
Reading reports of Sharon fighting for his life and thinking what it must be like fighting for your life in a coma for 8 years, seeing and being unable to move or speak.

GOD certainly does have a sense of humor.

sherri you are fascinating------you know so little and yet you post with the
self confidence of an alpha ape What does the term "coma" have
to do with ----seeing but being unable to move or speak? In fact there is
a specific condition of the brain with which the patient can see and hear but
cannot move or speak. It is very rare-----but it is NOT COMA---and it has
nothing to do with sharon. Anyone out there want to play this quiz game?
What is the specific lesion of the brain which leads to a condition in which the
patient can see and hear but cannot speak or move? What is this clinical
entity called?

I cared for such a person once------I have no doubt that sherri would stand
at the foot of the bed and laugh. One sees such filth in hospitals. People
like sherri and "gods" like isa ---laugh. The rest of the world weeps
Ariel Sharon: Israeli ex-PM in coma 'has brain activity'

27 January 2013*Last updated at 22:40

The doctors at Soroka Hospital in Beersheba said that during tests, "significant brain activity was observed... indicating appropriate processing of these stimulations."

While the responses did not mean Mr Sharon was likely to fully regain consciousness, doctors said they were "encouraging".

Alon Friedman, a neurological director at Israel's Soroka Medical Centre in Beersheba, said the findings suggested that even in Mr Sharon's comatose state, "he might be listening, and some important information goes into his brain and is being processed".

BBC News - Ariel Sharon: Israeli ex-PM in coma 'has brain activity'
"The two-hour test by a team of Israeli and American scientists used functional MRI to gauge Sharon's response to tactile stimulation, photos of his family and the voice of his son. Functional MRI - or fMRI - measures blood flow as a surrogate for brain activity. And according to*a statement from Sharon's medical team, the 84-year-old had "significant brain activity" during the test. "Information from the external world is being transferred to the appropriate parts of Mr. Sharon's brain," team member Martin Monti, assistant professor of cognitive psychology at the University of California, Los Angeles said in a statement. "However, the evidence does not as clearly indicate whether Mr. Sharon is consciously perceiving this information.""

"But Sharon's youngest son, Gilad Sharon, has long insisted his father could hear,*telling the New York Times*in 2011, "When he is awake, he looks at me and moves fingers when I ask him to… I am sure he hears me.""

Ariel Sharon Brain Scan Shows Signs of Consciousness - ABC News
I asked Sherria to pray for Ariel Sharon and she came back with some garbled explanation. Was going to reply but she deleted her post. As she frequently does.
Ariel Sharon: Israeli ex-PM in coma 'has brain activity'

27 January 2013*Last updated at 22:40

The doctors at Soroka Hospital in Beersheba said that during tests, "significant brain activity was observed... indicating appropriate processing of these stimulations."

While the responses did not mean Mr Sharon was likely to fully regain consciousness, doctors said they were "encouraging".

Alon Friedman, a neurological director at Israel's Soroka Medical Centre in Beersheba, said the findings suggested that even in Mr Sharon's comatose state, "he might be listening, and some important information goes into his brain and is being processed".

BBC News - Ariel Sharon: Israeli ex-PM in coma 'has brain activity'

Schiavo had brain activity but it was just the stem, reflex impulse.
Ariel Sharon: Israeli ex-PM in coma 'has brain activity'

27 January 2013*Last updated at 22:40

The doctors at Soroka Hospital in Beersheba said that during tests, "significant brain activity was observed... indicating appropriate processing of these stimulations."

While the responses did not mean Mr Sharon was likely to fully regain consciousness, doctors said they were "encouraging".

Alon Friedman, a neurological director at Israel's Soroka Medical Centre in Beersheba, said the findings suggested that even in Mr Sharon's comatose state, "he might be listening, and some important information goes into his brain and is being processed".

BBC News - Ariel Sharon: Israeli ex-PM in coma 'has brain activity'

Schiavo had brain activity but it was just the stem, reflex impulse.

Ariel Sharon: Israeli ex-PM in coma 'has brain activity'

27 January 2013*Last updated at 22:40

The doctors at Soroka Hospital in Beersheba said that during tests, "significant brain activity was observed... indicating appropriate processing of these stimulations."

While the responses did not mean Mr Sharon was likely to fully regain consciousness, doctors said they were "encouraging".

Alon Friedman, a neurological director at Israel's Soroka Medical Centre in Beersheba, said the findings suggested that even in Mr Sharon's comatose state, "he might be listening, and some important information goes into his brain and is being processed".

BBC News - Ariel Sharon: Israeli ex-PM in coma 'has brain activity'

Schiavo had brain activity but it was just the stem, reflex impulse.

After reading Sherri's posts in this and other threads, it's clearly obvious that she has less brain activity than either Sharon or Schiavo.
Ariel Sharon: Israeli ex-PM in coma 'has brain activity'

27 January 2013*Last updated at 22:40

The doctors at Soroka Hospital in Beersheba said that during tests, "significant brain activity was observed... indicating appropriate processing of these stimulations."

While the responses did not mean Mr Sharon was likely to fully regain consciousness, doctors said they were "encouraging".

Alon Friedman, a neurological director at Israel's Soroka Medical Centre in Beersheba, said the findings suggested that even in Mr Sharon's comatose state, "he might be listening, and some important information goes into his brain and is being processed".

BBC News - Ariel Sharon: Israeli ex-PM in coma 'has brain activity'

Schiavo had brain activity but it was just the stem, reflex impulse.

So he might rouse from his coma and come looking for you since you badmouthed him so much.
Ariel Sharon: Israeli ex-PM in coma 'has brain activity'

27 January 2013*Last updated at 22:40

The doctors at Soroka Hospital in Beersheba said that during tests, "significant brain activity was observed... indicating appropriate processing of these stimulations."

While the responses did not mean Mr Sharon was likely to fully regain consciousness, doctors said they were "encouraging".

Alon Friedman, a neurological director at Israel's Soroka Medical Centre in Beersheba, said the findings suggested that even in Mr Sharon's comatose state, "he might be listening, and some important information goes into his brain and is being processed".

BBC News - Ariel Sharon: Israeli ex-PM in coma 'has brain activity'

Schiavo had brain activity but it was just the stem, reflex impulse.

so? "brain activity" does not mean he can hear or see or even think. "brain activity'
refers to electrical impulses which can be measured on ELECTROENCEPHALOGRAM---
brain activity on electroencephalogram excludes the diagnosis of "BRAIN DEATH"---
but does not prove the presence of COGNITION Notice the operative word
"might"--------he might hear a bit or process a bit----but if he cannot follow commands---
very simple commands----like "OPEN YOUR EYES" with at the very least a twitch of
the eyebrows he is probably not cognizant at all. Unless a patient is brain
dead----docs do not like to say "HE CANNOT HEAR OR THINK"---its more like
"who knows" (but probably not) Brain stem reflexes also
exclude the diagnosis of "BRAIN DEATH"-----but in no way indicate the presence of
cognizance Brain death determination is required by most docs in order to
PULL THE PLUG. It actually virtually proves that the patient has no chance of
recovery AT ALL. ----------joos go for the whole thing------either BRAIN DEATH or
no pulling the plug---------its the rabbis who decide on that idea and it is also a legal
issue in the USA

Spinal reflexes ---like knee jerk -----can persist even with brain death.
FINGER GRASP in which the patient "grasps back" when his hand is grasped
is only a spinal reflex ------and can be present in brain death-----try telling
that to a mother holding the hand of her brain dead child
Irosie needs to read what the articles said, they stated they believed Sharon understood things going on around him, their tests indicated that.

Schiavo is a different person, her condition tells us nothing about Sharon
Ariel Sharon: Israeli ex-PM in coma 'has brain activity'

27 January 2013*Last updated at 22:40

The doctors at Soroka Hospital in Beersheba said that during tests, "significant brain activity was observed... indicating appropriate processing of these stimulations."

While the responses did not mean Mr Sharon was likely to fully regain consciousness, doctors said they were "encouraging".

Alon Friedman, a neurological director at Israel's Soroka Medical Centre in Beersheba, said the findings suggested that even in Mr Sharon's comatose state, "he might be listening, and some important information goes into his brain and is being processed".

BBC News - Ariel Sharon: Israeli ex-PM in coma 'has brain activity'

Did you understand any of that stuff sherri? feel free to ask questions

I will help------the phrase "might be" and the word "maybe" is used incessantly
by neurologists and neurosurgeons. A blip on the screen when the hand is touched---
indicates that the stimulus GOT TO THE BRAIN-----but does not prove that the patient
is AWARE OF IT. It does preclude the diagnosis of brain death, however. This stuff
does make its way into court sometimes------smart lawyers know about it but then there
are those too stupid to ever understand it
Schiavo had brain activity but it was just the stem, reflex impulse.

So he might rouse from his coma and come looking for you since you badmouthed him so much.

I find it nowhere written, pray for Ariel Sharon .

I find it nowhere written, pray for war criminals.

Where is such a command to be found?
Look in your New Testament, Sherria. I thought you were supposed to turn the other cheek to get it slapped.

That is not a command to pray for an evil man

Learn to read and comprehend English.
Here is an interesting question Billy Graham answered.

Q: I teach a junior high class in our church, and the other day my students asked me a question I couldn't answer. They said that since Christians are supposed to pray for their enemies, doesn't this mean we ought to pray for Satan, so he'll change his evil ways? I'd be curious what you would have said.

His answer, in part:

"The Bible makes it very clear that Satan will never change his ways and therefore there is no reason to pray that he will
After all, Satan is absolutely opposed to God; he always has been and always will be. He isn’t like any other creature; he is an evil, malevolent spiritual power whose single goal is to block God’s will. (Incidentally, one of the ways he does this is by persuading us that prayer isn’t important, although prayer is one of the ways God uses to accomplish His will.) Satan’s ultimate destiny, Jesus taught, is “the eternal fire prepared for the devil and his angels” (Matthew 25:41)."

Should we pray for Satan, so he?ll change his evil ways?
Last edited:
Here is an interesting question Billy Graham answered.

Q: I teach a junior high class in our church, and the other day my students asked me a question I couldn't answer. They said that since Christians are supposed to pray for their enemies, doesn't this mean we ought to pray for Satan, so he'll change his evil ways? I'd be curious what you would have said.

His answer, in part:

"The Bible makes it very clear that Satan will never change his ways and therefore there is no reason to pray that he will
After all, Satan is absolutely opposed to God; he always has been and always will be. He isn’t like any other creature; he is an evil, malevolent spiritual power whose single goal is to block God’s will. (Incidentally, one of the ways he does this is by persuading us that prayer isn’t important, although prayer is one of the ways God uses to accomplish His will.) Satan’s ultimate destiny, Jesus taught, is “the eternal fire prepared for the devil and his angels” (Matthew 25:41)."

Should we pray for Satan, so he?ll change his evil ways?
No one asked you to pray for the devil but you (as a good Christian) should send up a prayer for Ariel Sharon. I know Jesus would be pleased. And don't forget to pray for Billy Graham too. Now that's a good little girl.
Irosie needs to read what the articles said, they stated they believed Sharon understood things going on around him, their tests indicated that.

Schiavo is a different person, her condition tells us nothing about Sharon

Look how the whore for HAMAS fantasizes that she has medical qualifications, LOL! Just because one of his sons thinks Sharon is cognizant, doesn't make it a fact. The primary and empirical test - measurement of the EEG - shows otherwise.

The brain stem activity relates to involuntary muscle movement - like respiration and digestion (peristalsis) and reflexes. NOT voluntary: as in 'not requiring volition or will'.
"I met Sharon and saw him kill two children before my eyes,” said Sluizer, who lives in Amsterdam. Sluizer has made several documentaries about the Israeli-Palestinian conflict, but is best known for directing The Vanishing with Jeff Bridges and Kiefer Sutherland in 1992.“Sharon shot two children like you shoot rabbits, in front of my eyes,” he said."

The children, according to Sluizer, “were toddlers, two or three years old. He shot them from a distance of 10 meters with a pistol that he carried. I was very close to him.” Sluizer added he thought this happened in November, when Sharon was Israel’s minister of defense, but he was not sure of the month.

'I saw Ariel Sharon murder 2 Palestinian toddlers in Lebanon'Israel News - Haaretz Israeli News source
Here is an interesting question Billy Graham answered.

Q: I teach a junior high class in our church, and the other day my students asked me a question I couldn't answer. They said that since Christians are supposed to pray for their enemies, doesn't this mean we ought to pray for Satan, so he'll change his evil ways? I'd be curious what you would have said.

His answer, in part:

"The Bible makes it very clear that Satan will never change his ways and therefore there is no reason to pray that he will
After all, Satan is absolutely opposed to God; he always has been and always will be. He isn’t like any other creature; he is an evil, malevolent spiritual power whose single goal is to block God’s will. (Incidentally, one of the ways he does this is by persuading us that prayer isn’t important, although prayer is one of the ways God uses to accomplish His will.) Satan’s ultimate destiny, Jesus taught, is “the eternal fire prepared for the devil and his angels” (Matthew 25:41)."

Should we pray for Satan, so he?ll change his evil ways?

in order to understand what jesus said ---if he did say it----
about "satan" and his "angels" one has to understand what
SATAN is. It also helps to get some notion of imagary and symbolism
used by zoroastrians which involve FIRE Satan is not a PERSON---
it is more an IT than a 'he"----more a concept than a being In hebrew there is
no "it" there are only HE and SHE so I can understand why some
translators call SATAN a "HE" rather than the more correct 'IT' ----

there is more the term for "ANGEL" is also "MESSENGER" (at least that is
one of the terms for "angel"-----there are several ----like CHERUB and SERAPH --
but MALACH is 'messenger' sorta ) Chances are that the term MALACH was used
by whomever said came up with sherri's claim that ----there is "FIRE PREPARED FOR
SATAN AND HIS ANGELS"-----------bottom line----the imagery does not suggest
a real hot place under the ground where some guy named devil or satan and
his 'angels' will burn for eternity---------it is a bit more simple-----more like
GOD DESTROYS EVIL and those who or that which ACCUSES MAN ie the forces
which oppose both God and Man
Irosie needs to read what the articles said, they stated they believed Sharon understood things going on around him, their tests indicated that.

Schiavo is a different person, her condition tells us nothing about Sharon

Look how the whore for HAMAS fantasizes that she has medical qualifications, LOL! Just because one of his sons thinks Sharon is cognizant, doesn't make it a fact. The primary and empirical test - measurement of the EEG - shows otherwise.

The brain stem activity relates to involuntary muscle movement - like respiration and digestion (peristalsis) and reflexes. NOT voluntary: as in 'not requiring volition or will'.

Read the articles, Zionist whore, medical tests made findings here.

Can you read English?

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