Sharyl Attkisson:Russia “Hacking” and the Intel Credibility Gap


Diamond Member
Aug 30, 2008
It’s not that Americans don’t appreciate our many honest, hardworking intelligence professionals. But there are concrete examples of false information promulgated by some U.S.intelligence officials under Democrat and Republican administrations. That’s why it would be imprudent to blindly accept, without question, everything our intelligence officials say or, for that matter, everything any government claims.

In fact, one need look no farther than a lead witness at today’s hearing on Russian election hacking: Director of National Intelligence James Clapper. In June 2013, Clapper provided false testimony to Congress denying existence of a National Security Agency (NSA) secret, massive data collection program.

Sen.Ron Wyden (D-Oregon): “Does the NSA collect any type of data at all on millions of hundreds of millions of Americans?”

Director of National Intelligence James Clapper: “No sir.”

Russia “Hacking” and the Intel Credibility Gap | Sharyl Attkisson

Forgot all about that lie . The intelligence community has it's own meta-data collecting agenda, and if they can use Obama's politically motivated Russia Hacking canard to further that agenda, you better believe they are...

Read the rest of the article, then try Eight Facts on the “Russian Hacks” | Sharyl Attkisson
Nice to see a factual article in contrast to the MSM false news. The "Russian Hacking" lie is the democrat's only hope for the next few months anyhow. Maybe longer, who knows...democrats have no imagination.

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