
One wonders, since Mrs. Sherri seems so obsessed with Sharon's imminent death, if she has the fireworks ready and is planning a block party. She probably wore black and wept the entire year when the Ayatollah Khomeini died.

I'm sure Mohammed Sherri is having an 18 wheeler full of champagne trucked in for the party.

Maybe gallons of orange juice too so she can have mimosas for Mr. Lucifer and all her like-minded friends. Everyone will be bringing their pitchforks to use instead of forks. What a brunch that will be!!!

Ariel Sharon is 85 years old. He is dying in a manner not at all uncommon
or remarkable-----an old man who had a stroke. It takes quite a disgusting and
depraved person to FOCUS on it as if the event is being directed by her perverted
"god" for her own personal pleasure
I did not start this thread, or start the news reports seemingly reporting his impending death.

I commented on your vulgar contributions to this thread. Ariel Sharon is dear to
many people-----in fact MILLIONS-----you do not belong at his funeral
I did not start this thread, or start the news reports seemingly reporting his impending death.

But you are the one who is constantly continuing with this Sharon thread and are so gleeful about his impending death. Just remember to have a few Roman candles on hand for your celebration.
I did not start this thread, or start the news reports seemingly reporting his impending death.

But you are the one who is constantly continuing with this Sharon thread and are so gleeful about his impending death. Just remember to have a few Roman candles on hand for your celebration.

Sally the isa respecter custom is MAMOUL and BAKLAVA---and nauseatingly
driving music to which both sluts and dogs gyrate their hips.
I did not start this thread, or start the news reports seemingly reporting his impending death.

But you are the one who is constantly continuing with this Sharon thread and are so gleeful about his impending death. Just remember to have a few Roman candles on hand for your celebration.

Sally the isa respecter custom is MAMOUL and BAKLAVA---and nauseatingly
driving music to which both sluts and dogs gyrate their hips.

It's a shame that she doesn't have an Iranian grocery store like the one I occasionaly go into and where I feel I am actually in Tehran what with the other customers chatting away in Farsi. In the refrigerated cases there are many ready-to-take-home Iranian dishes that she would be able to buy for her brunch. What a variety of food she could serve!!!
But you are the one who is constantly continuing with this Sharon thread and are so gleeful about his impending death. Just remember to have a few Roman candles on hand for your celebration.

Sally the isa respecter custom is MAMOUL and BAKLAVA---and nauseatingly
driving music to which both sluts and dogs gyrate their hips.

It's a shame that she doesn't have an Iranian grocery store like the one I occasionaly go into and where I feel I am actually in Tehran what with the other customers chatting away in Farsi. In the refrigerated cases there are many ready-to-take-home Iranian dishes that she would be able to buy for her brunch. What a variety of food she could serve!!!

Oh sally----I am not so lucky----Iranian food is ELEGANT-----but I make do with
middle eastern stuff------and southeast asian stuff------and ....well---mostly my own
attempts. I do have a sense that sherri would actually prefer the really sticky
very very sweet confections of arabia------as far as I recall -----Iranians do not do
that stuff------somehow desert always seemed to be ----watermelon
I did not start this thread, or start the news reports seemingly reporting his impending death.

But you are the one who is constantly continuing with this Sharon thread and are so gleeful about his impending death. Just remember to have a few Roman candles on hand for your celebration.

Sally the isa respecter custom is MAMOUL and BAKLAVA---and nauseatingly
driving music to which both sluts and dogs gyrate their hips.

News sources are constantly updating Sharon's condition , Google it and see for yourself. His changing medical condition is a news story still unfolding.
Watch "Persian Halva - A 'How to' Persian Recipe by" on YouTube

Sally the isa respecter custom is MAMOUL and BAKLAVA---and nauseatingly
driving music to which both sluts and dogs gyrate their hips.

It's a shame that she doesn't have an Iranian grocery store like the one I occasionaly go into and where I feel I am actually in Tehran what with the other customers chatting away in Farsi. In the refrigerated cases there are many ready-to-take-home Iranian dishes that she would be able to buy for her brunch. What a variety of food she could serve!!!

Oh sally----I am not so lucky----Iranian food is ELEGANT-----but I make do with
middle eastern stuff------and southeast asian stuff------and ....well---mostly my own
attempts. I do have a sense that sherri would actually prefer the really sticky
very very sweet confections of arabia------as far as I recall -----Iranians do not do
that stuff------somehow desert always seemed to be ----watermelon
Last edited by a moderator:
Watch "Persian Halva - A 'How to' Persian Recipe by" on YouTube

It's a shame that she doesn't have an Iranian grocery store like the one I occasionaly go into and where I feel I am actually in Tehran what with the other customers chatting away in Farsi. In the refrigerated cases there are many ready-to-take-home Iranian dishes that she would be able to buy for her brunch. What a variety of food she could serve!!!

Oh sally----I am not so lucky----Iranian food is ELEGANT-----but I make do with
middle eastern stuff------and southeast asian stuff------and ....well---mostly my own
attempts. I do have a sense that sherri would actually prefer the really sticky
very very sweet confections of arabia------as far as I recall -----Iranians do not do
that stuff------somehow desert always seemed to be ----watermelon

Abdul's shift has started. :lol:
Watch "Persian Halva - A 'How to' Persian Recipe by" on YouTube

thanks sherri for that really crummy recipe-----it is nothing but very sweet roux. No
wonder my Iranian sister-in-law never serves it Now sherri----your CULTURE lesson
for today HALVA ---is actually an arabic word------you have any idea what they
call that miserable sweet roux in Farsi? I am fascinated that they add saffron to it---
how many tons of saffron do you go thru per year? For the record----(do not tell
Mr. Sherri) even Indian versions of "halva" are better than that----MUCH BETTER
Last edited by a moderator:
Watch "Persian Halva - A 'How to' Persian Recipe by" on YouTube

It's a shame that she doesn't have an Iranian grocery store like the one I occasionaly go into and where I feel I am actually in Tehran what with the other customers chatting away in Farsi. In the refrigerated cases there are many ready-to-take-home Iranian dishes that she would be able to buy for her brunch. What a variety of food she could serve!!!

Oh sally----I am not so lucky----Iranian food is ELEGANT-----but I make do with
middle eastern stuff------and southeast asian stuff------and ....well---mostly my own
attempts. I do have a sense that sherri would actually prefer the really sticky
very very sweet confections of arabia------as far as I recall -----Iranians do not do
that stuff------somehow desert always seemed to be ----watermelon

I'm used to sesame

now rose or lemon turkish delights......
Watch "Persian Halva - A 'How to' Persian Recipe by" on YouTube

Oh sally----I am not so lucky----Iranian food is ELEGANT-----but I make do with
middle eastern stuff------and southeast asian stuff------and ....well---mostly my own
attempts. I do have a sense that sherri would actually prefer the really sticky
very very sweet confections of arabia------as far as I recall -----Iranians do not do
that stuff------somehow desert always seemed to be ----watermelon

I'm used to sesame

now rose or lemon turkish delights......

I did not even want to bring the word SESAME into proximity with that glob
of roux
But you are the one who is constantly continuing with this Sharon thread and are so gleeful about his impending death. Just remember to have a few Roman candles on hand for your celebration.

Sally the isa respecter custom is MAMOUL and BAKLAVA---and nauseatingly
driving music to which both sluts and dogs gyrate their hips.

News sources are constantly updating Sharon's condition , Google it and see for yourself. His changing medical condition is a news story still unfolding.

Why are you even following news sources regarding his impending death? His death really has nothing to do with us. We are not members of his family nor are we Israelis or even outsiders who knew him personally. I doubt very much if others on this forum would follow obsessively the impending death of the head Ayatollah in Iran or the King of Saudi Arabia. Don't you have better things to do, like clean up the kitchen or the bathroom?
There are consequences for our choices.

You're right about that. And I enjoyed dropping the hammer on quite a few of your terrorist friends as a result of theirs. Shame you weren't around. Oh but that would require actually having a spine. You're just a talker.

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