
Here is an interesting question Billy Graham answered.

Q: I teach a junior high class in our church, and the other day my students asked me a question I couldn't answer. They said that since Christians are supposed to pray for their enemies, doesn't this mean we ought to pray for Satan, so he'll change his evil ways? I'd be curious what you would have said.

His answer, in part:

"The Bible makes it very clear that Satan will never change his ways and therefore there is no reason to pray that he will
After all, Satan is absolutely opposed to God; he always has been and always will be. He isn’t like any other creature; he is an evil, malevolent spiritual power whose single goal is to block God’s will. (Incidentally, one of the ways he does this is by persuading us that prayer isn’t important, although prayer is one of the ways God uses to accomplish His will.) Satan’s ultimate destiny, Jesus taught, is “the eternal fire prepared for the devil and his angels” (Matthew 25:41)."

Should we pray for Satan, so he?ll change his evil ways?
No one asked you to pray for the devil but you (as a good Christian) should send up a prayer for Ariel Sharon. I know Jesus would be pleased. And don't forget to pray for Billy Graham too. Now that's a good little girl.

Do you pray for Hitler?

Do you pray for Osama Bin Ladin?
Here is an interesting question Billy Graham answered.

Q: I teach a junior high class in our church, and the other day my students asked me a question I couldn't answer. They said that since Christians are supposed to pray for their enemies, doesn't this mean we ought to pray for Satan, so he'll change his evil ways? I'd be curious what you would have said.

His answer, in part:

"The Bible makes it very clear that Satan will never change his ways and therefore there is no reason to pray that he will
After all, Satan is absolutely opposed to God; he always has been and always will be. He isn’t like any other creature; he is an evil, malevolent spiritual power whose single goal is to block God’s will. (Incidentally, one of the ways he does this is by persuading us that prayer isn’t important, although prayer is one of the ways God uses to accomplish His will.) Satan’s ultimate destiny, Jesus taught, is “the eternal fire prepared for the devil and his angels” (Matthew 25:41)."

Should we pray for Satan, so he?ll change his evil ways?
No one asked you to pray for the devil but you (as a good Christian) should send up a prayer for Ariel Sharon. I know Jesus would be pleased. And don't forget to pray for Billy Graham too. Now that's a good little girl.

Do you pray for Hitler?

Do you pray for Osama Bin Ladin?
"Every Goddamned day"
There are people who believe in the concept of universal salvation, they believe all will ultimately be saved; perhaps even Satan. I would like to believe that is true , but cannot say that I do. And so I don't make a practice of praying for evil people and Satan.

There have been times I have felt led to pray for specific people doing evil, that they turn from evil and turn to God. But in every case, I could see the potential for great good as a result of them turning to God in the potential to do positive things.

Why are we in this world? To glorify God with our lives. Not to serve Satan or pray for evil men following Satan.
Irosie needs to read what the articles said, they stated they believed Sharon understood things going on around him, their tests indicated that.

Schiavo is a different person, her condition tells us nothing about Sharon

Look how the whore for HAMAS fantasizes that she has medical qualifications, LOL! Just because one of his sons thinks Sharon is cognizant, doesn't make it a fact. The primary and empirical test - measurement of the EEG - shows otherwise.

The brain stem activity relates to involuntary muscle movement - like respiration and digestion (peristalsis) and reflexes. NOT voluntary: as in 'not requiring volition or will'.

Leave sherri alone------brain death--is a very important LEGAL issue-----and she has
NO IDEA-----what a tragedy. I have seen lawyers like her before----no matter how
clearly this stuff is explained -----they REMAIN clueless. Family does grasp at straws---
it is almost impossible to convince a family member that ---the spinal reflex ---is---
just that----a spinal reflex and can persist even in the presence of brain death

I did not examine SHARON----but from what we got-----he ain't got much on his
MIND. HOWEVER it is good to caution relatives to be on the safe side and
ASSUME he can hear and think-----no time to insult the dying man
I read of Sharon: "Sharon also orchestrated Israel's invasion of Lebanon, an effort aimed at Palestine Liberation Organization (PLO) fighters that also left hundreds of Lebanese civilians dead. His actions led many in the Arab world to call him the "Butcher of Beirut.""

I further read: "An official Israeli inquiry found Sharon indirectly responsible for the September 1982 killings of as many as 2,000 Palestinians at the Sabra and Shatila refugee camps outside of Beirut, Lebanon."

The report determined the then-defense minister did nothing to stop Christian militiamen allied with Israel from entering the camps, despite fears they might seek to avenge the killing of their leader the previous day.

Former Israeli leader Ariel Sharon remains in critical condition -
Only for not anticipating what would happen, not for what happened.
Sharon was found responsible for the killings at Sabra and Shatila, that is what the CNN article reports and that is what happened.
Sharon was found responsible for the killings at Sabra and Shatila, that is what the CNN article reports and that is what happened.

That where you don't understand. He was found indirectly responsible because he did not anticipate what might happen.

He was not directly responsible.

Blaming him as a butcher is wrong. What happened, thought suggested by Amin during the funeral, it was Hobieka and Hadane that wanted to annihilation and then planned by the commanders of each group
I thank God for His awesome sense of humor and trust in these matters His will it shall be done.

Let me tell you something troll. I spent some time in a coma and there was nothing humorous about it. And the fact you think it is funny just shows what a piece of shit you are. I rarely ill will on anyone but you I will make an exception for.
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Sharon was found responsible for the killings at Sabra and Shatila, that is what the CNN article reports and that is what happened.

That where you don't understand. He was found indirectly responsible because he did not anticipate what might happen.

He was not directly responsible.

Blaming him as a butcher is wrong. What happened, thought suggested by Amin during the funeral, it was Hobieka and Hadane that wanted to annihilation and then planned by the commanders of each group

Aris ----do not expose sherri to reality----she might melt. For the record---the US military
is equally STRINGENT captains and admirals have been (in some cases tragically)
held responsible for events -----OUT OF THEIR CONTROL----simply because
"IT HAPPENED ON THEIR WATCH" My own son was a bit wrecked---because when
he was in the NAVY-----a captian for whom he had the utmost respect------went down---
over an incident-----an accidental death of a sailor on his ship. -----ok---more---my own
father was a-----a "petty officer" on his ship-------during world war II. He ordered
a man to do something related to fixing the "rigging" -----later that day a sailor fell into
the sea-------the jerk who "fixed the rigging" was simply not competent. My Dad
was not blamed----but he never got over it-----TO HIS DYING DAY-----he mentioned it
as he lay dying
And for the record, he's not fighting for his life. He's dead, no chance of ever waking up. treatments are not going to change that. They need to stop his suffering and let him fade away without further torment.

leave it to the doctors over there----they are not letting him suffer but they are not
going to pull any plugs

Not the doctors are to be criticized, but his sons. The man is worth a lot of money while still breathing, and they have no problem torturing the old man just so they won't lose the cash.
I thank God for His awesome sense of humor and trust in these matters His will it shall be done.

Let me tell you something troll. I spent some time in a coma and there was nothing humorous about it. And the fact you think it is funny just shows what a piece of shit you are. I rarely iill will on anyone but you I will make an exception for.

Learn English. ZIONIST, I said God's will is awesome.

And if He takes a baby kilking shit like Sharon and gives him some grief of his own to reap what he has sown, I praise my awesome God for all whom He is.
And for the record, he's not fighting for his life. He's dead, no chance of ever waking up. treatments are not going to change that. They need to stop his suffering and let him fade away without further torment.

leave it to the doctors over there----they are not letting him suffer but they are not
going to pull any plugs

Not the doctors are to be criticized, but his sons. The man is worth a lot of money while still breathing, and they have no problem torturing the old man just so they won't lose the cash.

We reap what we sow.
I thank God for His awesome sense of humor and trust in these matters His will it shall be done.

Let me tell you something troll. I spent some time in a coma and there was nothing humorous about it. And the fact you think it is funny just shows what a piece of shit you are. I rarely iill will on anyone but you I will make an exception for.

Learn English. ZIONIST, I said God's will is awesome.

And if He takes a baby kilking shit like Sharon and gives him some grief of his own to reap what he has sown, I praise my awesome God for all whom He is.

You are a sick, heartless, evil Bitch.

You had better pray that you do not reap what you have sown.
There are consequences for our choices.

John 3

.*19*This is the verdict: Light*has come into the world, but people loved darkness instead of light because their deeds were evil.20*Everyone who does evil hates the light, and will not come into the light for fear that their deeds will be exposed.*21*But whoever lives by the truth comes into the light, so that it may be seen plainly that what they have done has been done in the sight of God.

John 3 NIV - Jesus Teaches Nicodemus - Now there was - Bible Gateway

Let me tell you something troll. I spent some time in a coma and there was nothing humorous about it. And the fact you think it is funny just shows what a piece of shit you are. I rarely iill will on anyone but you I will make an exception for.

Learn English. ZIONIST, I said God's will is awesome.

And if He takes a baby kilking shit like Sharon and gives him some grief of his own to reap what he has sown, I praise my awesome God for all whom He is.

You are a sick, heartless, evil Bitch.

You had better pray that you do not reap what you have sown.
Sharon was found responsible for the killings at Sabra and Shatila, that is what the CNN article reports and that is what happened.

That where you don't understand. He was found indirectly responsible because he did not anticipate what might happen.

He was not directly responsible.

Blaming him as a butcher is wrong. What happened, thought suggested by Amin during the funeral, it was Hobieka and Hadane that wanted to annihilation and then planned by the commanders of each group
Sherri has reading comprehension problems when it comes to these things.
Hospital: Ariel Sharon's health will decline

An official Israeli inquiry found Sharon indirectly responsible for the September 1982 killings of as many as 2,000 Palestinians at the Sabra and Shatila refugee camps outside of Beirut, Lebanon.

The report -- which led to Sharon's prompt resignation -- determined the then-defense minister did nothing to stop Christian militiamen allied with Israel from entering the camps, despite fears they might seek to avenge the killing of their leader the previous day.

Hospital: Former Israeli leader Ariel Sharon's health will decline -
Hospital: Ariel Sharon's health will decline

An official Israeli inquiry found Sharon indirectly responsible for the September 1982 killings of as many as 2,000 Palestinians at the Sabra and Shatila refugee camps outside of Beirut, Lebanon.

The report -- which led to Sharon's prompt resignation -- determined the then-defense minister did nothing to stop Christian militiamen allied with Israel from entering the camps, despite fears they might seek to avenge the killing of their leader the previous day.

Hospital: Former Israeli leader Ariel Sharon's health will decline -

One wonders, since Mrs. Sherri seems so obsessed with Sharon's imminent death, if she has the fireworks ready and is planning a block party. She probably wore black and wept the entire year when the Ayatollah Khomeini died.
Hospital: Ariel Sharon's health will decline

An official Israeli inquiry found Sharon indirectly responsible for the September 1982 killings of as many as 2,000 Palestinians at the Sabra and Shatila refugee camps outside of Beirut, Lebanon.

The report -- which led to Sharon's prompt resignation -- determined the then-defense minister did nothing to stop Christian militiamen allied with Israel from entering the camps, despite fears they might seek to avenge the killing of their leader the previous day.

Hospital: Former Israeli leader Ariel Sharon's health will decline -

One wonders, since Mrs. Sherri seems so obsessed with Sharon's imminent death, if she has the fireworks ready and is planning a block party. She probably wore black and wept the entire year when the Ayatollah Khomeini died.

I'm sure Mohammed Sherri is having an 18 wheeler full of champagne trucked in for the party.
Hospital: Ariel Sharon's health will decline

An official Israeli inquiry found Sharon indirectly responsible for the September 1982 killings of as many as 2,000 Palestinians at the Sabra and Shatila refugee camps outside of Beirut, Lebanon.

The report -- which led to Sharon's prompt resignation -- determined the then-defense minister did nothing to stop Christian militiamen allied with Israel from entering the camps, despite fears they might seek to avenge the killing of their leader the previous day.

Hospital: Former Israeli leader Ariel Sharon's health will decline -

One wonders, since Mrs. Sherri seems so obsessed with Sharon's imminent death, if she has the fireworks ready and is planning a block party. She probably wore black and wept the entire year when the Ayatollah Khomeini died.

I'm sure Mohammed Sherri is having an 18 wheeler full of champagne trucked in for the party.

Maybe gallons of orange juice too so she can have mimosas for Mr. Lucifer and all her like-minded friends. Everyone will be bringing their pitchforks to use instead of forks. What a brunch that will be!!!

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