
Time for Sharon to burn?
Very "Christian" thing to say. I'm just wondering when you're going to stop pretending to be Christian just to gin up Jew hate. You realize non of your crap has ever worked. In fact, quite the opposite.

This is the verdict: Light has come into the world, but people loved darkness instead of light because their deeds were evil.Everyone who does evil hates the light, and will not come into the light for fear that their deeds will be exposed. But whoever lives by the truth comes into the light, so that it may be seen plainly that what they have done has been done in the sight of God.-John 3:19-21
The last person here who should be complaining about Freedom of Speech is you, Mrs. Sherri. You blabber on this forum day and night like a crazed person, posting more than anyone else, and no one is stopping you. However, it is your friends who don't like Freedom of Speech as they want the UN to declare it criminal if anyone speaks out against Islam.

Has anyone gone as far as to call her a supporter of terrorists yet?

Focus, I certainly do niot support butchering of the baby killing terrorist Sharon

Risible and bathetic.
Thanks for that link, Truthseeker, here are some facts documented there, with sources to back up the truth of all reported at the limk

129 Israeli children*have been killed by Palestinians and*1,519 Palestinian children*have been killed by Israelis since September 29, 2000.

9,104 Israelis*and*50,742 Palestinians*have been injured since September 29, 2000.

During Fiscal Year 2013, the U.S. is providing Israel with at least*$8.5 million*per day*in military aid and*$0*in military aid to the Palestinians.

Israel has been targeted by at least*77 UN resolutions*and the Palestinians have been targeted with 1.

0 Israelis*are being held prisoner by Palestinians, while*5,007 Palestinians*are currently imprisoned by Israel.

Israel currently has*260 Jewish-only settlements and ‘outposts’*built on confiscated Palestinian land. Palestiniansdo not have any settlements*on Israeli land. (View Sources & More Information)

If Americans Knew - what every American needs to know about Israel/Palestine

It's so cute how the conspiranutter 'True Believers' all snuggle up together, isn't it?

And they always manage to find those hate sites, too.

BTW, half of those 'facts' are useless and worthless in their sterile isolation - and the other half aren't actually true, just distortions.

And then there are the volumious omissions, like the fact that "Palestine" has sent its fighters around the world to murder not only Israelis but whatever Jews they encountered as they very illegally hijacked airliners and committed piracy. Not to mention the America citizens murdered in the course of such criminal conspiracies.......
Israeli forces killed hundreds of unarmed Palestinian civilians and destroyed thousands of homes in Gaza in attacks which breached the laws of war, Amnesty International concluded in a new report published on Thursday.*Operation 'Cast Lead': 22 days of death and destruction, is the first comprehensive report to be published on the conflict, which took place earlier this year.

Impunity for war crimes in Gaza and southern Israel a recipe for further civilian suffering | Amnesty International

Focus, l'il sherrishitflinger: the topic of this thread was Ariel Sharon.

Unless you can explain to us how Sharon directed Cast Lead from his hospital bed, all this stuff about Cast Lead is surely off-topic.
Focus, I made no claims Sharon was responsible for Cast Lead.

does not matter----no one really takes anything you say seriously----but you are
an excellent source for jihado fascist filth------I am not as active as I was
a decade ago-------so I do not get the stuff OUTSIDE I depend on posters
like you.
Reading reports of Sharon fighting for his life and thinking what it must be like fighting for your life in a coma for 8 years, seeing and being unable to move or speak.

GOD certainly does have a sense of humor.
What's so fucking funny about it?

I don't like many of the things this man did, either, but what you express is a sickening bloodthirst, and it's disgusting.

This man sinned and pained people, and even with that, I wish that he's forgiven once facing the creator, the least that can be wished to all.
And for the record, he's not fighting for his life. He's dead, no chance of ever waking up. treatments are not going to change that. They need to stop his suffering and let him fade away without further torment.
Reading reports of Sharon fighting for his life and thinking what it must be like fighting for your life in a coma for 8 years, seeing and being unable to move or speak.

GOD certainly does have a sense of humor.

Thanks for proving what a sick bitch you are, Frau Mohammed(PB&J)
Reading reports of Sharon fighting for his life and thinking what it must be like fighting for your life in a coma for 8 years, seeing and being unable to move or speak.

GOD certainly does have a sense of humor.

With insensitive non-humans, propaganda machines like you, it is obvious the a peace with your kind is impossible.
I thank God for His awesome sense of humor and trust in these matters His will it shall be done.

I thank God for His awesome sense of humor and trust in these matters His will it shall be done.
Sherria, being a righteous, devout Christian should be down on her knees praying for this man. I know Billy Graham would pray for his soul. What about it, Christian?
I find it nowhere written, pray for Ariel Sharon .

I find it nowhere written, pray for war criminals.

Where is such a command to be found?
And for the record, he's not fighting for his life. He's dead, no chance of ever waking up. treatments are not going to change that. They need to stop his suffering and let him fade away without further torment.

leave it to the doctors over there----they are not letting him suffer but they are not
going to pull any plugs

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