"She Don't Lie No More Than Any Other Politician"

No, just grab him by the pussy and have your way.
How about calling him a super predator and bring him to heel?

Was that telling black people what they wanted to hear?

Why don't you go build a wall to keep out the boogeymen and make someone else pay for it.

No actually it was a democrat telling her white constituents what they want to hear.

Sounds like Donald Trump.

And yet it was Hillary, but you knew that. If Trump had said it you would be plastering it all over the web.

Why don't you just open the boarders until America is Shitistan?

Of course I know that. When she said it everyone on the left, right and center wanted gang members in prison, including a lot of black people.

Now, we have Trump calling Mexican immigrants rapists and drug dealers oh and some he assumes are good people. What an asshole, pandering to racists.
"make america great again". the silliest, plainest, and, actually, a very insulting slogan of a politician telling you want you want to hear.

But her "I'm With Stupid" is a fucking gem. Yes, you're libtarded. Wear your slogan proudly, petnia, maybe you'll get a text from Wiener.
How about calling him a super predator and bring him to heel?

Was that telling black people what they wanted to hear?

Why don't you go build a wall to keep out the boogeymen and make someone else pay for it.

No actually it was a democrat telling her white constituents what they want to hear.

Sounds like Donald Trump.

And yet it was Hillary, but you knew that. If Trump had said it you would be plastering it all over the web.

Why don't you just open the boarders until America is Shitistan?

Of course I know that. When she said it everyone on the left, right and center wanted gang members in prison, including a lot of black people.

Now, we have Trump calling Mexican immigrants rapists and drug dealers oh and some he assumes are good people. What an asshole, pandering to racists.

He is as right as Hillary and yes, most people want the border shut down.
How about calling him a super predator and bring him to heel?

Was that telling black people what they wanted to hear?

Why don't you go build a wall to keep out the boogeymen and make someone else pay for it.

No actually it was a democrat telling her white constituents what they want to hear.

Sounds like Donald Trump.

And yet it was Hillary, but you knew that. If Trump had said it you would be plastering it all over the web.

Why don't you just open the boarders until America is Shitistan?

They want free books.
"make america great again". the silliest, plainest, and, actually, a very insulting slogan of a politician telling you want you want to hear.

But her "I'm With Stupid" is a fucking gem. Yes, you're libtarded. Wear your slogan proudly, petnia, maybe you'll get a text from Wiener.
no one is trying to sell the tale that hillary is not a politician, so your tu quoque is totally ineffective, and DUMB, as is your FACE.
Was that telling black people what they wanted to hear?

Why don't you go build a wall to keep out the boogeymen and make someone else pay for it.

No actually it was a democrat telling her white constituents what they want to hear.

Sounds like Donald Trump.

And yet it was Hillary, but you knew that. If Trump had said it you would be plastering it all over the web.

Why don't you just open the boarders until America is Shitistan?

Of course I know that. When she said it everyone on the left, right and center wanted gang members in prison, including a lot of black people.

Now, we have Trump calling Mexican immigrants rapists and drug dealers oh and some he assumes are good people. What an asshole, pandering to racists.

He is as right as Hillary and yes, most people want the border shut down.

The border shut down? No.
Was that telling black people what they wanted to hear?

Why don't you go build a wall to keep out the boogeymen and make someone else pay for it.

No actually it was a democrat telling her white constituents what they want to hear.

Sounds like Donald Trump.

And yet it was Hillary, but you knew that. If Trump had said it you would be plastering it all over the web.

Why don't you just open the boarders until America is Shitistan?

They want free books.
It utterly astounds me that given the data dumps of what an utter corrupt, thieving, pedophile POS the Clintons are that people can even attempt to defend this conniving witch. I would be distancing myself like a motherfucker and turn my head away in disgust.....but not the leftard clown posse...oh no! They circle the wagons around this crook as if their life depended on because the commie creed has always been "the end game justifies the means".......they don't have the slightest fucking clue as to what they are touting......in their world, ignorance is bliss and they are some happy motherfuckers....unreal.
It utterly astounds me that given the data dumps of what an utter corrupt, thieving, pedophile POS the Clintons are that people can even attempt to defend this conniving witch. I would be distancing myself like a motherfucker and turn my head away in disgust.....but not the leftard clown posse...oh no! They circle the wagons around this crook as if their life depended on because the commie creed has always been "the end game justifies the means".......they don't have the slightest fucking clue as to what they are touting......in their world, ignorance is bliss and they are some happy motherfuckers....unreal.

I think it is like the left has fallen into a mud puddle and it is just easier to wallow in the mud than to try and get out.
It utterly astounds me that given the data dumps of what an utter corrupt, thieving, pedophile POS the Clintons are that people can even attempt to defend this conniving witch. I would be distancing myself like a motherfucker and turn my head away in disgust.....but not the leftard clown posse...oh no! They circle the wagons around this crook as if their life depended on because the commie creed has always been "the end game justifies the means".......they don't have the slightest fucking clue as to what they are touting......in their world, ignorance is bliss and they are some happy motherfuckers....unreal.

Why Did the Saudi Regime and Other Gulf Tyrannies Donate Millions to the Clinton Foundation?

Those idiots Democrats can't understand a simple things: if big donors [Soros, Saudis, Qatar] sponsor your campaign, they will demand you "to protect and to serve" their interests, not so much the interests of American people.

Trump, on the other hand, has been sponsored by American people only ( plus his own money). So, a lot more likely Trump will be the only one who will protect and serve the interests of American people, even those dummies, who are writing and saying lies about him.
It utterly astounds me that given the data dumps of what an utter corrupt, thieving, pedophile POS the Clintons are that people can even attempt to defend this conniving witch. I would be distancing myself like a motherfucker and turn my head away in disgust.....but not the leftard clown posse...oh no! They circle the wagons around this crook as if their life depended on because the commie creed has always been "the end game justifies the means".......they don't have the slightest fucking clue as to what they are touting......in their world, ignorance is bliss and they are some happy motherfuckers....unreal.

Why Did the Saudi Regime and Other Gulf Tyrannies Donate Millions to the Clinton Foundation?

Those idiots Democrats can't understand a simple things: if big donors [Soros, Saudis, Qatar] sponsor your campaign, they will demand you "to protect and to serve" their interests, not so much the interests of American people.

Trump, on the other hand, has been sponsored by American people only ( plus his own money). So, a lot more likely Trump will be the only one who will protect and serve the interests of American people, even those dummies, who are writing and saying lies about him.

The RNC that took in money because of Trump have been rather chintzy with the money donated to see a repub take down Clinton. Just validation for me that what I have said is "dead on".....

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