Sharron Angle is Back!

A thorn for the establishment

Just when you thought it could not get any worse for the GOP.....ANGLE RETURNS!
On the bright side, that corrupt lying fool Dirty Harry Reid is FINALLY retiring.

He would have been gone in 2010 if not for that stupid bitch

Dude, surely you are not THAT naive

Every other Republican candidate was polling ahead of Reid by double digits. Even Angle was initially after she won the nomination, but once she started running her mouth and everyone found out what a racist piece of shit she is her numbers plummeted. Every political pundit was expecting Reid to lose that year.
Reids friends in the press and corporate funding as an incumbent are worth 20% in early polls dude.

How much was Sharon Angle opening her mouth and putting words together worth for Reid?
How much was Sharon Angle opening her mouth and putting words together worth for Reid?

It wasnt what she said so much as how the press lied about it.

For example. She said she wanted to get rid of the Department of Education as it is not helpful but a hindrance on the education of our kids, and the press ran it as 'Angle wants to destroy our children's education.' and similar horse twaddle.

That is one of the things I love about Trump, when he gets up on the stage and looks at the press and says that they are the biggest liars, really scumbag people, and he is totally 100% exactly right.

Luv it!
How much was Sharon Angle opening her mouth and putting words together worth for Reid?

It wasnt what she said so much as how the press lied about it.

For example. She said she wanted to get rid of the Department of Education as it is not helpful but a hindrance on the education of our kids, and the press ran it as 'Angle wants to destroy our children's education.' and similar horse twaddle.

That is one of the things I love about Trump, when he gets up on the stage and looks at the press and says that they are the biggest liars, really scumbag people, and he is totally 100% exactly right.

Luv it!

You mean this?

The Federal Department of Education should be eliminated. The Department of Education is unconstitutional and should not be involved in education, at any level

Hey to break to you but that doesn't play well outside of right wing fringe politics.

How about when she claimed cities in the U.S. were under sharia law? Maybe that plays in your neck of the woods but the rest of us just simply aren't that stupid.
How much was Sharon Angle opening her mouth and putting words together worth for Reid?

It wasnt what she said so much as how the press lied about it.

For example. She said she wanted to get rid of the Department of Education as it is not helpful but a hindrance on the education of our kids, and the press ran it as 'Angle wants to destroy our children's education.' and similar horse twaddle.

That is one of the things I love about Trump, when he gets up on the stage and looks at the press and says that they are the biggest liars, really scumbag people, and he is totally 100% exactly right.

Luv it!


gaffes by sharron angle in 2010 - Bing video
If you think about it, Phrump is sort of a Sharron Angles on Steroids!

The woman who advocates murdering people in government.

So did Che, no?

You mean this?

The Federal Department of Education should be eliminated. The Department of Education is unconstitutional and should not be involved in education, at any level

Hey to break to you but that doesn't play well outside of right wing fringe politics.

It would if people understood how the department of Education is federalizing our childrens education when it should be strictly a local matter.

When you have the media putting out lies 24/7 the Truth hardly has time to put its socks on.

How about when she claimed cities in the U.S. were under sharia law?
Provide a link and we can discuss it.

Maybe that plays in your neck of the woods but the rest of us just simply aren't that stupid.

No, you are far MORE stupid as you really dont care if Sharia laws does get established in areas in this country at all nor are you concerned about no go zones.

That is because you are a mental degenerate and have no care or concern about our nation, its future nor its culture.
You mean this?

The Federal Department of Education should be eliminated. The Department of Education is unconstitutional and should not be involved in education, at any level

Hey to break to you but that doesn't play well outside of right wing fringe politics.

It would if people understood how the department of Education is federalizing our childrens education when it should be strictly a local matter.

When you have the media putting out lies 24/7 the Truth hardly has time to put its socks on.

How about when she claimed cities in the U.S. were under sharia law?
Provide a link and we can discuss it.

Maybe that plays in your neck of the woods but the rest of us just simply aren't that stupid.

No, you are far MORE stupid as you really dont care if Sharia laws does get established in areas in this country at all nor are you concerned about no go zones.

That is because you are a mental degenerate and have no care or concern about our nation, its future nor its culture.

Ah, nobody 'understands' your wingnut issues.

Here's Angle's sharia law quote and of course you agree with it, most people don;t and she should have had an easy win over Reid but her weird little views ruined it.

"We're talking about a militant terrorist situation, which I believe it isn't a widespread thing, but it is enough that we need to address, and we have been addressing it. My thoughts are these, first of all, Dearborn, Michigan, and Frankford, Texas are on American soil, and under constitutional law. Not Sharia law. And I don't know how that happened in the United States. It seems to me there is something fundamentally wrong with allowing a foreign system of law to even take hold in any municipality or government situation in our United States." --Sharron Angle, claiming that Muslim Sharia law is taking hold in parts of the U.S., Oct. 2010

The 10 Most Ridiculous Sharron Angle Quotes

Sure, we are totally allowing sharia law in Dearborn, MI and Frankford, TX and all the little wingnuts are pissing themselves over lies.

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