Sharyl Attkisson compiles list of 101 notable media mistakes on Trump

The Purge

Platinum Member
Aug 16, 2018
As the dominant media in the United States have degenerated into propaganda organs for the Left, a few honest reporters have distinguished themselves by sticking to the truth, even as it has cost them their high-visibility posts. Sharyl Attkisson, a three-decade veteran of MSM broadcasting who was spied on by the Obama administration (her computer was intruded upon) and is fighting back (she needs your support!), is holding her former MSM colleagues responsible for their excesses in attacking President Trump.

Now she is compiling a growing list of notable media mistakes in reporting false stories about President Trump. It's the Fake News Follies. In the introduction, she turns the tables on them:

We the media have "fact-checked" President Trump like we have fact-checked no other human being on the planet — and he's certainly given us plenty to write about. That's probably why it's so easy to find lists enumerating and examining his mistakes, missteps and "lies."

But as self-appointed arbiters of truth, we've largely excused our own unprecedented string of fact-challenged reporting. The truth is, formerly well-respected, top news organizations are making repeat, unforced errors in numbers that were unheard of just a couple of years ago.

Our repeat mistakes involve declaring that Trump's claims are "lies" when they are matters of opinion, or when the truth between conflicting sources is unknowable; taking Trump's statements and events out of context; reporting secondhand accounts against Trump without attribution as if they're established fact; relying on untruthful, conflicted sources; and presenting reporter opinions in news stories — without labeling them as opinions.

What's worse, we defend ourselves by trying to convince the public that our mistakes are actually a virtue because we (sometimes) correct them. Or we blame Trump for why we're getting so much wrong.

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Here are samples from Atkinson's list:

Oct. 1, 2016
The New York Times and other media widely suggested or implied that Trump had not paid income taxes for 18 years. Later, tax return pages leaked to MSNBC ultimately showed that Trump actually paid a higher rate than Democrats Bernie Sanders and President Obama.

Oct. 18, 2016:
In a Washington Post piece not labelled opinion or analysis, Stuart Rothenberg reported that Trump’s path to an electoral college victory was “nonexistent.”

Nov. 4, 2016:

USA Today misstated Melania Trump’s “arrival date from Slovenia” amid a flurry of reporting that questioned her immigration status from the mid-1990s.


Nov. 9, 2016:
Early on election night, the Detroit Free Press called the state of Michigan for Hillary Clinton. Trump actually won Michigan.

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