
Fatalities | B'Tselem

Fatalities | B'Tselem

Btslem lists each child Israel kills and each person, by name, and details how Israel killed each one.

The numbers of dead documented by Btslem approach 7000, one list. (I think numbers killed since First Intifada commenced exceed 8000)

Most were not proper targets for Israel to target and kill as Israel killed them.

Whether or not persons killed in collateral damage in war died as a result of
an improper act is a matter for a court----not the opinon of an interest group
or a jihado fascist pig. Especially not a jihado pig which worships her fellows
who slit the throats of jewish infants or a jihado fascist pig which does not comprehend
the term "target" Lots of deaths are documented. I have seen lots and lots
of dead children ----in my town ----in peace time-----victims of stray bullets----
MOST of those stray bullets came from really evil people----some from cops---
some were accidental-------IN MOST CASES they are not targeted----even the criminals
were not targeting the children who died as a result of their stray bullets -----
dead children and moms lying on the emergency room floor---screaming ---happen
even in the USA . PIGS WITH AN AGENDA OF FILTH---like to use such events for
their own ambitions. Such pigs are disgusting. An interesting point. In the course
of my own life-----I have heard stories of "dead fathers" who somehow died as a result
of "mom was cleaning the gun" ------most of the fathers so described were alcoholics.
I that anecdotal thingy not interesting? As far as I know-----none of the gun
cleaning moms went to jail--------but that sort of stuff did not happen in my town---
it happened in your "neck of the woods" (for the record---not all of the people who
I saw dead of stray bullet-----were children----more were adults) All are documented
Sherri does not defend Israel's killings of children like MHunterB does.

Enjoying your l'il straw dollies, there, sherriKKKins? Since when is not buying the extremist propaganda and lies you continually spout 'defending killing of children'.

I doubt anyone with a double-digit IQ trusts the sherrithing's 'judgement' on the topic: after all, it insisted that another poster saying "we lost the baby" meant that that poster had gotten an abortion. The sherrithing also took it upon itself to decide that the world was 'a better and a safer place' after the Fogel children were murdered.

None of that suggests that the sherriturd is able to make accurate judgements, does it?
Palestinian refugees belong in Palestine, that is their home. The refugees and their descendants shall never give up their lawful claim to Palestine.

I've never asked for that: I'd be happy if they just stopped trying to push their illegal and immoral 'claim' to the State of Israel.

Lawful claims don't bother me - like the lawful claims that close to a million people (AND their descendants!) have against the various Arab League nations which conspired to beggar and eject them.

I believe that ALL the refugees should be compensated for what was taken from them, if it's not practical - or their choice - to return their former homes.
They were forced from their homes unlawfully , most in 1948, some later, and have a right recognized by international law to return.
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They have a right to return to their homes.
So that's why they were in Lebanon acting as the worst butchers of Lebanese Christians, killing over a 100,000 Lebanese Christian babies?

Interesting savages you support.
The Origins and Evolution of the Palestine Problem - CEIRPP, DPR study, part II: 1947-1977 (30 June 1979)

ISRAEL agreed to allow them to return, in exchange for being admitted into the UN, as a UN member, in 1949.

Israel also agreed to allow an Arab State to be formed in the area set aside for it by the UN Partition Resolution.

The world awaits Israel to abide by her obligations under international law.

This is from UNISPAL document:

The document states Israel joined the United Nations on May 11, 1949. And in a statement to the Political Committee, the Israeli representative declared Israel would observe the principles of the UN Charter, and would implement its resolutions. The document states Israel was the only State to have achieved statehood and received territory also through an act of the United Nations.

I further read: "The preamble of the resolution admitting Israel to United Nations membership specifically referred to Israel's undertakings to implement General Assembly resolutions 181 (II) and 194 (III), the two resolutions that formed the centre of the Palestine issue in the United Nations: "Having received the report of the Security Council on the application of Israel for membership in the United Nations, "Noting that in the judgement of the Security Council, Israel is a peace-loving State and is able and willing to carry out the obligations contained in the Charter, "Noting that the Security Council has recommended to the General Assembly that it admit Israel to membership in the United Nations, "Noting furthermore the declaration by the State of Israel that it 'unreservedly accepts the obligations of the United Nations Charter and undertakes to honour them from the day when it becomes a Member of the United Nations', "Recalling its resolutions of 29 November 1947 and 11 December 1948 and taking note of the declarations and explanations made by the representative of the Government of Israel before the ad hoc Political Committee in respect of the implementation of the said resolutions, "The General Assembly, "Acting in discharge of its functions under Article 4 of the Charter and rule 125 of its rules of procedure, "1. Decides that Israel is a peace-loving State which accepts the obligations contained in the Charter and is able and willing to carry out those obligations; "2. Decides to admit Israel to membership in the United Nations."

See more at: The Origins and Evolution of the Palestine Problem - CEIRPP, DPR study, part II: 1947-1977 (30 June 1979)

Israel expressly represented to the UN she would abide by UN Resolutions 181 (II) and 194 (III).

General Assembly resolutions 181 (II) was the resolution authorizing the creation of Israel and the yet non-existent Palestinian Arab State which also set borders for each state and 194 (III), preserved the right of return of Palestinian refugees wishing to return to their homes.

We see Israel's express acknowledgement of the continuing existence of a Palestinian Arab entity.

But for these representations, Israel would not have been admitted into the UN as a UN member. Her first application for membership had been rejected.
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They have a right to return to their homes.
So that's why they were in Lebanon acting as the worst butchers of Lebanese Christians, killing over a 100,000 Lebanese Christian babies?

Interesting savages you support.

Never happened.

More Hasbara lies spewed by a Zionist.

Zionists are the world's number one barbarians, over 65 years of barbarism.

I once had a friend whose son was suffering from schizophrenia, and he told me on one occasion that he spoke to cars. I asked him if they spoke back to him, and he said yes. I wonder what object Mrs. Sherri speaks to and what the object tells her back. One thing we are sure of is that the object or voices in her head don't tell her that her barbaric friends have murdered in the millions.
They have a right to return to their homes.
So that's why they were in Lebanon acting as the worst butchers of Lebanese Christians, killing over a 100,000 Lebanese Christian babies?

Interesting savages you support.

Never happened.

More Hasbara lies spewed by a Zionist.

Zionists are the world's number one barbarians, over 65 years of barbarism.

filthy isa-respecting baby murdering pigs never admit their crimes. The isa-respecting
pigs of nuremburg pleaded "not guilty" too. . Interestingly ----zionists never comitted
a genocide in all their over 3000 years of existence-----but in a short 1700 years----the
isa respecting swine have murdered in the HUNDREDS OF MILLIONS AND COUNTING.
I wonder how many babies the isa-respecting dogs mutilated and murdered in Syria today'----
Imagine right there in the part of the erstwhile land some idiots call "palestine"---
all because some greek guy decided that the only real people living in the area were
the greeks. -------now the ISA-respecting swine are STILL MURDERING right there in
"SYRIA/PALESTINA An interesting factoid of history is that the pig ANTIOCHUS was actually a greek syrian------ One of the
reasons that Herodotus named Syria as part of "PALESTINA" I wonder if Sherri
knows who ANTIOCHUS was--------well----even she can google. She would have liked
----he liked to murder jewish babies. According to the only records we have---
he used to tie new born jewish babies to their mothers and throw them, together-- off
cliffs. Time for you to light a candle in honor of St Antiochus----sherri. He has
been dead a long time------FASTING in his honor will not release him
They were forced from their homes unlawfully , most in 1948, some later, and have a right recognized by international law to return.

Arabs told them to leave

That is the hasbara lie spewed by Zionists like yourself.

So pathetic, Mrs. Sherri. Aris happens to know much, much more about what happened in that part of the world than you will ever know. She doesn't have to read propaganda sites like you do.
Arabs told them to leave

That is the hasbara lie spewed by Zionists like yourself.

So pathetic, Mrs. Sherri. Aris happens to know much, much more about what happened in that part of the world than you will ever know. She doesn't have to read propaganda sites like you do.

Sally don't knock a good thing----- Sherri insists that my hubby is entitled to
GO BACK and own the place in which his ancestors lived---probably for some 2500
years---------its ok with me------that place is FLOATING ON OIL WELLS ----
thanks sherri Sherri insists that JEWS OWN THE CITY OF MEDINA ----we
can start calling it YATHRIB again I wonder if there are oil wells in Yathrib----
does not matter------we can charge anyone interested in seeing the tomb of the
rapist pig -------and make hotels-----and casinos etc etc
They have a right to return to their homes.
So that's why they were in Lebanon acting as the worst butchers of Lebanese Christians, killing over a 100,000 Lebanese Christian babies?

Interesting savages you support.

Never happened.

More Hasbara lies spewed by a Zionist.

Zionists are the world's number one barbarians, over 65 years of barbarism.

Never happened??????

Yinal maytenak! How dare you say such a thing!

I have seen too many of the bodies, seen too many mutilations. Tried to comfort and give dignity to the survivors of rape. I heard all the righteous justification from the palestinians, the absolute crap, and I couldn't, I wouldn't help them as a liaison.

I know too well the barbarity, the unspeakable things they did. Lebanon was not the first. They felt they could do anything even the most depraved and illegal by any society in the cause of their rights to annihilate Israel and all those who supported them. I've witnessed the worst of humanity and when I thought it could get no lower I have found myself sickeningly wrong.

Christians and Muslims too committed atrocities during the war, but the palestinians brought the violence with them to every country they went to. Jordan threw Arafat out after offering him a position and PM, he incited a coup instead. Arafat then tried similar tactics in Lebanon. He was given refuge, he had not right to abuse Lebanon or use it for his own.

Too many of those bodies are burned into my memory to say their deaths did not happen. No one that has not seen it could imagine what people could do to other human beings.

I happened. It is still happening with car bombs and assassinations. Till the foreign forces and their proxies leave it will not completely end. Now Hezbullah is transferring syrian missiles into Lebanon. More of other people's wars interfering in Lebanon.
So that's why they were in Lebanon acting as the worst butchers of Lebanese Christians, killing over a 100,000 Lebanese Christian babies?

Interesting savages you support.

Never happened.

More Hasbara lies spewed by a Zionist.

Zionists are the world's number one barbarians, over 65 years of barbarism.

Never happened??????

Yinal maytenak! How dare you say such a thing!

I have seen too many of the bodies, seen too many mutilations. Tried to comfort and give dignity to the survivors of rape. I heard all the righteous justification from the palestinians, the absolute crap, and I couldn't, I wouldn't help them as a liaison.

I know too well the barbarity, the unspeakable things they did. Lebanon was not the first. They felt they could do anything even the most depraved and illegal by any society in the cause of their rights to annihilate Israel and all those who supported them. I've witnessed the worst of humanity and when I thought it could get no lower I have found myself sickeningly wrong.

Christians and Muslims too committed atrocities during the war, but the palestinians brought the violence with them to every country they went to. Jordan threw Arafat out after offering him a position and PM, he incited a coup instead. Arafat then tried similar tactics in Lebanon. He was given refuge, he had not right to abuse Lebanon or use it for his own.

Too many of those bodies are burned into my memory to say their deaths did not happen. No one that has not seen it could imagine what people could do to other human beings.

I happened. It is still happening with car bombs and assassinations. Till the foreign forces and their proxies leave it will not completely end. Now Hezbullah is transferring syrian missiles into Lebanon. More of other people's wars interfering in Lebanon.

Aris, you have seen more than any of us will ever see, and the horrors are still burned in your memory. However, Mrs. Sherri doesn't want to hear the truth and she will repeat her lies over and over.

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