She Had a Choice

Sad story but what's the point of bringing it up? what end? you think a story like this helps?.....I've never heard a Trump supporter or Trump himself bad mouth the vaccine...but I have heard Biden Kamala and other Dems like Cuomo do that very thing....maybe she listened to them politicizing the vaccine and got frightened....
Sad story but what's the point of bringing it up? what end? you think a story like this helps?.....I've never heard a Trump supporter or Trump himself bad mouth the vaccine...but I have heard Biden Kamala and other Dems like Cuomo do that very thing....maybe she listened to them politicizing the vaccine and got frightened....

It's the narrative....and theses threads are ridiculous....and ghoulish
When you think about it why would an anti vaccine person get a vaccine while Joe is allowing thousands of unvaccinated and undocumented people to swarm our border?....the two stories do not jell.....
I suspect there aren't any or you would have posted them
VAERS has listed at least 12,000 deaths reported after taking the vaccine. Folks who refuse to believe there is any problem with the vaccines simply reject that information, often by saying it's untrustworthy because it is "self-reported". The bottom line here is that the vaccine issue has become one more version of tribalism in our world and those who regularly post anecdotes like this one are showing themselves to be ghouls. The truth about the vaccines is they cause serious, sometimes fatal side effects, and they happen enough to give rational people pause with the idea of taking that job and rolling the dice.

Most people won't get the virus and of those who DO contract it, only about 4-5% require hospitalization and of THOSE, fewer than 2% die. Those are the facts and the mortality rate hasn't changed since this virus was first identified. The same demographics are being reflected today as was the case in 2020. The elderly, the obese, the sick, and infirm, are the primary group that makes up the fatalities. Yes...ANY person who contracts it might die but young, healthy people rarely succumb to this scourge.
Ah, there’s plenty of gloating about the deaths of liberals when it helps you politically. Y’all can’t wait to start threads about it.
I have a drink for every one I hear about....the left have become the enemy of my once free nation....
Ah, there’s plenty of gloating about the deaths of liberals when it helps you politically. Y’all can’t wait to start threads about it.
calling out crime and the genocide of inner city blacks isnt gloating,,,

but ignoring it and promoting the system that creates it is evil,,,

which one are you???
I suspect there aren't any or you would have posted them
LOL. Over 7600 people have died from the vaccines in the US alone so I'd be willing to bet that that orphaned some children. But, the left don't want you to know that. They sweep those stories under the rug so they can brainwash people to be vaccinated. Can't have any bad stories discouraging that.

calling out crime and the genocide of inner city blacks isnt gloating,,,

but ignoring it and promoting the system that creates it is evil,,,

which one are you???
Of course it’s gloating. You see this as validation and a way to feel superior to liberals.

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