
The last person here who should be complaining about Freedom of Speech is you, Mrs. Sherri. You blabber on this forum day and night like a crazed person, posting more than anyone else, and no one is stopping you. However, it is your friends who don't like Freedom of Speech as they want the UN to declare it criminal if anyone speaks out against Islam.
So that's why they were in Lebanon acting as the worst butchers of Lebanese Christians, killing over a 100,000 Lebanese Christian babies?

Interesting savages you support.

Never happened.

More Hasbara lies spewed by a Zionist.

Zionists are the world's number one barbarians, over 65 years of barbarism.

Never happened??????

Yinal maytenak! How dare you say such a thing!

I have seen too many of the bodies, seen too many mutilations. Tried to comfort and give dignity to the survivors of rape. I heard all the righteous justification from the palestinians, the absolute crap, and I couldn't, I wouldn't help them as a liaison.

I know too well the barbarity, the unspeakable things they did. Lebanon was not the first. They felt they could do anything even the most depraved and illegal by any society in the cause of their rights to annihilate Israel and all those who supported them. I've witnessed the worst of humanity and when I thought it could get no lower I have found myself sickeningly wrong.

Christians and Muslims too committed atrocities during the war, but the palestinians brought the violence with them to every country they went to. Jordan threw Arafat out after offering him a position and PM, he incited a coup instead. Arafat then tried similar tactics in Lebanon. He was given refuge, he had not right to abuse Lebanon or use it for his own.

Too many of those bodies are burned into my memory to say their deaths did not happen. No one that has not seen it could imagine what people could do to other human beings.

I happened. It is still happening with car bombs and assassinations. Till the foreign forces and their proxies leave it will not completely end. Now Hezbullah is transferring syrian missiles into Lebanon. More of other people's wars interfering in Lebanon.


You make a claim, you back it up, or the conclusion is it is just one more Zionist hasbara lie.

1948, 750,000 Palestinians were ethnically cleansed from their home by Israel.

Under international law, they have the right to return.

But Israel refuses to abide by her obligations under international law and allow the refugees and their descendants to return.

You falsely accuse them of killing babies in Lebanon, I call those lies of a Zionist .

You expect a soul to buy your claims, prove they are true.

Where is your proof?
I expect you killed a lot of babies yourself, if you were in the IDF. That is what they do, kill innocent civilians in Lebanon and Palestine.
I expect you killed a lot of babies yourself, if you were in the IDF. That is what they do, kill innocent civilians in Lebanon and Palestine.

Please take your meds, Mrs. Sherri. The voices in your head keep on whispering to you "dead babies, dead babies." Tell the voice that it is your friends who are responsible for the murders of so many babies.
One more time, Btselem lists the names of a whole lot of children Israel has killed in Palestine.

Any person can go to their website and read the name of each child Israelis killed and how each child was killed.

In Lebanon, in 1982 Israel killed about 20000 Lebanese, 40 % to 50% were children, so that is 8000 or more children killed in 1982 in Lebanon alone.
One more time, Btselem lists the names of a whole lot of children Israel has killed in Palestine.

Any person can go to their website and read the name of each child Israelis killed and how each child was killed.

In Lebanon, in 1982 Israel killed about 20000 Lebanese, 40 % to 50% were children, so that is 8000 or more children killed in 1982 in Lebanon alone.

It really is a shame, Mahmoud, that Islamics have such little regard for the lives of their children.
Wikipedia link does not support your claim Palestinian refugees killed 100,000 Christian babies in Lebanon.

It lists some massacres, prior to Sabra and Shatila, but more Christians were doing the killing then being killed, and the total number of Christians killed was just a few thousand, not 100000 children.
DETAILS BY THE CITY OF WASHINGTON.; The Massacres in Lebanon. The Projected Attack on Messina. The Americans and the Prince. The North Atlantic Telegraph. Cession of the Bay Islands. American Slaves in England. From the Liverpool Post. Cruelty on Board American Ships.Published: August 1, 1860

DETAILS BY THE CITY OF WASHINGTON. - The Massacres in Lebanon. The Projected Attack on Messina. The Americans and the Prince. The North Atlantic Telegraph. Cession of the Bay Islands. American Slaves in England. From the Liverpool Post. Cruelty on Bo

THIS article is from 1860 and discusses fighting between Christians and Druze, the Palestinian refugees were not even alive then.
One more time, Btselem lists the names of a whole lot of children Israel has killed in Palestine.

Any person can go to their website and read the name of each child Israelis killed and how each child was killed.

In Lebanon, in 1982 Israel killed about 20000 Lebanese, 40 % to 50% were children, so that is 8000 or more children killed in 1982 in Lebanon alone.

Oh c'mon sherri--- ONLY "one more time" Of course B'tselem lists names-----the B'tselem people are jews. They do what they do and they accuse as MUCH as they
wish------LEGALLY IN ISRAEL. Amongst your kith and kin---persons who correctly
cited the gross murder of two million armenians------that two million-----not 20,000 dying
in war------that's two million hands on murders of unarmed civilians ----in GENOCIDE-----
ended up either with a knife in the back or in JAIL under the filth of the laws YOU ADVOCATE.

Now try to cope-----Israel lists all the dead-------whilst your kith and kin dance upon
hundreds of millions and murder those who try to name them.------millions of child
victims of your kith and kin remain NAMELESS because your kith and
kin considered those vast piles of-----of children -----garbage. Your kith and
kin MEMORIZE the words written by nazi war criminals who considered it their
PRIME DIRECTIVE to deny the filth they inflicted in the name of isa/allah---
the murder of tens of millions You are doing an excellent job in the name of
ARIBERT HEIM and AL HUSSEINI. Are you still partying with your baby throat slasher
friends? how's it going?
The serial killers*at Karantina*were Lebanese Christian Militias, the same types that did all that dirty work later at Sabra & Shatilla under Israeli supervision.* The Karantina Massacre resulted in the deaths of over 1,500 men, women, and children.

Estimates of the total civilian body count at Damour were about 584.* Yes, less than Sabra & Shatila.* But no less evil and utterly appalling.

Incandescent Planet: While Not The "Whole Story," Israel Still Begs For Spotlight

This source discusses massacres predating Sabra and Shatila. In one, 500 Christians were killed and in another Lebanese Christians killed 1500 Muslims.
gee sherri is taking me back to my childhood. Well---I read the stuff AFTER THE FACT---
but her fellow worshippers of ADOLF ABU ALI-----were already writing and disseminating
"HOLOCAUST DENIAL" as my very own cousins were being shoved into lime pits by her
her kith and kin. ----------and long after I heard about the Armenian genocide-----now
----compliments of sherri------we got MARONITE GENOCIDE DENIAL
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The serial killers*at Karantina*were Lebanese Christian Militias, the same types that did all that dirty work later at Sabra & Shatilla under Israeli supervision.* The Karantina Massacre resulted in the deaths of over 1,500 men, women, and children.

Estimates of the total civilian body count at Damour were about 584.* Yes, less than Sabra & Shatila.* But no less evil and utterly appalling.

Incandescent Planet: While Not The "Whole Story," Israel Still Begs For Spotlight

This source discusses massacres predating Sabra and Shatila. In one, 500 Christians were killed and in another Lebanese Christians killed 1500 Muslims.

For someone who claims she is a good Christian, it is very, very strange that you are obsessed with the Palestinians who were killed, but not obsessed with the million Christians you friends have murdered such as in the Sudan and Nigeria. Even now you appear to have no concern for all the Christians who have been killed in Syria. By the way, can you tell us how the Israelis supervised in those two camps when they didn't even go into them? Did they use walkie talkies to tell the Christians what to do?

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