;*others you will flog in your synagogues*and pursue from town to town.*35*And so upon you will come all the righteous blood that has been shed on earth, from the blood of righteous Abel*to the blood of Zechariah son of Berekiah,*whom you murdered between the temple and the altar.36*Truly I tell you, all this will come on this generation.

37*“Jerusalem, Jerusalem, you who kill the prophets and stone those sent to you,*how often I have longed to gather your children together, as a hen gathers her chicks under her wings,*and you were not willing.38*Look, your house is left to you desolate.*39*For I tell you, you will not see me again until you say, ‘Blessed is he who comes in the name of the Lord.’[c]”

Matthew 23 - A Warning Against Hypocrisy - Then - Bible Gateway

The readers will notice that a so called "Christian" thinks it funny when someone dies. Did Jesus think it's funny, or did he have compassion? Not very Jesus like, Satanic Sherri.

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