
Sharon led the operations in Lebanon in 1982, that is why he is responsible for atrocities carried out in those operations.

No General is a mind reader to know what will happen. Did General Westmoreland know that the Mai Lai incident was going to occur? Say, since you are posting on a Middle East forum, why not give us some of the atrocities which were committed by your friend Assad? Even his father didn't seem to have any trouble committing atrocities either.

Why not you stop excusing Israel's atrocities by always diverting the topic?

Why do you support Israel's crimes?

Why are you posting on a Middle East forum and never discuss the atrocities committed by your friends? Why do you support the crimes of your friends? After all, they have committed millions and millions of murders and are still committing them. Since Mrs. Sherri is so in love with the Palestinians, has anyone seen her mention the thousands and thousands of Palestinians that the previous King of Jordan, with the help of the Pakistani Army, had murdered. I guess since the previous King of Jordan wasn't a Jew, it was OK in Mrs. Sherri's eyes for him to kill the Palestinians. If she was disgusted with what the previous King of Jordan did to the Palestinians, she would be pulling up article after article.
No General is a mind reader to know what will happen. Did General Westmoreland know that the Mai Lai incident was going to occur? Say, since you are posting on a Middle East forum, why not give us some of the atrocities which were committed by your friend Assad? Even his father didn't seem to have any trouble committing atrocities either.

Why not you stop excusing Israel's atrocities by always diverting the topic?

Why do you support Israel's crimes?

Why are you posting on a Middle East forum and never discuss the atrocities committed by your friends? Why do you support the crimes of your friends? After all, they have committed millions and millions of murders and are still committing them. Since Mrs. Sherri is so in love with the Palestinians, has anyone seen her mention the thousands and thousands of Palestinians that the previous King of Jordan, with the help of the Pakistani Army, had murdered. I guess since the previous King of Jordan wasn't a Jew, it was OK in Mrs. Sherri's eyes for him to kill the Palestinians. If she was disgusted with what the previous King of Jordan did to the Palestinians, she would be pulling up article after article.

He did have cause, they tried to over throw his government after making them jordanian citizens and offering Arafat the office of PM.

It was the PLO fighters that he threw out, not the regular refugees.
Why not you stop excusing Israel's atrocities by always diverting the topic?

Why do you support Israel's crimes?

Why are you posting on a Middle East forum and never discuss the atrocities committed by your friends? Why do you support the crimes of your friends? After all, they have committed millions and millions of murders and are still committing them. Since Mrs. Sherri is so in love with the Palestinians, has anyone seen her mention the thousands and thousands of Palestinians that the previous King of Jordan, with the help of the Pakistani Army, had murdered. I guess since the previous King of Jordan wasn't a Jew, it was OK in Mrs. Sherri's eyes for him to kill the Palestinians. If she was disgusted with what the previous King of Jordan did to the Palestinians, she would be pulling up article after article.

He did have cause, they tried to over throw his government after making them jordanian citizens and offering Arafat the office of PM.

It was the PLO fighters that he threw out, not the regular refugees.

I do understand that he had a cause for this, Aris, but have you ever seen Mrs. Sherri bringing up Black September? She is not fixated on anything the Muslims do no matter how horrendous, abd only is fixated on the Israeli Jews.
Sharon is the same age as the Palestinian man Israel just murdered, 85.

His family had no chance to prepare themselves for his death.

That was also the age my grandfather was when he died, 85.

But he did not spend 8 years in a coma.

God's Judgment can certainly take many forms.
Israel prepares for death of ex-PM Sharon

Last updated: 12 hours ago

Israel prepares for death of ex-PM Sharon - Al Jazeera English

Should I wish his death to be sooner or later?

The longer he keeps breathing the more time we all have to discuss his voluminous war crimes.

Don't worry, Mrs. Sherri. When he passes away, he will have many more people attending his funeral than you will ever have. Oh goody, Mrs. Sherri, in her sick mind, is salivating over the fact that she can keep on discussing Sharon while he is alive, but she thinks nothing of the many, many war crimes her friends are doing. Does she even care that 2,000,000 plus Christians were murdered in the Sudan, and the head of Sudan is saying he wants to get rid of all the Christians there? Oh wait, the head of Sudan is a Muslim, so the good Christian Mrs. Sherri could care less what he says.
Sharon is the same age as the Palestinian man Israel just murdered, 85.

His family had no chance to prepare themselves for his death.

That was also the age my grandfather was when he died, 85.

But he did not spend 8 years in a coma.

God's Judgment can certainly take many forms.

Did the families of their relatives murdered by your friends have a chance toi prepare for their deaths. God's judgment certainly takes many forms. That is why you are stuck at home and not living a normal life.
The last person here who should be complaining about Freedom of Speech is you, Mrs. Sherri. You blabber on this forum day and night like a crazed person, posting more than anyone else, and no one is stopping you. However, it is your friends who don't like Freedom of Speech as they want the UN to declare it criminal if anyone speaks out against Islam.

Has anyone gone as far as to call her a supporter of terrorists yet?
I expect you killed a lot of babies yourself, if you were in the IDF. That is what they do, kill innocent civilians in Lebanon and Palestine.
Ha ha ha. You are a joke. Ever stop to think what do the Palestinians do?

Famous for being terrorists, suicide bombers, blowing up school buses, targeting civilians, targeting children, using their own people as human shields, oppressing and persecuting minorities, siding with Sadam Hussein, siding with Assad, fighting for the Nazis, siding with the USSR, massacring Israeli Olympians, airplane hijackings, and killing over 100,000 Lebanese Christians in Lebanon.

What's there not to love about them?
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The last person here who should be complaining about Freedom of Speech is you, Mrs. Sherri. You blabber on this forum day and night like a crazed person, posting more than anyone else, and no one is stopping you. However, it is your friends who don't like Freedom of Speech as they want the UN to declare it criminal if anyone speaks out against Islam.

Has anyone gone as far as to call her a supporter of terrorists yet?
Many times.
The last person here who should be complaining about Freedom of Speech is you, Mrs. Sherri. You blabber on this forum day and night like a crazed person, posting more than anyone else, and no one is stopping you. However, it is your friends who don't like Freedom of Speech as they want the UN to declare it criminal if anyone speaks out against Islam.

Has anyone gone as far as to call her a supporter of terrorists yet?

Focus, I certainly do niot support butchering of the baby killing terrorist Sharon
The last person here who should be complaining about Freedom of Speech is you, Mrs. Sherri. You blabber on this forum day and night like a crazed person, posting more than anyone else, and no one is stopping you. However, it is your friends who don't like Freedom of Speech as they want the UN to declare it criminal if anyone speaks out against Islam.

Has anyone gone as far as to call her a supporter of terrorists yet?

Focus, I certainly do niot support butchering of the baby killing terrorist Sharon

But you most certainly support and defend the baby murdering islamonazi terrorists from gaza, don't you................
Focus, I certainly do niot support butchering of the baby killing terrorist Sharon

But you most certainly support and defend the baby murdering islamonazi terrorists from gaza, don't you................

That is a lie.

No its not a "lie" -----but there is an issue of semantics-----in YOUR ISA-RESPECTING
view----slitting the throat of a jewish infant is not "murder" it is a GOOD DEED FOR
ISA/ALLAH------I understand------I read the letters written by your clone----XXXXXXX
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