
The serial killers*at Karantina*were Lebanese Christian Militias, the same types that did all that dirty work later at Sabra & Shatilla under Israeli supervision.* The Karantina Massacre resulted in the deaths of over 1,500 men, women, and children.

Estimates of the total civilian body count at Damour were about 584.* Yes, less than Sabra & Shatila.* But no less evil and utterly appalling.

Incandescent Planet: While Not The "Whole Story," Israel Still Begs For Spotlight

This source discusses massacres predating Sabra and Shatila. In one, 500 Christians were killed and in another Lebanese Christians killed 1500 Muslims.

For someone who claims she is a good Christian, it is very, very strange that you are obsessed with the Palestinians who were killed, but not obsessed with the million Christians you friends have murdered such as in the Sudan and Nigeria. Even now you appear to have no concern for all the Christians who have been killed in Syria. By the way, can you tell us how the Israelis supervised in those two camps when they didn't even go into them? Did they use walkie talkies to tell the Christians what to do?

Most of the 20000 Sharon killed in Lebanon in 1982 were Lebanese civilians . Their lives matter too..
The serial killers*at Karantina*were Lebanese Christian Militias, the same types that did all that dirty work later at Sabra & Shatilla under Israeli supervision.* The Karantina Massacre resulted in the deaths of over 1,500 men, women, and children.

Estimates of the total civilian body count at Damour were about 584.* Yes, less than Sabra & Shatila.* But no less evil and utterly appalling.

Incandescent Planet: While Not The "Whole Story," Israel Still Begs For Spotlight

This source discusses massacres predating Sabra and Shatila. In one, 500 Christians were killed and in another Lebanese Christians killed 1500 Muslims.

For someone who claims she is a good Christian, it is very, very strange that you are obsessed with the Palestinians who were killed, but not obsessed with the million Christians you friends have murdered such as in the Sudan and Nigeria. Even now you appear to have no concern for all the Christians who have been killed in Syria. By the way, can you tell us how the Israelis supervised in those two camps when they didn't even go into them? Did they use walkie talkies to tell the Christians what to do?

Most of the 20000 Sharon killed in Lebanon in 1982 were Lebanese civilians . Their lives matter too..

Sharon didn't kill anyone. How was he to know that the Lebanese Christians would seek revenge on the Palestinians who raped and murdered their relatives. However, your friend Assad doesn't seem to have any problem at all killing Syrian citizens, and you are 100% behind him.
None of these articles support your claim Palestinian refugees killed 100000 Christian babies in Lebanon.

PLO Palestinians

Your sources do not support your claim.

Speaking of rape.....

On Thursday, Sheikh Abd al-Rahman Ali al-Dala, aid to the chief mufti of Syria, who is loyal to President Bashar Assad, gave an interview to Sham FM, a radio station that supports Assad.

In the interview, Al-Dala said Syrian army soldiers have permission to "marry" unmarried and married women, sisters and mothers of the rebel fighters, without any official marriage agreement. He clarified that the rape is intended as a punishment for not reporting the rebels to the goverment forces.

In making his statement, the Sheikh placed his religious authority behind the rape of women and girls by soldiers, as part of their fight against the rebels.

According to testimony taken from captured soldiers and captains before they were put to death by rebels, rape has been employed as a common practice by the army, well before Al-Dala's official religious support was stated.

While particularly attractive women are reportedly brought to senior commanders, rape victims include religious muslim women dressed in face veils and full-body cloaks (niqab).

It must be noted that for their part, the rebels have publicized religious permission for their fighters to do as they please with women who fall into their hands. Rebels from Al Qaeda have also apparently have been forcing Syrian Druze communities to convert to Islam.

A study in November found that Syria was the fourth worst country in the Arab world in terms of women's rights. Egypt was found to be the worst.

Palestinians do it, egyptians do it, syrians do it........ Israeli soldier don't do it
The phrase "military disaster" does not refer to the killing of some 20,000 Lebanese and Palestinians in 1982, overwhelmingly civilians, the destruction of much of southern Lebanon and the capital city of Beirut, or the terrible atrocities carried out by Israeli troops through the mid-1980s; rather, to Israel's failure to impose the "new order" it had proclaimed for Lebanon, and its inability to maintain its occupation in full because of the casualties caused by unanticipated resistance ("terror"), forcing it back to its "security zone."

Having failed to elicit the desired PLO reaction, Israel simply manufactured a pretext for its long-planned invasion of June 1982, claiming that it was in retaliation for an attempt to assassinate the Israeli Ambassador to London; the attempt, as Israel was aware, was carried out by the terrorist Abu Nidal organization that had been at war with the PLO for years and did not so much as have an office in Lebanon.

"Limited War" in Lebanon, by Noam Chomsky

Sharon was in charge of the 1982 Lebanon operation.
PLO Palestinians

Your sources do not support your claim.

Speaking of rape.....

On Thursday, Sheikh Abd al-Rahman Ali al-Dala, aid to the chief mufti of Syria, who is loyal to President Bashar Assad, gave an interview to Sham FM, a radio station that supports Assad.

In the interview, Al-Dala said Syrian army soldiers have permission to "marry" unmarried and married women, sisters and mothers of the rebel fighters, without any official marriage agreement. He clarified that the rape is intended as a punishment for not reporting the rebels to the goverment forces.

In making his statement, the Sheikh placed his religious authority behind the rape of women and girls by soldiers, as part of their fight against the rebels.

According to testimony taken from captured soldiers and captains before they were put to death by rebels, rape has been employed as a common practice by the army, well before Al-Dala's official religious support was stated.

While particularly attractive women are reportedly brought to senior commanders, rape victims include religious muslim women dressed in face veils and full-body cloaks (niqab).

It must be noted that for their part, the rebels have publicized religious permission for their fighters to do as they please with women who fall into their hands. Rebels from Al Qaeda have also apparently have been forcing Syrian Druze communities to convert to Islam.

A study in November found that Syria was the fourth worst country in the Arab world in terms of women's rights. Egypt was found to be the worst.

Palestinians do it, egyptians do it, syrians do it........ Israeli soldier don't do it

Who cares?

The issue in this thread is the Butcher of Sabra and Shatila, Ariel.Sharon and his savagery.

He left dead civilians everywhere he went. 20000 in Lebanon in 1982, and massacres pre 1948 Palestine and post 1948 Palestine.
Your sources do not support your claim.

Speaking of rape.....

On Thursday, Sheikh Abd al-Rahman Ali al-Dala, aid to the chief mufti of Syria, who is loyal to President Bashar Assad, gave an interview to Sham FM, a radio station that supports Assad.

In the interview, Al-Dala said Syrian army soldiers have permission to "marry" unmarried and married women, sisters and mothers of the rebel fighters, without any official marriage agreement. He clarified that the rape is intended as a punishment for not reporting the rebels to the goverment forces.

In making his statement, the Sheikh placed his religious authority behind the rape of women and girls by soldiers, as part of their fight against the rebels.

According to testimony taken from captured soldiers and captains before they were put to death by rebels, rape has been employed as a common practice by the army, well before Al-Dala's official religious support was stated.

While particularly attractive women are reportedly brought to senior commanders, rape victims include religious muslim women dressed in face veils and full-body cloaks (niqab).

It must be noted that for their part, the rebels have publicized religious permission for their fighters to do as they please with women who fall into their hands. Rebels from Al Qaeda have also apparently have been forcing Syrian Druze communities to convert to Islam.

A study in November found that Syria was the fourth worst country in the Arab world in terms of women's rights. Egypt was found to be the worst.

Palestinians do it, egyptians do it, syrians do it........ Israeli soldier don't do it

Who cares?

The issue in this thread is the Butcher of Sabra and Shatila, Ariel.Sharon and his savagery.

He left dead civilians everywhere he went. 20000 in Lebanon in 1982, and massacres pre 1948 Palestine and post 1948 Palestine.

Sharon wasn't even around when the Christians went into the camps for revenge. However, your friend Butcher Assad has his Air Force drop bombs on Syrian civilians, and you don't even care. Let's us not forget that your friends have murdered millions and millions of innocent people. I know you don't care about all these innocent people because you can't blame Israel for their deaths.
PLO Palestinians

Your sources do not support your claim.

Speaking of rape.....

On Thursday, Sheikh Abd al-Rahman Ali al-Dala, aid to the chief mufti of Syria, who is loyal to President Bashar Assad, gave an interview to Sham FM, a radio station that supports Assad.

In the interview, Al-Dala said Syrian army soldiers have permission to "marry" unmarried and married women, sisters and mothers of the rebel fighters, without any official marriage agreement. He clarified that the rape is intended as a punishment for not reporting the rebels to the goverment forces.

In making his statement, the Sheikh placed his religious authority behind the rape of women and girls by soldiers, as part of their fight against the rebels.

According to testimony taken from captured soldiers and captains before they were put to death by rebels, rape has been employed as a common practice by the army, well before Al-Dala's official religious support was stated.

While particularly attractive women are reportedly brought to senior commanders, rape victims include religious muslim women dressed in face veils and full-body cloaks (niqab).

It must be noted that for their part, the rebels have publicized religious permission for their fighters to do as they please with women who fall into their hands. Rebels from Al Qaeda have also apparently have been forcing Syrian Druze communities to convert to Islam.

A study in November found that Syria was the fourth worst country in the Arab world in terms of women's rights. Egypt was found to be the worst.

Palestinians do it, egyptians do it, syrians do it........ Israeli soldier don't do it

OH GEE aris-----my intro to the islamic mindset was circa 1970------during
"SCHOLARS" give the west pakistani army similar rights in East Pakistan---
and 1/4 million girls were raped.
Reports back then were pregnant girls were abandoned
by their own families and comitting suicide in droves. At that time
I was talking to Pakistanis ----young docs who were working in the
hospital in which I had a little college time part time job----I was horrified
and they blase' I said something really dumb-----I said ---in reference
to the girls being abandoned-----that the MUSLIM CLERICS should step
up and speak up for the girls. (when I made that comment I did not
know ithat it was the clerics who GRANTED the permission)----the angry
response from the pakistani surgeon was "YOU DON't UNDERSTAND
MY CULTURE" I was very young and he was damned right
I think Israeli soldiers sexually abusing Palestian children is pretty bad.

Watch "CNN: Israeli soldiers sexually abused Palestinian children" on YouTube
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Your sources do not support your claim.

Speaking of rape.....

On Thursday, Sheikh Abd al-Rahman Ali al-Dala, aid to the chief mufti of Syria, who is loyal to President Bashar Assad, gave an interview to Sham FM, a radio station that supports Assad.

In the interview, Al-Dala said Syrian army soldiers have permission to "marry" unmarried and married women, sisters and mothers of the rebel fighters, without any official marriage agreement. He clarified that the rape is intended as a punishment for not reporting the rebels to the goverment forces.

In making his statement, the Sheikh placed his religious authority behind the rape of women and girls by soldiers, as part of their fight against the rebels.

According to testimony taken from captured soldiers and captains before they were put to death by rebels, rape has been employed as a common practice by the army, well before Al-Dala's official religious support was stated.

While particularly attractive women are reportedly brought to senior commanders, rape victims include religious muslim women dressed in face veils and full-body cloaks (niqab).

It must be noted that for their part, the rebels have publicized religious permission for their fighters to do as they please with women who fall into their hands. Rebels from Al Qaeda have also apparently have been forcing Syrian Druze communities to convert to Islam.

A study in November found that Syria was the fourth worst country in the Arab world in terms of women's rights. Egypt was found to be the worst.

Palestinians do it, egyptians do it, syrians do it........ Israeli soldier don't do it

Who cares?

The issue in this thread is the Butcher of Sabra and Shatila, Ariel.Sharon and his savagery.

He left dead civilians everywhere he went. 20000 in Lebanon in 1982, and massacres pre 1948 Palestine and post 1948 Palestine.

The issue is palestinians, the treatment of other groups in Lebanon, the syrians, abuse of muslims, murder, massacres, rape, retaliation.......... we have discussed all these and more.
You are hung up on the false idea of blaming Sharon for the actions of others, and failing to understand the motivation behind those actions, both of which had nothing to do with Sharon.
Amin was the one to suggest Hobeika and his men go into the camps. It was done during the course of a funeral and carried out less than 12 hours later. Not a lot of planning or prep. It happening, but not at Sharon's orders or he would not have been as livid or curse the way he did when he found out.
You don't understand, you can't understand because you don't care to inform yourself of the history behind the events. You are stuck on a handful of "incite"ful sites filling with propaganda just to your taste. Just the right amount of Israeli hate and not too many facts or truth.
Speaking of rape.....

On Thursday, Sheikh Abd al-Rahman Ali al-Dala, aid to the chief mufti of Syria, who is loyal to President Bashar Assad, gave an interview to Sham FM, a radio station that supports Assad.

In the interview, Al-Dala said Syrian army soldiers have permission to "marry" unmarried and married women, sisters and mothers of the rebel fighters, without any official marriage agreement. He clarified that the rape is intended as a punishment for not reporting the rebels to the goverment forces.

In making his statement, the Sheikh placed his religious authority behind the rape of women and girls by soldiers, as part of their fight against the rebels.

According to testimony taken from captured soldiers and captains before they were put to death by rebels, rape has been employed as a common practice by the army, well before Al-Dala's official religious support was stated.

While particularly attractive women are reportedly brought to senior commanders, rape victims include religious muslim women dressed in face veils and full-body cloaks (niqab).

It must be noted that for their part, the rebels have publicized religious permission for their fighters to do as they please with women who fall into their hands. Rebels from Al Qaeda have also apparently have been forcing Syrian Druze communities to convert to Islam.

A study in November found that Syria was the fourth worst country in the Arab world in terms of women's rights. Egypt was found to be the worst.

Palestinians do it, egyptians do it, syrians do it........ Israeli soldier don't do it

Who cares?

The issue in this thread is the Butcher of Sabra and Shatila, Ariel.Sharon and his savagery.

He left dead civilians everywhere he went. 20000 in Lebanon in 1982, and massacres pre 1948 Palestine and post 1948 Palestine.

Sharon wasn't even around when the Christians went into the camps for revenge. However, your friend Butcher Assad has his Air Force drop bombs on Syrian civilians, and you don't even care. Let's us not forget that your friends have murdered millions and millions of innocent people. I know you don't care about all these innocent people because you can't blame Israel for their deaths.

Sharon led the operations in Lebanon in 1982, that is why he is responsible for atrocities carried out in those operations.
SILLY Sally, focus, the thread is entitled Sharon.

Crazy Sherri, why not end this thread and let an old man die in peace. No doubt you cried all over the place when one of your Muslim heroes died, such as the Ayatollah Khomeini. Concentrate on the here and now and what your friends are doing to innocent people. You seem to forget that over 115,000, both Christians and Muslims, have been killed now in Syrian alone and no doubt the numbers will keep climbing.
Israel was guarding Sabra and Shatila and they let Phalange enter and massacre residents . But for letting the Phalange in, the massacre would not have occurred . But that was just one of Sharon's war crimes, he was heading the 1982 invasion and unlawful Occupation of Lebanon and responsible for killing 20000 in Beirut in air strikes.
Who cares?

The issue in this thread is the Butcher of Sabra and Shatila, Ariel.Sharon and his savagery.

He left dead civilians everywhere he went. 20000 in Lebanon in 1982, and massacres pre 1948 Palestine and post 1948 Palestine.

Sharon wasn't even around when the Christians went into the camps for revenge. However, your friend Butcher Assad has his Air Force drop bombs on Syrian civilians, and you don't even care. Let's us not forget that your friends have murdered millions and millions of innocent people. I know you don't care about all these innocent people because you can't blame Israel for their deaths.

Sharon led the operations in Lebanon in 1982, that is why he is responsible for atrocities carried out in those operations.

No General is a mind reader to know what will happen. Did General Westmoreland know that the Mai Lai incident was going to occur? Say, since you are posting on a Middle East forum, why not give us some of the atrocities which were committed by your friend Assad? Even his father didn't seem to have any trouble committing atrocities either.
Sharon’s history offers a monochromatic record of moral corruption, with a documented record of war crimes going back to the early 1950s.

I read in this article that Sharon was born in 1928 and as a young man joined the Haganah, the underground military organization of Israel in its pre-state days.

War crimes history begins in 1953.

He was given command of Unit 101 in 1953, whose mission is often described as that of retaliation against Arab attacks on Jewish villages.

In fact, " Unit 101′s purpose was that of instilling terror by the infliction of discriminate, murderous violence not only on able bodied fighters but on the young, the old, the helpless."

Sharon was involved in August of 1953 in an attack on the refugee camp of El-Bureig, south of Gaza.

50 refugees are reported by one source as having been killed; other sources allege 15 or 20.

Major-General Vagn Bennike, the UN commander, stated “bombs were thrown” by Sharon’s men “through the windows of huts in which the refugees were sleeping and, as they fled, they were attacked by small arms and automatic weapons”.

In October of 1953 Sharon’s unit 101 attacked the Jordanian village Qibya, whose “stain” Israel’s foreign minister at the time, Moshe Sharett, confided to his diary “would stick to us and not be washed away for many years”. "He was wrong. Though even strongly pro-Israel commentators in the West compared it to Lidice, Qibya and Sharon’s role are scarcely evoked in the West today, least of all by journalists such as Deborah Sontag of the New York Times who recently wrote a whitewash of Sharon, describing him as “feisty”, or the
Washington Post’s man in Jerusalem who fondly invoked him after his fateful excursion to the Holy Places in Jerusalem as “the portly old warrior”."

Israeli historian Avi Shlaim describes the massacre: “Sharon’s order was to penetrate Qibya, blow up houses and inflict heavy casualties on its inhabitants. His success in carrying out the order surpassed all expectations. The full and macabre story of what happened at Qibya was
revealed only during the morning after the attack. The village had been reduced to rubble: forty-five houses had been blown up, and sixty-nine civilians, two thirds of them women and children, had been killed. Sharon and his men claimed that they believed that all the inhabitants had run away and that they had no idea that anyone was hiding inside the houses.”

The UN observer on the scene reached a different conclusion: “One story was repeated time after time: the bullet splintered door, the body sprawled across the threshhold, indicating that the inhabitants had been forced by heavy fire to stay inside until their homes were blown up over them.” The slaughter in Qibya was described contemporaneously in a letter to the president of the United Nations Security Council dated 16 October 1953 (S/3113) from the Envoy Extraordinary and Minister Plenipotentiary of Jordan to the United States. On 14 October 1953 at 9:30 at night, he wrote, Israeli troops launched a battalion-scale attack on the village of Qibya in the Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan (at the time the West Bank was annexed to Jordan)."

The diplomat’s account is that Israeli forces entered the village and systematically murdered all occupants of houses, using automatic weapons, grenades and incendiaries. On October 14, the bodies of 42 Arab civilians were recovered; several more bodies were still under the wreckage.

40 houses, the village school and a reservoir were destroyed.

Quantities of unused explosives, bearing Israel army markings in Hebrew, were found in the village. At about 3 a.m., to cover their withdrawal, Israeli support troops had begun shelling the neighbouring villages of Budrus and Shuqba from positions in Israel.

The Crimes of Ariel Sharon » CounterPunch: Tells the Facts, Names the Names
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Sharon’s history offers a monochromatic record of moral corruption, with a documented record of war crimes going back to the early 1950s.

I read in this article that Sharon was born in 1928 and as a young man joined the Haganah, the underground military organization of Israel in its pre-state days.

War crimes history begins in 1953.

He was given command of Unit 101 in 1953, whose mission is often described as that of retaliation against Arab attacks on Jewish villages.

In fact, " Unit 101′s purpose was that of instilling terror by the infliction of discriminate, murderous violence not only on able bodied fighters but on the young, the old, the helpless."

Sharon was involved in August of 1953 in an attack on the refugee camp of El-Bureig, south of Gaza.

50 refugees are reported by one source as having been killed; other sources allege 15 or 20.

Major-General Vagn Bennike, the UN commander, stated “bombs were thrown” by Sharon’s men “through the windows of huts in which the refugees were sleeping and, as they fled, they were attacked by small arms and automatic weapons”.

In October of 1953 Sharon’s unit 101 attacked the Jordanian village Qibya, whose “stain” Israel’s foreign minister at the time, Moshe Sharett, confided to his diary “would stick to us and not be washed away for many years”. "He was wrong. Though even strongly pro-Israel commentators in the West compared it to Lidice, Qibya and Sharon’s role are scarcely evoked in the West today, least of all by journalists such as Deborah Sontag of the New York Times who recently wrote a whitewash of Sharon, describing him as “feisty”, or the
Washington Post’s man in Jerusalem who fondly invoked him after his fateful excursion to the Holy Places in Jerusalem as “the portly old warrior”."

Israeli historian Avi Shlaim describes the massacre: “Sharon’s order was to penetrate Qibya, blow up houses and inflict heavy casualties on its inhabitants. His success in carrying out the order surpassed all expectations. The full and macabre story of what happened at Qibya was
revealed only during the morning after the attack. The village had been reduced to rubble: forty-five houses had been blown up, and sixty-nine civilians, two thirds of them women and children, had been killed. Sharon and his men claimed that they believed that all the inhabitants had run away and that they had no idea that anyone was hiding inside the houses.”

The UN observer on the scene reached a different conclusion: “One story was repeated time after time: the bullet splintered door, the body sprawled across the threshhold, indicating that the inhabitants had been forced by heavy fire to stay inside until their homes were blown up over them.” The slaughter in Qibya was described contemporaneously in a letter to the president of the United Nations Security Council dated 16 October 1953 (S/3113) from the Envoy Extraordinary and Minister Plenipotentiary of Jordan to the United States. On 14 October 1953 at 9:30 at night, he wrote, Israeli troops launched a battalion-scale attack on the village of Qibya in the Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan (at the time the West Bank was annexed to Jordan).

According to the diplomat’s account, Israeli forces had entered the village and systematically murdered all occupants of houses, using automatic weapons, grenades and incendiaries. On 14 October, the bodies of 42 Arab civilians had been recovered; several more bodies were still under the wreckage. Forty houses, the village school and a reservoir had been destroyed. Quantities of unused explosives, bearing Israel army markings in Hebrew, had been found in the village. At about 3 a.m., to cover their withdrawal, Israeli support troops had begun shelling the
neighbouring villages of Budrus and Shuqba from positions in Israel.

CounterPunch: Tells the Facts, Names the Names history offers a monochromatic record of moral corruption, with a documented record of war crimes going back to the early 1950s.

The Crimes of Ariel Sharon » CounterPunch: Tells the Facts, Names the Names

Now since Mrs. Sherri has pulled up CouterPunch, she is going to do all the readers a favor and pull up articles where CounterPunch told about all the corruption in the Muslim world. Surely they must have written about it and told the facts and named the names. I just know that Mrs. Sherri will be happy with that assignment. Could it be, though, that CounterPunch is not interested in the corruption in the Muslim world and is just interested in the Jews and Israel? See if you can find anything from them, Mrs. Sherri, about corruption in the Muslim world that you can share with the readers.
Sharon wasn't even around when the Christians went into the camps for revenge. However, your friend Butcher Assad has his Air Force drop bombs on Syrian civilians, and you don't even care. Let's us not forget that your friends have murdered millions and millions of innocent people. I know you don't care about all these innocent people because you can't blame Israel for their deaths.

Sharon led the operations in Lebanon in 1982, that is why he is responsible for atrocities carried out in those operations.

No General is a mind reader to know what will happen. Did General Westmoreland know that the Mai Lai incident was going to occur? Say, since you are posting on a Middle East forum, why not give us some of the atrocities which were committed by your friend Assad? Even his father didn't seem to have any trouble committing atrocities either.

Why not you stop excusing Israel's atrocities by always diverting the topic?

Why do you support Israel's crimes?
War crimes in 1982 are discussed in this article, as well

"As defense minister in Menachem Begin’s second government, Sharon was the commander who led the full dress 1982 assault on Lebanon, with the express design of destroying the PLO, driving as many Palestinians as possible to Jordan and making Lebanon a client state of Israel. It was a war plan that cost untold suffering, around 20,000 Palestinian and Lebanese lives, and also the deaths of over one thousand Israeli soldiers. The Israelis bombed civilian populations at will. Sharon also oversaw the infamous massacres at Sabra and Shatilla refugee camps. The Lebanese government counted 762 bodies recovered and a further 1,200 buried privately by relatives. However, the Middle East may have been spared worse, thanks to Menachem Begin. Just as the ’82 war was getting under way, Sharon approached Begin, then Prime Minister, and suggested that Begin cede control over Israel’s nuclear trigger to him. Begin had just enough sense to refuse."

The Crimes of Ariel Sharon » CounterPunch: Tells the Facts, Names the Names

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